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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学六级模拟971大学六级模拟971Part Writing问题:1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the remark Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Write you

2、r essay on Answer Sheet 1.答案:参考范文 Education Is the Cure for Ignorance What can education be defined? A very interesting answer goes like this, Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. It means, from my point of view, the more we have learned, the more we will find we need to learn.

3、 One of the reasons for education is that we are eager to get rid of ignorance. Frankly speaking, this goal can hardly be fully achieved. For one thing, the massive amounts of information in the constantly developing world makes it impossible for anyone to acquire it all. For another, our limited ti

4、me and energy usually confine us to only a tiny part of the knowledge world, with the rest untouched. Chances are that education helps us realize the situation more clearly. However, realizing our ignorance, rather than a discouragement, is a real stimulus for us to keep learning. The newly acquired

5、 knowledge will frequently expose us to some unfamiliar but intriguing domains. The continuous acquisition of such new knowledge clearly manifests the value of education. Since ignorance, in a sense, seems to be the result and drive of education at the same time, it is reasonable to keep receiving e

6、ducation in all our life. In other words, a lifelong education is the very cure for our ignorance.解析 这是一篇典型的议论文作文。题中的两个主体是education(教育)和ignorance(无知),题目要求的是评论题目中提到的那句话,因此该篇写作可以从两方面辩证地分析问题。文章谋篇布局如下: 第一段:提出自己的观点,教育是消除无知的良策。 第二段:指出摆脱无知这个目标难以实现的原因。 第三段:说明教育和无知的价值。 第四段:总结升华观点,无知是教育的结果,同时又是教育的推动力,教育是摆脱无知的

7、良策。 Part Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from

8、 the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Selling software.B.Repairing computers.C.Selling computers.D.Developing sof

9、tware.答案:A听力原文 M: Hello, Ms Smith. I assume you are here about the job opening. Did you bring your resume? W: Yes, sir. I did bring it and I can leave a copy with you. You will see that I have a lot of on-the-job experience selling software. I have over ten years of experience in this field and I th

10、ink you will like what my references have to say about me. M: Well, you sure seem to have a lot of confidence. I like that in a prospective employee. Why did you leave your last job? W: I decided to leave the last company I worked for because there was no room for growth. Last year I was passed over

11、 for a promotion to sales manager. The bosss son-in-law got the job. Everyone knew I was the better fit for the job. M: The position we are looking to fill is a sales position similar to the one you just left. Do you feel you are overqualified for this job? W: No sir. I did my research and your comp

12、any is larger than my previous employer. Your annual sales are three times that of my old company. M: Yes. We have increased business significantly in the last three years. And, how did you hear about the position? W: I went to a career fair last week in the civic center downtown. A little networkin

13、g is always a good idea. I met one of your employees from HR there. Thats where I got the lead on this job. M: I think you would be a huge asset to this company. Id like to offer you the position. What do you think? W: Thats great, sir. I will accept. Ill be setting sales records in this company in

14、my first year! What is the woman experienced in? 解析 女士一开始就说到她在软件销售方面很有经验,故A正确。 对话中并没有谈及B“修理电脑”,C“电脑销售”、D“开发软件”这些信息,故排除这三项。 2.A.She is arrogant.B.She is inexperienced.C.She is confident.D.She is offensive.答案:C听力原文 What do we learn about Ms Smith on her interview? 解析 四个选项都是形容女士的某个特征。在听录音时要特别留意对话双方的语气。

15、从女士的介绍话语I think you will like.about me以及男土在听完女士的自我介绍后的评价“你看起来十分自信”可知,女士在面试中很有自信,故选C。 A中的arrogant意为“傲慢的”,如果单从女士的自我介绍看,难以确定她是否达到“傲慢”的程度,但结合男士之后给出的正面评价(have a lot of confidence),即可排除A。B中的inexperienced“缺乏经验”与女士所述内容相反。D中的offensive“攻击的”缺乏对话依据。 3.A.She was replaced by another employee.B.She was fired by he

16、r last boss.C.She couldnt find her room for improvement.D.She couldnt make any progress in her job.答案:C听力原文 For what reason did Ms Smith leave her last job? 解析 男士问女士为何离开上一份工作,女士说上一家公司用人为亲,剥夺了她本来应得的晋升机会,觉得那里已经没有发展的空间。C“我找不到提升的空间”与女士的表述一致,故为答案。 女士只是说她想得到的职位被老板的亲属夺走了,并不代表她被取代,故A不选。女士没有提到自己被老板解雇,也没有说自己在

