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1、Module 1一、单词( 2 分)1.首都,省会capital2.英格兰 England3.哪里where4.中国人 Chinese5.年龄 ,年year6.城市city7.小的small8.美国(美国人America ;American9.年级 grade10.但是 but二、短语( 2 分)1.来自 (两种 ) come from=be from2. 中国的首都the capital of China3.怎么样?(两种) what/how about?4.在七年五 / 六班 in Class Five/Six, Grade Seven5.欢迎到我们学校Welcome to our sch

2、ool6.很高兴见到大家。 Nice to meet you all.7.一个大城市a big city8.你来自哪里? Where are you from?Where do you come from?9.你是中国人么? Are you Chinese?Are you from China?Do you come from China?10.姓last name=family name11.名字(两种) first name=given name总结:1.中国人姓在前,名在后外国人名在前,姓在后2. -This is Ma Lin. Ma is his _and Lin ishis_.A.

3、 first name; last nameB. first name; firstnameC. last name; last nameD. last name; firstname3.Our English teacher is Peter Hall. We can call him _.A.Miss PeterB. Mr. PeterC. Mr. HallD.Mrs Hall4.with, as well as 引导的主语,做 伴随主语 ,谓语动词与它们 之前的主语 保持一致。5. Tony with his friends _ in China.A.amB. isC. areD.be6

4、.Alice,aswellasherparentsusually_(watch) TV in the evening.Module 2一、单词( 1 分)1.表兄弟 ;表姐妹cousin2.女儿(儿子)daughter ;son3.丈夫 (妻子 ) husband; wife4.男警察(女警察) policeman ; policewoman5.男演员(女演员) actor; actress6.司机driver7.剧院theatre8.医院hospital9.护士nurse10.农场(农民)farm ; farmer二、短语 ( 2 分)1.一位旅馆经理a hotel manager2.在.旁

5、边 next to3.在.(外部)前面in front of在.(内部)前面in the front of4.在左边on the left在右边on the right5.一个大家庭a big family6.在警察局at a police station7.在同一家医院at the same hospital8.我家的一张照片a photo of my family9.公共汽车站bus station公共汽车司机bus driver10.真是一个大家庭啊!What a big family!11.我明白了。 I see.12.这是你的妈妈吗? Is this your mother?13.托

6、尼的爸爸Tonys father14. 你 爸 爸 做 什 么 工 作 ? What s your father?What does your father do?What s your father s job?15.这是托尼的一张家庭照片This is a photo of Tony s family引申:1.一位女医生a woman doctor两位女医生two women doctors2.我有一个幸福的家庭。Ihave a happyfamily.3.我的家人此刻正在看电视。My family are watching TV at the moment.4.空间上在.前面 in th

7、e front of=before在.后面behind1时间上在 .之前before ;在 . 之后after5.语法上there be 的就近原则 ;所有格的掌Module 3一、单词( 2 分)1.计算机computer2.三十 thirty3.九十 ninety4.建筑物 building5.图书馆 library6.在.后面 behind7.科学 science8.家具 furniture ( 不可数名词 )9.操场 playground10.靠近,接近near二、短语( 2 分)1.多少 (两种 ) how many; how much2.许多,大量(四种)many/much/a l

8、ot of/lots of3.一个科学实验室a science lab4.饭厅,饭堂dining hall5.在.中间 in the middle of6.在.和.之间(两者之间) between.and.7.一个体育馆(两种) a sports hall=a gym8.一张中国地图a map of China9.一张世界地图a map of the world10.在墙上on the wall11.在学校大门附近near the school gate12.在操场上on the playground13.一座办公楼an office building14.一座教学楼a classroom b

9、uilding15.在图书馆后面behind the library总结:1.某地存在某人 /物- 用 there be 句型我家有 3 个人。 There are 3 people in my family.2.on the wall 与 in the wall 的区别There are some photos_Bettys family_thewall.A.of; onB. at; inC.of; inD. on;ofThere are four windows _ the wall.A. inB. onC. atD. underThere is a map of China _ the

10、wall.A. inB. onC. atD. under握6.辨析 too; as well; (肯定句末 )either(否定句末 );also(句中 )3.辨析 some(肯定句) 与 any (否定句 / 疑问句)特殊:some 疑问句中表示 征求建议或请求-Are there _tables in the dinning hall?-No, but there are_desks in it.-Would you lile_tea?-Yes, please.Module 4一、单词 ( 2 分)1.奶酪cheese2.胡萝卜carrot3.巧克力chocolate4.拥有 have5.

