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1、. . Lesson 1 Section I Task 1: This Is Your Life! A. Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each of the following statements. 16: caacba B. True or False Questions. 16: TFFFFT C. Identification. (1)(b), (2)(d), (3)(f), (4)(g), (5)(a), (6)(c), (7)(e) D. Complete the following rsum for Jason D

2、ouglas. Name: Jason Douglas Former name: Graham Smith Profession: actor Date of birth: July 2, 1947 1952: started school 1958: moved to Lane End Secondary School 1966: went to the London School of Drama 1969: left the London School of Drama 1973: went to Hollywood 1974: were in a movie with Maria Mo

3、ntrose Task 2: What Are Your Ambitions? A. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. Radio Station QRX. 2. For a survey. 3. Four. 4. Six. 5. (1) Whats your name? (2) What do you do for a living? (3) What do you do for fun? (4) Whats the most exciting thing thats happened to you recently? (5)

4、 Who do you admire most in this world? (6) What do you want to be doing five years from now? B. Fill in the following chart with answers that each interviewee gives to the questions. Interviewee 1 Interviewee 2 Interviewee 3 Interviewee 4 Question 1 David George Suzanne Brown Adolfo Vasquez Linda Mo

5、ntgomery Question 2 professional baseball player lawyer dancer student at school . . Question 3 Read classics- Dickens, Shakespeare running- jogging watch musical movies hang out with friends- go for pizza Question 4 had his first baby got to run in the Boston Marathon moved to the US went to a Bruc

6、e Springsteen concert Question 5 his wife Martin Luther King Jr. Sophia Loren her dad Question 6 be a father of five In five years win the Boston Marathon do what hes doing right now has her own beauty salon Section II A. Choose the best answer (a, b or c) for each of the following questions. 16: ab

7、accb B. True or False Questions. 14: FTFF C. Fill in the following chart with information about the journey the Roman army made according to Trevor. Designation: D Company Number of men: one hundred and more Journey: from France to Britain Means of transcript: boat Weather conditions: stormy Food: c

8、at food Drink: rain water Conditions of weapons after landing: useless Fighting: none Equipment lost or damaged: boat lost, guns full of water, supplies of wine lost Soldiers killed or wounded: about ten survivors, all others drowned or killed by cold D. Point out what is not true in Trevors story.

9、The following did not exist in Roman times: petrol, newspaper, matches, trousers, tinned food, taps, guns, wine bottles. 50 BC could not appear on a coin. 50-55 BC is counting backwards. E. Fill in the blanks according to what you hear on the tape. 1. terrible, stormy, or more of us, shut in, so bad

10、, sick, stuffy. 2. pushed up onto the sands, climbed out, jumping into the, struggling to the, up to my shoulder, freezing. 3. came and took us away, joined, going into the camp, a hot meal, clean clothes, given our pay. . . Lesson 2 Section I Task1: Film Editing A. True or False Questions. 14: TFTF

11、 B. Fill in the following blanks to give a clear picture of what needs to be done before a film is ready for distribution. 1. The assistant: a. “Synching up” which means matching sound and pictures according to the numbers stamped along the edge of the film and sound tape. b. “Logging” which means r

12、ecording the detail version of the film and the sound in a log book. 2. The film editor: a. Make a first selection of the best takes. b. Prepare a “rough cut” an initial version of the film. c. Prepare the “fine cut” the final form of the film. 3. Others: a. Approve the fine cut. b. “Dubbing” which

13、means voices, music, background noises and sometimes special effects are put together. c. The “neg” cutters cut the original negatives on the film so that these match the edited film exactly. Task 2: A Vision of the Future A. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. 16: abaccc B.