17、工作上无作为,排除B和D。 4.A.She met the HR manager of her last company.B.She got a job from last weeks career fair.C.It was an Internet career fair.D.It was held in the civic center downtown.答案:D听力原文 What does Ms Smith say about the career fair? 解析 男士问女士是如何知道这个职位的。女士列说:“我去了市中心的招聘会,在那遇到了贵公司人力资源部门的同事。”四个选项中只有D的

18、表述与对话内容相符,招聘会的地点在市中心。 A错在HR manager和her last company,女士遇到的是目前所面试的公司的人力资源部门的职员。女士并没有在招聘会上获得职位,否则就不会参加这次的面试了。排除B。C只是利用networking干扰,networking在此处表示“人际关系网络”,女士参加的招聘会并非网络招聘。 Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 5.A.Its being outdoors.B.She needs to deal

19、 with different people.C.Its sometimes dangerous to drive at night.D.She has to work when the weather is bad.答案:C听力原文 M: Hello, Nancy. I know you are one of the women taxi drivers in the city now. What does it take to become a good taxi driver do you think? W: Eh, besides driving well, the most impo

20、rtant thing a taxi driver needs to know is the streets, and I knew the city well because I had lived in it for a long time. M: Now, what about annual leaves? Do you have them? W: Oh, yes. When I first started, I had only ten days. Now, I have three weeks every year, with pay. M: Are there any unplea

21、sant aspects in your job? W: The only serious difficulty in this work is that its sometimes dangerous to drive at night. But you have a choice, and I always choose to work days rather than nights. M: Then what is the best part of your job? W: I soon found that what I liked best about this job was be

22、ing outdoors, seeing how the city changes from season to season. And there are places Ive seen that I probably never would have seen in another job, and I love all kinds of weather. M: Being a taxi driver, you have to meet all kinds of people. How do you feel about that? W: I enjoy meeting many diff

23、erent people. I might not have met some if not for this job and Ive learned a lot about how people behave in these years. M: Now, my last question. Have you ever thought of changing your job? W: Not yet. I might, in a few years time. But not at this moment, because I really enjoy my work, and I do g

24、et a lot of satisfaction out of it. So, why should I? What is regarded as an unpleasant part of Nancys job? 解析 陈述句选项,从选项内容可以推测这是细节题,问对话中女士的情况。男士问:“工作中有什么不愉快的方面吗?”女士回答:“唯一的困难就是有时候要在晚上开车,这很危险。”所以答案是C。 听到男士提问时的unpleasant一词,即应仔细辨识女士的回答中与相关选项一致的内容。“听到什么选什么”,其他三项都是女士喜欢的事情。 6.A.Meeting interesting people i

25、n the city.B.Being able to enjoy being outdoors.C.Driving in unsettled weather.D.Taking long drives outside the city.答案:B听力原文 What does Nancy like best about her job? 解析 女士说,最喜欢的是在户外,可以看到城市在不同季节的变化,还可以看到其他工作环魔看不到的各个地方的景观;她喜欢各种各样的天气,故B为正确答案。 对话中男士问到best part,是语义It所在,是听音关键。虽然女士也提到她喜欢见列各种各样的人,但这不是她对这份工

26、作最满意的地方,故排除A。C、D是利用原文个别词制造的干扰项。 7.A.Rather difficult to please.B.Rude to women drivers.C.Talkative and generous with tips.D.Different in personality.答案:D听力原文 What kind of people does Nancy meet? 解析 形容词选项,多用来修饰人的性格,推测本题问什么样的人。对话中女士说喜欢见到各种各样的人,要不是这份工作她才不会见到某些类型的人,由此可知D正确。 A“很难取悦的人”、B“对女司机粗鲁无礼的人”和C“健谈且

27、给小费很大方的人”在录音中都找不到依据。 8.A.She complains a lot.B.She plans to quit her job.C.She is often criticized by her customers.D.She is very familiar with the city.答案:D听力原文 What do we learn about Nancy from the conversation? 解析 选项都是对女士的描述,估计本题问女士怎么样。对话最核心的内容是讨论女士作为出租车司机的感受,而且Nancy说她对所在城市很了解,D正确。 女士说她热爱自己的工作,目前

