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1、提升托福阅读能力的10本英文原版书 托福考试中,积累一些背景材料和托福词汇对于托福阅读、托福写作、托福听力都是有所裨益的,尤其是托福阅读的提高一定是最有帮助的,下面就和大家分享提升托福阅读能力的10本英文原版书,来欣赏一下吧。提升托福阅读能力的10本英文原版书1、debt-free u无债一身轻作者:zac bissonnette关键词:金钱、债务推荐语:美国年轻人从18岁之后就赚钱养活自己了。所以如何减少对父母的金钱依赖,是美国年轻人最为重视的问题之一。这本书同样也适用于中国的年轻人,尤其是刚开始工作的小伙伴。如何合理安排自己的财务,有效地减少对家里的依赖。英大决定要去看!无债一身轻会告诉你

2、如何避免债务即使你的家庭没有负担。debt-free u will show you how you can go to college and avoid debt - even if your family isnt loaded.2、10 steps to earning awesome grades十步轻松拿到好成绩作者:thomas frank关键词:大学生活、成绩推荐语:大学中,不仅仅会烦恼如何考出好成绩,还有如何摆脱拖延症!这本书中,有一些很实用的内容,包括如何高效学习、战胜拖延、有序地生活等等。每个方面的内容对大学生都很有借鉴意义,推荐给学生党。另外,我们还能了解到国外大学的生

3、活是什么样的。更重要的是,这本书是完全免费的!这本100多页的书,涵盖了10个不同的主题,这些主题都可以影响到你的成绩。除了上面已经提到的话题之外,你还能学到如何有效地阅读课本,记笔记,写好论文,消除干扰。this is a 100+ page book covering 10 different topics that factor into your grades. in addition to the topics i already mentioned, youll learn how to read textbooks effectively, take better notes,

4、write great papers, eliminate distractions.3、the power of habit习惯的力量作者:charles duhigg关键词:习惯的影响推荐语:这本书讲述了习惯对人的影响。老外用3个单词形容这本书sharp(犀利)、provocative(批判)和useful(实用)。我们很少注意自己行为习惯对生活的影响。然而,习惯塑造行为的力量比我们意识到的要多得多。不要觉得这本书很枯燥,但它确实很有用。不仅是对学业,更是对我们的工作,有大帮助。推荐给每个人。很大程度上,我们的习惯决定了生活中取得的进步(无论是好是坏)。幸运的是,习惯形成的方式是可以被我们

5、知晓的,这意味着习惯可以被改变。而习惯的力量是我读过的有关习惯形成机制的最佳概述。the habits we do have largely determine the progress (either good or bad) we make in life. luckily, the way habits are formed can be understood - which means they can be changed.4、deep work 深度工作作者:cal newport关键词:工作、职场推荐语:这本书推荐给上班族。上班族每天都有很多事儿,如何合理安排工作时间、有效处理各

6、种琐碎的事儿等等问题,都在这本书中有答案。深度工作是关于与工作话题最好、最有效的书,它有助于抵制分心和集中注意力的诱惑。deep work is by far the best and most effective book ive read on this topic, and its helped me to become much better at resisting the temptation of distractions and remaining concentrated.5、a mind for numbers数字之道作者:barbara oakley关键词:学习方法推荐语

7、:不要被书名忽悠了,这个学习方法不只适用于数学。作者芭芭拉奥克利博士的学习方法适用于任何学科。这个方法主要用于提高学习新东西的效率。针对不同内容,也有很多学习方法。大家可以自由选择哦。这本书将让我们了解大脑是如何学习和编码新信息的,同时也提供更多学习策略。this book will quickly give you an understanding of how your brain learns and encodes new information, and will also equip you with strategies for learning more while study

8、ing less.6、spark: the revolutionary new science of exercise and the brain运动与大脑的革命性新科学作者:john j. ratey关键词:运动、睡眠、营养推荐语:营养、运动和睡眠这3方面对我们的学习、工作有很大的影响。有时候,甚至比学习方法的影响更大。这本书让我们了解运动是如何影响大脑的。反过来,又会带来更多精神上的帮助防止为自己的懒惰或“忙碌”找借口。reading it will educate you on how exercise affects your brain, which in turn will giv

9、e you more mental ammunition that you can use to shoot down excuses when youre feeling lazy or busy, and dont want to work out.7、confessions of a recruiting director: the insiders guide to landing your first job招聘主管的自白:你第一份工作的内部指南作者:brad karsh关键词:职场指南推荐语:这本书很适合找实习、找工作、或初入职场的小伙伴。作者在书中介绍了求职过程中会遇到的问题,以

10、及如何有效地获得毕业后的的一份工作。书中还有很多干货内容如何写一个出色的简历、求职信等等,还有很多案例模板。另外,还介绍了各种面试技巧如何给面试者留下深刻印象,如何正确地跟进面试等等。no book has helped me more when it has come to getting jobs and internships than this one. in it, author brad karsh demystifies the job-hunting process and shows you how to most effectively scout out and land

