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1、学校代码:10254密 级:论文编号: 上 海 海 事 大 学shanghai maritime university硕 士 学 位 论 文master dissertation论文题目: 关联理论视角下的小说会话翻译 学科专业: 外国语言学及应用语言学 作者姓名:指导教师:完成日期:approach to translation of fictional conversation from the perspective of relevance theoryby fan chunhongunder the supervision ofprofessor qu zongdea thesis

2、submitted to the college of foreign languages ofshanghai maritime universityin partial fulfillment ofthe requirements for the ma degreeshanghai maritime universitymay, 2009acknowledgementsi would like to thank all the teachers and friends who have helped me to make this a better thesis than it would

3、 otherwise have been.first and foremost, i am extremely grateful to my supervisor, prof. qu zongde, for his kind instruction, constructive suggestion and constant encouragement over my two-year study at shanghai maritime university. he generously spends his precious time in reading my paper and offe

4、rs me invaluable advice. his wide knowledge and respectable characteristics will have an impact on me perpetually. i extend my sincere gratitude to all the professors of the college of foreign languages college of shanghai maritime university for their wonderful lectures during my postgraduate study

5、, which have given me great enlightenment.my genuine thanks also go to my best friends and classmates who have helped me in one way or another. they have made my study at this university a valuable and unforgettable experience in my life.last but not least, i am greatly indebted to my family for the

6、ir encouragement during my thesis writing. without their support, my thesis would have been impossible.毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得 及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。作 者 签 名:

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10、及格3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 优 良 中 及格 不及格建议成绩: 优 良 中 及格 不及格(在所选等级前的内画“”)指导教师: (签名) 单位: (盖章)年 月 日评阅教师评阅书评阅教师评价:一、论文(设计)质量1、论文(设计)的整体结构是否符合撰写规范? 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、是否完成指定的论文(设计)任务(包括装订及附件)? 优 良 中 及格 不及格二、论文(设计)水平1、论文(设计)的理论意义或对解决实际问题的指导意义 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、论文的观念是否有新意?设计是否有创意? 优 良 中 及格 不及格3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 优 良 中 及格

11、不及格建议成绩: 优 良 中 及格 不及格(在所选等级前的内画“”)评阅教师: (签名) 单位: (盖章)年 月 日教研室(或答辩小组)及教学系意见教研室(或答辩小组)评价:一、答辩过程1、毕业论文(设计)的基本要点和见解的叙述情况 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、对答辩问题的反应、理解、表达情况 优 良 中 及格 不及格3、学生答辩过程中的精神状态 优 良 中 及格 不及格二、论文(设计)质量1、论文(设计)的整体结构是否符合撰写规范? 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、是否完成指定的论文(设计)任务(包括装订及附件)? 优 良 中 及格 不及格三、论文(设计)水平1、论文(设计)的理论意义或对解决实

12、际问题的指导意义 优 良 中 及格 不及格2、论文的观念是否有新意?设计是否有创意? 优 良 中 及格 不及格3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 优 良 中 及格 不及格评定成绩: 优 良 中 及格 不及格(在所选等级前的内画“”)教研室主任(或答辩小组组长): (签名)年 月 日教学系意见:系主任: (签名)年 月 日摘 要小说是最为大众所喜爱的文学形式,其会话能够充分表现出丰富多彩的旨趣,全方位地刻画人物性格,描写现实生活状况乃至整个世界背景。小说会话是理解小说人物性格,把握小说主旨的关键,是小说欣赏的基础。本文从关联理论的角度对小说会话的翻译进行了探索性研究。翻译是个复杂过程。关联理



15、的会话翻译为研究案例,结合关联理论,从语言和文化方面进一步阐述翻译的变通灵活性。在结论部分,文章指出译者在小说会话翻译中应遵守关联理论,适应译文读者的认知语境,实现小说会话的特点和作用。关键词:小说会话; 关联理论; 认知语境; 最佳关联abstractfiction is the most popular literature among readers, and the conversation in it can reflect the colorful themes, give a multi-faceted description of the characters, real li

16、ves or even the whole world. the fictional conversation is the key to the traits of the characters and the themes. it is an indispensible aspect of fictional appreciation. this thesis makes an exploratory research on fictional conversations from the perspective of relevance theory.there have always

17、been controversies over translation theories. the relevance theory is in possession of the strong explanatory power for translation. by the application of relevance theory to translation, the thesis attempts to make an in-depth theoretical analysis of translation of fictional conversations. accordin

