1、updated january 10th 2013 1 translated by lin junqiu2013robocupjunior soccer rules 20132013 robocupjunior 机器人青少年世界杯足球比赛规则robocupjunior soccer technical committee 2013:jos dias (portugal), jatdiassapo.ptgerard elias (australia), elias.gerardluis jos lpez (mexico), chair, llopeztecnovkatsumi masaoka (
2、japan), k-macsea.plala.or.jpsebastian polly (germany), sebastian.pollygmx.degio spina (canada), profspinathese are the official rules for robocupjunior 2013. they are released by the robocupjunior soccer technical committee for soccer. these rules have priority over any translations.preface:前言in the
3、 robocupjunior soccer challenge, teams of two autonomous mobile robots compete against another team in matches. they must look for an infrared-light-emitting ball, trying to score into a color-coded goal in a special field built in a way that resembles the actual field for human soccer. robots are r
4、equired to have full autonomy from humans, technical designs, and ingenious programming by their developers.在rcj足球比赛中,两队自主控制的机器人相互对抗。在一个与人类足球赛场类似的场地中,机器人必须寻找一个发出红外光的足球,并将球踢进以颜色区别双方的球门,才能得分。机器人必须脱离人工控制,能自主运作,并由它们的开发者完成设计和编程。participants of this challenge are required to give the best of their abiliti
5、es in programming, robotics, electronics and mechatronics, but also to contribute on teamwork and knowledge sharing with other participants, regardless of culture, age or result in the competition. all are expected to compete, learn, have fun and grow up.这项比赛的参赛者必须全力以赴发挥自己在程序、机器人、电子和机械方面的能力,并且无论文化、年
6、龄和比赛结果如何,必须在团队合作、分享知识方面做出贡献。希望每个人都能竞争、学习、快乐并且成长。the changes determined by the technical committee for this years rules aimed to favor skills over brute force in the games, with safer conditions for both robots and humans. the rules better work out situations of aggressive robots that cause damage to
7、 ir balls, robots and fields; control unrealistic kicker force that cause damage to ir balls and referees; and reduce the excessive need for human intervention in a stressful attempt to maintain game continuity.今年tc组修改规则的主要目标是为了机器人和人两者都创设更为安全的比赛环境,崇尚技术,而非暴力。规则对以下情形做出了更加明确的限制:机器人对红外足球、机器人和场地的侵略性损坏行为;
8、由于踢球力量过大对红外足球和裁判造成的损害;不必要的人为干预造成比赛的流畅性欠佳。1. team参赛队1.1 regulations常规a team consists of two or more members.每支参赛队至少有两位成员。each team must have a captain. the captain is the person responsible for communication with referees. the team can replace its captain during the competition. team is allowed to ha
9、ve only the fewest possible members beside the field during game play: they will usually be the captain and an assistant team member.每支参赛队必须有一名队长。队长负责与裁判沟通。比赛期间参赛队可以更换队长。在比赛期间,每队只允许最精简的人员呆在赛台边,通常可以有一名队长和一名作为助手的参赛队成员。1.2 violations违例teams that do not abide by the rules are not allowed to participate.
