



1、A Book Report of a Thousand Spl endid SunsA Book Reportof a Thousand Spl endid SunsWenji ng ShiTran slation 15215070420345Brief In troductio nA Thousa nd Splen did Sun sisa 2007 novel by Afghan-American author KhaledHosseini. It is his second, following his bestselling 2003 debut, The Kite Runner.Ma

2、riam is an illegitimate child, and suffers from both the stigma surr ounding her birth along with the abuse she faces throughout her marriage. Laila, born a gen erati on later, is comp aratively p rivileged duri ng her youth un til their lives in tersect and she is also forced to acce pt a marriage

3、prop osal from Rasheed, Mariams husba nd.The author Hosse ini has remarked that he regards the no vel as a mother-daughter story in con trast to The Kite Runner which he con siders a father-s on story.It continues some of the themes used in his p revious work, such as the familial asp ects, but focu

4、ses p rimarily on female characters and their roles in Afgha n society.The Author & BackgroundKhaled Hossei ni ( bor nMarch 4,1965) is anAfgha n-bornAmerican novelist and physician. After graduating from college, he worked as a doctor in California, an occ up ati on that he like ned to an arran ged

5、marriage. He has p ublished three no vels, most no tably his 2003 debuThe Kite Runner all of which are at least partially set in Afghanistan and feature an Afghan as the protagonist.Followi ng the success ofThe Kite Runn erhe retired from medici ne to write full-time.Hosse ini was born in Kabul, Afg

6、ha ni sta n. His father worked as a dipIo mat, and whe nHosse ini was 11 years old, the family moved to Fran ce; four years later, they app lied for asylum in the United States, where he later became a citizen. Hosseini did not retu rn to Afgha ni sta n un til 2001 at the age of 36, where he felt li

7、ke a tourist in his own coun try.Hosseini visited Afghanistan in 2003, and heard so many stories about what happened to women, the tragedies that they had endured, the difficulties, the gen der-basedviole nee that they had suffered, the discrim in ati on, the being barred from active life duri ng th

8、e Taliba n, hav ing their moveme nt restricted, being banned essentially from practicing their legal, social rights, political rights.This motivated him to write a no vel cen tered on two Afgha n wome n.TitleThe title of the book comes from a line in the Jose phine Davis tran slati on of the poem Ka

9、bul, by the 17th-ce ntury Iranian p oet Saib Tabrizi:Every street of Kabul is en thralli ng to the eyeThrough the bazaars, carava ns of Egypt p assOne could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofsAnd the thousa nd splen did suns that hide beh ind her wallsIn an in terview, Khaled Hosse ini exp

10、lain s, I was search ing for En glish tran slati ons of po ems about Kabul, for use in a sce ne where a character bemoa ns leav ing his beloved city, whe n I found this p articular verse. I realized that I had found not only the right line for the sce ne, but also an evocative title in the p hrase a

11、 thousa nd splen did sun s, which app ears in the n ext-to-last sta nza.SummaryThe no vel cen ters around two wome n, Mariam and Laila, how their lives become in tertw ined after a series of drastic eve nts, and their subseque nt frie ndshi p and support for each other in the backdr op of Kabul in t

12、he 20th and 21st cen tury. It is sp litinto four p arts that focus on in dividual stories: Part one is about Mariam, part two is on Laila, part three is on the relati on shi p betwee n the two wome n, and Lailas life with Tariq is in part four. The last sect ion also happens to be the only part writ

13、te n in the p rese nt tense.Mariam lives in a kolba on the outskirts of Herat with her embittered mother. Jalil, he father, is a wealthy bus in essma n who owns a cin ema and lives in the tow n with three wives and nine childre n. Mariam is his illegitimate daughter,a nd she is p rohibited to live w

14、ith them, but Jalil visits her every Thursday. On her fiftee nth birthday, MariamHewan ts her father to take her to sePino cchio at his movie theater, aga inst the pl eas o: her mother. Whe n he does not show up, she hikes into tow n and goes to his house.refuses to see her, and she ends up slee pin

15、g on the street. I n the morning, Mariam returns home to find that her mother has committed suicide out of fear that her daughter had deserted her. Mariam is the n take n to live in her fathers house. Jalil arra nges for her to be married to Rasheed, a shoemaker frcKabul who is thirty-years her seni

