1、金斯顿大学 平面设计专业 Graphic DesignThe course encouragesyou to look critically at the practice of graphic design; in particular the understanding of the fundamental processesat work in the application of word and image essential to negotiate an enduring and sustainable career in the changing communications
2、industries. The practice of visual communication continues to adapt and to develop new approaches to the mediation of information, messages and the origination of content as well as form.这门课程激励你用一种钻研的态度看待平面设计的实践, 尤其在发展 的通信行业内, 工作中对词图应用的基本过程的认识, 对维持长久的 职业是很必要的。 视觉传播实践一直在调整和开发信息载体及信息内 容和形式原创性的新方案。This
3、 understanding has never been more important to the role of the contemporary designer and to what and how we communicate. The course builds on this knowledge and aims to provide a deeper understanding of how designers can utilize both old and new methods and technologies to build new and challenging
4、 forms of communication.对于当代设计者和我们交流什么及如何交流, 这种认识最为重要。 这 门课程建立在此认识上, 旨在提供设计者对如何应用新旧方法和技术 来设计新颖并具挑战性的交流形式有更深刻认识。这门课程鼓励用一种钻研的态度来看待平面设计的实践; 特别是在发展中的通信行业内, 理解对运用能达成一项长久的, 可持续的职业所 需要的语言和意象的基本过程 视觉传播继续尝试和发展新方法来调 解信息以及内容和形式的原创性这种理解对当代设计家以及我们交流什么,怎么交流的作用最为重 要这门课程正是建立在这种理解上的, 它旨在提供对设计家如何利 用新旧方法和技术来创建新的具有挑战性的
5、交流形式有更深入的理 解Communication Design: Illustration MA 传达设计:插图This structure is designed to help progress and develop your independent learning, encouraging you to construct and explore projects concerned with areas of particular personal interests. The overarching course philosophy, based upon an emphas
6、is on research, methodology and design thinking, allows individual and personal concerns to be explored through focused study in illustration and the creation of images.这种结构是用来帮助促进和开发自主学习的能力, 激励建立和探索个 人兴趣的项目。着重研究的哲学、方法论及设计思维的这些首要课程, 使你在集中学习研究插图和图像创作时挖掘个人兴趣和潜力。这种结构用来帮助和促进自主学习, 鼓励发展和探索与个人兴趣相关 的项目侧重于研究
7、的哲学, 方法论以及设计思维这些主要课程通过 对插图和图像创作的集中学习来挖掘个人潜力Teaching block oneVisual Grammar, Literacy and in tellige nee (Sp ecialist Study)视觉语法,读写能力和理解力的专业学习Desig ning Research (Core)设计研究的要点Teaching block twoVisual Storytelli ng (Sp ecialist Study)以图叙事的专业学习Creative Futures (Core)创意未来的核心学习Teaching block threeMajor
8、Pr oject主要项目Po stgraduate study (Academic lELTS)研究生学习(雅思)入学要求:Art, Design and Architecture; most Arts and SocialSciences p rogrammes; and Health, Social Care and Education * mi nimum Academic lELTS score of 6.5 (with a minimum of 5.5 in R, L,S and W)雅思 6.5,单项 5.5学费:MA full time 12;35O林肯大学 MA DesignI
9、n troducti onThis p rogramme n urtures the devel opment of critical p ractice in your chose n desig n field by facilitati ng cross-disc ip li nary dialogue,这个课程鼓励通过利用跨学科的对话在你所选择的设计领域发展批判性的练 习)support and critique with in a dyn amic, in terdisc ip li nary studio en vir onment.这门课程鼓励通过利用跨学科交流,在你所选择的的设
10、计领域里发展 批判性的练习,跨学科工作室环境,支持并随时保持批判性。The in tellectual and creative freedom required to p roduce in sightful desig ns is supported by leadi ng, critically-acclaimed creative p ractiti oners and researchers.这种学术和创作的自由要求的是创造出富有洞察力的设计, 这个设计 能得到权威的有创造力的从业者和研究者的支持。How You StudyThe MA Design is a studio-base
11、d (工作室基础),practice-focused (侧 重实践的) programme of practice, study and research. Modes of study within the programme include; lectures by staff and visiting practitioners, theorists and critics, seminars (staff and student-led), studio practice session(s 工作室实习期) , studio critiques and presentation(s 工
12、作室评论和展示),interim exhibitions (临时展会)and reviews, visits,workshops (检验,参观工作坊)and skills training sessions (技能训 练期) .设计学是以工作室为基础、侧重实践的练习、研究和学习的课程。这 门课程包括学习模式,职员演讲和拜访实践者、理论家和评论家,员 工和学生的研讨会,工作室实习期,工作室评论和展示,临时展会及 回顾,参观工作室,技能训练期。Career and Personal DevelopmentThere is flexibility for you to tailor your lea
13、rning in a way that is relevant to you and your career aspirations. Graduates primarily go on to work as professional designers for existing companies现有公司的专业设计师), or to set up their own compan ies(仓 J建自己的公司) .Others go on to work for arts and cultural businesse(s 从事艺术和文化的商业领域) 学生能在一定程度上为量身定做自己的职业生涯规
14、划。 毕业生主要在 现有公司担任专业设计师, 或者仓建自己的公司, 有的继续从事艺术 和文化的商业领域。入学要求: IELTS band 6.0 or above with no less than 5.5 in each band score. 雅思成绩 6. 0或每个模块不低于 5.5学费:Fees 2014 Entry 4,719 考文垂大学Graphic Design MAThe Graphic Design MA is designed for those who want to enhance their existing professional portfolio and th
