



1、四年级英语下册期末模拟卷一、根据汉语提示或首字母提示写单词。 (5 分) 1. i have a (游泳) lesson today.2. we want to draw some (短裤).3. whats the matter with t ?4. its a f day.5. my f hands are so big.二、英汉互译。(10 分)1. 去打乒乓球_2. go boating _3. 堆雪人_ 4. her school subjects5. 他的大外套 7. 9:50 睡觉 9. 再试一次6. go to the party 8. by the river10. not

2、so good.三、单项选择题。(10 分)( )1. how _ _ _do you have this morning ? four.a. many, lesson b. many, subjects c. many, lessons( )2. do you have _ _ cakes ? yes, id like _ _ pies , too.a. some, any b. any, some c. some, some( )3. what can you see over there ?a. i can play football. b. i can see some footbal

3、ls. c. yes, i can. ( ) 4. they have dinner _six thirty _ _the evening.a. at, in b. at, at c. on, in( )5. david _ _ _ toys in the bedroom.a. have, a lot of b. has, any c. has, a lot of( )6. _summer, he can_.a. in, swims b. at, swim c. in, swim( )7. _the pill and _some water.a. take, have b. eat, have

4、 c. take, eat( )8. when do you go home this afternoon ?a. five yuan. b. its five twenty. c. at five twenty. ( )9. the dress_nice and the jeans_ _ too long.a. is, are b. is, is c. isnt, is( )10. can you come to my party this evening ?a. what a pity ! b. well done. c. id love to. 四、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。( 5

5、 分)1. pictures, she, some, draw, can ( . )_ _2. right, is, su yang, all ( ? )_3. are, how, shirts, those, much, (? )_4. chinese, like, all, maths, we, and ( . )_5.speak, liu tao, i, to, may( ? )_五、搭配题。选择相应的答句,将序号填在题前括号类。( 10 分) ( )1. heres a jacket for you. a. its difficult.( )2. whose shoes are the

6、y ? b. we have some lessons. ( )3. what time is it ? c. at seven.( )4. look at my new skirt. d. its seven.( )5. see you tomorrow. e. not so good.( )6. when do you get up ? f. good idea !( )7. can you draw the horse ? g. what a nice skirt ! ( )8. what about monday ? h. see you.( )9. lets go to the pa

7、rty. i. thank you.( )10. how are you now ? j. theyre my cousins. 六、按要求改写句子。(10 分)1. he can skate. (对划线部分提问)can he ?2. these trousers are my sisters. (对划线部分提问)are these ?3. i play basketball at five. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)play basketball at five ?, i .4. have some juice. (改为同义句)some .七、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5 分)1.

8、 can you see ( he) new shirt ?2. those gloves ( be) too big for ( i )3. tim (have) lunch at twelve.4. let ( we ) go to the park in the afternoon.八、根据中文,完成句子。(10 分)1. 我会放风筝,但不会画它。i can , but i draw it.2. 我是李太太。is li speaking.3. 我太饿了,我不渴。im , but im .4. 他们通常八点吃早饭。they have breakfast at eight.九、阅读理解,根据

9、短文内容判断对( t)或错( f)。(5 分) ( boys and girls are playing a guessing game. )mike: whose jacket is this, ming ming ?ming ming: is it wang bings ?wang bing: yes, it is.mike: whose shoes are they ?wang bing: are they bobs ?bob: no. youre wrong.ming ming: are they dong dongs ?dong dong: yes. youre right. what about this shirt ?mike: haha. its my shirt.( ) 1. boys and girls are playing


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