14、True of False Questions. 14: TFTF C. Fill in the blanks to give a clear picture of the problems New York faces in the movie. 1. 40 million 2. have no apartment, sleep on the steps of the building, crawl over sleeping people to get inside. 3. nothing will grow, they never see the sun. 4. soylent: soy

15、lent red, soylent yellow, and soylent green. 2, soybeans, soylent green, ocean plants. 5. 90 degree. 6. electricity, ride bicycles to make it. Section II Task 1: American Indians . . A. Answer the following questions briefly. 1. 1492. 2. He thought that he had arrived in India. 3. They were kind to

16、them and wanted to help. 4. (1) They wanted bigger farms and more land for themselves; (2) More immigrants came from Europe. 5. It was their mother. Everything came from and went back to their mother. And it was for everybody. 6. They started fighting back. 7. By 1875 the Indians had lost the fight

17、and had to live in “reservations”. 8. The Indians are bad and the White man is good and brave in Hollywood films. B. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. 14: acbc Task 2: New Australians A. Identification: 1. (1)(d), (2)(b), (3)(a), (4)(c) 2. (a) more than 15 million, (b) 160,

18、 000, (c) the year 1851, (d) 700, 000 B. True or False questions. 16: FTFFTT C. Fill in the blanks with events connected with the following time expressions. 1. Italians a. the 1850s and 1860s: Different states in Italy were fighting for independence and some Italians went to Australia for political

19、 reasons. Some others went there for gold. b. 1891: The first group of 300 Italians went to work in the sugar-cane fields of northern Australia. c. The end of the 19th century: Some good Italian fishermen went to western Australia. 2. Greeks a. 1830: The first Greeks went to work in vineyards in sou

20、th-eastern Australia. b. The 1860s; There were about 500 Greeks in Australia. c. 1890; There were Greek Cafes and restaurants all over Sydney and out in the countryside. d. After WWII: Many Greeks arrived in Australia. . . Lesson 3 Section I Task 1: I Dont See It That Way A. Conversation 1: 1. Choos

21、e the best answer for each of the following statements. (1) (2): ba 2. Give brief answers to the following questions. (1) About 6 months ago. (2) It is defective and has ruined 4 of the customers favorite cassettes. (3) 6 months. (4) 10 days ago. 3. Blank-filling. (1) bend the rule, make an exceptio

22、n for, make an exception for (2) adding insult to injury, make good on (3) brought it in, hold me to, on B. Conversation 2: 1. Multiple choice. (1) (2): ba 2. True or False Questions. (1) (4): FTTT C. Conversation 3: 1. Give brief answers to the following questions. (1) Single. (2) 5 years. (3) He h

23、as been loyal to the company and worked quite hard. (4) Asking for a raise. (5) Bob does his job adequately, but he doesnt do it well enough to deserve a raise. (6) Take more initiative and show more enthusiasm for the job. (7) To quit his job. (8) Thats a decision Bob will have to make for himself.

24、 Task 2: marriage Customs A. Blank-filling. Speaker: Professor Robin Stuart Topic: Marriage customs in different parts of the world; romantic business; arranged marriage; on the day of the wedding; arranged marriages; to have a look at one another; call the whole thing off; the wedding goes ahead; s

25、everal wives. Conclusion: just as much chance of bringing happiness to the husband and wife as the Western systems of choosing marriage partners. B. True or False Questions. 1 3: TFT . . Section II Task 1: At the Dentists A. Multiple Choice. 1 4: bacc B. True of False Questions. 1 6: FTFFTT Task 2:

26、Hiccups A. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. He wants her to help him stop his hiccups. 2. 3 hours. 3. Everything he can think of. 4. Shell give the man 5 pounds if he hiccups again. 5. The man has stopped hiccupping and owes Rosemary 5 pounds. B. Identification. (1) (b), (2) (d), (3

27、) (e), (4) (a), (5) (c) Lesson 4 Section I Task 1: Weather Forecast A. Multiple Choice. 1 2: ac B. Fill in the following chart. Weather Description Temperature British Columbia down to northern California raining Seattle 50 degrees Southern California sunny warmer temperature San Diego 78 degrees Mi

28、dwest clear but windy Oklahoma City sunny with strong winds 65 degrees Houston cloudy 69 degrees Miami cloudy, windy 64 degrees New York City heavy rains and high winds 35 degrees Montreal snow flurries 28 degrees Toronto sunny 30 degrees Task 2: The 5 Oclock News A. Fill in the following chart. Tit

