1、.1 本文论述了本文论述了 编程中用面编程中用面 向对象编程向对象编程 语言,特别语言,特别 是在建设网是在建设网 站中的重要站中的重要 作用。其中,作用。其中, Java语言用语言用 的最为广泛。的最为广泛。 因此,写好因此,写好 Java语言对语言对 软件的开发软件的开发 关系重大。关系重大。 Abstract: This article tells of the importance of object-oriented program in write code, particularly in building web page, of which the most widely u
2、sed is Java. Therefore, write a better Java program has much to do with the development of software. .2 本文论述了编程中用面向对象编程语言,特别是本文论述了编程中用面向对象编程语言,特别是 在建设网站中的重要作用。其中,在建设网站中的重要作用。其中,Java语言用的语言用的 最为广泛。因此,写好最为广泛。因此,写好Java语言对软件的开发关语言对软件的开发关 系重大。系重大。 This article tells the importance of writing code with obj
3、ect-oriented program language, particularly with Java when building web page. Therefore, write a better program in Java has much to do with the development of software system. .3 本文论述了编程中用面向对象编程语言,特别是本文论述了编程中用面向对象编程语言,特别是 在建设网站中的重要作用。其中,在建设网站中的重要作用。其中,Java语言用的语言用的 最为广泛。因此,写好最为广泛。因此,写好Java语言对软件的开发关语言
4、对软件的开发关 系重大。系重大。 The importance of writing a better code in Java program language is of significant during development of software. This article presents the facilitation and effectible of using object-oriented program language, typically in building web page which leads Java of OOP to be widely emp
5、loyed. .4 本文论述了编程中用面向对象编程语言,特别是本文论述了编程中用面向对象编程语言,特别是 在建设网站中的重要作用。其中,在建设网站中的重要作用。其中,Java语言用的语言用的 最为广泛。因此,写好最为广泛。因此,写好Java语言对软件的开发关语言对软件的开发关 系重大。系重大。 This article presents why OOP in building web page so importance that Java of OOP to be widely introduced in writing codes and further more that softwar
6、e quality heavily influenced by Java when develop software system. .5 本文论述了编程中用面向对象编程语言,特别是本文论述了编程中用面向对象编程语言,特别是 在建设网站中的重要作用。其中,在建设网站中的重要作用。其中,Java语言用的语言用的 最为广泛。因此,写好最为广泛。因此,写好Java语言对软件的开发关语言对软件的开发关 系重大。系重大。 Java, a powerful program language of OOP, enjoys unique advantage of building web site which
7、 leads itself to be widely used. That means, it is very important to write a better codes with Java. .6 本文论述了编程中用面向对象编程语言,特别是本文论述了编程中用面向对象编程语言,特别是 在建设网站中的重要作用。其中,在建设网站中的重要作用。其中,Java语言用的语言用的 最为广泛。因此,写好最为广泛。因此,写好Java语言对软件的开发关语言对软件的开发关 系重大。系重大。 Java is a powerful program language of OOP, especially for
8、 building web site, which leads itself to be widely employed. So, writing a better codes in Java directly inferences the software quality. .7 本文论述了编程中用面向对象编程语言,特别是本文论述了编程中用面向对象编程语言,特别是 在建设网站中的重要作用。其中,在建设网站中的重要作用。其中,Java语言用的语言用的 最为广泛。因此,写好最为广泛。因此,写好Java语言对软件的开发关语言对软件的开发关 系重大。系重大。 This article present
9、s why object-oriented program in building web page so importance that Java of OOP to be widely introduced in write code which led to writing a better Java program is of significant during development of software system. .8 摘要:基于数据库 技术和C/S体系结 构,构建了设备 管理信息系统的 技术方案,详细 讨论了系统的功 能设计、数据安 全以及动态报表 实现等C/S开发 中
10、的具体实现 技术。 关键词: C/S; 设备管理;信息 系统; Abstract: Based on client /server structure and data-base technology, the plant management information system (PMIS) is designed, and its function design, data security, dynamic report technology are described in details. Key words: Client /Server, PMIS, Information s
11、ystem. .9 基于基于C/S结构的设备管理信息系统结构的设备管理信息系统 摘要:基于数据库技术和C/S体系结构,构建了设备管理信 息系统的技术方案,详细讨论了系统的功能设计、数据安 全以及动态报表实现等C/S开发中的具体实现技术。 Client/Server Structure For Plant Equipments Management Information System Abstract: The plant equipments management information system (PEMIS) is based on client /server structure
12、and data-base technology, and its function design, is described in details, which involved in data security and technology for generating dynamic report .10 基于基于C/S结构的设备管理信息系统结构的设备管理信息系统 摘要:基于数据库技术和C/S体系结构,构建了设备管理信 息系统的技术方案,详细讨论了系统的功能设计、数据安 全以及动态报表实现等C/S开发中的具体实现技术。 Management Information System Base
13、d On Client/Server Structure For Plant Equipments Abstract: The plant equipments management information system (PEMIS), based on client /server structure and data-base technology, is presented, and its function design with data security for dynamic report technology are described in details .11 This