15、eir understanding of current graphic design practice,(提高现有作品的专业度和对目前平面设计创作的理解力) and for those who have applicable practice skills and who are interested in the intellectual challenges of both further study and the design process.平面设计学的设立是为了那些想提高现有作品的专业度和对目前平 面设计创作的理解力的人, 也是为了那些想要拥有实用的实践技能和 对设计及深入学历有
16、浓厚挑战兴趣的人。Career and Personal DevelopmentNational and international graduate career prospects are many and varied and in elude educati on, film and televisio n, print and p ublishi ng印屈 S和出 版 multimedia,多媒体 advertising, animation卡通绘制 moving image,活动图像 web and in teractive design 交互设计,marketi ng and p
17、 ublic relations. Graduates may also wish to continue their studies at PhD level.国内外的研究生的职业前景丰富多样,主要包括教育、影视、印刷出 版、多媒体、广告、卡通制作、活动图像、光盘镜像、市场和公关。毕业生也可继续深造博士。English as a Foreign LanguageI:ELTS 6.5.英语外语要求 :雅思 6.5Fees: 学费 10,723.00 诺森比亚大学Design MAMA Design is an ideal course for designers and design grad
18、uates who want to devel op their skills in a p articular desig n directi on.(在某一特定的设计领域发展自己的技能 Through project-based work, students can tailor their learning in a way that is relevant to them and their career aspirations.这里的平面设计学对于想要在某一特定的设计领域发展自己的技能 的设计者和设计毕业生而言是最理想的课程。 通过项目化的工作, 学 生能在一定程度上需量身定做自己的
19、职业生涯规划。Offering the perfect blend of theory and practical application (理论与实 际运用相结合) , the programme allows students to focus on particular design disciplines such as:这个课程能最好地提供理论与实际运用想结合, 使得学生能专注独特 的设计规程,譬如:?MA 3D Design 3 维设计?MA Fashion Communication 时尚传播?MA Fashion Design 服装设计?MA Fashion Marketing
20、 服装营销?MA Graphic Design 平面设计?MA Industrial Design 工业设计?MA Interior Design 室内设计?MA Interactive Media Design 互动式多媒体设计?MA Motion Graphics & Animation 动态图像和动画制作?MA Transportation Design 交通设计 就业前景: This programme has generally recruited designers or design graduates who want to improve their career prosp
21、ects within a design company or want to set up their own bus in ess (在设计公司拓宽自己的 就业前景,或者发展成立自己的公司) 这个课程通常招募想在在设计公司拓宽自己的就业前景, 或者发展成 立自己的公司的设计者或设计专业毕业生 入学要求; A British Council International English Language TestingSystem (IELTS) score of 6.5 (or above) with a minimum score in each component of Reading,
22、 Writing, Listening and Speaking of 5.5雅思: 6.5 或以上,且各模块(包括 读,写,听,说) 需达 5.5 以 上。学费:1430000 诺丁汉特伦特大学This is a p ractice-based course concerned with the research, devel opment and p roducti on of creative, mea nin gful ideas for effective visual com muni cati on .It is aimed at stude nts with a str ong
23、 backgro und in grap hic desig n who want to add depth to their existi ng skills, and at pro fessi on als who wish to devel op or further their career in a sp ecialist area.这个是基于实践关于研究,开发和创新,有意义的视觉传播想法的一 门课程,主要针对让想增强目前技能具有平面设计教育背景的学生, 和想要在特殊领域里更进一步发展他们的职业生涯的专业人员。Why choose this course?The scope of g
24、rap hic desig n today is truly dyn amic平 面设计的范围非 常广泛 ranging from advertising in all its many forms, to information desig n, p ackagi ng, retail and corpo rate com muni cati ons on a global scale.(涉及到各种形式额广告领域,信息设计,包装,零售和全球范围内的企业通讯)The course allows for in dividual devel opment, focused on prin t-ba
25、sed desig n, across a wide range of p roject types withi n these areas.今日平面设计的范围非常广泛,涉及到各种形式的广告业,信息设计 包装,零售和全球范围内的企业通讯。这门课程以印刷设计为主,并 在这些领域里贯穿了广泛的项目类型,有助于个人发展。This course focuses on creative thi nking and inno vati on(着眼于仓 J造性的思维和仓 J新),to equip you with a range of sp ecialist visual and p roblem-sol
26、ving skills and push the boun daries in the ways and formats that core ideas and messages are com muni cated and conv eyed这门课程着眼于创造性的思维和创新,让你具有一整套专家的眼光和 问题解决能力,且以被传播的核心理念的方式使你的能力最大化的体 现。Course content includes:devel opment of research skills, with a focus on gaining in sights into markets, audie nee
27、, curre nt tech no logies, media cha nn els and materials used in pro fessi onal p ractice研究能力的提高,着重培养市场,受众,现代技术,传媒渠道 和用与专业实践教材的洞察力。inv estigatio n into the area of audie nee p erce pti on of visualIanguage研究调查该领域受众视觉语言的喜好 devel opment of message and mea ning言息的发展及其意义 exp erime ntatio n with media and material 媒体及教材的实验critical debate and devel opment of p rese ntatio n skills;辩论会及个人演讲技巧的提高 n egotiated worksho ps in sp ecific tech no logies and materials tomeet in dividual p roject devel opment-在研讨会上详细讨论技术和教
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