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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语四级模拟156公共英语四级模拟156Section Listening ComprehensionPart A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:82Its a pleasant 73 degrees here. For those of you travelling tomorrow, here is a quick look at the weather for cities around the world. In Amsterdam, it should be clea

2、r tomorrow with a high of 82 and a low of 70. Athens is also expected to be clear with a high of 80 and a low of 70. We also expect Beijing to be cloudy with a high of 96 and a low of 64. It will also rain in Cairo but much warmer with a high of 93 and a low of 73. Dublin will be cloudy, as it is of

3、ten at this time of the year, with a high of 75 and a low of 55. Istanbul will be clear with a high of 86 and a low of 70 while in Moscow the weather will be cloudy and on the cool side with temperatures only reaching a high of 66 and going down to 48 at night, If you dont want hot weather, stay a-

4、way from New Delhi, where the temperature is expected to reach a high of 112 under cloudy skies and go down to a not very comfortable low of 80. And thats it for weather around the world.2.答案:643.答案:warmer4.答案:cloudy5.答案:112Part B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. When will showers reach south-west England an

5、d the southern coast of Wales?答案:By early morning.Hello. Its been another warm and fine day for most of us. Temperatures in south-east England reached twenty-six degrees centigrade by mid-afternoon, and Brighton had fifteen hours of lovely sunshine. But already the weather is beginning to change. I

6、m afraid, and during the night, showers will slowly move in from the Atlantic to reach south-west England and the southern coast of Wales by early morning. The rest of the country will have a very mild, dry night with minimum temperatures no lower than fifteen degrees in the south, a little cooler-

7、eleven degrees or so -in the north. Any remaining showers in northwest Scotland will pass quickly, to leave a mild, dry night there too. And now, the outlook for Friday and the weekend. Well, southern Europe will once again get the best of the weekend weather, and if your holiday starts this weekend

8、, then southern Spain is the place to go, with temperatures of thirty-four degrees along the Mediterranean coast. At the eastern end of the Med, too, you can expect uninterrupted sunshine and temperatures of up to thirty-two degrees centigrade in Greece and south-east Italy, but further north the we

9、ather s not so settled. Much of France, Belgium and the Netherlands will be cloudy with occasional rain and maximum temperatures will be around twenty-two degrees- very disappointing for this time of the year. Scotland and Northern Ire land will have heavy rain for much of the weekend and temperatur

10、es will drop to a cool seventeen de grees. Across most of England the weather will be cloudy but mainly dry with sunny periods. And when the sun does come out, temperatures could rise to a maximum of twenty-three degrees.2. What will the minimum temperature be in the south during the night?答案:No low

11、er than fifteen degrees3. On what day of the week do you think this weather forecast was given?答案:Thursday.4. What will be the general feeling about the weekend in the Netherlands?答案:Very disappointing5. What part of England will be cloudy and dry over the weekend?答案:Across most of EnglandPart C (如需

12、获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Which university did historian Patrice Higonnet graduate from?A.Stanford UniversityB.Harvard UniversityC.Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyD.University of Michigan答案:BWhat is it about Paris? For the last two centuries it has been the single most visited city in the world. Tou

13、rists still go for the art and the food, even if they have to brave the disdain of ticket-takers and waiters. Revolutionaries on the run, artists in search of the galleries and writers looking for the license to explore their inner selves went looking for people like themselves and created their own

14、 fields filled with experimentation and constant arguments. Would worldwide communist revolution have been conceivable without the Paris that was home to Marx, Lenin and Ho Chi Minh? Would Impressionism or Cubism have become isms without Paris as a place to work and as a subject to paint? How Paris

15、came to be, for such a long time, capital of the world? The answer lies in the citys myths according to the distinguished Harvard historian Patrice Higonnet in Paris: Capital of the World. In his book, Paris came to stand for all the contradictions of modern life; you went there to experience more f

16、ully what modern life had to offer. Paris was imagined, by locals and foreigners alike, as the hothouse of individualism, revolution, scientific progress, urbanism, artistic innovation and cultural sophistication, but it also offered the more dangerous enticements of pornography, prostitution, alien

17、ation and, at the end of the line, crime. Higonnet fully appreciates how the two sides of the myth complemented each other. A product of two cultures himself-he wrote this book in French-Higonnet is ideally placed to serve as guide to the riches of the Parisian Golden Age, which ran roughly from the

18、 French Revolution to 1945. His book is beautifully produced and worth purchasing. 此题问“Patrice Higonnet毕业于哪所大学?”,正确答案是“哈佛大学”,其依据是“The answer lies in the citysmyths, according to the distinguished Harvard historian Patrice Higonnet inParis:Capital of the World”。这里提到美国的四个著名大学,所以在平时要注意有关英美文化的背景知识,将有助于考

