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1、词汇与语法to exp ress her ideas clearly whe n she was in vited to sp eak at a meeti ng.C. whatD. howGroup 116. My boss said that he was badlyA. atB. in17. She didn t knowA. whereB. whyn eed of my assista nee.C. forD. with18. The professor, as a splendid speaker, was warmly received by the students.A. kno

2、wnB. knowingC. to be knownD. havi ng known19. tired of Tom s all-talk- no -act ion attitude, Julia decided to do the job all by herself.A. To get20. HeB. To have got C. Gett ingD. Have gotin this company since he graduated from Andong Tech nical College ten years ago.21.A. workedB. has bee n work in

3、gC. had workedD. was work ingyou have any questi ons or n eeds, pl ease con tact the man ager after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. B. WhereC. IfD. Thougha year traveli ng around the world.B. to spendC. spentD. spendingfor the job, you will be required to take a Ian guage test.B. being in terview ingD. havi

4、ng in terviewedon no occasi on _B. he ever feelsA. Because22. It cost her a lot of money, but she doesn t regretA. to have spent B. to spendC. spent23. AfterA. being in terviewedC. i nterviewi ng24. He is used to flying by air andA. he has ever feltfrighte ned.C. ever does he feel25. It is most desi

5、rable that heA. searchB. searchedD. has he ever feltfor the in formatio n by himself with a few clicks on li ne.C. has searchedD. will search26. Follow the (settle) of the strike, the train service is now back to normal.27. By the end of this year the factory (produce) 20,000 cell phones.than we exp

6、 ected.28. Those who are worki ng in the Huma n Resources Dep artme nt are (humorous ) 29. We should read more and see more in order to (wide) our horizons.30. All the members of the club were present when the Chairman (elect) last week.31. When she was very young, my sister already knew where (put)

7、 her toys and dolls.32. Some experts suggest that we slow down the (economy) growth in the country.33. He might have been killed in that car accident yesterday if he (take) part in that activity with theteam.34. Doing a sec ond job to earn more money also means you have to pay (additi on) in come ta

8、x.35. (watch)by a crowd of people, Charles felt embarrassed and couldn t say a word.16. 【答案】17. 【答案】表达”18. 【答案】19. 【答案】20. 【答案】B。固定搭配。D。固定搭配。A。过去分词。Co现在分词。B。动词时态。Group 1in need of “需要”为固定搭配。疑问词+不定式,根据句意得知应选how +不定式,意思为“她不知道如何清晰主句谓语多用完成时或现在完成进行时。本句21. 【答案】C。连词。根据句意选择过去分词作后置定语,作用相当于一个定语从句。 有getting引起的

9、分词短语作原因状语。连词“ si nee”表示主句的动作从过去某一时间点开始,一直持续到现在,因此 work是延续性动词,根据句意本句用现在完成进行时。if,表示假设的状语从句。22. 【答案】本句的意思23. 【答案】D。动名词。regret to do为将要发生的事感到遗憾,regret doing表示为做了某事而后悔。根据“钱已花了”,应该用后一种表达方式。此种用法的词还有forget, remember等。A。分词。现在分词短语作时间状语,又因为分词的逻辑主语“ you”是“ in terview ”的承受者,因此用现在分词的被动语态。24. 【答案】D。倒装句。on no occas

10、ion是含否定意义的短语,放在句首时,句子要求部分倒装,将助动 词提到主语前。25. 【答案】 动词原形”26. 【答案】27. 【答案】时间,故用将来完成时。28. 【答案】29. 【答案】B。虚拟语气。在It is +形容词+that句型中,由that引导的主语从句中应用虚拟语气“ should+(should 可省略),此类词还有 importantecessary, advisable等。Section Bsettlement/settling。动词 settle 转换成名词 settlement (或动名词settling)词性转换。will have produced 。 by常与

