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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语四级模拟82公共英语四级模拟82Section Listening ComprehensionDirections: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are TH

2、REE parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.

3、 If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A For Questions 15, you will hear a dialogue between a customer and a waiter. While you listen, fill out the table with the information

4、 you have heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only 1 word in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. Dialogue in a Hotel Charles Nelson have a reservation for 1. The available suite is a 2. amount of

5、money for one night 3. Breakfast is only free on 4. the additional discount 5. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名)1.答案:tonight解析 1-5M: Hello, I have a reservation for tonight.W: Your name, please.M: Nelson, Charles Nelson.W: OK, Mr. Nelson. Thats a room for five andM: But excuse me, you mean a room for five pounds

6、? I didnt know the special was so good.W: No, no, hold noaccording to our records, a room for 5 guests was booked under your name.M: No, nohold on. You must have two guests under tile name.W: OK, let me check this again. Oh, here we are.M: Yeah?W: Charles Nelson, a room for one for the 19thM: Wait,

7、wait. Its for tonight, not tomorrow night.W: EmI dont think we have any rooms for tonight. Theres a conference going on in town ander, lets seeyeah, no rooms.M: Oh, come on! You must have something, anything!W: Well, letlet me check my computer hereAh!M: What? Oh, come on! You must have something, a

8、nything!W: There has been a cancellation for this evening. A honeymoon suite is now available.M: Great, Ill take it.W: But, Ill have to charge you 150 pounds for the night.M: What? I should have a discount for the inconvenience!W: Well, the best I can give you is a 10% discount plus a ticket for a f

9、ree continent breakfast.M: Hey, isnt the breakfast free anyway?W: Well, only on weekends.M: I want to talk to the manager.W: Wait, wait, waitMr. Nelson, I think I can give you an additional 15% discount解析 细节题。根据“I have a reservation for tonight”可知正确答案。2.答案:honeymoon解析 细节题。根据“A honeymoon suite is now

10、 available.”可知正确答案。3.答案:答案:weekends解析 细节题。根据“isnt the breakfast free anyway? only on weekends.”可知正确答案。5.答案:15%解析 细节题。根据“I think I can give you an additional 15% discount”可知正确答案。Part B For Questions 610, you will hear a passage about American state fair. While you listen, complete the sentences and a

11、nswer the questions. Use not more than 3 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. When is the state fair held?答案:Every summer解析 6-10 Almost all states in America have a state fair. They la

12、st for one, two or three weeks. The Indiana state fair is one of the largest and oldest state fairs in USA. It is held every summer. It started in 1852. Its goals were to educate, share ideas, and present Indianas best products. The cost of a single ticket to enter the fair was 20 cents. During the

13、early 1930s, officials of the fair ruled that the people could attend by paying with something other than money. For example, farmers brought a bag of grain in exchange for a ticket. With the passage of time, the fair has grown and changed a lot, but its still one of Indianas most celebrated events.

14、 People from all over Indiana and from many other states attend the fair. They can do many things at the fair. They can watch the judging of the price cows, pigs, and other animals; they can see sheep getting their wool cut, and they can learn how that wool is made into clothing; they can watch cows

15、 giving birth. In fact, people can learn about the animals they would see except at the fair. The fair provides a chance for the farming communities to show its skills and farming products. For example, visitors might see the worlds largest apple, or the tallest sunflower plant. Today, children and

16、adults at the fair can play new computer games, or attend more traditional games of skill. They can watch performances performed by famous entertainers. Experts say such fairs are important, because people need to remember that theyre connected to the earth and its products, and they depend on anima

17、ls for many things. 解析 细节题。根据“It is held every summer.”可知正确答案。2. When did it start?答案:in 1852解析 细节题。根据“It started in 1852.”可知正确答案。3. Its goals were to educate, share ideas, and present_.答案:Indianas best products解析 细节题。根据“Its goals were to educate, share ideas, and present Indianas best products.”可知正

18、确答案。4. Whats the cost of a single ticket to enter the fair?答案:twenty cents解析 细节题。根据“The cost of a single ticket to enter the fair was 20 cents.”可知正确答案。5. Besides remembering that theyre connected to the earth and its products, its important also because they depend on animals for_.答案:many things解析 细