29、le Name Summary of the Report News anchor Charles Mckay Delta has been declared . . a health hazardConsumerreporterSarah Coopera. Drinking beermoderatelyis good for health.b. The war againstcigarette smoking is heating up.SportsannouncerJerry RyanResults of soccer games. B. Give brief answers to the

30、 following questions based on the news report. 1. It was closed down by government authorities. 2. Testing confirmed that the town had been poisoned be the dumping of toxic chemicals in town dumps. 3. 3 weeks ago. 4. 200. 5. Headaches, stomachaches, faintness and dizziness. 6. Toxic wastes had leake

31、d into the ground and contaminated the water supply. 7. All the residents should leave the area, until the chemical company responsible for the toxic waste can determine whether the town can be cleaned up and made safe again. C. True of False Questions. 1 6: FTTFFT D. Fill in the following blanks (b

32、ased on the news report). Teams Playing Result (1) Mexico France 7 to 6 (2) Canada Argentina 3 to 3 (3) Italy Haiti (with 30 minutes left to go) 2 to 1 Section II Task 1: What Do You Like for Entertainment? A. Blank-filling. Reporter: Deborah Tyler Interviewee: Students of the Brooklyn Academy of Dr

33、amatic Arts Major: Benny Gross piano Kimberley Martins modern dance B. Fill in the following chart about how often Benny and Kimberley go to the eight forms of artistic entertainment. Benny Kimberley (1) Art gallery lots of times lots of time (2) Ballet a few times almost every night . . (3) Classic

34、 concertsmany timessometimes(4) Exhibitionphotographiconesthoseaboutfamouspeople(5) Folk concertnevernever(6) Opera2 or 3 times never (7) Pop concert never Madonna once (8) Theatre once or twice yes C. Rearrange the forms of artistic entertainment that Benny and Kimberley like, beginning with the fo

35、rm that each one likes best. Benny: (3)(1)(4)(6)(2)(8) Kimberley: (2)(4)(1)(7)(3)(8) Task 2: Are You a Heavy Smoker? A. True or False Questions. 16: TFTTFT B. Multiple Choice. 16: cbcbac C. Blank-filling. Name: Doris Bradley Sex: female Age: 32 Amount: 3 packets of 20 a week First experience: Time:

36、at the age of 17 Place: at a party Offered by: boyfriend, not husband Feeling; awfully grown-up Later: started smoking 2 or 3 a day and gradually increased. Experience of giving up smoking: twice 1. Time: 6 months before getting married Reason: saving up Result: only cut it down from 30 a day, still

37、 smoked a little 2. Time: when expecting a baby Reason: according to doctors advice Result: gave up completely for 7 or 8 months and took it up a couple of weeks after the baby was born, because the baby was being bottle fed. Time when she smokes most: 1. watching TV 2. reading books 3. in company 4

38、. with friends Time when she never smokes: 1. doing the housework 2. on an empty stomach . . Lesson 5 Section I Task 1: An Unpleasant Trip A. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. The Isle of Wight. 2. They were not pleased with their hotel. 3. He decided to write to the Manager of Happy

39、tours. 4. A travel Agency. 5. The hotel and travel arrangements. 6. They will never book any future holidays through Happytours. B. Fill in he blanks with the words used in the brochure and by Mr. Wilson to describe the hotel and travel arrangement. Brochure Mr. Wilson Hotel Comfortable, mediumsized

40、, with a magnificent view of the sea Half a mile from the sea, with our room overlooking a car park Service Courteous, old fashioned The majority of the staff were Foreigners and couldnt speak Or understand English Food excellent Strictly beefburgers and chips or Fish and chips, wine at exorbitant p

41、rices Atmosphere relaxed, friendly Journey home 11.00 am ferry didnt get away till 6 pm Task 2: At the Travel Agency A. Multiple Choice. 16: acbbca B. True or False Questions. 16: TFTTFT C. Fill in the blanks with the two things that Miss Bush will do. 1. her two friends, to stop over with her on th