28、不会换工作,可以轻松排除B。女士没有抱怨,A不对。C缺乏对话依据。 Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four

29、 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Immediately.B.The following week.C.In two weeks.D.At the end of the semester.答案:B听力原文 Im

30、 sure you realize that your research papers are due in six weeks. Ive looked at your proposed topics and made comments about them. The most frequent problem was proposing too broad a topicremember, this is only a fifteen-page paper. As I return your topic papers, Id like to look over the schedule wh

31、ich sketches out what well do during the next two weeks. Today is Monday; by Friday, I want your preliminary outlines. Please be sure to incorporate the suggestions Ive made on your topics in your outlines. Next week Ill have a conference with each of you. Ive posted a schedule on my office doorsign

32、 your name to indicate the time youre available for an appointment. In the conference, well discuss your preliminary outline. Then you can make the necessary revisions and hand in your final outline, which is due two weeks from today. Use the outline style in your textbook and remember it should be

33、no more than two pages long. Be sure to begin with a thesis statementthat is, with a precise statement of the point you intend to proveand include a conclusion. Have you got all that? Your two-page preliminary outlines are due at the end of this week and the final outlines are due after your confere

34、nces. Follow the textbook style and include a thesis statement and a conclusion. When will conferences be held? 解析 这是一道细节题,说话者说会在下周与每个人谈话,可见正确答案是B。 浏览选项可预测本题考查事件发生的时间,需要边听边与选项进行信息匹配,然后根据问题作答。 2.A.With a thesis statement.B.With a list of references.C.With a summary of the conference.D.With a conclusi

35、on of the paper.答案:A听力原文 According to the speaker, how should the outline begin? 解析 这也是一道细节题,说话者明确要求提纲的开头必须是论文主题,因此选A。 本题选项D很具有迷惑性,当考生听到that is,with a precise statement of the point you intend to proveand include a conclusion时,可能会误选D。这句话的意思是“主题包含结论”,而不是提纲以结论开头。 3.A.Finish a textbook assignment.B.Rev

36、iew for the final examination.C.Choose proper research topics.D.Prepare an outline for a paper.答案:D听力原文 What does the speaker mainly instruct the students to do? 解析 这段话虽然一开始就在谈论论文的选题问题,但接下来所谈的全部都是论文的提纲问题,因此正确答案是D。 A“完成课本作业”和B“期末考试复习”与短文内容无关。虽然短文开头提到了proposed topics,但短文通篇谈论的还是如何准备论文提纲。作为主旨题,要找准论文主要表达

37、的方面,因此排除C。 Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4.A.Less than 68%.B.About 58%.C.Over 70%.D.Around 45%.答案:C听力原文 Current studies show that what goes on labels is an important consideration for manufacturers, since more than seventy percent of shoppers r

38、ead food labels when considering whether to buy a product. A recent controversy as to whether labels on prepared foods should educate or merely inform the consumer is over, and a consumer group got its way. The group had maintained that product labels should do more than simply list how many grams o

39、f nutrients a food contains. Their contention was that labels should also list the percentage of a days total nutrients that the product will supply to the consumer, because this information is essential in planning a healthy diet. A government agency disagreed strongly, favoring label that merely i

40、nforms the consumer, in other words, a label that only lists the contents of the product. The agency maintained that consumers could decide for themselves if the food is nutritious and is meeting their daily needs. The consumer group, in supporting its case, had cited a survey in which shoppers were

41、 shown a food label, and were then asked if they would need more or less of a certain nutrient after eating a serving of this product. The shoppers were not able to answer the questions easily when they were not given a specific percentage. This study, and others helped get the new regulation passed

42、, and now food products must have the more detailed labels. According to the speaker, how many percent of customers read food labels before making a purchase? 解析 短文从一开头就提到,食品生产商很关注食品标签上的内容,因为有超过于70%的消费者购买食品前会读食品上的标签。 本题为数字题。预读选项文中出现的数字,再进行信息匹配。 5.A.Whether it is necessary to put labels on prepared f

43、oods.B.What ingredient should a nutrition label list.C.How to get consumers to read labels more carefully.D.What food information should be provided to consumers.答案:D听力原文 What was the controversy about? 解析 短文谈到controversy时说到,最近一场关于食品标签应该给顾客提供详细还是简要信息的争论已经结束,可见D为正确选项。 预读选项可推知文章内容与食品标签、食品信息有关。此题也可以根据反