19、节题。根据“Experts say such fairs are important, because people need to remember that theyre connected to the earth and its products, and they depend on animals for many things.”可知正确答案。Part C You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each o

20、f the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. Questions 1113 are based on the following dialogue. You now have 15 seconds to read

21、 Questions 1113. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What is the womans present position?A.Assistant director.B.Assistant professor.C.Director.D.Professor.答案:A解析 11-13M: Sarah, you work in the admissions office, dont you?W: Yes, Ive been here for ten years as assistant director.M: Really? What does that involve

22、?W: Well, Im in charge of all the admissions of postgraduate students in the university.M: Only postgraduates?W: Yes, postgraduates only. I have nothing at all to do with undergraduates.M: Do you find that you get particular-sort ofdifferent national groups? I mean, do you get large numbers from Lat

23、in America orW: Yes. Well, of all the students enrolled last year, nearly half were from overseas. They were from African countries, the Far East, the Middle East, and Latin America.M: Em. But have you been doing just that for the last 10 years, or, have you done other things?W: Well, Ive been doing

24、 the same job. Er, before that, I was secretary of the medical school at Birmingham, and further back, I worked in the local government.M: Oh, I see.W: So Ive done different types of things.M: Yes, indeed. How do you imagine your job might develop in the future? Can you imagine shifting into a diffe

25、rent kind of responsibility or doing somethingW: Oh, yeah, from October 1, Ill be doing an entirely different job. Theres going to be more committee work. I mean, more policy work, and less dealing with students, unfortunatelyIll miss my contact with students.解析 细节题。根据“Ive been here for ten years as

26、 assistant director.”可知本题答案为A。2. What do we learn about the postgraduates enrolled last year in the womans university?A.Nearly half were from overseas.B.They were only from African countries.C.They were only from the Far East and Middle East.D.They were only from Latin America.答案:A解析 细节题。根据“of all t

27、he students enrolled last year, nearly half were from overseas.”可知本题答案为A。3. What will the womans new job be like?A.There will be less community work.B.There will be less policy work.C.There will be more dealing with students.D.There will be less dealing with students.答案:D解析 细节题。根据“I mean, more polic

28、y work, and less dealing with students”可知本题答案为D。 Questions 1416 are based on the following monologue about his family. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 1416. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. What does the speaker tells us about his mothers early childhood?A.She was born in a small town in southern I

29、taly.B.They immigrated to America in 1962.C.They lived in Chicago.D.At 18, she graduated first in her high school class.答案:C解析 14-16 My mother was born in a small town in northern Italy. She was three when her parents immigrated to America in 1926. They lived in Chicago when my grandfather worked ma

30、king ice cream. Mama thrived in the urban environment. At 16, she graduated first in her high school class, went onto secretarial school, and finally worked as an executive secretary for a railroad company. She was beautiful too. When a local photographer used her pictures in his monthly window disp

31、lay, she felt pleased. Her favorite portrait showed her sitting by Lake Michigan, her hair went blown, her gaze reaching toward the horizon. My parents were married in 1944. Dad was a quiet and intelligent man. He was 17 when he left Italy. Soon after, a hit-and-run accident left him with a permanen

32、t limp. Dad worked hard selling candy to Chicago office workers on their break. He had little formal schooling. His English was serf-taught. Yet he eventually built a small successful wholesale candy business. Dad was generous and handsome. Mama was devoted to him. After she married, my mother quit

33、her job and gave herself to her family. In 1950, with three small children, dad moved the family to a farm 40 miles from Chicago. He worked land and commuted to the city to run his business. Mama said goodbye to her parents and friends, and traded her busy city neighborhood for a more isolated life.

34、 But she never complained. 解析 细节题。根据“They lived in Chicago when my grandfather worked making ice cream.”可得出正确答案为C。5. Who used her pictures in his monthly window display?A.A writer.B.A manger of a department store.C.A local photographer.D.A director of a magazine.答案:C解析 细节题。根据“When a local photograph

35、er used her pictures in his monthly window display, she felt pleased.”可知正确答案为C。6. What does NOT the speaker say about his father?A.He was a quiet and intelligent man.B.He was 17 when he left Italy.C.Dad worked hard selling.D.He had much formal schooling.答案:D解析 细节题。根据“He had little formal schooling.”

