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1、中考模拟卷1Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解):(共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分).5. 6根据你听到的对B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共10分)s.7. A) She will go shopping.C) She will go to

2、see a film.8. A) She had an accident.C) She had a bad cold.9. A) In a company.C) In a school.B) She will go to MikeD) She will attend a match.B) She had an operation.D) She had a headache.B) In the hospital.D) In the office of the government.At the post office.10. A) At the restaurant. B) At a fruit

3、 store. C) At the supermarket. D)11. A) After class today. B) Tomorrow. C) On Saturday afternoon. D) On Sunday morning.12. A) A student.B) An exam. C) A competition.D) A concert.13. A) 15. B) 20.C) 30.D) 40.14. A) The music is very interesting.B) Hed like to enjoy the music.C) The music is too loud.

4、D) Hed like to put on the earphones to listen to music.15. A) Outgoing.16. A) Rock music.D) Fatter.D) Country music.B) Quiet. C) Having short hair.B) Classical music. C) Light music.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用T”表示,不符合的

5、用F”表示):(共 7分 )17. The giant panda is very popular around the world.18. The giant panda is lovely and the World Wide Fund for Nature chose it as its symbol.19. The World Wide Fund for Nature raises food to save the giant pandas.20. The giant panda lives not only in the wild in China, but also in othe

6、r areas.21. About 30 years ago, there were only 1,000 giant pandas left in the wild.22. The area where pandas can live has become larger and larger.23. The paths that lead from one area to another let pandas move from one place to another to look for food.D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the f

7、ollowing sentences(听对话,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词): (共 7 分)24. The tradition of birthday has a long history.25. In China, on a child s birthday, parents put many things on the floor around thechild.26. The third, fifth and seventh birthdays are especially in Japan.27. At these ages, there are special celebratio

8、ns when the children go to the .28. Girls have a special birthday celebration when they reach the age of in Mexico.29. After a special celebration, the girls with their fathers and brothers.30. In many English-speaking countries, there is a on the top of a twenty-first birthdaycake.Part 2 Vocabulary

9、 and Grammar ( 第二部分词汇和语法)II. Choose the best answer ( 选择最恰当的答案): ( 共 20 分 )31. The education of young is always a serious topic.A) the B) / C) aD) an32. -Look! This is .-Very handsome. When did he take it?A) my brothers pictureB) my brother in the pictureC) a picture of my brotherD) a picture of my

10、brothers33. -I think I will call Bob this weekend.-You . You haven t kept touch with him for ages.A) can B) will C) have to D) should34. Yao Ming, the former NBA star, is using his free time to help the killing of sharks.A) for B) against C) with D) to35. knee injuries, Chinese badminton player Bao

11、Chunlai, announced his retirement from theinternational badminton ring on September 21.A) According to B) In addition to C) Instead of D) Because of36. -Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?-Im afraid day is possible.A) eitherB) neitherC) someD) any37. You should go as as possible, otherwise youll miss

12、 the train.A) quick B) soon C) quickly D) slowly38. He is a careful person. He always asks some questions before making a decision.A) he B) him C) himself D) his39. In my opinion, listening to music is more popular than of relaxation.A) any other way B) any ways C) other ways D) any other ways40. Pl

13、ease on the bed so that the doctor can check your stomach.A) lay B) lie C) laid D) lain41. The day that they were looking forward to finally.A) come B) coming C) came D) have come42. Sports are looked as the most popular form of relaxation everybody can .A) that, enjoy B) which, enjoy them C) which,

14、 enjoys D) that, enjoy it43. Just as I the house, the phone .A) was leaving, was ringingB) left, was ringingC) was leaving, rangD) had left, rang44. The bus was so crowded that I couldnt find a chair .A) to sit B) to sit on C) for sittingD) to sit down45. According to the BIE ( 国际博览局), the World Exp

15、o Museum on the Puxi side of theformer Expo Park ( 前世博园) in five years time.A) is located B) locates C) will locate D) will be located46. When she got up this morning, she found the light was still on. She forgot last night.A) to turn it off B) to turn off it C) turning it off D) turning off it47. T

16、he firemen arrived half an hour the alarm was first sounded, when it was too late tosave much of the building.A) since B) until C) as D) after48. I m sure you will be able to get good marks.A) while you are doing your homework by yourselfB) if you do some revision every dayC) before you begin to stu

17、dy hardD) until you follow your teachers advice49. -May I open the window? Its a bit hot inside. -.A) It doesn t matter. B) Go ahead, please. C) Im glad to hear that. D) Thank you.50. -Im afraid I can t return the book to you before Tuesday. -.A) Don t be afraid B) You are welcome C) Take your timeD

18、) Be carefulIII. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once.(共8分)A. likeB. less shyC. MaybeD. spokenE. something F. born withG. whole H. nothingI. confidenceToday, I took my daughter Alison to the Dolphin Pools and met Dr Mullally. At the Dolphin Pools,

