已阅读5页,还剩132页未读 继续免费阅读




1、6BUnit 1 Who is younger?Teach ing Conten ts:1. Ss can keep these new words in their mind:young, glad, tall, tha n, short, strong, heavy, go for a walk, asas2. They can also un dersta nd, speak, and read the words :have a chat, be glad to, look the same, as tall as, one day, the only child3. They can

2、 use the daily expressi ons freely:Are you as tall as your twin sister?No, I m taller than Su Yang./ I m as tall as you.Who s younger , you or Su Yang?Su Yang s twenty minutes younger than me!4. They should master the sentence patter n well: Who s taller than David? Gao Shan is . -Whose school bag i

3、s heavier ,yours or mine?-Yours is , I thi nk.5. Know the pronunciation of the letter“ ir ” correctly.6. Ss can si ng fthe song I wish I was taller ” freely.Key points & difficult poin ts:Key poin ts:1.Ss can master the words and phrases:young, glad, tall, tha n, short, strong, heavy, go for a walk,

4、 asas2. They can read & use the sentence patter: n Who s taller than David? Gao Shan is . -Whose school bag is heavier ,yours or mine?-Yours is , I thi nk.Difficult poi nts:1.Ss can master the The Comparative Degree of adjectives freely.2. How to master the sentence patter very well.3. They can un d

5、ersta nd dialogue and can also act it out perfectly.4. They can use the daily expressi ons freely:Teaching aids: the tape recorder; the tape ; the cards, some picturesTeachi ng processHow to revise节中用该方式将 话题引入到事物 的比较上去.亦可从自身找话题的切入口,将自己与学生作比 较,以此引入话 题。这样可让学生 产生亲切感与认Period 1Teach ing aims :1. Ss can h

6、ave a brief un dersta nding of the dialogue in Part A.2. Ss can master the words and phrases:young, glad, tall, than, short, strong, heavy, go for a walk, asashave a chat, be glad to, look the same, as tall as, one day, only child3.Ss can master the sentence patter n well: -Who s taller than David?-

7、Gao Sha n is . -Whose school bag is heavier ,yours or mine?-Yours is , I thi nk.Key points& difficult poin ts:1.Ss can master the The Comparative Degree of adjectives freely.2.They can un dersta nd dialogue and can also act it out perfectly.Teach ing aids:the tape recorder; the word-cards; some pict

8、ures Teach ing process:一. Preparation:Step1 . Greet ing ./Warmin g-up.Free talk:T: Good morning, boys and girls. We haven t seen each oth在orFree talk 环a long time. Are you OK now? / Nice to see you aga in.Ss: Nice to see you, too.T: How old are you ?Ss: Im 12years old.T: And you ?Ss: I m 11 years ol

9、d .T: So you are youn ger tha n him/her. But you look stron ger.T: Hi, and 孫XWould you please stand up?S3&S4: Yes.T: Who is taller , Xor XX? T: It is the first day of the new term. I found some of you are gett ing taller. X woXd you please sta nd up?Ss: Yes.T: Oh, dear! You are taller than me. But I

10、 am taller than her.xx; show your han ds, please. Oh, your hands are smaller than mine. But ,look! His hands are bigger than mine.Step2 .Lead-i n.T: OK now, boys and girls. Can you remember this little boy? Yes. He is Jack. He is Ben s cousin. He is only five year转向d. 一位学生: How old are you? Oh, you

11、are eleve n. So you are six years older than him. And you are taller than him ,too.出示 old, older ; tall, taller 的单词卡片。Today they meet Su Hai in a park? What are they talking about?s going to happen!OK, let s go with them and see whatPrese ntati on:Step1. In troduci ng.Show them some pictures about B

12、en , Jack& Su Hai. This was the last day of vacation. Su Hai went for a walk. She met Ben & his cousin-Jack in the park. Theyre having a chat under a big tre个部A分k 用自己的Ss to listen to the whole dialogue and then answer:WhatsSu Hais twin sisters n arine?Who is Jimmy? How old is Jimmy?Step2.Liste n and