10、 不允许违反规则的参赛队参加比赛。any person close to the playing field is not allowed to wear any yellow or blue clothes that can be seen by the robots (to avoid interference with the goal colour). a referee can require a team member to change clothes or to be replaced by another team member if interference with go
11、al colour is suspected.赛台边的所有人都不允许穿着能被机器人看到的黄色或者蓝色的衣物,以免与球门颜色相同而造成干扰。裁判如果认为有干扰,就可以要求队员更换衣物或者更换人员。the referee can interrupt a game in progress if any kind of interference from spectators is suspected (colour clothing, ir emitters, camera flashes, mobile phones, radios, computers, etc.).裁判如果发现有任何来自观众的
12、干扰,如有色衣物、红外发射器、照相闪光灯、手机、收音机、电脑等,可以暂停比赛进程。2. robots机器人2.1 number of robots / substitution机器人数量/更换each team is allowed to have at most two robots. the substitution of robots during the competition within the team or with other teams is forbidden.每支参赛队最多可持有两个机器人。比赛中禁止参赛队更换机器人,或与其他参赛队交换机器人。2.2 interfere
13、nce干扰robots are not allowed to be coloured yellow or blue in order to avoid interference with the goal colours. yellow or blue parts used in the construction of the robot must either be occluded by other parts from the perception by other robots or be taped/painted with a neutral colour.为避免与球门颜色相同,机
14、器人不允许涂成黄色或者蓝色。若在机器人搭建时使用了黄色或者蓝色的部件,则必须覆盖以其他部件,或者用中性色(黑白灰)油漆,或者用中性色胶带覆盖,避免其他机器人受到干扰。the robot must not emit infrared light. however, optical sensors (e.g. infrared-distance-sensors) may be used as long as they do not affect other robots. this needs to be proved by a referee or an oc member if a claim
15、 is placed by the other team.机器人不允许发射红外光。然而,在不影响其他机器人的情况下,允许使用视觉传感器(如红外测距传感器)。若有参赛队投诉对手,必须由裁判或组委会成员来认定是否有干扰。infrared light reflecting materials must not be used on the outside. if robots are painted, they must be painted matte. minor parts that reflect infrared light could be used as long as other r
16、obots are not affected. a team claiming that their robot is affected by the other teams robot reflecting infrared light has to show the proof/evidence of the interference.不允许在机器人表面使用能够反射红外光的材料。如果给机器人涂色,则必须涂成哑光的。若不影响其他机器人,才可以使用能反射红外光的镜面部件。若有参赛队认为自己受到影响,则必须拿出证据证明。2.3 control控制the use of remote control
17、 of any kind is not allowed. robots must be started manually by humans and be controlled autonomously.禁止使用任何形式的遥控。机器人必须由人手工开动,然后自主控制。2.4 communication通信robots are not allowed to use any kind of communication during game play unless the communication between two robots is via bluetooth class 2 or cla
18、ss 3 (range shorter than 20 meters) or via zigbee. teams are responsible for their communication. the availability of frequencies cannot be guaranteed.除机器人之间可使用蓝牙2.0和3.0(范围不超过20米)或zigbee互相通讯外,不允许比赛期间使用任何形式的通信。参赛队应对自己机器人的通信负责。我们不能保证所有频段的有效性。2.5 agility敏捷度robots must be constructed and programmed in a
19、 way that their movement is not limited to only one dimension (that means one axis). they must move in all directions, for example by turning. robots must respond to the ball in a direct forward movement. for example, it is not enough to basically just move left and right in front of their own goal,
20、 but also to move directly towards the ball in a forward movement. at least one team robot must be able to seek and approach the ball anywhere on the field, unless the team has only one robot on the field atthat time.机器人不能只在一个维度上运动,而应能在所有方向上运动,比如转弯等。机器人应能对足球有一个直接向球的应对动作。例如,机器人不能在己方球门前只作左右移动,而应该能做出直接
21、迎向足球的动作。至少有一台机器人要能在赛场的任何位置发现并往足球方向运动。参赛队只有一台机器人在赛台上的不在此列。robots must be constructed and programmed in a way that they do not enter the goal. robots are allowed to use the cross-bar.在搭建和编程时,应将机器人做成不能进入球门的。机器人可以使用球门上方的横梁以避免自己进入球门。2.6 handle把手all robots must have a stable handle to hold and to lift the