16、 or. I n Kabul, Mariam becomes pregnant seve n successive times but is n ever able to carry a child to term. This is a sad, disquiet ing reality for bothRasheed and Mariam. Ultimately Rasheed grows more and more des pondent over his wifes in ability to have a child and p articularly a son. As their

17、marriage wears onRasheed gradually becomes more and more abusive.Part Two in troduces Laila. She is a girl grow ing up in Kabul who is close friends withinTariq, a boy liv ing in her n eighborhood. They eve ntually devel op a roma ntic relati onship des pite being aware of the social boun daries bet

18、wee n men and wome nAfgha n society. War comes to Afgha ni sta n, and Kabul is bombarded by rocket attacks. Tariqs family decides to leave the city, and the emoti onal farewell betwee n Laila andTariq cul min ates with them maki ng love. Lailas family also decides to leave Kabul, but as they are p a

19、ck ing a rocket destroys the house, killi ng her parents and severely injuri ng Laila. Laila is subseque ntly take n in by Rasheed and Mariam.After recoveri ng from her in juries, Laila discovers that she is pregnant with Tariqs child. After being in formed by Abdul Sharif that Tariq has died, she a

20、grees to marryRasheed, a man eager to have a young and attractive sec ond wife in hopes of hav ing a son with her. Whe n Laila gives birth to a daughter, Aziza, Rasheed is dis pleased and sus picious. This results in him beco ming abusive towards Laila. Mariam and Laila eve ntually become con fida n

21、ts and best frie nds. They p la n to run away from Rasheed and leave Kabul but are caught at the bus statio n. Rasheed beats them and dep rives them of water for several days, almost killi ng Aziza.A few years later, Laila gives birth to Zalmai, Rasheeds son. ThTaliba n has rise n to po wer and imp

22、osed harsh rules on the Afgha n popu lati on, p rohibit ing wome n from app eari ng in p ublic without a male relative. There is a drought, and liv ing con diti ons in Kabul become poor. Rasheeds worksho p burns dow n, and he is forced to take jobs for which he is ill-suited. He sends Aziza to an or

23、phan age. Laila en dures a nu mber of beati ngs from the Taliba n whe n caught alone on the streets in atte mp ts to visit her daughter.Then one day Tariq app ears outside the house, and he and Laila are reun ited. Laila realizes that Rasheed had hired Abdul Sharif to inform her about Tariqs fake de

24、ath, so that he could marry her. Whe n Rasheed returns home from work, Zalmai tells his father about the visitor. Rasheed starts to savagely beat Laila. He n early stra ngles her, but Mariam in terve nes and kills Rasheed with a shovel. Afterwards, Mariam con fesses to killi ng Rasheed in order to d

25、raw atte nti on away from Laila and Tariq.Mariam is p ublicly executed, allowi ng Laila and Tariq to leave for P akista n withAziza and Zalmai. They spend their days work ing at a guest house in Murree, a summer retreat.After the fall of the Taliba n, Laila and Tariq return to Afgha ni sta n. They s

26、top in the village where Mariam was raised, and discover a p ackage that Mariams father left beh ind for her: a videota pe ofPino cchio, a small sack of mon ey, and a letter. Laila reads the letter and discovers that Jalil had regretted sending Mariam away. Laila and Tariq return to Kabul and use th

27、e money to fix up the orphan age, where Laila starts work ing as a teacher. Laila is pregnant with her third child, and if it is a girl, Laila has already n amed her Mariam.Comme ntsAfter readi ng the no vel,l am dee ply touched and shocked.I am touched by the p atie nee and sufferi ng of Mariam and

28、 the frie ndsh ip betwee n Mariam and Laila.I am shocked by the viole nee and abuse of Rasheed.is a beautiful, heart-wre nching story of an un forgi ving time, an un likely bond and an in destructible love. Although Mariam and Laila suffer many pains, yet love can move a person to act in unexp ected

29、 ways, lead them to overcome the most daun ti ng obstacles with a startli ng heroism .In the end it is love that triu mphs over death and destruct ion.Love may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you consider the war-ravaged Iandscape of Afghanistan. But that is the emotion subterranean,

30、powerful, beautiful, illicit, and infinitely patient thatiffuses the pages of KhaledHosseinisA Thousand Splendid Suns As in his best-selling first novel, The KiteRunner Hosseini movingly examines the connections between unlikely friends, the fissures that open up betwee n parents and childre n, the intran sige nee


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