2020-2021学年新教材英语人教版必修第二册作业与检测:3.1 Listening and Speaking Word版含解析_第1页
2020-2021学年新教材英语人教版必修第二册作业与检测:3.1 Listening and Speaking Word版含解析_第2页
2020-2021学年新教材英语人教版必修第二册作业与检测:3.1 Listening and Speaking Word版含解析_第3页
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1、好好学习,天天向上课时作业(一)listening and speaking必备知识基础练进阶训练第一层.单词拼写1he got into the driving seat and started the _ (引擎)2i know the person who is _ (聊天) with him.3only when your _ (身份) has been checked will you be allowed in。4he writes a _ (博客) for parents about career development to help them guide their chil

2、dren.5a group of children are playing near the bank of the _ (小溪), having fun with each other.。单句语法填空1first, our meeting will begin _ a song.2i have no mood to chat _ you。3he was so excited _ he could say nothing。4if you look at a world map, you can _ (identity) the major ducing regions。5do

3、you spend much time _ (search) through dictionaries for words that are not included?关键能力综合练进阶训练第二层.阅读理解aa trip to paris is not complete without a visit to the eiffel tower。 to get the most out of your visit, read our tips below:visit at nightriding up the eiffel tower at night and looking out over t

4、he streets of paris, youll see why paris is known as the “city of light”. at street level, the spotlights on the top of the tower and the reflections of the tower in the seine (塞纳河) are sights not to be missed。purchase your ticket in advance onlineavoid the long ticket lines at the eiffel tower by p

5、urchasing your ticket online from the eiffel tower website.youll pick a time to visit and then select whether to print out the ticket or display it on your phone or ipad, a convenient choice if you buy your ticket in paris without a printer.dont bring valuable objects with youbefore entering the eif

6、fel tower, your bags will be examined by a security officer. if an item you are carrying sets off the metal detector, the officer will take you away from the line for further inspection. probably you will miss the chance to go up the eiffel tower。have drinks and snacks at the eiffel towerif youre li

7、ke us, after an exciting trip to the eiffel tower, youll be ready to rest your legs and have a relaxing snack and a drink in a parisian cafe. across the seine in the trocadero area, there are many elegant cafes。 the atmosphere is great, but the prices are in the stratosphere (极高水平). actually, the pe

8、rfect place for visitors to eat and drink is on the eiffel tower itself。1why does the author suggest visiting the eiffel tower at night?abecause you can have special sights of the city of paris.bbecause you can stand on the top of the eiffel tower.cbecause you can see the seine as clearly as possibl

9、e.dbecause you can avoid the crowds and enjoy it peacefully。2what can be inferred from this article?aa printer will be necessary if you want to buy a ticket。btickets to the eiffel tower can only be bought online.ctourists are not allowed to take bags to the eiffel tower。dsome objects cant be brought

10、 to the eiffel tower。3what can we learn from the last paragraph?athe eiffel tower provides expensive foods and drinks.bthe author recommends tourists have snacks on the eiffel tower.cyou will spend more if you have snacks on the eiffel tower.dthe author prefers to eat across the seine。bsome of the l

11、essons that i learned from my parents are the ones that i can trace back to my grandparents。 these lessons are simple. i have tried to use them in raising my own children regardless of the times and modern ideas。 these are some positive ones。one of the lessons is important to me and it is telling th

12、e truth。 i feel the only white lie is one trying to keep a surprise from someone like a birthday party or a gift。 once you tell a lie, more lies are always needed to keep it going。 one example is about my twelve.yearold daughter trying to hide the fact that she had drunk when visiting a friends hous

13、e. i picked her up and i smelled wine on her breath. when i asked her if she had drunk she said “no”. i let her think that i believed her and was just watching and listening to her. she was also talking up a storm and volunteering to help me out. it was not like her! i finally told her i knew she ha

14、d drunk。 she asked how and i told her by her actions. after that she didnt tell lies any more。this lesson came from my grandfather。 he believed in hard work and doing your best no matter what you were doing。 he used to say, “a days work for a days pay!” he always worked hard regardless of his age. m