14、 paper presents the technical scheme project about equipment management Information (hereinafter refer to as EMIS), which is based on database technology and C/S architecture. In addition to, practical methods Moreover, actual technology Besides, some concrete way critical key leading .12 involved i
15、n building establishing C/S system scheme project to be employed used applied in system function design and data security, and active dynamic report generation are also described presented touched here in detail. .13 In order to fulfill implement achievement the task of function design and data secu
16、rity of system, and active dynamic report generation, some concrete way practical method actual technology involved in building establishing C/S system are also described touched here in detail. .14 基于Portal的统一 身份认证系统研究 与开发 摘要:本文描述了 基于Portal的统一 身份认证系统的实 现方法。整个系统 主要由用户登录和 注销管理、用户在 不同应用系统中的 操作权限管理和各 个
17、应用系统的信息 管理三部分组成。 Based Portal Research and Development of Unified Identity Authentication System Abstract: The article describe process of based Portal research and development of Unified Identity Authentication System. The main part is made up of user login/logout,user information managed, applicat
18、ion system information managed. .15 文章详细介绍了采 用“票证”技术解 决用户对不同应用 系统持续访问的实 现过程和主要数据 结构。经过实际测 试证明本系统有效 地解决了用户重复 登录和多点管理账 号的问题,提高了 用户的工作效率和 应用系统的安全性。 关键字:身份认证; SSO;应用系统注 册;Portal The system solved effectively the problem of user multisite sign- on ,improved system work efficiency and security. Key Word:U
19、nified Identity Authentication; SSO;Application System Register;Portal .16 基于基于Portal的统一身份认证系统研究与开发的统一身份认证系统研究与开发 摘要:本文描述了基于摘要:本文描述了基于Portal的统一身份认证系统的实现的统一身份认证系统的实现 方法。整个系统主要由用户登录和注销管理、用户在不同方法。整个系统主要由用户登录和注销管理、用户在不同 应用系统中的操作权限管理和各个应用系统的信息管理三应用系统中的操作权限管理和各个应用系统的信息管理三 部分组成。部分组成。 UIAS based on portal A
20、bstract: This article presents the concrete way to be applied in Unified Identity Authentication System (hereinafter refer to as UIAS) based on Portal. The system covers three main information management models: administrate to login or logout systems, grant different permission under variety of app
21、lication systems, manage to varied application systems. .17 基于基于Portal的统一身份认证系统研究与开发的统一身份认证系统研究与开发 摘要:本文描述了基于摘要:本文描述了基于Portal的统一身份认证系统的实现的统一身份认证系统的实现 方法。整个系统主要由用户登录和注销管理、用户在不同方法。整个系统主要由用户登录和注销管理、用户在不同 应用系统中的操作权限管理和各个应用系统的信息管理三应用系统中的操作权限管理和各个应用系统的信息管理三 部分组成。部分组成。 Research and achievement about Unifie
22、d Identity Authentication System based on portal Abstract: This article explains the techniques of realizing UIAS based on Portal. The information management system is divided into three sub-systems : Log in or out; Entitle user different right according to varied application environments; Manage to
23、 varied applications. .18 本文描述了基于本文描述了基于Portal的统一身份认证系统的统一身份认证系统 的实现方法。整个系统主要由用户登录和注销管的实现方法。整个系统主要由用户登录和注销管 理、用户在不同应用系统中的操作权限管理和各理、用户在不同应用系统中的操作权限管理和各 个应用系统的信息管理三部分组成。个应用系统的信息管理三部分组成。 This article discussed the practical methods of realizing UIAS based on Portal. The information management system is
24、 divided into three sub-systems : Validate log in or out; Allow user with different right so as to accesses varied application systems ; Administrate to varied of applications. .19 本文描述了基于本文描述了基于Portal的统一身份认证系统的实现方法。的统一身份认证系统的实现方法。 整个系统主要由用户登录和注销管理、用户在不同应用系整个系统主要由用户登录和注销管理、用户在不同应用系 统中的操作权限管理和各个应用系统的
25、信息管理三部分组统中的操作权限管理和各个应用系统的信息管理三部分组 成。成。 This article studied the techniques of realizing UIAS based on Portal. The information management system is divided into three sub-systems : Checkup log in or out, Allow authorized user access to different application systems, Manage to variety of application s
26、ystems. .20 本文描述了基于本文描述了基于Portal的统一身份认证系统的实现方法。的统一身份认证系统的实现方法。 整个系统主要由用户登录和注销管理、用户在不同应用系整个系统主要由用户登录和注销管理、用户在不同应用系 统中的操作权限管理和各个应用系统的信息管理三部分组统中的操作权限管理和各个应用系统的信息管理三部分组 成。成。 The techniques of realizing UIAS based on Portal is given in this paper. Three sub-systems consist of the information management s