22、m. the handle must be easily accessible, for example on top of a robot. the dimensions of the handle may exceed the 22 cm height limitation, but the part of the handle that exceeds this 22 cm limit cannot be used to mount components of the robot.所有的机器人必须有一个牢固的把手,以便握持和移动。把手的位置要令人能很方便地拎起机器人,例如可将把手装在机器
23、人的顶端。把手的尺寸可以超过机器人22厘米的高度限制,但超过22厘米范围的把手部分不能用于安装机器人部件。2.7 additional regulations of the sub-leagues下属分组的附加规则a tournament may be organized in different sub-leagues. each sub-league (e.g. “open league” and “light weight league”) may have its own additional regulations, including regulations affecting t
24、he construction of robots. such regulations will be published by the robocupjunior soccer technical committee and become a part of this rule.比赛可以有很多不同组别。每个组别(例如“重量组”和“轻量组”)可以有自己的附加规则,包含机器人搭建的附加规则等。这些规则都将由rcj足球技术委员会公布,并成为本规则的一部分。2.8 violations违例robots that do not abide by the specifications/regulatio
25、ns are not allowed to play. if violations are detected during a running game the team is disqualified for that game. if similar violations occur repeatedly, the team can be disqualified from the tournament.不允许违反以上规则或规范的机器人参加比赛。如果在正在进行的某场比赛中发现违规,则取消该参赛队该场比赛资格。如果再次发现类似违规,则取消该参赛队所有比赛资格。3. field比赛场地3.1
26、kind of field场地种类there is only one kind of field for all sub-leagues.比赛中所有组别使用同一种场地。3.2 dimensions of the field场地尺寸the playing-field is 122 cm by 183 cm. the field is marked by a white line which is part of the playing field. around the playing-field, beyond the white line, is an outer area of 30 cm
27、 width. total dimensions of the field, including the outer area, are 182 cm by 243 cm. it is recommended that the field be positioned 70 to 90 cm off the ground.内场区域宽122厘米,长183厘米。在内场区域由一圈白线标注出来,此白线也属于内场范围。内场外,即在这圈白线外,是宽30厘米的外场区域。因此整个场地的尺寸就是宽182厘米,长243厘米。建议场地摆放在里地面70-90厘米高度的位置。3.3 walls墙壁walls are pl
28、aced all around the field, including behind the goals and the out-area. the height of the walls is 14 cm. the walls are painted matte black.场地四周有墙壁,包括球门后方和外场周围。墙壁高14厘米,漆成哑光黑色。3.4 goals球门the field has two goals, centered on each of the shorter sides of the playing field. the goal inner space is 60 cm
29、 width, 10 cm high and 74 mm deep, box shaped. it has a cross-bar on top (to prevent robots from entering the goal and to allow checking if the ball scored). the goal “posts” are positioned over the white line marking the limits of the field. the cross-bar is exactly over the white line. the interio
30、r walls and the cross-bar of each goal are painted, one goal yellow, the other goal blue. the exterior is painted black.场地上有两个球门,分别放置在内场两侧短边的正中位置。球门内径尺寸为宽度60厘米、高10厘米、深74厘米。球门上方有横梁,防止机器人进入球门内,并可用于判断足球是否进门得分。球门开口处要安装在白线上,使得横梁恰好在白线上方。球门内部,包括球门内的地面、墙壁和横梁都要涂色,一边涂成黄色,另一边涂成蓝色。球门外部涂成黑色。3.5 floor地面the floor
31、consists of green carpet on top of a hard surface. the carpet should be of a quality that will resist the wear and tear of spinning wheels. all straight lines on the field should be painted and have a width of 20 mm.球场地面是在硬板上覆盖一层绿色的地毯。地毯材质必须能经得起高速转动的轮胎的磨损和撕扯。场地上所有线条都必须是油漆在地毯上的,宽度为2厘米。3.6 neutral spo
32、ts坠球点there are five neutral spots defined in the field. one is in the center of the field. the other four are adjacent to each corner, located 45 cm along the long edge of the field, aligned with each goal post towards the middle of the field (from the goal post). the neutral spots can be drawn with
33、 a thin black marker.场地中定义了五个坠球点。一个在场地正中。其余四个坠球点位于四个墙角附近,沿着赛场的长边分布,是在两边龙门门柱联线方向上,靠近场地中部且距离门柱45厘米远的那一点。坠球点用细的黑色马克笔标示。3.7 center circle中圈a center circle will be drawn on the field. it is 60 cm in diameter. it is a thin black marker line. it is there for referees and captains as guidance during kick-of
34、f.场地上将标出中圈,直径60厘米,由黑色窄圈标示。在开球时裁判和队长就可以中圈为依据。3.8 penalty areas禁区in front of each goal there is a 30 cm wide and 90 cm long penalty area.在每个球门前有个宽30厘米、长90厘米的禁区。the penalty areas are marked by a black line of 20 mm width. the line is part of the area.禁区由宽2厘米的黑线标示,并且也是禁区的一部分。a robot is considered inside