15、y dad does the same thing and says, “i have to keep moving so i can keep going!” and he is 90 years old now。 my grandmother worked as a garden caretaker and worked from early in the morning till late each day。 they all set a good example to me。4in the writers opinion the lessons she learned _。aare n

16、ot out of timebhave bad ideaschave deep meaningsdwere all from her grandparents5which is the white lie that can be told in the writers opinion?ayou failed but you kept it from your mom.byou broke a bowl but you said it was done by a cat.cyou bought your father a special gift but you didnt tell him.d

17、you missed your friends birthday party by saying you were ill.6the writer uses the example of her daughters drinking to prove _。ashe is good at finding out who is lyingba small child also knows how to tell a lieconce one tells a lie he continues to tell liesdtelling a lie is the worst thing that a c

18、hild does7what did the writers grandparents and her dad have in common?athey all lived very long。bthey all worked hard.cthey were all very kind。dthey all worked on the farm.cas for old people, some of the applications are hard to use because they didnt grow up with them. they dont have simple models

19、 of how they should work, what to do when something doesnt work or where to go for help. we make it as easy as possible to be used for people who are not familiar with the technology。i think there is huge potential and we are designing it。 the ability to connect to friends, who remember the same mov

20、ies, news and music, is really important, especially as people get old。 they end up in retirement at home and they arent always close to their friends. allowing the network to help them connect with friends and family is a really powerful thing.my mother is an enthusiastic user of the internet, alth

21、ough it took me years to get her to use e。mail. she was born with normal hearing, but lost it when she was 3. she was totally deaf for many years, until age 53, when she got ear aids. they work really well。 that is a big change for her. but before then, her friends couldnt call her on the phone, so

22、they suggested she use email to communicate with them.young people dont even think of the internet as technology。 its just there, and they use it. theres been a very interesting change in communication styles between old people and young people。 there are some kids who are now in their teens and are

23、nt willing to make phone calls. and they think e.mail is old.fashioned and slow。the reason why teens dont make phone calls seems to be that they dont know what to say. when they call, they often stop for a while and theres a silence. on the other hand, texting is considered proper, and its okay if y

24、ou dont answer. you_might_have_been_distracted. its not rude. but it is strange if youre in this kind of conversation and simply stop talking。8what is the trouble that old people meet when surfing the internet?athey dont know how to use some applications.bthey have to buy electronic productions at a

25、 high price。cthere is no professional teacher to teach them how to use the internet。dthey have no friends to communicate with online。9what do the young people think of the internet according to the passage?ainteresting。 bamazing。cboring. dcommon.10we can infer from the passage that the author is a _

26、。acompany manager bprogram designerccollege professor dmobile phone seller11what does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably mean?ayou have replied the message。byou have walked away from the conversation。cyou have been cut off。dyou have asked for a pardon.。七选五many kids and teenagers

27、have cellphones in their hands. however, is it really necessary for them to have phones at school? here are the pros and cons。prosthey can get in touch when necessary。 the main benefit of having a phone is that your children can get in touch with you whenever they need to。 _1_ they can call the emer

28、gency services if necessary. if your children are in immediate danger, they can use their phones to call not only you but the emergency services. this is of great benefit and could potentially save your childrens lives。_2_ as long as your children remember to do this, their phones wont cause distrac

29、tion (分心) in class. giving them a standard instead of a smartphone will also reduce the risk of distraction.consthe latest smartphones can almost double as a computer。 it means they offer far more of a distraction to kids than they used to. _3_ all these characteristics could disturb your childrens

30、concentration (注意力) if they play with them in class.cellphones could interrupt lessons。 many children, even though they are asked to do so, forget to turn off their phones during lessons and their phones may make sounds。 _4_ besides the distraction problem, cellphones can also be used to look up ans

31、wers on the internet. _5_ the possibility of children having access to these during exams could be too attractive for them not to take advantage of.acellphones can be turned off or put on mute。bchildren use ordinary phones instead of smartphones.cthis allows you to feel they are safe and easy to rea

32、ch.dwithout cellphones, campus life would be less colourful.ethey have some other functions a calculator and the ability to save notes.fthis not only annoys other pupils, but also prevents them from learning well.gnowadays, children can not only text and make calls with their phones, but also play g