11、 that crucial first job out of college.8、so good they cant ignore you优秀到无法被忽视作者:cal newport关键词:职业资本、能力推荐语:找工作时,前辈、老师们都会说自己想做什么就找什么。但大部分情况下,“自己想做的”并不能让你找到“理想的”工作。很多人也不知道自己真正想做什么。在这本书中,作者自创了一种“工匠心态”,反驳了“自己想做”的说法。“工匠心态”是说要术业有专攻,让你现有的技能变得更专业。这不仅会帮助你建立老板们看重的职业资本,而且还会为你的工作中带来真正的乐趣。cal newport counters thi

12、s passion hypothesis with what he calls the craftsman mindset, which focuses on getting really good at something. not only will this help you build the career capital youll need to get hired, but itll also often lead to true enjoyment in your work.9、confessions of a public speaker一位演说家的自白作者:scott be

13、rkun关键词:演讲技巧推荐语:很多企业都把表达能力列为大学毕业生应具备能力排名的第一位。而公开演讲,是其中的一个重要组成部分。本书研究了很多和演讲相关的话题,比如提升自信,以及使用某些工具来助你一臂之力。推荐给想要提高演讲能力的小伙伴。berkun goes over lots of related topics, like gaining confidence as well as using certain tools to help you out (like confidence monitors).10、brain rules大脑规则作者:john medina关键词:自我管理推荐

14、语:如果你知道大脑是如何运作的,能更好地管理自己的大脑。这本书中,作者熟练地展示了大脑是如何工作的。他列出了12条规则,这些规则是高效使用大脑的基础。这不仅是一本关于大脑的优秀读物,也是一本优秀的商业书籍,还能助大学生的校园生活如鱼得水。in brain rules, john medina expertly shows us how the brain does things, and lays out 12 rules that form a basis for using that pile of mush more effectively.托福阅读素材之怎么打击城市犯罪can a tr

15、ee help prevent crime? it just might. two new studies, led by us forest service researchers, took a closer look at urban green space in philadelphia, baltimore and youngstown, ohio. in each of these cities, adding green space to crime-ridden areas helped reduce crime rates, the researchers found.种树可

16、以预防犯罪吗?有可能哦。美国林务局研究员做的两项最新研究仔细调查了费城、巴尔的摩和俄亥俄州扬斯敦的市区绿化情况。研究人员发现,在这三个城市中,在治安糟糕的区域增加绿化面积可以有效减少犯罪率。in 2000, philadelphia launched a program to plant vegetation along roadways to help soak up rainwater. researchers looked at 52 of these vegetation plots and compared them with control plots that didnt rec

17、eive the greenery upgrade. after tracking 14 types of crime in nearby areas, researchers found that narcotics possession in those areas decreased by 18 to 27 percent, even as the rate for the rest of the city rose by 65 percent.2000年,费城启动了一个项目,在道路两旁种植绿化带吸收雨水。研究者们观察了52处绿化点,与没有进行绿化改造的对照区进行对比。在追踪了附近14种

18、犯罪手段之后,研究者发现,这些区域的毒品持有量下降到27%,下降了18个百分点,尽管这一数字在城市的其它地区还上涨了65个百分点。michelle kondo, a social scientist and lead researcher with the forest service, speculated the increased presence of city trucks and vans in the landscaped areas for planting and maintenance was enough to deter illicit activity.林务局首席研究

19、员、社会学家米歇尔?近藤推测,在这些区域负责绿化和养护的市政车辆增加,有效阻止了违法活动。a similar effect was noted in youngstown, ohio a depressed midwestern town known for its high rates of crime and unemployment. from 20xx to 20xx, city officials embarked on a project to reclaim some of the citys empty lots and derelict buildings by conver

20、ting them into green space. in 20xx, they added another initiative that gave local communities funding to plant green space in vacant lots in whatever method they chose lawns, community gardens, playgrounds and more.在俄亥俄州的扬斯敦也发现了类似的情况。这是一座经济萧条的中西部城市,以高犯罪率和失业率闻名。从20xx年到20xx年,政府开启了一项回收城市空地和无主建筑的计划,把这些

21、区域改造成绿地。20xx年,他们又启动了一项绿地基金计划,鼓励当地民众以各种形式绿化空地无论是草坪、社区花园、运动场还是其它。when kondo and her team compared crime around these vegetation plots with undeveloped plots in nearby areas, they found the areas around new green spaces had lower crime rates than elsewhere in the city. interestingly, the crime reductio

22、n was different depending upon the type of green space that was developed. for example, lots that were planted with grass and maintained by contractors saw a reduction in property crimes such as theft and burglary, whereas community-maintained plots saw a sharp reduction in violent crime. this sugge