18、g to relevance theory, translation is a process of ostensive-inferential communication in order to search for the optimal relevance, in which the translator works both as a communicator and a reader. the aim of translation is to help the target readers achieve sufficient context effects; that is, th

19、e target readers can find the optimal relevance in their cognitive environment. the relevance theory is a newly developed theory to explain communication. fictional conversation is the written communication and translation is a special form of communication. therefore, this theory is also the most s

20、uitable theory applied to directing the translation of fictional conversation.this paper makes the analysis and synthesis of the characteristics and functions of fictional conversations, and demonstrates the explanatory value of relevance theory for fictional conversations translation on the linguis

21、tic and cultural levels. it chooses the translation of the conversations in vanity fair as a case study to explore the varied translation strategies for the specific phenomenon of linguistics, style and culture. at the end of this thesis the author draws the conclusion that various translation strat

22、egies can be justified in their own right and it is the translators exact assessment of the target readers cognitive environment that decides the specific translation strategies. the target text should appropriately convey the conversational implicature, reproduce the original style and rationalize

23、the readers efforts at inference. the structure of this thesis is as follows:the first chapter focuses on the theoretical achievements in the translation of fictional conversations and the origin, development and the main theoretical points of the relevance theory.chapter two introduces the status o

24、f the fiction in literature as well as characteristics and functions of the fictional conversation, and further demonstrates the importance of the translation of the fictional conversation. chapter three is the theoretical basis of this thesis. it elaborates on the major concepts of relevance theory

25、, and points out the feasibility and the significance of the application of the relevance theory to the translation of the fictional conversation. chapter four is the core of this thesis. it further expounds the flexibility of the methods of translation on linguistic and cultural levels under releva

26、nce theory, with vanity fair as a case study for the translation of fictional conversations.in the conclusion, the thesis insists that when translating the fictional conversation, the translator should follow the relevance theory and adjust the translation to the target readers cognitive environment

27、 in order to achieve the optimal contextual effect and realize functions of the fictional conversation.key words: fictional conversation; relevance theory; cognitive environment; optimal relevancecontentsacknowledgementsi摘 要iiabstractivchapter one: introduction11.1 an overview of relevance theory11.

28、2 the significance to translation of fictional conversation3chapter two: introduction to fiction and fictional conversation52.1 an introduction to fiction52.1.1 functions of fiction52.1.1.1 social functions of fiction52.1.1.2 aesthetic value of fiction in literature62.1.2 features of fiction62.2 an

29、introduction to fictional conversation72.2.1 definition of fictional conversation72.2.2 characteristics of fictional conversation82.2.2.1 differences between fictional conversation and daily conversation82.2.2.2 stylistic features of fictional conversation92.2.3 functions of fictional conversation10

30、 revealing personality of characters112.2.3.2 reflecting characters status and relationships112.2.3.3 developing the plot122.2.3.4 depicting cultural and geographic environments12chapter three: theoretical framework of relevance theory and translation143.1 relevance and the principles of rele

31、vance143.1.1 the definition of relevance143.1.2 the degree of relevance153.1.3 cognitive principle of relevance163.1.4 communicative principle of relevance173.2 ostensive-inferential model193.3 context223.3.1 cognitive environment223.3.2 contextual effects243.4 relevance-theoretical interpretation o

32、f translation273.4.1 translation as an inter-lingual communication273.4.2 translation as an ostensive-inference communication293.4.3 translation as an intercultural communication313.4.4 basic goal of translation: communicative intention32chapter four: application of relevance theory to the translati

33、on of fictional conversation334.1 pursuit of optimal relevance at linguistic level334.1.1 phonological level344.1.2 lexical level374.1.3 semantic level394.1.4 syntactical level434.1.5 rhetorical level464.2 pursuit of optimal relevance at the cultural level484.2.1 cultural context494.2.2 differences

34、and similarities between cultures504.2.3 foreignization and domestication of cultural items52chapter five: conclusion56bibliography57chapter one: introduction1.1 an overview of relevance theorypragmatics has developed rapidly in the last thirty years. structuralism and semeiology have proposed a cod

35、e model for linguistic communication, which seems valid everywhere. the main concept of these theories is to consider communication as an encoding and decoding process between speakers and hearers. however, with the rapid development of linguistics, especially the upsurge of the pragmatics (the stud

