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1、北京师范大学外文学院外国语言学及应用语言学专业研究生课程讲义课程名称:英语教材分析与设计analysing and designing elt materials主 讲 人:程晓堂2008年7月修订course description and requirementscourse overview(课程简介)this course introduces students to the objectives, methods, and findings of research investigating how materials are developed, evaluated and use

2、d in foreign/second language teaching. it will help students to better understand the theoretical assumptions behind materials, the roles of materials in language teaching and the methods of materials development and evaluation. the course will include topics such as syllabus design, needs analysis,

3、 features of well-designed materials, the use of corpora, materials evaluation, materials adaptation and the development of original materials. students will be asked to read recommended books and research articles, evaluate sample materials, adapt materials for classroom use and present their work

4、the class after each assignment. practical assignments will provide opportunities for application of the concepts and practices by requiring students to analyze language learning materials currently in use. the presentations will provide students with opportunities to demonstrate and share their lea

5、rning outcomes.objectives(课程目标)the course is aimed at enabling participants to: understand approaches to syllabus design conduct needs analysis for the purpose of materials development identify features of elt materials currently in use understand the ways of elt materials evaluation adapt materials

6、 for classroom use use corpora in the process of materials development develop original materials for elt classroom use.assessment(成绩评定)(1) participation in class and group work (10% of grade)(2) assignments (30% of grade)(3) class presentation of assignments (10% of grade)(4) final exam or end of t

7、erm paper (50% of grade)lecture topics(教学内容)(1) introduction concepts, issues and the course outline(2) examining various syllabuses structural syllabuses, functional-notional syllabuses, task-based syllabuses and the chinese middle school syllabuses in particular;(3) needs analysis analyzing learne

8、rs and teachers needs;(4) features of “good” materials;(5) research issues on materials development;(6) language corpora in materials development;(7) evaluating and selecting materials;(8) adapting materials;(9) producing original materialsschedule(教学安排)weekdatetopicsreadings 1introduction concepts,

9、 issues and the course outline2examining various syllabuses 3presentation and discussion (1)4needs analysis5presentation and discussion (2)6features of “good” materials7presentation and discussion (3)8research issues on materials development9presentation and discussion (4)10language corpora in mater

10、ials development11presentation and discussion (5)12evaluating and selecting materials13presentation and discussion (6)14adapting materials15presentation and discussion (7)16producing original materialscourse study requirements(课程学习要求)(1) students should complete assignments before coming to class. t

11、hese assignments include recommended reading, written assignments and presentations. class work will include lectures, discussions and group work, which all students are expected to contribute to.(2) if an assignment is a group-project, all group members should contribute equally. group members take

12、 turn to do presentations. further guidelines will be given in class.(3) the final exam will be a take home final that will be distributed during the last week of class. it will be due on the final day of the university calendar.recommended readings(推荐书目)core readingsbrown, j. d. 1995. the elements

13、of language curriculum. heinle and heinle. (外语教学与研究出版社2001)cunningsworth, allan. 1995. choosing your coursebook. henle and heinle. (上海外语教育出版社2002)dubin, fraida & olshtain, elite (1986). course design: developing programs and materials for language learning. cambridge: cambridge university press. (上海

14、外语教育出版社2002)mcdonough, j., & shaw, c. (2003). materials and methods in elt. second edition. oxford: blackwell. (北京大学出版社,2004)mcgrath, ian. 2002. materials evaluation and design for language teaching. edinburgh university press. (available at bnu library)nunan, david (1988). syllabus design. oxford:

15、oxford university press.richards, j. c. 2001. curriculum development in language teaching. cambridge university press. (available at bnu library)sheldon, l. e. (ed.) (1988). elt textbooks and materials: problems in evaluation and development”: elt documents 126: modern english publications/the briti

16、sh council.tomlinson, brian (1998). materials development in language teaching. cambridge university press. (available at bnu library)tomlinson, brian (2003). developing materials for language teaching. continuum.yalden, janice (1987). principles of course design for language teaching. cambridge uni

17、versity press. (外语教学与研究出版社2001)tomlinson, brian (2008) (ed.). english language learning materials: a critical review. continuumother classicscunningsworth, a. (1984). evaluating and selecting efl teaching materials. heinemann.grant, neville (1987). making the most of your textbook. longman.hutchinso

18、n, tom & waters, alan (1987). english for specific purposes. cambridge: cambridge university press. (上海外语教育出版社2002)munby, j. 1978. communicative syllabus design. cambridge university press.wilkins, d. (1976) notional syllabuses, oxford university press.additional books and articles on elt materials