19、 you can swim with dolphins for therapy (治疗),so for an hour and a half, Dr Mullallyhelped Alisonswim with, touch and hold some beautiful dolphins. I paid US$ 450 for Dr Mullally to help Alisondo this. This was the fifth time we have gone there.In the afternoon, after we got home, Alison looked at me

20、 and said Mummy I began to cry because this was the first time she had ever 51 . Alison is my beautiful little five-year-old daughter. She hasblonde hair and big, blue eyes.Alison is a very kind and friendly girl, but she does not have many friends because she was 52 cerebral palsy (月西瘫).Cerebral pa

21、lsy is a brain disease. It affects different people in different ways, but in some situations- 53 Alison sit means the person cannot do very much at all. Many cerebral victims ( 患者)can walk around and talk to people, but Alison cannot even walk.She spends her 54 life in a wheel chair. Until today, A

22、lison could not speak.I read a story in a magazine about Dr Mullaly and his dolphin therapy for cerebral palsy victims.Many children with cerebral palsy do not develop because they are very shy and do not have 55 . Even though they are disabled, they often have the physical ability to learn or do ma

23、ny physical activities, but they do not do so because they are afraid. Dr Mullaly has found that Dolphin therapy helps give children with cerebral palsy confidence and helps them become 56 . The children are often so happy to play with the dolphins that they forgot to be afraid. Some of them even be

24、gin to speak for the first time.Dolphin therapy has been quite expensive for me. After so many trips to the Dolphin Pools,I began to think the therapy might not be worth the money and that 57 could help Alison. However, today, when Alison spoke to me for the first time, I realized that maybe Dr Mull

25、aly was right.58 he and his dolphins can help my daughter have a better life. Personally, I believe that is worth all the money in the world.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(共 8 分)59. The new teacher began his class after he introduced. (he)60. The World Table T

26、ennis Championship began on the morning of May 25, 2010in Moscow, Russia. (fifty)61. This September, Dutch airline KLM has begun to use recycled cooking oil as biofuel (生物燃料)to flights. (powerful)62. It seems that British parents dont like names given to their babies anymore.(tradition)63. Shanghai

27、has worked hard in recent years to become an international educationcentre. (communicate)64. In general, the closer the second language is to the learner s native tongue and culture, the it will be to learn it. (easily)65. I dont think this information is because many people have known it. (use)66.

28、It is the common that the moon gets its light from the earth. (known)V. Rewrite the sentences as required.(共 14 分)67. All of the teachers are in good health.(改为否定句)the teachers are in good health.68. He felt very sorry when he heard the bad news.(对划线部分提问)he feel when he heard the bad news?保持句意不变)69.

29、 Taking exercise often can make you healthy.(It s good your to take exercise often.70. Henry was happy to tell his customer that story.(改为感叹句 )Henry was to tell his customer that story!71. I saw several mice running in the house yesterday.(改为被动语态 )Several mice running in the house yesterday.72. It i

30、s ten years since Mikes father began to work in Shanghai.(保持句意不变)Mikes father in Shanghai for ten years.73. He has never visited such an attractive exhibition before.(改为反意疑问句 )He has never visited such an attractive exhibition before,?Part 3 Reading and WritingVI. R eading comprehension. (共 50 分)A.

31、Choose the best answer: ( 12分)BoBo101: Wow! I havent seen you online for a long time.Mindy-lovely: :-) Yeah, I know. Ive been busy.BoBo101: :-0.Mindy-lovely: Its true. I have a new job.BoBo101:Are you enjoying it?Mindy-lovely: :-D I guess so. Id rather be at the beach all day, butConversations like

32、this are becoming more and more common. However, you will not see them inbooks, and you certainly will not hear them in the street because these conversations use emoticons. Nowadays, emoticons are becoming more popular as tools of communication on the Internet. Let us see how they work.When you are

33、 chatting online or having a conversation on an instant (即时的)messenger, itis often easier to express yourself using emoticons. Emoticons are built into instant messengersoftware using keyboard characters ( 键盘字符).The keyboard characters, when put together, looklike faces with a certain expression if

34、you turn the page on its side. For example, if you turn the page and look at these keyboard characters, they should look like a smiling face: :-).In usual communication, we often need to see the other persons facial (面部的)expressionsand body language to fully understand what the person says. In onlin

35、e communication, since we cannot see the other person we are chatting with, it can sometimes be difficult to really understand what a person means. Emoticons help to tell people how we feel when the person we are talkingto cannot see our facial expressions or body language.The most commonemoticons a

36、re smileys. A smiley is a smiling face, or :-). Here are some other common emoticons and their meanings:-( sad:-o surprisedO0o:-) thinking:o embarrassed:-* a kiss %-) confused:-z feeling sick:-D laughingThere are hundreds of emoticons that you can make with your keyboard and hundreds of picture emot

37、icons that you can download from the Internet. Try to learn at least a few of these as they will come in useful whenever you chat with your friends online. Without knowing emoticons, you might not be able to understand what anyone is telling you when you are on the Internet.74. The underlined word “

38、emoticon ” might means .A. 情感B. 表情符号C. 图标D. 字符75. Nowadays, emoticons are .A. often seen in booksB. heard in the streetsC. used to communicate on the Internet as a tool D. said on instant messengers76. People like to use emoticons when they want to .A. quickly show how they feelB. make their friends