11、完成时态连用,根据本题“ by the end of this year”是动词时态来的more humorous。多音节形容词 humorous 的比较级为 more humorous”。widen。形容词转换成动词,“in order to ”后接动词原形,表目的。,时态是过去动词语态时,故应用动词过去时被30. 【答案】was (being) electedo根据句意“主席被选举” 动语态,或过去进行时的被动语态。4.35.【答案】 【答案】 【答案】 【答案】 【答案】to put。疑问词+动词不定式, where后用to put。economic。名词转换成形容词

12、,名词growth前需用形容词 economic。had take n。本句为与过去时态相反的被动语态,从句谓语动词应为had take n。additi onal。名词 in come 前应用形容词 additi onal。Watched/Being watched watch的逻辑主语是动作的承受者,所以用过去分词作状语。Group 216. The accide nt was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage _A. atB. toC. onD. forthe other car.17. The rep rese ntative of th

13、e company dema nded that part of the agreeme ntA. will beB. isC. to beD. be18. We ve got two TV sets, but we still can t watch anything becauseA. eachB. eitherC. n eitherD. every19. that Bob had got pro moted, his friends came to con gratulate him.A. HeardB. Havi ng heardC. HearD. To hear20. Ever si

14、nce I arrived here, Iin the dormitory because it is chea per.A. livedB. was livi ngC. had bee n livi ngD. have bee n livi ng21. Try not to be abse ntclass aga in for the rest of the term.A. fromB. onC. inD. of22. You can t get a driver s licenseyou are at least sixteen years old.A. ifB. unl essC. wh

15、e nD. though.we all atte nd the meet ing.D. whatit wasn t long23. What do you thi nk of his suggesti on A. whichB. whetherC. thatrevised.works prop erly.24. The youngcompany.A. before25. The harder I tried, A. the impo ssibleman lost his joblast mon th, buthe found a new position in myB. whileD. aft

16、erC. asit seemed to solve that math p roblem.B. most imp ossibleC. the most imp ossibleD. the more impo ssible26. I ve heard that the musical group will set off for Hong Kong to give a three - day (perform) 27. Joh n not only lear nt Chin ese but also (know) the differe nee betwee n his culture and

17、ours.28. The more challe nging the journey is, the (ha ppy ) the young people will feel.29. After the flood, life was (extreme) difficult for the farmers in this area.30. The childre n (p lay)the violi n over there will go on the stage next week.31. Before the flight takes off, all p asse ngers are

18、asked to (fast)their seat belts.32. The p oliceme n (tell) not to take any action un til they received further order.33. I cannot go shopping with you because I have an (appoint) with my den tist this after noon.34. The father wants to know why his son (question) by the police last week.35. The boy

19、p assed the final exams. But if he had spent more time on them, the results (be) much better.16. 【答案】【解析】17. 【答案】【解析】B本题考查固定用法。表示“对造成损失或破坏”,应该在 damage后接介词 to。D本题考查虚拟语气。根据句子中出现的动词dema nd,可以判断其后面的that引导的宾语从should+动词原形”或直接用动词原形。句要用虚拟语气,即“18. 【答案】C【解析】本题考查否定代词。根据“我们还是什么都看不到”可以推断两台电视机都无法正常使用,所以选neither,对

20、两者都表示否定。19. 【答案】B【解析】本题考查现在分词。主句的主语his friends也是从句的逻辑主语,和从句谓语hear构成主动关系,所以要用现在分词。另外,hear这个动作发生在主句动作came之前,所以这里要用完成时。20. 【答案】D【解析】本题考查时态。根据句子中出现的时间状语“ever since I arrived here ”可以看出主句谓语动词表示一个由过去一直持续到现在的动作,所以应该用现在完成进行时。21. 【答案】【解析】22. 【答案】【解析】A本题考查固定用法。B本题考查连词用法。be absent from为固定短语,表示“缺席”。uni ess相当于if