11、牛肉 beef6.蔬菜 vegetable7.牙齿(单数 /复数)tooth/teeth8.记住,想起remember9.咖啡 coffee10. 劳累的 tired二、短语 ( 1.5 分)1.太多(两种) too many+ 可数名词复数too much+ 不可数名词2.吃好eat well3.对.有益be good for4.对.有害be bad for5.去购物go shopping6.保持健康(两种) keep/stay healthy7.吃晚饭have dinner=have supper8.擅长 be good at9.稍微;有点儿a bit10.发胖 get fat11.美味的

12、正餐delicious dinner12.重要的事情important t hings13.不健康的饮食unhealthy food and drink14.拥有 have got15.每天早上every morning16.做某事很重要It s important to do sth.17.喝一杯 have a drink18.好的,行,可以all right引申:1.身体健康be healthy=be in good health身体不健康be unhealthy=be in bad/poor2health2. 和, and 用在肯定句中,否定句中变成 orDontt eat too mu

13、ch candy _icecream.A. andB. soC. orD. but3.chicken 表示“ 小鸡 ”为 可数 名词,复数chickens表示“ 鸡肉 ”为 不可数名词Module 5一、单词 ( 1 分)1.地理 geography2.数学 maths3.(一节)课lesson4.工作日 weekday5.周末 weekend6.困难的 difficult7.科目 subject8.繁忙的 busy9.分钟 minute10.点钟 oclock二、短语 ( 2 分)1.起床get up2.开始学习start work3.上历史课have history4.有趣的课程inter

14、esting lessons5.放学 leave school6.准时回家go home on time7.吃晚餐(两种) have dinner=have supper8.上床睡觉go to bed9.在晚上 in the evening10.在 12:30 at half past twelve11.我最喜欢的科目是英语(两种) My favourite subject is English. I like English best.12.休息(两种) have a break=have a rest13.洗脸 wash face14.与某人交谈talk to/with sb.15.做我的

15、家庭作业do my homework16.每天七节课seven classes a day总结:1.介词 at/in/on 的用法at+ 某一时刻eg. at half past ten固定搭配 at night; at noonIn+ 某月 /某年(大概时间) eg.in 2013固定搭配inthemorning/afternoon/eveningOn+ 某天 /节日 (具体时间 )eg. on Tuesday; on Christmas Day2. 时间的表达法 When is it? It s .3. 区分 past 与 to (用于非整点的时间表达)past ( 30 分钟 ) eg.

16、 7:15a quarter pastsevento(30 分钟 )eg. 7:45a quartertoeightRevision A基础版(40)1.地理geography2.祖父grandfather祖母 grandmother祖 父 / 母grandparent祖 父 母grandparents3.厨房kitchen4.记住,想起remember5.汉堡包hamburger6.公共汽车站bus station7.图书馆library8.繁忙的busy9.操场playground10.数学 maths二、短语 ( 2 分)1.弹钢琴play the piano2 骑自行车ride a b

17、ike3.宾馆经理a hotel manager4.饭厅 dining hall5.科学实验室a science lab6.在前面in front of7.在旁边next to8.家谱family tree9. 全世界 all over the world=around the world10.你最喜欢的饮食是什么?What s yourfavouritefood anddrink?11.打乒乓球play table tennis12.讲英语speak English13.想要做某事(两种) want to do sth.Would like to do sth.14.对于某人来说做某事很重要