36、y of the context-dependent aspects of utterance interpretation), it is found that languages express not only literal meanings but also other content which can not be interpreted from the language structures, such as indirect speech act, communicative intention and so on. in 1986, sperber and wilson

37、co-authored a book entitled relevance: communication and cognition,which marked the beginning of relevance theory in the field of pragmatics. the main goal of this theory is to study the internal mechanism helping human beings communicate successfully with each other. built on the base of grices con

38、versational implicature, the theory focuses on the context. it holds that context is not the physical environment outside the language but the cognitive structure inside the communicators mind. it is dynamic and flexible in the process of communication, which challenges the traditional concept of co

39、ntext. it also puts forward detailed points concerning communication, such as relevance, relevance principle, ostensive-inferential process optional relevance, and cognitive environment.relevance theory is a newly developed inferential approach in pragmatics which also possesses significant value to

40、 translation and the other linguistic fields. it tries to give an explicit account of how the information-processing faculties of our mind enable us to communicate with one another. from the point of inferential pragmatics, utterance comprehension is not merely a mechanical decoding process, but an

41、intellectual activity involving reasoning and inference. utterances are not just signals arbitrarily linked to the messages they convey, but serve as pieces of evidence of the communicators intended meanings, with the aim to enable the hearer to infer this informative or communicative intention from

42、 these given evidences. for that reason utterance comprehension on the part of the hearers is not simply a matter of decoding process but involves inferential process. so, it is commonly acknowledged that sentence meaning is inferred on the bases of context. utterance can be typified as being concre

43、te and context-sensitive and utterance understanding needs to take into account the time and place of utterance, the identity of the communicator, the communicators intentions and so on. sperber and wilson also explain the relevance theory from the perspective of the linguistic philosophy, cognitive

44、 psychology, communicative theory and others. relevance theory is in connection with cognition and pragmatics and shifts the focus from the output of an utterance to the understanding of it. it points out that language communication is a process of cognition-inference and the utterance comprehension

45、 is a process of cognition. thus, relevance theory could be used to help guide and explain the communication, especially the fictional conversation, since the fictional conversation is a written form of communication. in order to achieve the same artistic or aesthetic effect of the fictions as that

46、of the source text, the translator should follow the principle of relevance.many chinese scholars have also noticed the explanatory power of the relevance theory in translation. since 1980s some chinese scholars began to introduce this theory into china, and applied it to the field of second languag

47、e teaching, grammar and text analysis. after lin kenans review of gutts dissertation published in chinese translators journal, researches on relevance-theoretic perspective of translation have flourished in china. the basis of this theory is that translation is an inferential process and its researc

48、h object is mental faculties (林克难,1994: 6). zhang xinhong, he ziran and many other chinese scholars advance some positive opinions on the relevance theory in relation to translation. however, as to gutt statement in the preface to his book that relevance theory alone is adequate for the studies of t

49、ranslationthere seems to be no need for other translation theory in that field, most scholars hold a conservative attitude towards this viewpoint, but at the same time they fully affirm relevance theorys strong power in explaining translational phenomena, among whom zhao yanchun (赵彦春,1999) clearly s

50、tates that so far compared with other explanatory , relevance theory is the most powerful one to explain translation, but he still argues that relevance theory alone cannot cover all translation theories and involve all translation facts. undoubtedly, some different voices also sharply criticize gut

51、ts statement. li yunxing (李运兴,2001: 6) points out that the new concept of context proposed by rt cannot explain translation at all on socio-cultural level, since the guiding principle of relevance translation theory (rtt) deviates greatly from the developing rules of new subjects. wang bin (王斌,2000)

52、 holds the similar opinion that relevance theory is helpless in cultural translation.although relevance theory encounters both compliments and criticisms since its birth, it has been extensively applied to literature, linguistics, psychology, philosophy and so on, and above all, to translation.1.2 t

53、he significance to translation of fictional conversation fictional conversation is one of the key components in fictions. it plays an essential role in fictional characterization. it can reflect not only characters social status, educational level, occupation, and other background information, but a

54、lso the novelists efforts in searching for the most appropriate image for each character in fictions. so, in order to reproduce the original style of fictions and maintain the vivid characters with artistic and aesthetic values in it, translators should not only be proficient at both source and targ

55、et languages and cultures of those two languages but also follow an effective translation theory. previously, the researches on the translation of the fictional conversation were rare and few scholars have conducted research in this field. only a few articles have been published related to this topic in the pas


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