23、sts that different types of green space could be developed to deter certain types of crime.近藤和她的团队对比了这些绿化区域和附近未绿化区域的犯罪情况,发现新绿化区域的犯罪率比城市其它地区的犯罪率低。有趣的是,开发的绿地类型不同,所减少的犯罪类型也不同。比如,种植了草坪并由承包商维护的绿地,周围盗窃和入室行窃之类的财产犯罪就减少了,而由社区维护的绿地附近,暴力犯罪大幅下降。这就表明可以通过开发不同类型的绿地来阻止特定类型的犯罪活动。kondos study collaborates another for

24、est service study conducted by researcher morgan grove on the link between lawn care and crime in downtown baltimore. groves study looked at the level of lawn maintenance in 1,000 residential yards throughout baltimore county. his team looked at everything from tree cover to litter to the presence o

25、f garden hoses. not surprisingly, grove found that well-maintained lawns were linked to lower crime rates than lawns that were given less care.与近藤的研究相合作的林务局另外一项研究中,研究员摩根?格鲁夫研究了巴尔的摩市中心犯罪率与草坪维护情况之间的关联。他调查了整个巴尔的摩郡1000户人家院子的草坪维护情况。他的团队查看了所有细节,包括林木植被、垃圾和花园的浇水管。果然,格鲁夫发现,维护良好的草坪周围的犯罪率比维护欠佳的草坪周围的犯罪率要低。its t

26、empting to use income as the connection. after all, if you have the time and money to water your lawn, you probably live in a neighborhood that sees less crime. but grove argued that the greenery itself helped to deter crime, by announcing to would-be criminals that there are eyes on the street that

27、 care for their neighborhood and would be more likely to report a crime.当然你很容易把这个与收入联系起来。毕竟,如果你有时间和金钱为草坪浇水,那么你很有可能住在较为安全的社区。但是格鲁夫认为,是绿化本身减少了犯罪,绿地是一种宣示,警告潜在的罪犯“街上有眼睛”照看着社区,并且发生了犯罪会更有可能上报。the takeaway from these two studies is that urban green space may help to deter crime and could be a useful tool i

28、n city-wide crime prevention policies. we already know greenery is beautiful to look at and can help improve mood and health while reducing pollution. now we can add crime-fighting to the list of vegetations many benefits.这两项研究的重要发现是,城市绿地有助于阻止犯罪,可以作为整个城市预防犯罪政策的有力工具。我们已经知道,绿色植物既养眼,又有助于改善情绪、提升健康状况、减少污

29、染。现在我们又可以给植物的种种好处再加上一条“打击犯罪”。托福阅读真题原题+题目throughout the nineteenth century and into the twentieth, citizens of the united states maintained a bias against big cities. most lived on farms and in small towns and believed cities to be centers of corruption, crime, poverty, and moral degradation. their d

30、istrust was caused, in part, by a national ideology that proclaimed farming the greatest occupation and rural living superior to urban living. this attitude prevailed even as the number of urban dwellers increased and cities became an essential feature of the national landscape. gradually, economic

31、reality overcame ideology. thousands abandoned the precarious life on the farm for more secure and better paying jobs in the city. but when these people migrated from the countryside, they carried their fears and suspicious with them. these new urbanities, already convinced that cities were overwhel

32、med with great problems, eagerly embraced the progressive reforms that promised to bring order out of the chaos of the city.one of many reforms came in the area of public utilities. water and sewerage systems were usually operated by municipal governments, but the gas and electric networks were priv

33、ately owned. reformers feared that the privately owned utility companies would charge exorbitant rates for these essential services and deliver them only to people who could afford them. some city and state governments responded by regulating the utility companies, but a number of cities began to su

34、pply these services themselves. proponents of these reforms argued that public ownership and regulation would insure widespread access to these utilities and guarantee a fair price.while some reforms focused on government and public behavior, others looked at the cities as a whole. civic leaders, co

35、nvinced that physical environment influenced human behavior, argued that cities should develop master plans to guide their future growth and development. city planning was nothing new, but the rapid industrialization and urban growth of the late nineteenth century took place without any consideratio

36、n for order. urban renewal in the twentieth century followed several courses. some cities introduced plans to completely rebuild the city core. most other cities contented themselves with zoning plans for regulating future growth. certain parts of town were restricted to residential use, while other

37、s were set aside for industrial or commercial development.1. what does the passage mainly discuss?(a) a comparison of urban and rural life in the early twentieth century(b) the role of government in twentieth century urban renewal(c) efforts to improve urban life in the early twentieth century(d) me

38、thods of controlling urban growth in the twentieth century2. the word bias in line 2 is closest in meaning to(a) diagonal(b) slope(c) distortion(d) prejudice3. the first paragraph suggests that most people who lived in rural areas(a) were suspicious of their neighbors(b) were very proud of their lif

39、estyle(c) believed city government had too much power(d) wanted to move to the cities4. in the early twentieth century, many rural dwellers migrated to the city in order to(a) participate in the urban reform movement(b) seek financial security(c) comply with a government ordinance(d) avoid crime and corruption5. the word embraced in line 11 is closest in meaning to(a) suggested(b) o


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