已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit 5 Visiting the Moon一、 教材分析本单元围绕着“探访月球”为话题来展开听、说、读、写的训练。通过以男孩Jerry的一篇日记为载体,介绍了有关太空旅行和月球漫步的科学常识及相关表达,指导学生阅读科普类文章,激发他们的阅读兴趣以及科学探索精神。对季节特征和天状况的描述,同时在听说读写中引导学生掌握一般将来时的用法。二、 教学对象分析1. 学生对于“月球旅行”比较熟悉,有利于开展本单元的各项听说读写任务。2. 学生对于一般将来时的用法其实并不陌生,在小学已经接触过,只是没有进行专项的归纳性学习。在本单元,教师可以系统地帮助学生温故而知新,引导学生在一定的语境中熟练运用一般

2、将来时。三、 单元教学目标1.认知目标学习水平学习内容学习水平的描述语音1. 单元音、:、及辅音/l/ /h/ /r/的拼读规则。2. 能流利地朗读课文及与课文水平相当的短文, 语音、语调、句子重音和停顿基本正确。词汇1. 重点词汇单词:camera, diary, garden, gravity, machine, postcard, rock, space,spaceship, spacesuit, breathe, float, leave, return, tie, work, able, nervous, weak, ourselves, without, if, 词组:be abl

3、e to, asas, have to, more than, so that, such as, take photos, that is, 专有名词:Jerry语言技能reading阅读Jerry 的日记,激发发学对未来太空旅行的兴趣,初步一解一般将来时的用法。listening听一段太空旅馆的介绍,捕捉时间、地点等关键信息。speaking通过对子活动,谈论参加太空博物馆的活动计划,巩固一般将来时的应用。writing制定一份太空旅馆首日活动的计划表,并在此基础上完成一份参观计划书,巩固一般将来时的应用。学习策略了解记忆词汇的不同方法,学会记词汇笔记。掌握利用“蛛网图”构思作文的方法。学

4、会利用网络资源了解更多有关航天方面的知识。文化意识了解中国人的航天梦,培养爱国主义精神和民族自豪感。情感态度激发学生对未来美好生活的期望,培养他们的科学探索精神。 语法1. 形容词用法和“It is +adj.+ to do sth”这一句型2. 学习在模拟交际情景中熟练形容词用法和“It is +adj.+ to do sth”这一句型。 日常交际用语1. Im so happy!2. Itll take us to the Moon.3. I cant wait!4. Itll take us about four days to get there.5. The early bird g

5、ets the worm6. How long will it take to get there?7. But you should not get too excited.8. A trip to the Moon will cost a lot of money.!实用英语学习如何构建“蛛网图”。2能力发展目标:1)能够在听、说、读、写等语言综合实践活动中运用本单元的重点词汇、句型与语法。2)在学习中提高交流和传递信息的能力,在写作中句型使文章更连贯和流畅。3)通过指导学生在模拟交际中运用所学的知识,培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力。四、单元教学重点1.学生熟练掌握重点词汇22

6、个,短语8个 2.指导学生利用所学句型正确表达思想、进行交际活动。 3.指导学生归纳一般将来时用法并在实践中熟练运用它们。五、单元教学重点 1. 通过形式多样的课堂活动与任务,帮助学生完成阅读理解、听力理解等学习任务。 2. 引导学生积极主动地探究学习,从教材以外的渠道去了解与本单元主题相关的文化背景信息、资料等,并且与同学进行相互交流,顺利开展包括口头汇报、写作展示等拓展活动,培养学生探究学习、自主学习、合作学习的能力。六、教学策略 1.在教学中,教师应积极设情景引入,配合媒体、表情、动作、进行视听说演示,激发学生兴趣。 2.教师应采用有利于学生学习的教学方法,善于引用学生通过阅读或观察、比

7、较对比知识进行归纳总结。增加学习内容的复现和巩固练习、及时反馈学习情况。 3.教师应该根据自己学生的具体情况对教材进行整合,精讲精练,调动学生的学习兴趣,使他们积极参加参与课堂各种学习活动。在阅读的过程中,教师指导学生培养阅读策略与技能及写作过程中的写作技巧训练。七、媒体的选择与设计 1. 充分利用和发挥基本的教学媒体,如课本,教师的身体语言、板书的作用。 2. 适时、合理地使用计算机多媒体或电子白板,增大课堂的容量,更好地辅助课堂教学。八、各课时教学内容安排建议课 时教学内容及课型教学目标及简单教学环节设计第1课时Reading ASeasons(阅读课)一、 定位:input-based,