21、 not,意为如果不,除非”。引导条件状语从句时,其23.【答案】C【解析】本题考查同位语从句。名词后一般接24.【答案】A【解析】本题考查固定用法。空格前面的25.【答案】D【解析】本题考查形容词/副词比较级用法。语中的常见句式,意为“越越主句常用否定形式。that引导的同位语从句来解释说明名词的具体内容。it wasn t long和before构成固定搭配,意为“不久以后”。“the+形容词/畐恫比较级,the+形容词/副词比较级”是英Section B26. 【答案】performaneegive的宾语,又因为前面有复合形容词three- day,所以应【解析】本题考查词形转换。空格处

22、应为该用perform的名词形式。27. 【答案】knew【解析】 本题考查时态。本句是由notonlybut also引导的并列句,因此空格处的动词know应该和learnt使用相同的时态。happier本题考查形容词比较级。此处为固定句式“the+形容词/副词比较级,the+形容词/畐恫比较级”28. 【答案】 【解析】的套用。extremely本题考查词形转换。修饰形容词difficult,这里应该用extreme的副词形式extremely。29. 【答案】【解析】30. 【答案】【解析】式 Playing。31. 【答案】【解析】playi ng本题考查现在分词。play应作主语ch

23、ildren的定语,两者为主动关系,所以采用现在分词形faste nfasten 扣紧,系牢”为形时态一致。 tell为policemen的谓语,两者为被动关系,所以要用被动 received保持一致,所以空格处应填were told。本题考查词形转换动词不定式。动词不定式后应接动词原形,动词 容词fast的词形转换。32. 【答案】were told【解析】本题考查被动语态,语态;而时态上要与从句中的33. 【答案】appointment空格处应为 have的宾语,又因为有冠词an,所以应该用appoint的名【解析】本题考查词形转换。词形式 appointment。34. 【答案】was

24、questioned【解析】 本题考查被动语态/时态一致。由by the police可知his son应该是被盘问;又由last week可 知被盘问一事发生在上周,所以要用过去式。35. 【答案】would have been【解析】本题考查虚拟语气。此句使用虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反。条件句中用了以主句中要用would + have +过去分词”这一结构。had spen t,所Group 316. A. Athis sur prise, the man ager found n obody in the meeti ng room.B. ToC. ForD. With17. This

25、 company has two branches: one in Paris and in New York.A. ano therB. one otherC. the otherD. other18. to find the proper job, he decided to give up job - hunting in this city.A. FailedB. Being failed C. To failD. Having failed19. The proposal , we ll have to make another decision about when to star

26、t the project.A.acce ptedB. acce pti ngC. to acce ptD. be acce pted20. We don t deny that your products are superior in quality to of Japanese make.A.the oneB. thatC. theseD. those21. It is required that anyone applying for a driver s license一A. takeB. takesC. took a set of tests.D. will take22. The

27、re is no evide neeoil p rice will come down in the n ear future.A.whichB. thatC. whereD. as23. The p olicema n saw the thiefhe app eared on the street corner.A.not un tilB. as longasC. the mome ntD. onlyif24. The p olicema n kept his eyeson the scree n of the compu ter to ide ntify the crim inal s f

28、oot prints.A. fixedB. fixingC. bei ng fixedD. to fix25. Tomthe p arty as no one saw him there yesterday evening.A. can t attendB. mustn t attendC. won t have attendedD. couldn t have attendedun aware of the trouble with the heat ing system in the hotel un til this26. The man ager was (en tire) week.

29、27. By the end of n ext mon th, we (find) a good solutio n to the tech ni cal p roblem.28. The nurse told the visitors (not sp eak )so loudly as to disturb the p atie nts.29. I m afraid there is not much (differ) in their points of view.30. If he had taken his lawyer s advice, he (save)himself a gre

30、at deal of trouble.31. (impress) by the young man s good qualifications, they offered him a job in their firm.32. I am sure the secretary who has just been hired will prove to be an efficient (employ) .33. We all felt excited when China succeeded in (launch) its first manned spaceship.34. We regret

