



1、上海初三中考英语首字母填空专项练习%Firefighters or firemen play an important role in our daily life. In some places, firefighters use watchtowers to look for smoke and fires, although they get a fire report by telephone. A high tower is still very u 67 for watching and guarding a place. Fire fighters also make it a

2、placefor practice. They learn how to p 6S out fires from burning buildings. They try to c 69up the outside of the tower as fast as possible. They carry water hoses up to the fire. They practise cartying imaginable victims down f 70 high ladders. There are reasons tliat firefighters are called for he

3、lp. Maybe a building or a forest is o 71 fire.A train accident liappens and people are t 72 inside. Still, people need to be rescxied fromfloods or an earthquake. Whenever there is an emergency situation, they can be seen f 73there.Being a fire fighter needs a lot of t 74. In the first place, firefi

4、ghters should know how toeducate the conimumty (社区) by visiting schools, community centres and people in their own homes to p 75 fire and accidents from starting. They have to learn how to deal with differentdangerous situations. Above all, its necessary for firefighters to exercise every day to be

5、h 76and strong.Man has a big brain. He can think and s 72 languages. Scientists once thought that man isnt the same as animals b 73 man can think and learn. They know now tliat dogs, monkeys and birds can learn, too.They are beginning to u 74 that men are difierent &om animals because they can speak

6、.Animals cant speak. They make much n 75 when they are afraid, or uiiliappy. Aps(猿)can learn some things more quickly than man. One or two of them have learned a few words. But theycan not join words to make s 76 . They cannot think 1 77 us because they have no language. Language is a wonderful thin

7、g. Man has been a 78 to build a modern world because he has language. Every cluld can speak his own language very w 79 when he is fouror five, b 80 no animals learn to speak. How do children learn it? Scientists dont really know w 81 happens inside our body when we speak. They only know that man can

8、 speak because he has a brain.JZ2L %Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and bark. Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark u 72 someone opened the gate. As the neighbours complained of the noise, my husband s 73 weeks training lum to press Ins paw on the latch (f IH) t

9、o let himselfin. Rex soon became good at o 74 the gate.H 75, dien I was going out shopping last week, I n 76 lum in the garden near the gate.This time he was barking so that someone would let him o 77! Since then, he has developedanother bad h 7S .As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he co

10、mes i 79 the garden1and waits until the gate shuts. Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out. After tins he immediately lets himself in and begins barking a 80. Yesterday my husband removed the gateand Rex got soa 81 that he disappeared. Since then, we have not seen lum. 四、Elizabeth lived w

11、ith her six children in a small house. One winter, there was a big flood and quitea f 72 houses were washed away, but Elizabeths house was lugli e 73 to escape it. Elizabeth took in one of the families winch had lost everything. She shared her home until the fanuly could build a 74 house. Elizabeths

12、 friends could not understand w 75 she wantedto give so much when she already had so many children to support.“ Well, Elizabeth e 76 to her friends, 44 at the end of World War I, there was a poor woman ma town in Germany. Her husband had been killed in the war and she had a lot of children, just lik

13、em 77 now.The day before Christmas, tliis woman said to her children, We wont be a 78 to have much for Christmas. Pm going to get just one p 79 for us all. Now Pll go and get it. She came backW 80?梅毀敬膜物?橢?慨?潮潔牡決獴?甥?效敲甥?峻?抽徼決?卜?蜃故独楡?潴集紡漠港挠慣搅敲?The cliildren were more than excited to get such a present

14、. They welcomed the little girl raniily,and she g 81 up as their sister. I was that Christmas present. 五、Teenagers are very busy at school now and often forget to think about their diets and sports. Thetnith is that healthy eating and regular exercise are t 67 ways to keq? fit. D 68 your teenage yea

15、rs, it is important to give your body enough e 69 it needs. Younggirls need about 2,200 calories a day. Usually boys need a bit m 70, many doctors suggest.2,800 calories for teenage b 71. 50% of your calories should come from rice, bread, vegetables and fruit. You also need to drink a lot of water,

16、6 to 8 glasses a day. D 72 enough water will improve your dry skin and give you healthy body.Physical a 73, such as playing basketball and swinmung, are something that can help tomake you look good, feel good and be healthy. Experts (专 家)suggest tliat teenagers spend at 1 -7430 muiutes exercising a

17、day. five times a week. After you exercise a bit. your body produces sometlung that makes you feel r 75 and comfortable. It can e*en help you sleep better at night and let you p 76 more attention when you study六.Years ago in Scotland, the Clark family had a dream. The couple worked and saved, making

18、p72for their lune children and themselves to travel to the USA. It had taken years beforethey saved enougli money and got everything r73for the trip. The whole family was excited about their new life. However, sewn days b 74 they left forthe USA, the yoiuigest son was bitten (咬)by a dog. The doctor

19、treated the boy,2b 75 because there was a possibility of rabies (手匸人扌诲),they would be kept aray from others for fourteen days.The familys dream could not come t 76 They would not be able to make the trip to Americaas they had planned. Watching the slup leave一without the Clark fanuly, the father was

20、quitea 77 with both his son and God for their bad luck. Five days later, a piece of sad news s_ 78throughout Scotland一-the strong and powerful ship,Titanic, liad gone down、taking h 79of lives with it. The Clark family was to liave been onthat ship, but because the son was bitten by a dog. they were

21、left b 80 in Scotland. When Nir Clark heard the news, he thanked his son for savmg the family. He thanked the God fort 81 a sad thing into a good one. Although we may not always understand、all tilings happen for a reason.七、Adx-ertisements are everywhere! TheyYe oil the radio and TV in the newspapers

22、 and magazmes,and on buses, and b 67 Theyre on websites and mobile phones Companies give theirproducts to film stars, pop stars and sports stars to u 68 so tliat fans will buy them in order to copy the stars,Advertisements have become so common tliat they areift w 69 any more ME dont likeadvertis已me

23、nts. So we try not to see them. We turn o 70 the advertisements on our computers.We reftise to watch them on TV: or read them in magazines We no 1 71 pay attention to theposters all around us. We dont copy the stars because we know maybe they dont r 72 likethe things they advertise This means that a

24、dvertising companies need a new w 73 to sell their products They can*tmake their products “ cool ” by advertising Advertisements arent cool, and teenagers won*t buy the things in advertisements j 74 because the ad*ertisements say they are fashionable The latest way to advertise is not to advertise I 75of using stars, companies are using teenagers They pay them to tell their friends about new products Teenagers dont want to dress like everyone else and buy the tilings that everyone else has They want to look d 76 and create their own styles Tee


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