44、复出现的list,contents,detailed labels等关键词做出判断。其他三个选项都是根据个别词语胡乱拼凑的选项。 6.A.Doubtful.B.Supportive.C.Opposing.D.Neutral.答案:C听力原文 Whats the government agencys attitude towards more detailed labeling? 解析 短文提到,政府机构坚决反对标签提供更多的信息,C的opposing(K对)与短文的disagreed strongly一致,故正确。 从选项内容来看,这是观点态度,听录音时要抓住表示态度立场的词句。题录音中提到g

45、overnment agency时很明确地使用了disagreed strongly的字眼,不难判断出政府机构的态度。 7.A.More detailed labeling.B.Simple Labeling.C.Precise labeling.D.Basic labeling.答案:A听力原文 What kind of food labels are provided to the customers now? 解析 文章最后提到,如今食品标签必须向消费者提供更为详细的信息,答案为A。 预读选项可知木月与食品标签内容的详细与简单有关。本题符合“短文结尾处常出题”的命题。只要抓听到detai

46、led便可选出正确答案。 Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the co

47、rresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.He did not pass A level.B.He was hurt in a road accident.C.He was lost in his vacation abroad.D.He kept hitting himself on the head.

48、答案:B听力原文 A couple of weeks ago my nephew went abroad on his post A level 6th year holiday with his friends. A few days later, my sister got a call to say that he had been hurt in a road accident and was in hospital having suffered a head injury. She flew over straightaway, but thankfully after a few

49、 days, the doctors discharged him satisfied that he was fine. Today hell get his A level results, his heart set on studying maths and computing and his immediate destiny tied to the letters abc. He, like thousands of other school leavers, will soon find out where he will spend his next three or four

50、 years. When I phoned my sister to wish him luck, she said she was still shaken by the whole experience, the results dont matter that much now; what happened puts everything into perspective. Yet for my nephew who has all the confidence and zeal of youth, his results could mean everything. Exam resu

51、lts can mean new beginnings, new ambitions, indeed a new life. Today, many young people will be either delighted or disappointed, the future seemingly bright or dim. It is a day of extreme emotions. But while results matter, as parents and teachers, its our job to remind our children and ourselves t

52、hat a good and happy life mustnt be measured in exam grades, that results shouldnt define all that you are or all that you can become. Whatever life throws at us, the ability to handle lifes joys and disappointments, to know that we are not in control of all that happens to us, is essential to livin

53、g a wise and positive life. Even when things seem at their lowest, when a disappointment feels like a loss, when we feel most vulnerable, how we pick ourselves up, and find the courage to move on, is what it means to grow and live a life in hope. This isnt always easy especially when we invest so ma

54、ny of our hopes in people, possessions, experiences and accomplishments. All these things can disappoint and yet our human fragility often reminds us of what really gives value to our lives. What do we learn about the speakers nephew? 解析 从选项看,此题可能与某人的遭遇有关。录音开头说话人提到她的侄子刚出国旅游没几天,他妈妈便接到一个电话说他在一起交通事故中受伤

55、,头部受伤并住院了。B为该处录音内容的原词复现,故为答案。 A“他没有通过A level考试”,录音中并未提及,故排除A。录音开头只是说他出事故受伤住院。并非C所述的失踪,故C错误。根据录音,他的头部是因为事故而受伤,并未提及他不断敲打自己的头这种行为,故D错误。 2.A.Which college he will be enrolled in.B.The exam results are gloomy.C.He cant study maths any more.D.His dream can never come true.答案:A听力原文 What will the speakers n

56、ephew soon find out? 解析 录音提到他将像成千上万的其他高中毕业生一样,不久就会知道自己将要在哪里度过接下去的3至4年,其意就是指他将会知道自己去哪里上大学,故A正确。 录音提到他将马上知道自己的A level成绩,并未指出他的成绩不理想,故B错误。录音提到他有意集中精力学习数学,并未指出他再也不能学数学了,故C错误。录音只是提到他将马上要上大学,考试的成绩对他很重要,并未提及他的梦想再也实现不了,故D错误。 3.A.Taking good care of our children to make them feel happy.B.Finding colorful extracurricular activities for our children.C.Educating our children exam grades don t mean all to them.D.Training our children to control all the things happening in life.答案:C听力原文


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