31、to inform you that we no Ion ger manufacture the p roduct you are (in terest) in.35. The tall building (complete) last month is our new classroom building.16. 答案】B【解析】本题主要考查对to one s surprise用法的掌握。to one s surprise为固定搭配,意为令某人吃惊的是”。17. 【答案】C【解析】本题主要考查对onethe other用法的掌握。本句中前面用了代词one,后面就要用the other与之搭配

32、。又如: One took a taxi, and the other walked home .一个人打车回家,另一个人则步行回家。18. 【答案】D【解析】本题考查对非谓语动词用法的掌握。这里表示主动,因用现在分词引导的短语在句中作原因状 语。时态应选用完成时。19. 【答案】Aaccepted是过去分词,表被动的含义,即建议被接受。20. 【答案】D【解析】本题考查对代词用法的掌握。句中需要一代词来替代名词 替代的是复数名词,且是远指,故答案只能选D。21. 答案】A【解析】本题主要考查对动词require用法的掌握。句中that引导的从句作动词require的宾语,要使用虚拟语气,故此

33、处要用 take的原形。22. 答案】B解析】本题考查对连接代词用法的掌握。这里只有23. 答案】C解析】本题为短语词义辨析题。notun til意为“直到才” ,as long as意为“只要,在的时候”,the moment“瞬间,短暂的时间” ,only if“只有”,这里是说那个小偷在街道拐角处一出现,警察就看见了他,故答案选24. 答案】A解析】本题考查 kee P+宾语+补足语,补足语可以是现在分词,也可以是过去分词,因为宾语 补足语存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词,选A。25. 答案】D解析】本题考查对虚拟语气用法的掌握。P roducts,即日本的产品,由于它要that可以引

34、导同位语从句。C。eyes 禾口could+完成时态表示对过去事情的猜测。【解析】本题考查对非谓语动词用法的掌握。Section B26. 【答案】entirelyun aware。【解析】根据句子结构可知,这里需要一个副词来修饰形容词27. 【答案】will have found【解析】根据前面的时间状语by the end of n ext mo nth可知,本句要用将来完成时。28. 【答案】not to speaknot to do sth .,故此处【解析】本题考查对动词不定式否定用法的掌握。动词不定式的否定形式应该是 应该填 not to speak。29. 【答案】differe

35、nee【解析】根据句子结构,这里要填写一个名词。30. 【答案】would have saved【解析】本题考查对虚拟语气用法的掌握。根据句子结构可知,这里是指与过去事实相反,所以要用完 成时。31. 【答案】Impressed【解析】本题考查对非谓语动词用法的掌握。过去分词表示被动,即“使印象深刻”o32. 【答案】employee【解析】efficient是形容词,它修饰后面的名词。这里是说那个刚被雇佣的秘书将会是一名有效率的雇 员,故此处应该填写 empi oyee o33. 【答案】launching【解析】介词in之后应该接动名词。34. 【答案】interestedbe in te

36、rested in sth .是固定搭配,意为“对感兴趣”。【解析】本题考查对固定搭配的掌握。35. 【答案】completedcompleted做定语,修饰名词 building ,即已完成的【解析】本题考查对非谓语动词用法的掌握过去分词建筑物。Group 416. There are two maps on the wall: one is a map of China, andis a map of the world.A.otherB. ano therC. the otherD. the others17. For years, doctorsmillions of patients

37、 lives with the help of microscopes.A.have savedB. are savi ngC. will saveD. were savi ng18. Once more I have to leave Beijing, I have been living for eight years.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. as19. I was almost aslee p last ni ght whe n I sudde niy heard some oneat the door.A.be knockingB. kn ock ingC.