27、ystem. Administrate to user log in or out, Provide authorized users varied access to applications, Management to variety of application systems. .21 .22 文章详细介绍了采用文章详细介绍了采用“票证票证”技术解决用户对不技术解决用户对不 同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结 构。构。 The article presents in detail some key data structures in t
28、he system and procedures of implement to persistently access to different application systems with “ticket” techniques. .23 文章详细介绍了采用文章详细介绍了采用“票证票证”技术解决用户对不技术解决用户对不 同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结 构。构。 The courses of realization that user constant access to different application systems by
29、“ticket” technology, which involved some leading data structures, was dedicated in detail in this article. .24 文章详细介绍了采用文章详细介绍了采用“票证票证”技术解决用户对不技术解决用户对不 同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结构同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结构 。 Due to “ticket” technology which involved some important data structures, this article gives in detail
30、the actual process of user continual access to varied application systems. .25 文章详细介绍了采用文章详细介绍了采用“票证票证”技术解决用户对不技术解决用户对不 同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结构同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结构 。 In order to realization the aim of user perpetual access to different application systems, “ticket” technology was introduced in the sy
31、stem and some vital data structures was also discussed in detailed in this paper. .26 文章详细介绍了采用文章详细介绍了采用“票证票证”技术解决用户对不技术解决用户对不 同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结构同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结构 。 In order to find effective steps of implement incessantly accessing to different application systems, this article furnished in
32、detail the “ticket” technology to be used in the system and described some major data structures. .27 文章详细介绍了采用文章详细介绍了采用“票证票证”技术解决用户对不技术解决用户对不 同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结构同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结构 。 This article devoted in detail the techniques of implement about user constant accessing to different applicatio
33、n systems based on “ticket” technology, which involved some main data structures. .28 文章详细介绍了采用文章详细介绍了采用“票证票证”技术解决用户对不技术解决用户对不 同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结构同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结构 。 The article explains in detail the “ticket” technology, which was used in the process of user constant access to different appli
34、cation system, and some key data structures also presents in the system. .29 文章详细介绍了采用文章详细介绍了采用“票证票证”技术解决用户对不技术解决用户对不 同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结构同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结构 。 Making use of the “ticket” technology, user can constant access to different application systems. The article explains in detail the proc
35、ess of realization and some key data structures involved in the system. .30 文章详细介绍了采用文章详细介绍了采用“票证票证”技术解决用户对不技术解决用户对不 同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结构同应用系统持续访问的实现过程和主要数据结构 。 By “ticket” technological means, which was applied in the process of user constant arbitrary access to different application system, the a
36、rticle studied in detail the procedures of implement and some key data structures in the system. .31 .32 经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户 重复登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的重复登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的 工作效率和应用系统的安全性。工作效率和应用系统的安全性。 UIAS (Unified Identity Authentication System ) has effectively solved the issues bot
37、h user repeat log in and manage to accounts on multi-sites by strictly testing. UIAS can greatly push user productivity and guard the security of application systems. .33 经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户 重复登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的重复登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的 工作效率和应用系统的安全性。工作效率和应用系统的安全性。 As can be seen fro