8、 阅读理解为主。二、 教学目标:语言知识1、 认识和理解单词breathe, camera, diary, float, gravity, leave, nervous, space, spaceship, spacesuit, tie, weak, without以及短语:be able to, have to, more than, take photos等。2、 能根据主阅读篇章的日记所提供的信息,回答相关的问题。3、 初步了解表示一般将来时的结构:“will+动词原形”和“be going to+动词原形”。语言技能:1能根据上下语境,猜测without, camera等单词的意思。2

9、能根据主阅读篇章的内容,以第三人称转述Jerry的日记-A trip to space情感态度:激发学生探索月球的兴趣。教学重点:了解日记A trip to space 的结构与基本信息。教学难点:能够根据主阅读篇章的内容,以第三人称转述Jerry的日记。教学环节设计:Step1.Leading-in1)Free talk.Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 57 and talk with their parter: and Ask Ss: Would you like to fravel into space? How much do you kn

10、ow about space?a) After checking the answers, Ask Ss 5 questions:Q1:How do people travel into space? By spaceshipQ2:What do people wear in space? SpacesuitsQ3:Is there gravity in space? NO.Q4:Where there is no gravity, can people stand in the spaceship? No, people will float.Q5:Can people breathe wi

11、thout wearing a spacesuit in space? Why or why not?No, because there is no air there.b)Get Ss to look at the picture and write the correct words in the boxes.(Exercise A on p58)Step2.Pre-readinga)Ask Ss to look at the photos ,the title and the first paragraph of the diary on page 59, Then circle the

12、 correct answers.(finish exercise B on page 58.)b)Vocabulary presentation: Get Ss to learn some new words by showing some pictures.c)Cocabulary exercise:Get Ss to finish exercise C1and C2 on page 60 to consolidate the new words.Step3. While- reading1)First reading: Tell Ss to read the text quickly a

13、nd finish exercise (第11期双语报B1版:走进课文题目).2)Second reading: Read the text again and complete exercise D1 and D2 on page 61.3)Chect the answers.Step4.Post-readinga) Discussion(group work): Get Ss to Discuss in groups: Q1:What do you think Jerry will do on the Moon? Q2:What do you think Jerry will bring

14、back from the Moon?(finish exercise D3 on page61)Step5.Learning lagnuage points:a.Deal with some useful phrases and expressions in the passage. Guide the Ss to learn and use them in their own speaking and writing.1)more than2)be able to do sth3)have to do sth4)tie to 5)so that(目的状语从句) 拓展:so that(结果状

15、语从句)6)as+adj/adv as7)take photos8)that is(也就是说)9)if(如果)Step6.Summary.Get Ss to Summarize what theyve learned.Step7.Homework:(1) Finish the exercises in Students Times. (2) Finish the Reading exercises in Book B.第2课时Listening (听力课)一、定位:input-based, 听力理解为主。二、 二、教学目标:三、 语言知识四、 1.通过机器人的介绍,了解太空旅馆的设施和营业时间

16、等信息。五、 2.认读和理解单词garden, machine, postcard, rock以及短语such as等。六、 3.巩固一般将来时(will)的结构和用法。七、 语言技能1. 学会通过捕捉听力文本中的关键词,如数词和名词,了解听力文本的细节信息。2. 通过有关注地听、快速地记录,获取特定信息。3. 学会撰写计划表。情感态度:通过策划太空旅馆首日游的日程安排,培养合理安排时间的能力。教学重点:培养听力过程中捕捉关键信息的能力。教学难点:按照时间顺序规划写话的框架和内容。三、教学环节设计:Step1. RevisionGet a student to say something ab

17、out the main idea of Reading A.Step2. Pre-listening1 Vocabulary presentation: Get Ss to learn some new words by showing some pictures.2 listening tips: When listening, Wacth the important words, such as names, times and numbers.Step3.While listening 1)Get the Ss to listen to a robot talking about th

18、e Space Hotel and complete the notes ,Write one word or figure in each blank(finish Exercise on page 62)2) Play the recording again for the Ss to listen and complete the table (Get students to practice the strategy. Focus on the listening strategy: listening of key words)3)Check the answers.Step4.Po

19、st- listening Listening Book B1) Get the Ss to read through the questions in A1 on page 82 in Book B first.2) Play the recording for the Ss to listen and finish A 1on page 82)3) Play the recording again for the Ss to listen and finish A2 and B on their own. (Focus on the listening strategy: listenin

20、g of key words.)4) Play the tape again and Check the answers to A2 and B on page 83 in class.Step 5:.Summary: Ask the Ss tu summarize what we have learned today.Step6.Homework A Finish related exercises in Students Times.第3课时Language(语法课)一、定位:practice -based,启发学生, 归纳语言知识,开展各层次、强化性和综合性练习,多种技能结合训练, 以练

