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1、汤姆索亚历险记读后感英文版导语:在汤姆索亚历险记中,马克吐温用一个孩 子的视角敲响了不择手段地追逐名利的浮夸社会的警钟。this whter holiday 1 read a book .the book nameis the adventures of tom books writer is mark twainthe book is talk about tom sawyer does not like school .he does not like work ,and he never wants to get out of bed in the he likes swimmmg an

2、d fishing,and having adventures with his he has a lot of adventures but toms adventures can be dangerous, night in the graveyard he and huck finn see three are they?and what are they doing in the grave yard,in the middle of the night?then the boys see that one of the men is injun joe.tom and huck ne

3、ver forget that are afraid of injun joe-and they are right to be afraid because injun joe is very quick with a knifethis story is very interesting and excitingI believe that one of the foctors that makes a piece of literature or even a movie a masterpiece is how well the reader can re la te to the s

4、tory This is definitely a book everyone can re la te to.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a literary masterpieces, written in 1876 by the famous author Mark Twain Tom Sawyer is a mischievous young boy who lives in the small town on the Mississippi River called St. Petersburg The story line is simple,

5、the book reads like a biography or a memoir of a summer in Tom Sawyefs life.Tom Sawyer seems to be the precursor of and the template for misfit kids such as Dennis the Menace, Malcolm m the Middle, and Calvin and Hobbs. What makes this story great is that Tom Sawyer represents everything that is gre

6、at about childhood The book is filled with Toms adventures playing pirates and war with his friend Joe Harper Tom has a trusted friend, Huck Finn, who few of the adults approve of. The book is filled with ideas of how the world works, such ashow piratesand robberswork,thatare so innocent,theycould o

7、nlycome from achild.Itis a storyfflledwithaction,adventure,ingeniousideas,love,andschoolyard politics The whole story is seemingly acomplication of what people did or wish they did duringtheir childhood.The book is a little difficult to read at first.Personally, it takes me a little while to get use

8、d tothe 19th century dialect in the book Other than referring to persons of African decent in derogatoryterms (which Tm sure uses terms even young childrenalready know), the book would be an enjoyable readfor people of all ages I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to feel young again, if

9、just for a few hundred pagesThe Magic of Tom SawyerThe discovery of Tom Sawyer in a Chinese textbookreally came as a shock for me. I ran across the reporton this novel by a Grade Six boy when I was tutoring him English The little boy had been required to write this report after the Chinese class You

10、ng as he was,he had made severa Ire markablecomments in his homeworkamong which was his advocate for Chinese students to have an adventure life as Tom had However, at the end of his book review he came to pity himself and his peers a little bit, saying that such a desire could hardly be achieved, gi

11、ven the fact that they have lots of homework and examinations to finish and in the meantimetheir parents won t allow them such a risk.As well as shocked, I was in a sudden choke of shame If my memory works properly, it was not until the sophomore year that I first read this book which was unexpected

12、ly gained as a trophy in the First In terp re tationContest. To make things worse, I skimmedand scanned this amazing nove 1, as a result of whichI could not figure out the right sequence of the events, let alone a deep reflection on the theme I fbIt thatIt took me quite some time to survive this sho

13、ckas well as shame And when I eventually get over it, another thing struck my mindwhy did the compilersprimary school textbook.rnclude TomSawyer as a text in proceed the reading and I found myself on the compilerIs it simply because thebook entertains schoolchildrens curiosity, since it depictslife

14、of someblack children? Or, is itan effortto equip ourchildren with some foreign literaturesince it is forthe moment the trend? Questions like such haunted mymind so much that I felt it an obligationto reread thebook in detail.The answers gradually surfaced themselvesas Is side The style of Mark Twai

15、n, s writing as well asthe personal tra itsof its protagonis t, Tom Sawyer ,hascombined to create the magic of this adventure nove 1, and for short I will name it magic of Tomn.Mark Twain J s unique language fascinated me in the first place This novel features the frequent use ofthe conversational r

16、ule of Black EnglishDouble negatives make a negative, which constantly remindedme that this is about black Americans and nothing elseMark Twam was also skillful with the emloyment of contracted forms which is quite common in black oralEnglish These two together creates a lifelikescenarios for Tom an

17、d the reader came to perceive Tom and his deeds through his identity both as a black and a child I think this is the very reason that Mark Twain has been elevated off other writers He te 11s abouttruth and he te 11s about real life. He involves the life of black Americans into his book, and shows th

18、e world that everyone has a role to play on the stage ofhasHuck has And so do many others No matter how many scandlous charges were brought against him for this matter, no one can deny his outstandingness and unique perce ptio n.TomSawyer is of Mark Twain style in another aspect, that is the author,

19、 s attention to the interactionbetween him and his readers Different from other writers, Mark Twain bore in his mind to givmg some of his own opinions on the events which would lead his readers for better understandingThus the reader wouldhardly forget where has the story comes to and why certain ev

20、ents would occur Readers seldom findthemselves alone in the reading, but rather they have Mark for company, who would share with them some humorsWe 11, its high time for me to elaborate about the protagonis t, Tom Sawyer. This is a extremely mischievous boy. In the eyes of his village folks, he is n