35、 the penalty area when it is completely inside.当机器人全部都在禁区内时,才视作“机器人在禁区内”。3.9 lighting and magnetic conditions照明和磁场the fields should be placed in a way that the influence by external infrared light is as low as possible and that the magnetic field of the earth is disturbed as little as possible. perf
36、ect conditions cannot be guaranteed, however. teams must come to tournaments being prepared to calibrate their robots based on the lighting and magnetic conditions at the venue.我们将尽最大可能放置好比赛场地,使得外来红外光和磁场干扰尽量微弱。不过,不能保证条件全部完美。参赛队伍应于比赛前先到比赛场地,调试其机器人以便适应场内照明和磁场情况作为准备。4. ball足球4.1 general ball specificat
37、ion规格a well-balanced electronic ball shall be used. the ball will emit infrared (ir) light set to pulsed mode.使用匀称电子球,该球设定为调制模式发出红外光。4.2 official suppliers for pulsed balls调制球官方供应商currently, there is one ball that has been approved by the robocupjunior soccer technical committee: robosoccer rcj-05 b
38、all operating in mode a (pulsed) made by ek japan/elekit (www.elekit.co.jp)technical details are in the appendix: “technical specification for pulsed soccer ball”.目前rcj足球技术委员会批准了一种用球:由ek japan/elekit (www.elekit.co.jp)制造的rcj-05球,开在a模式下(调制模式下)。4.3 tournament balls比赛用球balls for the tournament must be
39、made available by the organizers. organizers are not responsible for providing balls for practice.比赛用球由组织方提供。组织方不提供练习用球。5. gameplay比赛5.1 game procedure and length of a game比赛流程和时长the game will consist of two halves. the duration of each half is 10-minutes. there will be a 5-minute break in between t
40、he halves.每场比赛包含上下两个半场。每个半场10分钟。上下半场之间休息5分钟。the game clock will run for the duration of the halves without stopping (except if or when a referee wants to consult an official). the game clock will be run by a referee or a referee assistant (see rule 7.1 for the description of a referee assistant).比赛连
41、续计时,除非裁判因比赛需要去咨询组委会成员,否则中间不停顿。计时器将由裁判或者助理裁判(详见规则7.1)控制。teams are supposed to be at their field table 5 minutes before their game starts. to be at the inspection table does not count in favor of this time limit. teams can be penalized one goal per minute at the referees discretion if they are late fo
42、r the game start. if a team does not report within 5 minutes of the game start, it forfeits the game and the winning team is awarded a 5-0 win.参赛队必须在比赛开始之前提前5分钟到达指定赛台。不能因为在检录处就可以迟到。如果迟于比赛开始时间到达,那么裁判将按照每迟到一分钟罚该队输一个球。如果在比赛开始后5分钟仍未能到场,则该场比赛结束,对方以5:0获胜。5.2 pre-match meeting赛前准备at the start of the first
43、half of the game, a referee will toss a coin. the team mentioned first in the draw shall call the coin. the winner of the toss can choose either which end to kick to, or to kick off first. the loser of the toss will settle for the other option. after the first half, teams will switch sides. the team
44、 not kicking off in the first half of the game will kick off to begin the second half of the game.上半场开始前,由裁判掷硬币。由抽签时排号靠前的参赛队先猜。猜中的一方可以选择挑边或者开球。另一方决定剩下的一项。上半场结束后两队将换边。上半场不开球的一队在下半场中开球。5.3 kick-off开球each half of the game begins with a kick-off. all robots must be located on their own side of the field
45、. all robots must be halted. the ball is positioned by a referee in the center of the field.以开球的方式开始每个半场的比赛。所有的机器人必须位于自己的半场。所有的机器人必须是静止不动的。裁判将足球放在场地正中。the team kicking off places their robots on the field first. robots cannot be placed nor remain behind the goal line or in the outer area. robots can
46、not be repositioned once they have been placed.开球的一方先摆机器人。机器人不能摆在球门线后,也不能摆在外场。摆好之后就不能再移动。the team not kicking off will now place their robots on the defensive end of the field. all robots on the team not kicking off must be at least 30 cm away from the ball (that means outside the center circle).不开球