13、 repeat the backgro und kno wledge.And the n an swer 4 questio nsQs:1 . What did Su Hai do on Su nday morni ng?2. Who did she meet?3. Was she glad to see them?4. Where and what did they do ?Step3.Listen to the whole conversation &fill in the blanks: Work in pairs.Step4.Read the whole dialogue.三.Con

14、solidatio n:Stepl. Retelli ng. Look ing at the pictures, the n retell the content of the text of their own words.No matter the senten ces is complete or not, just en courage them to say somethi ng of their words.同感。学生根据文中三语言叙述课文内容,帮其进一步熟 悉课文对话内容, 并巩固所学知识分小组进行语言的拓展训练。四.Homework :1. Liste n to the tap

15、e and repeat the dialogue.2. Read the whole text as flue ntly as they can.教学反思:本单元的主要话题是围绕两种事物的比较,通过三人 之间的闲聊引出本单元的主要语言训练项目:形容词的比较级。在教学中,我尽可能的给学生创造真实的情景,用实物或动作将 比较级的概念清晰明了地传授给学生。尽可能地多联系生活实际 来引导学生理解和运用所学的知识,最大程度的调动其学习积极 性。一课时结束,各班效果很理想。Period 2Teach ing aims :1. Ss can have a brief un dersta nding of

16、the dialogue in Part A.2. Ss can master the words and phrases:young, glad, tall, than, short, strong, heavy, go for a walk, asashave a chat, be glad to, look the same, as tall as, one day, only child3.Ss can master the sentence patter n well: -Who s taller than David?-Gao Sha n is . -Whose school ba

17、g is heavier ,yours or mine?-Yours is , I thi nk.freely.Key points& difficult poin ts:1.Ss can master the The Comparative Degree of adjectives2. They can un dersta nd dialogue and can also act it out perfectly.Teach ing aids:the tape recorder; the word-cards; some picturesTeach ing process:一.Prepara

18、tion:Step1 . Greet ing ./Warmin g-up.T: Yesterday we have known that Ben , Jack& Su Hai. She went for a walk and met Ben & his cousin-Jack in the park. They re having a chat under a big tree. Ask Ss to listen to the whole dialogue & review what we ve learned yesterday.二. Presentation:Step1. Read in

19、g. Pre-readi ng.听引言部分的录音回答问题:Qs:1 . What did Su Hai do on Su nday morni ng?2. Who did she meet?3. Was she glad to see them?4. Where and what did they do ?(2) While-readi ng .Stepl. Liste n to the whole conv ersati on carefully:1st: Catch the main idea & un derl ine the difficult poin ts.Try to find

20、the answers to the questions:PartH: I.WhatSuHai stwin sisters name?2. Do they look the same?3. Whos taller /younger, Su Hai or Su Yang?Part二): I.Does Jack have any brothers or sisters?2. Who is Jimmy? How old is Jimmy?2nd: Catch the details of the text:3 : Read the text accompany with the radio.Step

21、2. Teach them the difficult words :Go for a walk; glad; have a chat; as tall as; youn ger; tha n ;one day; the only child; Here he is.(3) Post-readi ng.1.Ss read it in different roles.(boys: Ben; girls: Jack) Then excha nge the roles.( boys: Jack; girls: Ben)2. T-Ss read it in differe nt roles.3. Gr

22、oup1-Group2 read it in differe nt roles.三. Con solidatio n:Fill in the bla nks.I met Ben and hisJack in the park. Jack sold. He doesn htave any brothers or sisters. He has a,Jimmy. Jimmy s onetha n Jack.四. Homework :1. Liste n to the tape and repeat the dialogue.2. Copy the new words on their no teb

23、ook.教学反思:本课时学习的是对话部份,是本单元的重点。我采取在学习课文内容 之后引导其听录 音并跟读课文,采 取多种形式朗读 并在长句的朗读 及语气上做相应 的指导。可引导其分角色 表演课文对话;亦 可引导其用自己 的话复述课文的 内容:可先分小组 进行复述,再集体 通过“接龙”方式 复述。years在进一步熟悉课 文内容的基础上 填空,加强对文章让学生先整体听课文录音,理解对话的内容。本篇对话所涵盖的 信息比较多,故让其在指导学生听对话的同时,利用图片上的人 物帮助其搞清楚到底谁比谁小,谁比谁高以免造成理解上的混乱。Period 3Teach ing aims :1. Ss can ha