19、chambers, fred (1997). seeking consensus in coursebook evaluation. english language teaching journal, 51(1) 29-35.clarke, d. f. (1991). the negotiated syllabus:what is it and how is it likely to work? applied linguistics, 12(1) 13-28.ellis, rod (1993). the empirical evaluation of language teaching m

20、aterials. english language teaching journal, 51(1), 36-42.griffiths, c. l. (1995). evaluating materials for teaching english to adult speakers of other languages. forum, 33(3), 50-51.henrichsen, lynn (1983). teacher preparation needs in tesol: the results of an international survey. relc journal, 14

21、(1) 18-45.hutchinson, tom, & torres, e. (1994). the textbook as agent of change. english language teaching journal, 48(4), 315-328.long, michael h. & crookes, graham (1992). three approaches to task-based syllabus design. tesol quarterly, 26(1) 27-56.lynch, brian (1996). language program evaluation:

22、 theory and practice. cambridge: cambridge university press.prabhu, n. s. (1987). second language pedagogy. oxford: oxford university press.sheldon, l. e. (1988). evaluating elt textbooks and materials. elt journal, 42(4), 237-246.white, r. v. (1988). the elt curriculum: design, innovation and manag

23、ement, oxford: basil blackwell.willis, d. (1990). the lexical syllabus. london: collins.lecture 1: introduction1. warm upclass discussion: if you are commissioned to write or choose a textbook for a certain group of english learners, what are the important things that you need to do or consider? tak

24、e notes below when you discuss._further comments:2. some key concepts and issues(1) what is a textbook? according to your experience of learning english and your knowledge of the current situation, in what ways have textbooks changed?haines (1996, in richards, 2001, p. 250) listed the following diff

25、erences. which of these differences are true of the situation in china?pastnowauthor and academic centereduncertain global marketeuropean focussell what is publishedculture and methodology of originenglish for its own sakeuk/us publisher dominancenative speaker expertiseculturally insensitivelow ris

26、k/competitionlittle designartificial texts and tasksingle-volume titlesmarket letspecific fragmented marketspacific rim/latin american focusinternational or local cultureindigenous learning situationsenglish for specific purposesrise in local publishingnonnative speaker competenceculturally sensitiv

27、ehigh-risk/competitiondesign richauthenticitymulti-component/multimedia(2) what are materials? make a list all elt materials you used, you know of or you can imagine.(3) what role does a textbook (or a set of materials) play in language teaching and learning? can we teach language without a textbook

28、? if yes, how? richards (2001:254-256) listed the following merits and disadvantages of commercial textbooks. do you agree? can you give some examples?merits:l follow systematic structure and syllabusl help standardize instructionl maintain high qualityl provide a variety of resourcesl efficient and

29、 convenientl train teachersl provide visually appealing contentdisadvantagesl contain inauthentic languagel contain distorted contentsl cannot cater for different needsl may deskill teachers(4) what do these terms usually refer to: syllabus, curriculum, course?a curriculum is concerned with making g

30、eneral statements about language learning, learning purpose, and experience, and the relationship between teachers and learners. (nunan, p. 3, 1988).curriculum development is a more comprehensive process than syllabus design. it includes the processes that are used to determine the needs of a group

31、of learners, to determine an appropriate syllabus, course structure, teaching methods and materials, and to carry out tan evaluation of the language program.a syllabus is more localized and are based on the accounts and records of what actually happens at the classroom level as teachers and students

32、 apply a curriculum to their situation. (nunan, p. 3, 1988).a syllabus is a specification of the content of a course of instruction and lists what will be taught and tested. (richards, 2001)a course is a organized program of language instruction.assignment for this topic: nonereadings for next topic

33、: nunan, d. 1988. chapters 3 & 4brown, j. d. 1995. pp. 6-14lecture 2: examining syllabuses1. theoretical assumptions behind syllabusesviews on the nature of languagel structural vs. functional perspectives of language;l what are the basic units of language?views on the process of language learningl

34、synthetic vs. analytic perspectives of language learning;l behaviourism vs. cognitive perspectives of language development;l formal vs. informal perspectives of language learning (i.e., learning vs. acquisition)views on language educationl process-oriented vs. product-oriented educational perspectiv

35、e;l instrumentalistic vs. humanistic perspectives of language education;l knowledge-based vs. skill-based language teaching.some of these assumptions are competing against each other, some are just taking different perspectives about the same thing. before actually starting the work of syllabus desi

36、gn, the designers should have had some assumptions, albeit they might be eclectic.2. components of syllabuseshaving decided on the underlying assumptions about language and language teaching, the next thing to do in syllabus design is to decide what to include in the syllabus. below is a list of pos