21、othing but a trouble-maker. He fights and swears and hates to go to church Even aunt Polly, his blood-kin, would not want him around in her house I bet many a Chinese adult would have no fondness for such a boy and if anything, try to keep him as far away as possible from their own children.However,

22、 my readers, I would like to remind you in advance that you should not judge a boy by his appearance, especially in the case of Tom. This little boy is not that simple as he is a wisdom in his mischievousness To understand Tom, you have got to dig deeper A reader myself, I have noticed 4 importanttr

23、a its of Tom that I believe has contributed to hismagic.Firstly, Tom knows far too well how people thinkRemember how Tom got Rodgers Ben paint the fencefor him?When Ben teasednHi-yi! You J re up a stump, a int you?蔦 Tom gave no answer But rather he surveyed his last touch with the eye of an artist,

24、then he gave his brush another gentle sweep and surveyed the result, as before.n HTom swept his brush daintily back and forthstepped bach to note the effectadded a touch hereand there critizedthe effectagain. nThisconcentratedness and enjoyfulness on the part of Tom made Ben water for the painting w

25、ork. Yet he would not confer THIS PRIVERLEGE to Ben so easily. He continued to make Ben itch for it. nAunt polly s awful particular about this fence right here on the street, you know-but if it was the back fence I wouldn,t mind and she wouldn t I reckon there ah t one boy in a thousand, maybe two t

26、housand, that can do it the way it,s goingto be.H Jim wanted do it, but she wouldnt let him;Sid wanted to do it, and she wouldn t let Sid. Nowdont you see how I m fixed However, for Tom the righttime had not come and there was still more to be expected Ben indeed bite the hook. He ofered to EXCHANGE

27、 forit. And all the children in St. Petersburg bite the hook. They got the PRIVILEGE of painting the fence at the expense of going Hbankruptn with their playthingsAndTom, the nretiredn artist got his fence painted three times and lots of company and also lots of trifle playthings Traditionally, the

28、aggressive male children wouldresort to fist to get their peers on their own agendaBut it was not the case with Tom. He knew the mind-setof the boys in order to get a man or a boy conveta thing, it s only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.nBearing this in mind, there is no doubt thathe

29、 could succeding in cheating his peersNot only the children but also the adult cannot survive Tom wisdom Rememberhow our pirates returned from Jackson,s is land?H There was a rustie in the gallery, which nobody noticed; a moment later the church door creaked; the minister raised his streaming eyes t

30、he congregation rose and stared while the three dead boys came marching up the aisle (Chapter 18) Scaring and somewhat astonishing, right? Why didn t these boys re turn earlier since they had been grief homesick and relief their families who had been repenting for the loss of them? Perhaps many adul

31、ts may condemn them as being naughty and ungrateful.But, consider it for a moment and you will find that this is again a strategy of Tom s A funeral is a solemn occasion sybolizing the mortal end of a person. grief and praying has apparently been the theme for Aunt Polly and the villegers The sudden

32、 revival of the begoners would surely makes them cherish them all the more. Under such circumastances, Tom would surely save himself scoldness and punishment and by the way, elevate him to the-apple-ofthe eye position for the moment. That would sound kind of ironic for the adults srnce they had been

33、 fooled with by these three boys But sorry, he is Tom and you cannot readily prepare for it.Second, Tom,s courage for starting an adventure life. Rebelling seems to have been deeply rooted in American literature, and we can also find this quality in Tom. He hated Sunday school. He hated going to the

34、 church and being tortured by the miniser h preaching He hated being misunderstood by Aunt PollyHe hatedhis life in St:. Petersburg He had desperately wanted to break away from the old life together with its traditions, authority and being rebelling is not enough for an adventure career Its the cour

35、age toget started that matters Tom has it. He dares to seperate himself from the protection (though very little) of anut Polly He dares to confront all the risks (get lost or even get killed) of the would-be life.Third, the boy s abilityto manage the personnel.To succeed a pirate career, Tom knew fa

36、r better that he cannot make it begin with, he had to find his partner See who he had included in this pirate group?It,s Joe Harper and Huckleberry Fin. Whydid Tom chose them and nobody else? The truth is as follows. Joe hadjust been whipped by his mother for drinking some cream while he had never t

37、asted He had firmly believed that she was tired of him and wished him to go. Any children want to be loved and any denial oflove would bring them sufering Defintely, Joe wants to break away from this sufering and living a pirate life is a pretty good way out. And Huck He was an orphen and Hdon t eve

38、n getenough to eatH. To be a pirate or not makes no difference to HuckFourth, Tom , s his knowledge about Adventure. Asfor where they should go for treasures, Tom gave hisopinionIt s hid in mighty paticular places,somethimes on islands, sometimes in rotten chests under the end of a limb of an old de

39、ad tree, just where the shadow falls at midnight, but most under the floor in haunted huses.n Tom also gave his reasons why treasures could be found in the hauntedhousesThey mostalways put in a dead man when they bury a treasure under a tree, to look out for it.” While reading this part,I had been wondering whether they could succeed Thething is that they made it because Injun Joe really had hid the treaures in the haunted house I couldn , t givethem a big round of applouse Another case in point is his adventure with Becky in the cave They had got lost and were in a dire n


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