24、ve a brief un dersta nding of the dialogue in Part A.2. Ss can master the words and phrases:young, glad, tall, than, short, strong, heavy, go for a walk, asashave a chat, be glad to, look the same, as tall as, one day, only chil3.Ss can master the sentence patter n well: -Who s taller than David?-Ga

25、o Sha n is . -Whose school bag is heavier ,yours or mine?-Yours is , I thi nk.Key points& difficult poin ts:1.Ss can master the The Comparative Degree of adjectives2.They can un dersta nd dialogue and can also act it out perfectly.Teach ing aids:the tape recorder; the word-cards; some picturesTeach

26、ing process:一. Preparation:Step1 . Greet ing ./Warmin g-up.Step2.Revisi onCheck the dialogue. Ask some pairs to perform.二. Prese ntati on:Step1. Readi ng.1. Read the dialogue and repeat the dialogue2.Ss read it in different roles.(boys: Ben; girls: Jack)Then excha nge the roles.( boys: Jack; girls:

27、Ben)2. T-Ss read it in differe nt roles.3. Group1-Group2 read it in differe nt roles.三. Con solidati on:的理解与把握。freely.跟读,应特别注意 自己的语音和语 调,养成良好的发 音习惯。Step1. Retelli ng. Look ing at the pictures, the n retell the content of thetext of their own words.四.Developme nt:I.Filling in the information cards.Wo

28、rk in a group of 4 people.建议学生在表演课文对话的基础上进行拓展性语言活动。dfreely.(_YOUR COUSIN)AGE:12HEIGHT: 155CM2.Dialogue making. Using their own photos to imitate the dialogue. 五.Homework:1. Copy the words and phrases.2. Read and recite the dialogue.教学反思:通过让其自读课文,分段并概括段落大意的方式,引 导学生学习课文对话。充分让学生自己来概括段落大意,最大限 度的培养学生阅读并分

29、段概括的能力。课堂气氛宽松,让他们学 的不累,学的愉快。Period 4Teach ing aims :1. Ss can have a brief un dersta nding of the dialogue in Part A.2. Ss can master the words and phrases:young, glad, tall, than, short, strong, heavy, go for a walk, asas have a chat, be glad to, look the same, as tall as, one day, only chil3.Ss ca

30、n master the sentence pattern well: -Who s taller than David?-Gao Sha n is . -Whose school bag is heavier ,yours or mine?-Yours is , I thi nk.Key points& difficult poin ts:1.Ss can master the The Comparative Degree of adjectives2.They can un dersta nd dialogue and can also act it out perfectly. Teac

31、h ing aids:the tape recorder; the word-cards; some pictures Teach ing process:一.Preparation:Stepl . Greet ing ./Warmin g-up.T: Boys and girls, now I want to know someth ing about you.T: x, who s taller tha n you in our class ?T: xx , who s stronger ,your father or your?motheT: xx ,who s fatter ,your

32、 cousin or you?二. Presentation:Step1.Words-lear ning.Ask Ss to master the 11 groups ofComparative Degree of adj.onOld-olderyoung -youngerTall-tallershort -shorterBigbiggersmall-small erFat-fatterthin-thinnerStro ngstron gerheavy-heavierPage 8.The T shows them the pictures & guess the phrases: Step2.

33、 Summarization.形容词和副词的三个比较等级:原级、比较级、最高级原级:asas与一样”比较级:规则变化:1.单音节词末尾加-er2. 单音节词以结尾只加-r3. 闭音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须双写这个字母,再加-er4少数以结尾的词,如果加-er不规则变化: good/well betterLittle/few less old e older/elder-y前是辅音字母,则变-y为-i ,再bad/ill evorsefar efarther/furtherlate Tater/ latterStep3. PracticeAsk Ss to practice the dia