38、m strictly testing to UIAS, the problems of user repeat log in and administrate to accounts of multi-sites have been successfully solved, the birth of UIAS has greatly enhanced the user productivity and security of application system .34 经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户 重复登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的重复
39、登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的 工作效率和应用系统的安全性。工作效率和应用系统的安全性。 By the facts and data of strictly testing to UIAS, the problems of user repeat log in and handle to accounts on multi-sites have been successfully solved and that it will produce some substantial benefits and enhance the user productivity and security
40、 of application system. .35 经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户 重复登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的重复登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的 工作效率和应用系统的安全性。工作效率和应用系统的安全性。 The issues of user repeat log in and govern to accounts on multi-sites have been successfully solved by strictly tested in practice, and equally the user product
41、ivity and security of application system can be considerable improved by UIAS. .36 经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户重复经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户重复 登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的工作登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的工作 效率和应用系统的安全性。效率和应用系统的安全性。 The workers performance and safety of application system great improving together with successful completi
42、on of UIAS by strictly tested depends entirely on the problems to be solved that user repeat log in and manage to accounts on multi-sites. .37 经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户 重复登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的重复登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的 工作效率和应用系统的安全性。工作效率和应用系统的安全性。 The workers productivity and security of appli
43、cation system great improving are bound to successful completion of UIAS by strictly tested depends entirely on the issues of user repeat login and manage to accounts on multi-sites have been perfectly solved. .38 经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户重复经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户重复 登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的工作登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的工作
44、效率和应用系统的安全性。效率和应用系统的安全性。 The issue of user repeat log in and manage to accounts on multi-sites have been solved and meanwhile, the UIAS system has been strictly tested so as to promote the workers productivity and security of application system. .39 经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户重复经过实际测试证明本系统有效地解决了用户重复 登录和多点管理
45、账号的问题,提高了用户的工作登录和多点管理账号的问题,提高了用户的工作 效率和应用系统的安全性。效率和应用系统的安全性。 The issue of user repeat log in and manage to accounts on multi-sites have been solved and as a result, the workers productivity and safety and security of application system are improved. .40 .41 刍议科技论文摘 要的写作 摘要:对科技论 文摘要的重要性 进行了简要地评 述。对科技
46、论文 中英文摘要写作 存在的若干问题 进行了分析和探 讨,并提出了一 些解决措施。 关键词:论文; 摘要;科技英语 Study on Abstract-writing for Science and Technology Paper Abstract:The paper emphasizes The importance of writing a good abstract for science and technology paper. Several problems related to the abstract- writing are presented and some solu
47、tions are given. Key words:paper, abstract, science and technology English .42 对科技论文摘要的重要性进行了简要地评述。对科技论文摘要的重要性进行了简要地评述。 The paper emphasizes the importance of writing a good abstract for science and technology paper. This paper focus on the topic of how to write a good abstract for science and techn