36、可知正确答案为D。 Questions 1720 are based on the following passage about a sad mother. You now have 20 seconds to read Questions 1720. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 7. What was the significant change in Jennys life?A.She became a public figure.B.She made a successful speech.C.She had a terrible lesson.D.She was hur

37、t in the accident.答案:A解析 17-20 Jenny never wanted to be a national public figure. All she wanted to be was a mother and a homemaker. But her life was turned upside down when a motorist distracted by his cell phone, ran a stop sign and crashed into the side of her car. The impact killed her two-year-

38、old daughter. Four months later, Jenny reluctantly but courageously decided to try to educate the public and to fight for laws to ban drivers from using cell phones while a car is moving. She wanted to save other children from what happened to her daughter. In her first speech, Jenny got off to a sh

39、aky start. She was visibly trembling and her voice was soft and uncertain. But as she got into her speech, a dramatic transformation took place. She stopped shaking and spoke with a strong voice. For the rest of her talk, she was a forceful and compelling speaker. She wanted everyone in the audience

40、 to know what she knew without having to learn it from a personal tragedy. Many in the audience were moved to tears, and to action. In subsequent presentations, Jenny gained reputation as a highly effective speaker. Her appearance on a talk show was broadcast three times transmitting her message to

41、over 14,000,000 people. Her campaign increased public awareness of the problem and prompted over 300 cities and several states to consider restrictions on cell phone use. 解析 细节题。Jenney因为孩子去世而开始了她的演讲生涯,这使她成为了公众人物,所以这是她人生中重要的变化,因此正确答案为A。8. What had led to Jennys personal tragedy?A.She drove too fast.B

42、.A motorist drove too fast.C.A motorists failure to concentrate.D.Her failure to concentrate.答案:C解析 细节题。文章说由于司机开车时打电话而导致了事故,由此可知他当时没有集中精力开车,因此本题答案为C。9. How did Jenny feel when she began her first speech?A.Confident.B.Guilty.C.Ashamed.D.Nervous and unsure of herself.答案:D解析 细节题。根据对她初次演讲的描写,可知本题答案为D。10

43、. What could be expected as a result of Jennys efforts?A.Restrictions on cell phone use while driving.B.Restrictions on using cell phone.C.Awareness of not using cell phone.D.Peoples sympathy.答案:A解析 推断题。文章讲了她希望通过自己的演讲而使同样的悲剧不要重演,由此可以推断出以后可能会禁止开车时打电话,故本题选A。Section Use of EnglishDirections: Read the f

44、ollowing text. Choose the best word (s)for each numbered blank and mark A , B, C or D onANSWER SHEET 1. Each company has many public who would be able not only to recognize its name 1 to correctly identify its industry and its 2 . These publics include present customers and stockholders as well as b

45、anks, insurance companies, stockbrokers, and securities 3 who supply the company with essential services and capital. The 4 names of many well-established companies can be one of misinformation, thereby 5 communication with them. This was the problem that faced Michigan seamless tube companya compan

46、y with sales of 128 million a year. At first 6 , the companys name tells us that it is located in Michigan 7 that it manufactures seamless tubing. What the name does not 8 to most people is the fact Michigan seamless tube also has operations in five 9 states and has a varied production line of forgi

47、ngs, broaching machines, tools, and steel bars in addition to seamless tubing. The problem was 10 by the companys 11 , which operated 12 . Their own names were not clearly identified with the 13 company. Customers, suppliers, and the financial community did not see Michigan seamless tube as a 14 bas

48、ed metal producer. They perceived it only as a small, 15 , regional manufacturing company. The companys 16 decided to adopt a new corporate identity. The 17 point for this change was the company name. The new name had to be one that could encompass all of the companys products and subsidiaries, a na

49、me that would correctly project the image of a 18 corporation. After considering many different possibilities, management decided on a 19 word: quanexa name 20 from a combination of the first three letters of the word quality and the first three letters of the Latin word nex, which means connection.