19、生理解听力内容。2. What is Higonnets attitude towards the fact that the two sides of the myth complemented each other? A. AppreciationB. Dislike C. Indifference D. Anger 答案:A问题是“对于神话两方面互补的事实,Patrice Higonnet是何种态度?”,正确答案是“欣赏”,其依据是“Higonnet fully appreciates how the two sides of themythcomplemented each other

20、”。另外,这一类涉及态度的问题,也可以综合全文,做出正确的判断。3. The so-called Parisian Golden Age ran roughly from the French Revolution to _.A.1925B.1935C.1945D.1955答案:C问题是“所谓的法国黄金时代大致从法国革命到哪一年?”,正确答案是“1945”,其依据是“the Parisian Golden Age,which ran roughly from the French Revolution to 1945.”。这里有一个关键句型:run fromto,意为:从到。 (如需获取本MP

21、3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. When was the city of Perth founded?A.In 1892.B.In the 1980s.C.In the 1890s.D.In 1829.答案:DPerth is actually a very young city which sits on the north bank of the Swan River. Im sure many of you have already seen it. Less than 200 years ago the entire city center was an undeveloped wet

22、land. Perth was founded by the British as the Swan River settlement in 1829, although the Dutch had visited other parts of the state much earlier. It grew quite slowly in the beginning, mostly because it was so isolated. There were constant problems with communications, and labor was always in short

23、 supply. Then in the 1890s gold was discovered in Western Australia and Perth boomed. Anyway, there are now around 1.4 million people living in Perth and its suburbs. The city itself has sprawled in all directions and it will take you months to see it all. It stretches from the Darling Rangeschain o

24、f hillsn the east, to the Indian Ocean in the West. It has swallowed Perths southern sister city, Fremantle and almost reaches the small township of Yanchep in the north. 5. Why did Perth develop very slowly at the beginning according to the introduction?A.It was occupied by Britain.B.It was a wetla

25、nd.C.It scarcely contacted the other cities.D.It had no rich natural resources.答案:C6. Which of the following statements is correct about the location of the booming city?A.To the Indian Ocean in the west.B.By the left side of the Darling Ranges.C.Next to the city of Frementle in the north.D.Next to

26、the town of Yanchep in the south.答案:A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 7. What is the topic of this passage?A.The largest library in the United States.B.A special system for numbering books.C.Finding books in a library.D.Finding a needle in a haystack.答案:CThe Library of Congress, the largest library in the Unit

27、ed States, contains about eighteen million books. Harvard University has the largest academic library with more than nine million volumes. The largest public library is the Chicago Public Library with nearly six million volumes, followed by the New York Public Library with 5.5 million. Consequently,

28、 finding a book in any of these libraries must be like finding a needle in a haystack! Librarians use a special system to make the job of finding books easier. To keep the books in order, librarians give a number to each book in the library, and books are arranged on the shelves according to these n

29、umbers. In order to find the number of a book, you must look in the card catalogue. The card catalogue is a special file of cards with information about the books in the library. Each book has three cards in the card catalogue: a title card, an author card, and a subject card. These cards are arrang

30、ed in the card catalogue in alphabetical order. If you know the title of the book you are looking for, look for the title card. If you only know the author look for the author, card. If you are looking for a book about a particular subject, look for the subject card. When you find the card of the bo

31、ok you want, copy the number of the book. Then you can find the book easily. 8. Which is the largest public library in the United States?A.The Library of Congress.B.The Harvard University Library.C.The Chicago Public Library.D.The New York Public Library.答案:C9. How do librarians keep b6oks in order?

32、A.They arrange the books in alphabetical order.B.They put the books into a card catalogue.C.They give a number to each book.D.They put the books on the shelves.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 10. According to the passage, why havent the scientists find a cure for the common cold?A.There are too many kinds

33、 of cold viruses for them to identify.B.There is no cure.C.They are too busy.D.The virus is too small.答案:AMany people catch a cold in the springtime or fall. It makes us wonder if scientists can send a man to the moon, why cant they find a cure for the common cold? The answer is easy. Therere actual

34、ly hundreds of kinds of cold viruses out there. You never know which one you will get, so there isnt a cure for each one. When a virus attacks your body, your body works hard to get rid of it. Blood rushes to your nose and causes a blockage in it. You feel terrible because you cant breathe well. But

35、 your body is actually eating the virus. Your temperature rises and you get a fever. But the heat of your body is killing the virus. You also have a running nose to stop the virus from getting to your cells. You may feel miserable but actually your wonderful body is doing everything it can to kill t