48、ology paper. The paper concentrates on the skill about write a good abstract for science and technology paper. This paper briefly describes the philosophy about how to draw a good abstract for science and technology paper. .43 对科技论文中英文摘要写作存在的若干问题进行了分析和探讨,对科技论文中英文摘要写作存在的若干问题进行了分析和探讨, Several problems
49、 related to the abstract - writing are presented and some solutions are given. Issues involved emerged existed appeared in the abstract - writing .44 对科技论文中英文摘要写作存在的若干问题进行了分析和探讨,对科技论文中英文摘要写作存在的若干问题进行了分析和探讨, are presented and some methods skills opinions best way solution plan are stated respectively
50、 given corresponding as advice suggestions. .45 并提出了一些解决措施。并提出了一些解决措施。 Some advices suggestions opinions solution plan are given corresponding. stated put forward respectively. .46 本文论述计 算机编程理 论中的面向 对象编程问 题。它从基 本原理着手, 给读者提供 这门学科的 最新信息, 使读者扩大 关于编程问 题所急需的 知识面。 Abstract: This article presents an accoun
51、t of object-oriented program issues in the program theory of computer. It starts from fundamentals and aims to provide the reader with information on recent developments in this subject that he will need to widen his horizon of program problems. .47 horizon 地平线地平线, (知识知识,思想等的思想等的)范围范围,视野视野 the horiz
52、on of knowledge 知识范围知识范围 Science gives us a new horizon. 科学使我们大开新的眼界。科学使我们大开新的眼界。 planning horizon 规划周期规划周期, 规划远景规划远景 .48 本文论述计算机编程理论中的面向对象编程问问题。本文论述计算机编程理论中的面向对象编程问问题。 This article presents an account of the object-oriented program issue concentrates on the topic of object-oriented program analysis
53、 and evaluation the issue of object-oriented program focus on the theme of object-oriented program studies the subject of object-oriented program gives a clear narrative of the presents the author personal views about presented the author personal independent view rather than standard view about pro
54、ceed from the out side to the inside with .49 本文论述计算机编程理论中的面向对象编程问问题。本文论述计算机编程理论中的面向对象编程问问题。 in the program theory of computer. It starts from fundamentals and basic principals elements aims to provide intends contribute to purposeoffer intentiongive .50 它从基本原理着手,给读者提供这门学科的最新信息,使它从基本原理着手,给读者提供这门学科的最
55、新信息,使 读者扩大关于编程问题所急需的知识面。读者扩大关于编程问题所急需的知识面。 the reader with the late information on recent developments in this subject that the readers will need to widen broaden enlarge expand his horizon of program problems. ability of writing code. techniqueof writing code. skillof writing program. .51 摘 要 随着多媒体
56、技术的飞速发展,多媒体技术在各方面的应用 日益地广泛深入,交互式多媒体教学亦是其中很重要的一 个分支。 Abstract With the rapidly development of technology of multimedia, the application of the multimedia is getting more and more widely and deeply in a great deal of aspects. The teaching of alternate multimedia is also a quite important branch of it.
57、 .52 在声音、图像和交互效果上,传统的黑板教学方式已经 远不能满足学生们学习的需要,所以需要更多的声音、 图像、动画等多媒体技术来加强教学效果。于是我制作 了这个计算机英语的课件,运用声音、图像和动画等多 媒体技术来实现交互式多媒体教学。 The conventional teaching mode that only by a piece of blackboard have already cant catch up with the students demand, especially in sound, image and the effect of alternation. S
58、o we need more technology of multimedia to strengthen the effect of teaching, such as sound, image, animation etc. so I employed the courseware of English for computer science, my aim is to make the teaching of alternate multimedia into realization by many technology of multimedia, including sound,
59、image, animation etc. .53 这个课件以高等教育出版社出版的专门用途英语系列教材这个课件以高等教育出版社出版的专门用途英语系列教材 计计 算机英语为蓝本,算机英语为蓝本, This courseware is base on the teaching material serials of special use , which is published by higher education publishing company. .54 实现的主要功能有:在阅读部分中对全文的浏实现的主要功能有:在阅读部分中对全文的浏 览,对全文的课文跟读、全文的参考译文、对重要词汇的
60、注解以及览,对全文的课文跟读、全文的参考译文、对重要词汇的注解以及 加深课文理解的巩固练习题;在写作部分有针对某个专题的仿真写加深课文理解的巩固练习题;在写作部分有针对某个专题的仿真写 作;在听力与口语部分能实现对阅读材料的通篇朗读以及暂停、续作;在听力与口语部分能实现对阅读材料的通篇朗读以及暂停、续 播等功能。同时也力求界面的美观和亲切,加入一些过场和动画效播等功能。同时也力求界面的美观和亲切,加入一些过场和动画效 果以润色。果以润色。 The main function include: skimming over the whole article in the part of read
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