18、It s important for sb. to do sth.15.擅长做某事be good at doing sth.总结:1.方位介词on-under; in front ofbehind;3left right;in;near;Tony s and Betty s fathers托尼的爸between,and.爸和贝蒂的爸爸2.指示代词的用法this/that 与 these/thoseD 表示两人共同拥有的,则只在第二个3.名词所有格的用法+s 或者是 of名词后 +sA 直接 +sBetty s doll贝蒂的娃娃Lilyand Lucy s room丽丽和露西B 词尾为复数的名

19、词只+ the Smiths的房间carEof 多用于表示无生命的东西的所有关系C. 表 示两 人分 别 拥有 的, 则分 别 +sthe name of the book书名4Module 6 A trip to the zoo一、单词 ( 1 分)1.大象 elephant2.长颈鹿 giraffe3.熊猫 panda4.亚洲 Asia5.欧洲 Europe6.强壮的 strong7.竹子 bamboo8.叶子 leaf/leaves9.甚至 even10.抓住 catch11.危险的dangerous二、短语 ( 2 分)1.比如(两种) for example; such as2.不同

20、的国家different countries3.居住在 . live in+ 地点4.遍及全球 (全世界 ) all over the world5.在那边 over there6.少量 a little7.擅长做某事be good at doing sth8.许多种类many kinds of9.并且;还as well as10.三千克胡萝卜three kilos of carrots11.事实上 /实际上 in fact=as a matter of fact12.处在危险之中be in danger13.脱离危险be out of danger14.一次动物园之旅a trip to th

21、e zoo15.一匹黑白相间的斑马 a black and white zebra引申:1. 当然 sure=of course=certainly2. 国家;乡村 country/countries (复数)3. 可爱的 cute/lovely4. 有趣的 funny/interesting5. 独自居住 live alone (客观情况 )6. 感到孤独 feel lonely (心理感觉)7. The old man lives alone, so he often feels lonely.Module 7 Computers一、单词 ( 1 分)1.键盘 keyboard2.鼠标(单

22、数 /复数) mouse/mice3.检查 check4.信息 information 【U】5.最后(三种)finally=at last=in the end6.衣服(总称) clothes7.顾客 customer(老板boss)8.因特网Internet9.公司 company10.文件 document二、短语 ( 2 分)1.在因特网上on the Internet2.打印文件print a document3.和某人交谈(两种) .talk to/with sb.4.发送电子邮件send an emails5.打开 /关上 turn on/ turn off6.保存文件save

23、a document7.把.与.连接(两种)connect.to.8.制定一个旅行计划make a travel plan9.玩电脑游戏play computer games10.搜寻,查找search for11.给某人写信write a letter to sb.12.调高 /调低(声音)turn up/ turn down13.从./获取信息get informationfrom. .14.用某物做某事use sth. to do sth.我用钢笔写作业I use a pen to write my homework.15.打开一个新文件open a new document引申:1.首

24、先 first=firstly=at first=first of all2.计划做某事plan to do sth.3.与某人分享某物share sth. with sb.Eg. I share an apple with you.4.昨晚 last night5.今晚 tonight6.一条信息a piece of information7.有时候sometimes8.某时sometime9.在度假be on holiday10.省钱save moneyModule 8 Choosing presents 一、单词 ( 1 分)1.礼物present2.特别的special3.秘密secr

25、et4.杂志magazine5.音乐会concert6.选择 choose7.练习,锻炼exercise8.昂贵的(便宜的)expensive/cheap59.从不 never10.总是,一直always二、短语 ( 2 分)1.一个生日聚会a birthday party2.与某人用英语交谈talk with sb. in English3.保持健康(两种) keep/stay healthy4.收到 .来信 hear from sb.5. 我愿意I d love to.6.在周末 at weekends7.去电影院go to the cinema8.通过电视看足球赛watch footba