39、 confusedC. share their happiness with their friendsD. add pictures to their conversations77. If you are embarrassed, you can choose to tell your friends your feelings.A. :-zB. :-oC. :-(D. :o78. The writer advises us to learn how to use emoticons because .A. you may need them onlineB. you need more

40、emotionC. they can be downloadedD. they are very interesting79. Which of the following statements is RIGHT according to the passage. A. Fewer and fewer people like to use emoticons in their conversations.B. You cannot make emoticons by yourself but download from the Internet.C. Though there are many

41、 emoticons, the most common emoticons are smileys.D. When you are chatting online, you can use body language to make yourself understood.B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage:( 12 分)scavenger huntat the Museumof Modern职员 ) separate intoBen Toy works for a large computer company

42、. He and his coworkers are on aThey have a list of _80_, such as “What s the name of the oldest paintingArt? ” They must travel around the city to find the answers. The employees ( two teams. First, each team decides _81_ to look for the answers. For example, they can go to zoos, museums, and parks.

43、 Then they choose a person to go to each place. Everybody has a job to do, so the team can finish quickly. When they find an answer, they write it down. The first team that finds all the answers wins.Ben and the other employees are having fun, but they are working, too. _82_, Ben s boss wrote the qu

44、estions for the scavenger hunt. The company is teaching the employees to work together.Many companies now have new and _83_ ways to teach cooperation, or teamwork. They believe that employees work better when they help each other. They can work faster and more easily, too.Companies think it is impor

45、tant.Some companies do other fun things to teach teamwork. For example, one small company _84_ employees to a cooking school. The employees help each other when they learn to prepare a large, delicious meal. Whenthey are done, they sit down and enjoy the meal together. They learn to cook, and they a

46、lso learn to _85_ together.Employees at another company go rock climbing. Rock climbers must work together to succeed.All the employees have a good time and learn an important lesson, too. This is fun for the workers and important for the companies.80. A) messagesB) questionsC) booksD) materials81.

47、A) whenB) howC) whereD) what82. A) As a resultB) HoweverC) AlthoughD) In fact83. A) excitingB) boringC) difficultD) polite84. A) givesB) invitesC) sendsD) orders85. A) teachB) playC) workD) enjoyC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words:( 14 分)Travel sounds like a comfortable word

48、 because it means we may stop at nothing and go somewhere beautiful to relax. In fact, the life is a pretty long journey but few can get the best happinessduring it. If you know the m_86_ of the letters of travel, you will become relaxed.T stands for trust ( 信任 ). A man should trust himself. Friends

49、 should trust each other.Strangers also should be trusted. They make our journey nice.R means respect. You should respect yourself, others and all the l_87_ things.A means affection ( 感情 ). It usually has loving and friendship Because w_88_ we go, weshouldnt give up affection. Or we cant move a plac

50、e.V means vulnerability ( 脆弱 ) . It tells us we have some vulnerabilityin our heart. Weshouldlearn to be s_89_.E means expectation . If you lose expectation, the travel must be difficult. We have expectation for ever. We can get the h_90_ place of life.L means laughter. Laughter is a simple action o

51、n the m_91_. But it is a great jump. We shouldnt r_92_ the laughter because laughter is the heart language that every traveler has.We hope you can shine during your only life journey. There is not too much regret.D. Answer the questions: ( 12 分 )Police arrested a 19-year-old teenager yesterday who w

52、as involved in a4-cats-killed casein Hong Kong. The case focused the public s attention towards animal rights. Still, many people in Hong Kong would like to own a pet dog without giving serious thought to the consequences(后果 ).We are concerned that some owners will drive away the pets once they have

53、 become useless.Homeless dogs and cats wander in the constructions sites, parks and lanes. Many owners send their pets away for three reasons. Firstly, they have got diseases. Secondly, they are noisy and annoying. Thirdly, they have broken the vase bought by a boyfriend. Because of these silly reas

54、ons, many pets lose their homes and shelters. More pets will be saved if we think twice before buying them.We must pay attention to pets health. To have them injected( 注射 ) with different types of vaccines( 疫苗 ) at the correct age is necessary. You should always keep an eye on your pet. If they beha

55、ve strangely or anxiously ( 不安地 ), take them to an animal hospital at once. It s dangerous for dogs to eat chocolate. Never leave your pets at home alone for a long time. Pets will show better behavior once they have developed good habits. Owners can take them to some training courses or teach them

56、patiently at home.Animal experts say that Hong Kong is not an ideal place for keeping pets at home. Hong Kong people are too busy and the flat spaces are limited. Above all, animals are an important part of nature. They should not be locked in cages. So, if you do not have the time and ability to ke

57、ep them well, do not take them home. Please think twice before you pay.93. Why did the police arrest the 19-year-old teenager?94. Many owners send their pets away only because of some silly reasons, dont they?95. When should you take your pets to the animal hospital at once?96. How can the owners help the pets develop good habits?97. Why do anim


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