42、e way back. 2. Mr. Adams to stop with her in Cairo. Section II A Saturday Afternoon A. Identification. Name Identification Gillian Dr. Carmichaels new research assistant Dr. Carmichael the president of St. Alfreds Hospital . . Maurice Featherstone the gardener of the hospital B. Multiple Choice. 16:

43、 cbaaca C. True or False Questions. 18: FFTF TFTT D. Fill in the blanks with information about Maurice. Name: Maurice Featherstone Sex: male Age: old Appearance: clear, blue, honest eyes; white hair and a pinkish complexion Temperament: gentle and mild-mannered Length of stay in the hospital: 35 yea

44、rs Reasons for entering the hospital: 1. When he was 17, he burnt down his school. 2. Over the next few years, there were a number of mysterious fires in his neighborhood. 3. Later he tried to set fire to the family mansion. Visits from family members: No. Bills: paid on time. E. Blank-filling. 1. s

45、lightly uneasy, unlocked the gates, waved her through 2. withdrawn, depressed, normal, kept locked up, all of them, too dangerous to live in normal society. 3. with the staff, a surprise, let him go out for the afternoon, flower show, quite excited, a birthday cake, decorated the lounge. Lesson 6 Se

46、ction I Task 1: In the Path of the Earthquake A. True or False Questions. 16: FTFTFF B. Map 1 is a layout of the Skinners farm. Mark out the plants and buildings in the map. Then in map 2 draw a new plan of the Skinners farm after the quake. Map 1: . . 1. farm house 2. garden path 3. cypress trees 4

47、. rose garden 5. eucalyptus trees 6. raspberry patch 7. cow shed 8. granary Map 2: Task 2: A Funny Thing Happened to Me. A. Multiple Choice. 16: cabbca B. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. Last Friday. 2. He was a student. 3. In London. . . 4. By taxi. 5. The taxi got stuck in a traf

48、fic jam and the train had left by the time he got to the station. 6. 1 hour. 7. The station buffet. 8. An evening newspaper, the “Standard” . 9. At a table near the window. 10. He did the crossword puzzle. C. True or False Questions. 16: FFTTFT D. Blank-filling. 1. reached across, opened, took one,

49、dipped, into, popped it into. 2. get up and go, pushed back, stood up, hurried out of. Section II Consolidation: A Very Beautiful Story A. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. A tape from Gentleman Jim. 2. Yesterday. 3. Jim s wife. 4. There was a message hidden in the tape. 5. Half the

50、police force in London and 3 experts. 6. Nothing had been found yet. 7. Happy memories and things. 8. In his words. B. True or False Statements. 18: FTFF TTFT C. Discuss with your classmates what message is hidden in Gentleman Jims recording. D. Listen to the 2nd part of the policemans discussion an

51、d list all the things they feel unusual about Gentleman Jims recording. 1. Jim keeps telling his wife to play the message over and over again. 2. Jim tells his wife that she ll find something comforting. 3. Jim keeps saying “very beautiful” over and over again. 4. The speech doesn t sound natural. E

52、. Listen to Gentleman Jims recording again and work out the message. Answer : There are 2 gold bricks in the garden under the big red rose tree. Lesson 7 Section I Task 1: Learning a Foreign Language A. Multiple Choice. 14: bcaa B. True or False Questions. 14: FTTF . . C. Give brief answers to the f

53、ollowing questions. 1. Albert Humphries. 2. Balham, London. 3. 4 years. 4. He has been going to an evening class and has watched quite a lot of the BBC television programmes. 5. They use a different book in the class. 6. They make the same mistakes as he does. 7. It means being able to put together

54、the right groups of words and to say them in a reasonably accurate way. Task 2: In the Library A. Multiple Choice. 16: bbcaca B. True or False Questions. 16: TTFTFT C. Give brief answers to the following questions. 1. Round the corner. 2. A 20p a day fine for each book. 3. Tahiti. 4. No. D. Blank-filling. 1. 5 pounds, you damage them, entitles you, 2 records at a time, everything available, be much more popular than. 2. telephone to renew the books. 3. we get back, worth all the bother, some paperbacks


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