26、ll matches on TV9.两条丝绸围巾two silk scarves10.恐怕(用于礼貌的拒绝)I m afraid11.害怕做某事(两种)be afraid of doing sth;be afraid to do sth12.在教师节那天 on Teachers Day13.听说hear of14.穿一件 T 恤 wear a T-shirt15.花费时间 /金钱做某事spend time/money (in) doing sth在某事上花费时间 / 金钱 Spend time/money on sth16.做锻炼do/get/take some exercise17.一双鞋a

27、 pair of shoes18.去听音乐会go to the concert19.一盒巧克力a box of chocolate20. 立刻,马上(三种)at once/right away/immediately21.打电话给某人 call sb.=talk to sb. on the phone22.往家里打电话call homeModule 9 People and places本单元语法点:现在进行时的构成: be(am, is, are)+Ving (表示现在或者现阶段正在进行的动作 )一、单词 ( 1 分)1.明信片postcard2.平躺lie- lying (现在分词 )3.

28、饭店restaurant4.星星;明星star5.喜爱,享受 .乐趣enjoy6.行,排line7.离开leave8.昂贵的(便宜的) expensive-cheap9.杂志magazine10.尽管如此anyway二、短语 ( 2 分)1.躺在阳光下lie in the sun2.照相take photos3.一些,几个a few(表示肯定意义,修饰可数名词复数 ); few( 表示否定意义,修饰可数名词复数 )引申对比 a little 与 little ( 修饰不可数名词 ) 4.正在出售 on sale5.玩得开心(三种)enjoy oneself; have a good time;

29、 have fun 6.回去 go back7.热狗 hot dog8.下车(上车) get off; get on9.在此刻at the moment=rightnow(在此注意对比 立刻 /马上 right away=at once)10.参加学校的旅行 go on a school trip11.中国长城the Great Wall of China12.等公交车wait for the bus13.到时间吃晚饭了 (句型) It s time to have dinner. ; It s time for dinner.14.很,非常a lot15.非常感谢你帮助我。(两种)Thank

30、 you for helping me.= Thank you for your help.16.看望朋友see/visit friends17.享受阳光enjoy the sun/sunshine18.打电话给某人call sb=talk to/withsb onthe phone19.下班回家go home from work20.喝一杯have a drink补充一句英语名言: Action speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。(直译:行动胜于言语)语法点:现在分词的变化形式(见M10 )Module 10 Special Festival 一、单词 ( 1

31、分)1.一月January2.二月February3.庆祝celebrate4.传统的( n.传统) traditional /tradition5.饺子 dumpling6.节日 festival7.毛线衣sweater8.意思是( n.意思) mean/meaning9.幸运的(不幸的) lucky /unlucky610.美丽的(两种) beautiful /pretty 二、短语 ( 2 分)1.为.做准备get ready for2.扫去sweep away3.坏运气(好运气) bad luck/good luck4.收好,收拾好put away5.做饭 cook a meal6.看

32、一看 have a look at7.学舞龙 learn a dragon dance8.在圣诞节前夕on Christmas Eve9.在此刻(两种) at the moment/rightnow10.做灯笼make lanterns11.赶快 hurry up12. 传统的 家庭 大 餐a traditionalfamilydinner13.在工作;上班at work14.春节Spring Festival15.在同一天on the same day16.采购礼物go shopping for presents17.元宵节the Lantern Festival18.庆祝春节celebra

33、te the Spring Festival19.打扫房间 /房子 clean the room/house20.扫地sweep the floor21.端午节the Dragon Boat Festival22.在厨房in the kitchen23.在电视上看一个特别的节目Watch a special programme on TV24.如此多,太多so many+可数名词复数So much+不可数名词25.盛装打扮dress up总结:动词的现在分词的变化规则1.直接 +ing work working; study studying2.以不发音的 e 结尾,去 e,+ing taketaking; live living3.以重读闭音节结尾的“辅 元 辅” ,双写词尾辅音 +ingEg. put putting; stop stopping; begin beginning4.以 ie


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