36、he cold. Different people have different remedies for colds. In the United States and some other countries, for example, people might eat chicken soup to feel better. Some people take hot baths and drink warm liquids. Other people take medicines to relieve various symptoms of colds. Theres one inter

37、esting thing to note. Some scientists say taking medicines when you have a cold is actually bad for you. The virus stays in you longer because your body doesnt develop a way to fight it and kill it.解析 细节题。根据文章可知有很多种感冒病毒,因此正确答案为A。11. What does the speaker say about the symptoms of the common cold?A.B

38、lood becomes slow.B.Temperatures decreases.C.They show our body is fighting the virus.D.Have a headache.答案:C解析 细节题。根据文章可知病毒袭击身体时,身体会与之抗争,因此正确答案为C。12. What do some scientists say about taking medicines for the common cold according to the passage?A.It is good for people.B.It actually does more harm t

39、han good.C.It can help people keep healthy.D.It can give them more energy.答案:B解析 细节题。根据文章可知有的科学家说感冒时吃药对身体有害,因此正确答案为B。Section Use of English Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, reserved person who is fully 1 only among people he knows well. In the presence of strangers or foreigners he

40、often seems inhibited, 2 embarrassed. You have only 3 a commuter train any morning or evening to see the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a comer; no one speaks. In fact, to do so would seem most unusual. 4 , there is here an unwritten bu

41、t clearly understood code of behaviours which, 5 broken, makes the person immediately the object of 6 . It is a well-known fact that the English have a 7 for the discussion of their weather and that, given half a chance, they will talk about it 8 . Some people argue that it is because English weathe

42、r 9 forecast and hence is a source of interest and 10 to everyone. This may be so. 11 Englishmen cannot have much 12 in the weathermen, who, after promising fine, sunny weather for the following day, are often proved wrong 13 a cloud over the Atlantic brings rainy weather to all districts ! The man

43、in the street seems to be as accurateor as inaccurateas the weathermen in his 14 . The overseas visitors may be excused for showing surprise at all the number of references 15 weather that the English make to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetings are 16 by com

44、ments on the weather. Nice day, isnt it? Beautiful! may well be heard instead of Good morning, how are you? 17 the foreigner may consider this exaggerated and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his advantage. 18 he wants to start a conversation with an Englishman but is 19

45、 to know where to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather. It is a safe subject which will 20 an answer from even the most reserved of Englishmen. 1.A.entertainedB.relaxedC.amusedD.enlightened答案:B解析 本题考查词义辨析。由第一句话“英国人只有在熟人面前才会显得”结合下一句话“他们在陌生人或外国人面前会显得拘谨”来判断,本句需要inhibited 的反义词,rel

46、axed 意为“不拘束的”符合题意。而entertained 意为“感到愉快的”;amused 意为“愉快的,开心的”;enlightened 意为“文明的,受启迪的”均不是inhibited 的反义词。2.A.yetB.otherwiseC.evenD.though答案:C解析 本题考查语篇连接。inhibited 与embarrased 二者都表“羞涩的,尴尬的”,同属一种表达方向,只是尴尬比羞涩在程度上要深,因此在语气上应属递进关系。otherwise“否则”;though“尽管”表转折关系均不符合题意。3.A.experienceB.undergoC.travelD.witness答案

47、:D解析 本题考查词义选择与词语搭配。后面接commuter train。首先排除trayel 意为“旅行”,因为travel 后加交通工具时多用travel by sth。如 I traveled by bike。此时的“travel”为不及物动词。experience 则表达体验一种感受,如 experience happiness,不能与commuter train 搭配。undergo 意为“经历,遭受,忍受(某种磨难或痛苦)”,显然不符合题意。witness 表示目击、亲眼所见,它属于及物动词。这里之所以选witness,还可以从下文的to see 得到提示,只有亲眼所见,才能看到。

48、4.A.ObviouslyB.ContrarilyC.FrequentlyD.Practically答案:A解析 本题考查语篇连接。前文叙述了英国人在市郊火车站上沉默、内敛的表现,这看起来很不正常,但很显然,这就是英国人不成文的行为规范。如表现得过分张扬,反倒不好。从上下文的逻辑关系可以判断出来,这里应该选Obviously。Contrarily 意为“相反地”,并没有表示转折的语境;Frequently 意为“频繁地,常常”;Practically 意为“实际上,事实上”与本文没有直接关系。5.A.unlessB.ifC.whileD.as if答案:B解析 本题考查语法和语篇的结合。中间部