37、sible components of syllabuses. are there any components or items that you dont think are not necessary? are there any components that you would like to add?l aims/goals- general statements about what must be accomplished by the end of the course.l objectives/targets/requirements- specific statement

38、s about what content or skills that students must master in order to attain the goals.l non-language outcomes- affect cultivation, such as confidence, motivation, interest- learning strategies, thinking skills, interpersonal skills, etc.- cultural understandingl learning contents- knowledge: vocabul

39、ary list, grammar items- skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing- functions and notions- topics- culturel implementation- approaches/methodologies- teaching principles- teaching suggestions- recommendation of textbooks/materialsl assessment/evaluation: who, what, how and for what purposes-

40、who should carry out assessment/evaluation?- what should be evaluated?- how is evaluation best done?- for what purposes should evaluation be done?- proficiency tests3. types of syllabusesgrammatical/structural syllabusthe syllabus input is selected and graded according to grammatical notions of simp

41、licity and complexity. these syllabuses introduce one item at a time and require mastery of that item before moving on to the next.situational syllabuslexical syllabusfunctional-notional syllabusthe syllabus input is selected and graded according to the communicative functions that language learners

42、 need to perform at the end of the language programme. the functional-notional syllabuses reflect a broader view of language provided by philosophers of language and sociolinguistics.functions: the communicative purposes for which we use language, such as identifying, agreeing, offering, approving,

43、inquiring, greeting, advising, apologizing, denying, suggesting, warning, persuading.notions: the conceptual meanings expressed through language: such as time, direction, equality, cause, frequency, existence, ownership, duration, size, location.topical/content-based syllabusthe content of language

44、learning might be defined in terms of situations, topics, themes, or other academic or school subjects. the stimulus for content-syllabuses is the notion that, unlike science, history, or mathematics, language is not a subject in its own right, but merely a vehicle for communicating about something

45、else.skills syllabustask-based syllabusboth task-based and procedural syllabuses share a concern with the classroom processes which stimulate learning. these syllabuses consist of a list of specification of the tasks and activities that the learners will engage in in class.integrated syllabus (multi

46、-syllabus)product-oriented vs. process-oriented syllabusesthe focus is on the knowledge and skills which learners should gain as a result of instruction. the focus in on the learning experiences themselves.synthetic vs. analytic syllabuses?synthetic: the different parts of language are taught separa

47、tely and step by step so that acquisition is a process of gradual accumulation of parts until the whole structure of language has been built up.analytic: learners are presented with chunks of language which may include structure of varying degrees of difficulty. the starting point for syllabus desig

48、n is not the grammatical system of the language, but the communicative purpose for which language is used. one major assumption for analytic syllabuses is that language can be learned holistically, in chunks as it were.4. a sample analysis of syllabusesgrammatical syllabuses(1) theoretical assumptio

49、nslanguage is system which consists of a set of grammatical rules. learning language means learning these rules and then applying them to practical language use. the syllabus input is selected and graded according to grammatical notions of simplicity and complexity. these syllabuses introduce one it

50、em at a time and require mastery of that item before moving on to the next.(2) main componentsa. a list of grammatical items selected according to the following criteria (wilkins, 1976; richards, 2001). what do you think these criteria mean? can you give some examples?simplicityregularityfrequencyco

51、ntrastive difficulty/linguistic distancelearnability: what items can be learned at what time? are students ready to learn certain rules, for example?intrinsic difficultycommunicative need: how often is an item needed in communication?b. a list of lexical items to be learned (wilkins, 1976; richards,

52、 2001:4-14)frequency:teachability: how easy is it to teach the words? for example, concrete nouns and verbs can be easily demonstrated by objects or actions. therefore they have a higher degree of teachability.defining power: some words are frequently used to define other words, e.g., container.simi

53、larity: cognates among languages are easier to learn, for example, table in french and english.range: in a frequency count, range is a measure of the distribution of linguistic items throughout a sample, and generally expressed as a measure of the number of texts or samples in which a linguistic ite

54、m occurs. e.g. in how many texts does a word occur.availability: when students are asked to think of the words that can be used to talk about a particular topic, they will be able to think of some words immediately. those words which they remember first and most easily are said to have a high availa

55、bility.coverage: the degree to which a word can be used to replace other words. e.g. “food”(3) merits- teaching a language through teaching its grammar is a familiar approach many teachers and - students. in many contexts, both teachers and students expect to see grammar in materials.- grammar is an

56、 important component of language proficiency.- the system of grammar provides a convenient guidance for syllabus design.- others?(4) drawbacks- it misrepresents the nature of language.- language learning does not necessarily occur in simple additive fashion.- it is difficult for the syllabus designer to control input and yet at the same time provide language samples f


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