50、 1.A.andB.butC.howeverD.either答案:B解析 本题考查固定搭配。not onlybut also为固定搭配,这里省略了also。故应选B。2.A.productionB.productC.producingD.by-product答案:B解析 本题考查词义辨析。production,生产,但强调抽象的生产过程和行为;product,产品,指具体的实物;producing是现在分词;by-product,副产品。这里指具体产品,所以应选B。3.A.analyticalB.analystC.analysisD.analysts答案:D解析 本题考查词义辨析。这里讲的是公

51、众,所以应该是公司或人,analytical,形容词,分析的;analyst,名词,分析师;analysis,名词,分析,指的是分析这种行为或现象;B、D意思一样,但从语法看应该用复数形式,因为谓语动词是复数形式,所以应选D。4.A.businessB.co-operationC.incorporationD.corporate答案:D解析 本题考查词义辨析。business,商业;co-operation,合作;incorporation,吸收,并入; corporate,公司。故应选D。5.A.limitingB.limitsC.limitD.limited答案:A解析 本题考查语法。所选

52、的词在这里作结果状语,应该用现在分词,所以应选A。6.A.glanceB.viewC.watchD.consideration答案:A解析 本题考查固定搭配。at first glance,乍看之下,乍一看,其他词没有这种搭配,所以应选A。7.A.andB.butC.soD.however答案:A解析 本题考查连词。本句讲的是公司名称的两种含义,是并列的关系,所以应用并列连词,故正确答案为A。8.A.passB.transferC.conveyD.transmit答案:C解析 本题考查词义辨析。pass to,把某物递给某人,指具体的动作;transfer,转移;convey,传递信息;tra

53、nsmit,传输。故应选C。9.A.elseB.othersC.otherD.rest答案:C解析 本题考查语法。else,别的,其他的,一般放在所修饰词的后面;others,是名词性代词,单独使用时后面不能加其他名词;other,形容词,别的,其他的,后面可以加名词;rest,指所有剩下的,而且一般与the连用。所以应选C。10.A.decreasedB.increasinglyC.increasedD.compounded答案:D解析 本题考查问义辨析。这句是被动语态,所以肯定应该填一个及物动词,故B不正确。decrease,降低;increase,提高;compounde,形成,构成,使

54、加重,使恶化。可见只有D符合文意。11.A.headquartersB.plantsC.agentsD.subsidiaries答案:D解析 本题考查词义辨析。headquarter,总部;plant,工厂;agent,代理商;subsidiary,子公司。根据句意应选D。12.A.inB.underC.withD.have答案:B解析 本题考查理解。这里讲的是子公司,自然应该是在其下属经营,所以应选B。13.A.parentB.motherC.head officeD.original答案:A解析 本题考查理解。这里是讲子公司与母公司的关系。虽然是说子公司与母公司,但一般用parent an

55、d child,而不用mother and child,所以应选A。14.A.broadlyB.sizablyC.competitivelyD.largely答案:A解析 本题考查理解。broadly,广泛的;sizably,相当大地;competitively,有竞争力地;largely,很大程度地,根据句意应选A。15.A.specializedB.specialC.specialtyD.specialization答案:A解析 本题考查词义辨析。specialized,专业的,专门的;special,特别的;specialty,特产; specialization,专门研究。根据文意这里

56、是指专业的公司,所以应选A。16.A.managementsB.managerialC.managersD.management答案:D解析 本题考查词义辨析。management,抽象名词,管理,但还可作可数名词,管理部门; managerial,形容词,管理的;manager,经理。根据句意应该是公司的管理部门,而不是具体的某个人。所以应选D。17.A.firstB.startC.beginD.starting答案:D解析 本题考查语法。这里应该用形容词,而B、C都是动词,不能选;A是序数词,这里没有讲先后顺序,所以不正确。故应选D。18.A.diversificationsB.diversificationC.diversifyD.diversified答案:D解析 本题考查词义辨析。diversification,名词,多样化;diversify,动词,使多样化;diversified,形容词,多样化的。这里需要形容词修饰名词,所以应选D。19.A.creat


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