33、ames, surf the internet and listen to music。语法填空in my opinion, we should try 1。_ (we) best to reach our goals even though there is little hope。 the efforts seem to be the lights in the darkness, 2。_ lead the way to hope and success.i used to be 3。_ shy girl in my primary school。 i was weak in englis

34、h at that time, especially 4。_ (speak) english. so i was afraid to answer the teachers questions during english classes. after i entered my dream middle school, something 5。_ (change). i started to read many interesting english stories and my english teacher helped me a lot 6。_ patience。 i studied h

35、ard in class and practised by 7。_ (watch) english films and listening to english songs in my free time。 little by little, i found it more and more enjoyable 8。_ (learn) english. i could even talk with my classmates 9._ (fluent) in english and i was not shy any more。 at last, i got high grades in eng

36、lish and i had 10._ (confident) to do it better in the future。课时作业(一)listening and speaking必备知识基础练.单词拼写1engine2。chatting3。identity4.blog5.stream.单句语法填空1with2.with3.that4.identify5。searching关键能力综合练。阅读理解a【语篇解读】本文是说明文.没有参观过埃菲尔铁塔,巴黎之旅就不完整。本文就游览埃菲尔铁塔给出了几条建议。1答案与解析:a推理判断题。根据visit at night部分中的“.youll see w

37、hy paris is known as thecity of light。 at street level, the spotlights on the top of the tower,and the reflections of the tower in the seine are sights not to be missed。 (你会明白为什么巴黎被称为光之城,在街道上,塔顶上的聚光灯以及塞纳河上的塔的倒影是不容错过的景点)”可知,晚上参观埃菲尔铁塔,你可以看到巴黎特别美丽的夜景。2答案与解析:d推断判断题。根据dont bring valuable objects with you

38、 部分中的第二句“if an item you are carrying sets off the metal detector, the officer will take you away from the line for further inspection。”可知,如果你携带的物品触发了金属探测器,工作人员会带你离开队伍进行进一步检查。因此推断有些物品不能带到埃菲尔铁塔上。3答案与解析:b细节理解题。根据最后一段的第一句“.。.youll be ready to rest your legs and have a relaxing snack and a drink in a par

39、isian cafe。”以及最后一句“actually, the perfect place for visitors to eat and drink is on the eiffel tower itself.可知,作者建议游客在埃菲尔铁塔上品尝小吃。b【语篇解读】作者从小得到许多好的教育,部分教育是从她的祖父母那儿传下来的,主要就是不撒谎和勤奋工作。4答案与解析:a细节理解题。根据第一段“.。regardless of the times and modern ideas.”可知作者认为她从祖父母和父母那儿学到的东西可用来教育自己的孩子,是不会过时的。b项说有坏的思想;c项说有很深的意义

40、;d项说都来自祖父母。这些第一段没有交代。5答案与解析:c推理判断题.white lie指为避免伤害他人感情而撒的谎/善意的谎言/小谎。根据第二段“i feel the only white lie is one trying to keep a surprise from someone like a birthday party or a gift。可推知应选c。6答案与解析:c推理判断题。作者在第二段提出了论点:一旦某人撒了谎他就会继续撒谎,因为他要用谎言来掩盖原先的谎言。接着作者用女儿饮酒的事例来证实这一论点。因此选c。7答案与解析:b细节理解题.从最后一段可知作者的祖父母以及父亲的共

41、同特点是努力工作.c【语篇解读】文章主要阐述了对于老年人来说,一些新的科技太复杂而不能得到充分利用。作者对老年人和青少年对电话和网络等的使用进行了比较。8答案与解析:a细节理解题。根据第一段中“as for old people, some of the applications are hard to use because they didnt grow up with them。”可知,老年人上网时遇到的麻烦是他们不知道如何使用一些应用程序,故选a项.9答案与解析:d推理判断题.根据文章倒数第二段中“young people dont even think of the internet as technology. its just there, and they use it。”可推知,年轻人认为网络是常见的东西,故选d项。10答案与解析:b推理判断题.文章首段提到电脑的一些应用程序对老年人来说很复杂,然后第二段中“i think there is huge potential and we are designing it”可推断,作者是一名编程人员,故选b项。11答案与解析:b推理判断题。根据


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