34、logue on Page9.Work in pairs. Use the patter ns to drill:1. -Whos taller than David?Gao Sha n is.2-Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine ?-Yours is ,I thi nk.三.Homework:1. Copy the 8 words &the sentence patter n in the copybook;2. Read & recite the dialogue as possible as they can.教学反思:采用头脑风暴法,

35、锻炼其快速反应。配合肢体动作, 让其广开思路,发散性思维得到了一次提高和飞跃。利用生活中 一些常识性的问题,对所学内容做适当扩展,引导学生在真实的 情景中运用语言,让其掌握起来得心应手。Period 5Teach ing aims :1. Ss can have a brief un dersta nding of the dialogue in Part A.2. Ss can master the words and phrases:young, glad, tall, tha n, short, strong, heavy, go for a walk, as have a chat,

36、be glad to, look the same, as tall as, one day, only child3.Ss can master the sentence pattern well: -Who s taller than David?-Gao Sha n is . -Whose school bag is heavier ,yours or mine?-Yours is , I thi nk.Key points& difficult poin ts:1.Ss can master the The Comparative Degree of adjectives2.They

37、can un dersta nd dialogue and can also act it out perfectly.Teach ing aids:the tape recorder; the word-cards; some picturesTeach ing process:一.Preparation:Step1 . Greet ing ./Warmin g-up.T: Boys and girls, now I want to know someth ing about you.T: x, who s taller tha n you in our class ?T: xx , who

38、 s stronger ,your father or your mother?利用生活中一些 常识性的问题,对 所学内容做适当 扩展,引导学生在 真实的情景中运 用语言。asfreely.T: xx ,who s fatter ,your cousin or you? 二.Presentation:Stepl.Words-reviewi ng. Ask Ss to master the 11 groups ofComparative DegreeOld-olderyoung -youngerTall-tallershort -shorterBigbiggersmall-small erFat

39、-fatterthin-thinnerStro ngstron gerheavy-heavierAsk Ss to retell the “Summarizatiorof adj.”形容词和副词的三个比较等级:原级、比较级、最高级原级:asas 与一样”比较级:规则变化:1.单音节词末尾加-er2. 单音节词以结尾只加-r3. 闭音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须双写这个字母,再加-er4少数以结尾的词,如果-y前是辅音字母,则变-y为-i,再学生跟教师读动 词过去式,并让学 生归纳读音。体会 形容词词变化行 式构成的规律。教师帮助其整理 分类,师帮助其总 结规律。后示读, 带读,小组读,再 抽

40、查其掌握情况。采用利用头脑风 暴法训练其快速 反应能力。bad/ill worse far efarther/further late Tater/ latter此处句型的操练 可进行拓展,以增 加其知识面。两两同桌,组与组 间,男女生间操 练。做到对答如 流,脱口而出。加-er不规则变化: good/well betterLittle/few less old e older/elderStep3. Practice Ask Ss to practice the dialogue on Page9.Work in pairs. Use the patter ns to drill:1. -W

41、hos taller than David?Gao Sha n is.2. -Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine ?-Yours is ,I thi nk. Extension:-Who s thinner / older /younger /fatter /shorterthan your mother/frie nds Hele n?Xs.Who stronger than the rabbit?The rabbit is. -xx, who s taller than you in our class-xx , who s stronge

42、r ,your father or your mother?-xx ,who s fatter ,your cousin or you?.Homework:1. Remember the sentence pattern in their mind ;2. Read & recite the dialogue as possible as they can.教学反思:采用头脑风暴法,锻炼其快速反应。利用生活中一些 常识性的问题,对所学内容做适当扩展,弓I导学生在真实的情景 中运用语言,直观的接受新授知识,学生们接受起来容易轻松。Period 6Teach ing aims:1. Ss fin

43、ish part D Liste n& write on Page10; Part E on Page11.2. Ss can usethe “ Comparative Degree of adj to describe the things3. To cultivate their abilities& skills in rebuilding the information.4. T should cultivate a good habit of read ing.Key points& difficult poin ts:Use the “ Comparative Degrfeedj.