47、的一方等开球方放好之后可以把机器人摆放到自己的半场。 不开球的机器人都必须离球至少30厘米,也就是在中圈外。the referee may adjust the placement of the robots to make sure that the robots are placed properly within the field positions.裁判可以调整机器人的摆位,以保证符合规定。on the referees command (usually by whistle), all robots will be started immediately by each capta
48、in. any robots that are started early will be removed by the referee from the field and treated as a damaged robot.在裁判下令后(通常是使用哨子发令),所有的机器人由每队队长立刻开动。抢在哨响前开动的机器人将作为“损坏的机器人”被裁判移出场地。5.4 human interference人为干扰except for the kick-off, human interference from the teams (e.g. touching the robots) during th
49、e game is not allowed unless explicitly permitted by a referee. violating team/team member(s) can be disqualified from the game.除了开球之外,除非有裁判明确的要求,禁止任何对机器人的人为干扰,如触碰机器人等。违规的参赛队或者队员有可能被取消比赛资格。the referee or a referee assistant can help robots to get unstuck, but only if the ball is not being disputed n
50、ear them, and also if that situation was created from the interaction between robots (i.e. it was not a design or programming flaw of the robot alone). the referee or a referee assistant will pull back the robots just enough for them to be able to move freely again.仅在机器人未在足球旁,且由于机器人间的对抗而造成被卡住的情况,裁判或
51、助理裁判可以帮助机器人脱困,由于自身设计或编程原因而卡住的不在此列。裁判或助理裁判仅将机器人拉动一点,以便它自己可以再次自由移动。5.5 ball movement球的运动a robot cannot hold a ball. holding a ball means taking full control of the ball by removing all of its degrees of freedom. examples for ball holding include fixing a ball to the robots body, surrounding a ball usi
52、ng the robots body to prevent access by others, encircling the ball or somehow trapping the ball with any part of the robots body. if a ball stops rolling while a robot is moving or a ball does not rebound when rolled into a robot, it is a good indication that the ball is trapped.机器人不得“持球”。“持球”的意思是,
53、通过堵死足球去路从而实现的完全控球。比如说,把球固定在机器人身上;机器人用身体圈住球来阻止其它机器人触球;或使用机器人身体的任何部分将球包围或设法圈住球。机器人移动时球停止滚动,或是球滚动撞到机器人身体时没有回弹,这就说明球是被圈住的。the only exception to holding is the use of a rotating drum that imparts dynamic back spin on the ball to keep the ball on its surface. such a device is called a dribbler.唯一不被认为是“持球”
54、的就是使用盘球装置,它可以给球提供向后旋转的动力,将球维持在转盘的表面上,这称为“盘/运球”。other players must be able to access the ball.其它机器人必须能接触到球。5.6 scoring计分a goal is scored when the ball strikes or touches the back wall of the goal. goals scored either by an attacking or defending robot have the same end result: they give one goal to t
55、he team on the opposite side. after a goal, game will be restarted with a kick-off from the team who received the goal against.当整个足球撞击或者碰到球门后壁,即为进球。无论是进攻或者防守一方机器人造成的进球,都给未被进球的一方记上一分。进球后,由被进球的一方开球,继续比赛。5.7 goalie守门员the robot moving first into the penalty area on a teams defending side completely (wit
56、h every part of it) is designated as goalie until a part of it leaves the penalty area.首个完全进入自己防守半场的禁区(机器人的所有部分都进入)的机器人被称为“守门员”,直到它有一部分离开禁区为止。5.8 pushing推人within the penalty area, the goalie has priority. attacking robots are not supposed to push the goalie in any way.在禁区内,守门员拥有优先权。进攻机器人不允许以任何方式推挤守门
57、员。if the attacker and the goalie touch each other and at least one of them has physical contact with the ball, the ball will be moved to the nearest unoccupied neutral spot immediately.如果攻方和守门员机器人相触,同时它们有至少一方碰到足球的话,足球将被马上移到最近的空坠球点。if a goal is scored as a result of this pushed-situation, it will not
58、 be granted.如果由于这种情况造成进球的,该进球不算。5.9 lack of progress没有进展(死球)lack of progress occurs if there is no progress in the gameplay for a reasonable period of time and the situation is not likely to change. typical lack of progress situations are when the ball is stuck between robots, when there is no change in ball and robots positions, or when the ball is beyond detection or reach capability of all robots on the field. after a visible and loud count, (usually a count of five, the length of the count could be decided by the oc before a compe
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