21、为主。二、教学目标:语言知识1.掌握Gramma A: 表示将来时间的“will+动词原形”结构的功能和用法。2掌握Gramma B:表示将来时间的“be going to+动词原形”结构的功能和用法。语言技能:1.能用“will+动词原形”结构表达将来可能发生的事件。2.能够正确地使用“be going to+动词原形”结构讯问和介绍未来的打算和计划。情感态度:谈谈自己的梦想和为实现梦想所作的努力。教学重点:“will+动词原形” “be going to+动词原形结构的功能和用法。教学难点:同教学重点。学习策略:培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的能力三、 教学环节设计:Step1.Gr

22、ammar Learning -“will+动词原形”(1) Presentation-ask and answer about the questions:Q1:What festival is on October 31st? It was Halloween!Q2:How did people celebrate last Halloween?Q3:What festival will be on the fourth Thursday of November?Thanksgiving!Q4:What will the Americans do on Thanksgiving?They

23、will pray.They will eat turkeys. (3)Ask Ss: How How do we use will with a verb to talk things that may happen in the future?Get Ss to work out the rule (63)(4) Summary-guide the students to summarize the Sentence Sturctures:S+will+VS+wont +VWill +S+V? (5)Exercise(pair work):a.Get Ss to finish Exerci

24、se on page 64.Step2.Presentation of using “be going to+动词原形a)Show some examples: on page 65b)Get Ss to work out the rule: finish page65.d)Exercise: pair work(in pairs, Get Ss to finish exercise on page 65)Step3. ConsidalationDo some related exercise on page 79-81 in book B. Step 4. SummaryGet ss to

25、summarize what they have learned today.Step 5:Homework完成双语报内相关练习。第4课时Speaking (口语课)一、定位:output-based, 说为主。二、教学目标:语言知识: 1. 学习元音、:以及辅音/l/ /h/ /r/的发音方法和拼读规则。语言技能:1、识别含有单元音、:以及辅音/l/ /h/ /r的单词。2、流利地朗读单词和韵文。教学重点:单元音、:以及辅音/l/ /h/ /r的音和形。教学难点:含有、:以及辅音/l/ /h/ /r这5个音标的单词的辨读。三、教学环节设计:Step1.Talk Bar Get some Ss

26、 to talk about some information A trip to space using 6-8 sentences. Step2. Speaking A-Talk time(1) Get the Ss to pronounce the following phonetic signs correctly: /、/:/、/l/ 、/h/ 、/r /(2) Play the tape for Ss to follow it and say the words aloud.(Ex. A1)(3) Ex.A2-Ss listen to the tape and add the wo

27、rds to boxes in Ex A2.Step3. Speak up(Pair work)(1) Suppose you are going to visit the Space Museum, in pairs, look at the poster and plan your trip. Q1:What do you have to think about?Q2:How are we going to get there?Q3:How long will it take to get there?Q4:When are we going to come back?Or: When/w

28、here to meet?When to leave/When to come back?How to go?How long will it take?Step4.Consolidation: Finish Exercise p82 in Book B.Step5. Homework Some related exercise on Student Times.第5课时Writing 一、定位:output-based,以写和说为主。二、教学目标:语言知识:八、 巩固一般将来时(will+v 原)和“be going to+v原)的结构和用法。九、 语言技能学会撰写计划表情感态度:通过策划太

29、空旅馆首日游的日程安排,培养合理安排时间的能力。教学重点:按照时间顺序规划写话的框架和内容。教学难点:按照时间顺序规划写话的框架和内容。三、教学环节设计: Step 1:pair workIn pairs, get Ss to look at the photos on page and discuss the following questions:Do you remember the Space Hotel?If you are going to visit the Space Hotel, how will you plan your first day?Step2: pair wor

30、k:Get Ss to plan your first day at the Space Hplete the timetalbe.Use the picture on page67 and the notes on page 62 to help you.Step3:ExerciseGet Ss to use the example to write a write a plan for your first day at the Space Hotel. You can start like the model on page 67.Exercise on 67.Visiting the

31、Space HotelWe are going to have breakfast in the Star Restaurant at 8 a.m. At 9a.m., we are going to _Step4:. SummaryHelp the Ss to summarize what they have learned in this unit.Step 5:Homework 1. Go over this unit and get ready for the unit test.2. Finish exercise on page88 in Book B.第6课时More practice A (拓展课)(Optional)一、定位:input-based,本课可作弹性选择, 可定位为泛听材料,也可定位为泛读材料。二、教学目标:通过听力与阅读训练,增补与本单元主题相关的材料,帮助学生了解更多有关月球旅馆的信息。三、教学环节设计:Step1. RevisionCheck the homework assigned the day before.Step2. Leading-in (1) Ask Ss some que


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