44、 ” to describe the thingsTeach ing aids: the tape recorderTeach ing processes:一.Preparation:Step1.Greet in gs. /Warm-up.Step2.Revisi on1. Use the structures to say somethi ng:1. -Whos taller than David?-Gao Sha n is.2. -Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine ?-Yours is ,I thi nk.2. -Who s thinne

45、r / older /younger /fatter /shorter than your mother/frie nds Hele n?xs.Who sstronger than the rabbit?The rabbit is.-xx, who s tallethan you in our class ?-xx , who s stronger ,your father or your mother?-xx ,who s fatter ,your cousin or you?2. Check the dialogue. Ask some pairs to perform.二.Present

46、ation:( Do part D Liste n& write.Step1.Observ ing. Ss should observe the pictures of the book first, the use their own Ianguage to describe . Guess whats going on besides the book.Step2. Do liste ning.1st:Listen to the tape for the 1 time to catch the main idea.2nd: Listen carefully to fill in each

47、blanks.3rd: After finishin g, read the sen ten ces flue ntly.Step3. Retelli ng.E部分主要训练 学生阅读理解语 篇的能力,但要求 应要高一些;要求 在阅读语篇之后 对所列出的句子 做正确的判断。To describe about the family photo ,just act as the hero of Su Hai. Step4.Developme nt:Story-maki ng. Use the kno wledge they ve lear ned, to describe their own fam

48、ily photos.They can add the reporting words, to be an interpreter Do Part E on Page11.Look, Read and judge:T should cultivate a good habit of readi ng.Step1. Read ing alone.st1 : Ss read it first to know the Time & Background of the dialogue. 2nd:. Questi oning.With the questio n: Who became the goa

49、lkeeper at last?Then they go on read ing the dialogue.3rd:Group-work.After reading 2-3times, discuss &check the answers with each other. Step2.Checking the answersT /F Qs”.三. Development:Part E: Story-maki ng.Use the kno wledge they ve lear ned, to make a story.They can add the reporting words, to b

50、e an interpreter.四. Consolidation:Part F: Play a game.五. Homework:Practice the patter ns thee learnt in this period.教学反思:本课时是一节听力训练课。通过听录音选择正确活动 时间和活动的内容,着重训练和培养需学生听录音,提取,分析 有用信息的能力。Period 7Teach ing aims:1. Play a game of Part F.2.Ss can kiow the pronunciation of the letter r” correctlyi2.Ss can si

51、ng the song: “ wish I was taller ” fluentlyKey points& difficult poin ts:Use the “ Comparative Degree of”adto describe the thingsTeach ing processes:一.Preparation:Stepl.Greet in gs.Step2.Revisio n.1. Check the flexibility of Part A.2. Check the dialogue, use the structure.1. -Who taller than David?-

52、Gao Sha n is.2. -Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine ?-Yours is ,I thi nk.2. -Who thinner / older /younger /fatter /shorter than your mother/frie nds Hele n?涂. Who sstronger than the rabbit?The rabbit is. -xx, who s taller than you in our class ?-xx , who orsastror-xx ,who s fatter ,your cous

53、in or you?二. Presentation: Play a game of Part F.Stepl Use the sentence patter n to make a survey:Step2.Group work. Divide the class into several groups, each pers on ask by tur ns; the n they should guess in g. Remind them to write down first.Step3.Summarization. Each group leader sum up& report th

54、e results. Do Part G on Page13.Liste n and repeat.Ask Ss to read the four words and the senten cesStep1. Read alone first. Try to find the same phonetics.Step2. T asks some of them to read to check .Step3. Read after the radio.Pay atte nti on to their pronun ciati ons & inton ati on.Step4. Summariza

55、tion. T helps them to find more words练习:Sirthirdfirfirst shirt birdfirm Ss can sing the song: “wish I was taller ” fluentlyStepl. Read the senten ces by themselves.Step2.Say the rhyme with the tape & pay attention to the pause.Step3. Performing. Ask some pairs to act it out.三. Homework:1. Practice the song after class.2. Recite the dialogue in Part A.教学反思:本课时仍然围绕形容词的比较等级而展开教学,能在 实际生活中活学活用;此外,关于语音训练项目:鼓励其在生活 中养成观察的好习惯,及时归纳总结.课后还要进行有关/e: /读 音单词的梳理


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