49、分属于插入语,从题意上可以判断,存在这样的行为规范,一旦打破,就会使这个人很快成为的对象。此时只能选if,表示假设。unless 意为“除非”,不符合此处逻辑关系;while 意为“然而”;“当”,表示“当”的时候后面必须跟持续的动作,如:While I was singing;as if 意为“好像”,不符合题意。6.A.suspicionB.oppositionC.attackD.study答案:A解析 本题考查词义辨析。应选suspicion,意为“猜疑,怀疑”,意思是“如果一个英国人违反了不成文的行为规范,就会成为大家猜疑的对象”,suspicion 从程序上比较适合。 opposit

50、ion 意为“反对,敌对”,在这里不符合题意。opposition 超出了作者的表达范畴。attack意为“进攻,攻击”同样远远超出了作者的表达范畴。英国是文明社会,attack 显然不符合题意;study 意为“学习,研究”与题意无关。7.A.passionB.fancyC.necessityD.judgement答案:B解析 本题考查词义辨析。to have a fancy for 表示喜爱做某事。英国人喜欢谈论天气。passion 意为“激情,热情”表示强烈的情感,也表示喜爱,但是程度远高于fancy,表示酷爱,比如:She has a passion for chocolate。nec

51、essity 意为“必要性,需要”;judgement 意为“判断”这两项不符合题意。8. A. at length B. to a great extentC. from their heartD.by all means答案:A解析 本题考查固定搭配。从文中判断,英国人会抓住一切机会不厌其烦地讨论天气。at length 意为“详尽,充分的”符合题意,如:He went on at tedious length about his favourite hobby。to a great extent 意为“很大程度上”,如:To a great extent,he is correct。fr

52、om their heart 意为“发自内心的”,如:I love you from my heart。by all means 意为“尽一切办法,一定”,如:Please save her by all means。9.A.followsB.predictsC.defiesD.violates答案:C解析 本题考查词义辨析。从逻辑上考生可判断出,正是因为真正的天气情况与预报不符,英国人才有了谈资,可以对天气进行预测。所以这里要排除follows 意为“遵循”和predicts 意为“预知,预言,预报”,defies 意为“不服从,不符合”;violates 意为“违犯,亵渎(圣物),冒犯”虽

53、然也有“不符合”的意思;但超出所要表达的语气,同样不选。10.A.contributionB.deductionC.contemplationD.speculation答案:D解析 本题考查词义辨析。此处应填speculation 意为“推断,推测”,因为对未来的天气进行讨论,主要是推测。contribution 意为“捐献,贡献”显然不符合题意;contemplation 意为“预期,企图,打算”,虽然也表示对未来的想法,但主要表示一种打算,如:The governments contemplation of taking new measures政府采取新措施的打算。11.A.StillB

54、.AlsoC.CertainlyD.Fundamentally答案:C解析 本题考查语篇分析。前文说到:“English weather defies forecast and hence is a source of interest and speculation to everyone”由此可以推断出英国人当然不会太相信不准确的天气预报了,所以答案选Certainly。而Still 意为“仍,还,更,还要”表示递进;Also意为“也,同样”表示并列;Fundamentally 意为“基础地,根本地”均不符合题意。12.A.faithB.relianceC.honorD.credit答案:

55、A解析 本题考查固定搭配。这里意思是“英国人不太信任天气预报员”。faith意为“信任,信念”。have faith in 意为“相信,信任”,如:Do you have faith in him? reliance 意为“信任,信心”与faith 的意思一样,但用法不同,为place reliance on,如:Dont place too much reliance。on his advice。honor 意为“荣誉,光荣”,不符合题意,用法为have honor of sth.,如:May I have the honor of this dance? credit 意为“信任,信用”,

56、不与in 搭配使用,如:Recent developments lend credit to previous reports。13.A.ifB.onceC.whenD.whereas答案:C解析 本题考查语法。考生从上下文很容易判断出正确答案是when,此处为时间状语从句,意为“当的时候,证明了天气预报是错误的”。if 表示假设,而上句为are often proved wrong,而不是will be proved wrong,所以不选if。once 表示条件,意为“一旦就”;whereas 表示转折,二者不符合题意。14.A.propositionsB.predictionsC.appr

57、ovalD.defiance答案:B解析 本题考查词义辨析。此处是与天气预报员比较,天气预报员对未来天气的判断应为预测,所以选predictions 意为“预言,预报”。其他选项均不合题意:propositions意为“主张,建议”;approval 意为“赞成,承认”,如:He showed his approval by smiling。defiance意为“挑战,蔑视”,in defiance of 意为“公然蔑视,挑战”,都不合题意,故答案选B。15.A.aboutB.onC.as toD.to答案:D解析 本题考查固定搭配。这里意思是“英国人不厌其烦地谈及天气,这件事让国外游人感到吃惊”。谓语为make,宾语是reference。答案选make reference to sth意为“提及,提及”,如:He made pointed references to the


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