38、 to knockD. hav ing kn ocked20. The conferen cesin Beiji ng n ext week is bound to be a great success.A.holdi ngB. bei ng heldC. to holdD. to be held21. It wasn t such a good jobshe had read about in the advertisement.A.likeB. whichC. asD. what22. It s my great honorto give a speech at the opening c

39、eremony.A.to in viteB. in vit ingC. havi ng in vitedD. to be in vited23. Not un til yesterdayanything about the p roject that will be comp leted soon.A. did I learn B. have I learntC. I learntD. that I learnt24. This problem is his ability and I don t think he can solve it.A. toB. inC. beyondD. unde

40、r25. She didn t go to the party last night, she had to finish her term paper.A. ifB. thoughC. tillD. because26. The engin eers spent the whole ni ght (work) on the new device.27. I m not sure whether we can gain any profit from the (invest) .28. The price of petrol is much (high) now than it was thi

41、s time last year.29. No one can deny that we (make) tremendous progress in the past twenty years.30. The research group has submitted a report, (suggest) to the nearest hospital for treatment lastni ght.31. The people injured in the accide nt (se nd)to the n earest hos pital for treatme nt last ni g

42、ht.32. The organization started a (nation) campaign against cigarette smoking in public places.33. Application for this training course should be sent (direct) to the admission office.34. It is high time that the man ager (p ay) more atte nti on to the services for the customers.35. When (ask)about

43、the advertis ing camp aig n of the new p roduct, the man ager said it was a greatsuccess.16. 【答案】Can other; 一定范围内两人(物),一个用one,【解析】本题考查对习惯搭配用法的掌握。泛指另一个用另一个用the other; 一定范围内三者,一个用 范围内,除去一部分人物,剩余的全部用 除去一部分后,剩余部分但不是全部时,也用 17.【答案】【解析】18.【答案】 【解析】one,另一个用 another,第三个可用 the other, a third ; 一定 the others;泛

44、指别的人或物时,用others;当在一定范围内,others。A本题考查对时态的掌握。由时间状语for years可知,本题应该用现在完成式。B本题主要考查对非限制性定语从句用法的掌握。根据句子结构,这里需要一个连接词引导非Beijing ,故引导的是地点状语从句,所以要选限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 19.【答案】【解析】20.【答案】 【解析】B本题考查对动词习惯用法的掌握。where。hear sb doing sth 意为听见某人正在做某事。D本题主要考查对非谓语动词用法的掌握。由句意可知,这里说的是下周将在北京召开的会议, D。因此是表将来的被动式,故答案选 21.【答案】 C【解析】

45、本题主要考查对连接词用法的掌握。as在这里指“像构。句意为不像她在广告里读过的那样是一份如此好的工作。 22.【答案】 D【解析】本题主要考查对形式主语用法的掌握。本句中的it 是形式主语,因此要用动词不定式做真实主语,又因为这里是“被邀请”而感到荣幸,因此要用被动语态,故答案选D。23.【答案】 B 【解析】本题考查对时态及倒装句用法的掌握。根据时间状语式,由于是否定词在句首,所以句子要部分倒装,故答案选 24.【答案】 C一样”,与 such构成suchas” 结not until yesterday 。本句应该用现在完成B。【解析】本题考查对介词 beyond 用法的掌握。介词 beyo

46、nd 可指超出 (理解、范围、眼界 )之上,如: an evil beyond remedy (无可救药的邪恶) 。这里的 beyond ones ability 意为超出某人的能力。25.【答案】 D 【解析】本题考查对主从句逻辑关系的理解。主句说她没有参加昨晚的晚会,从句说她要完成学期论 文。显然是解释她不能参加昨晚的晚会的原因,因此应该选表示原因的because。Section B26【答案】 working【解析】本题考查对动词spend用法的掌握。其常用结构是spend time/money (in)doing sth .花费时间(金钱 ) 做某事。如: They spent two

47、 years (in) building this bridge 造这座桥花了他们两年时间。27.【答案】【解析】28.【答案】【解析】29.【答案】【解析】30.【答案】【解析】31.【答案】【解析】investment 根据句子结构及前面的定冠词可知,这里要填写一个名词。higher本题考查对形容词比较级用法的掌握。根据后面的have madethan 可知,这里要用形容词的比较级。本题考查对时态的掌握。由时间状语 in the past twenty years 可知,本题应该用现在完成式。suggesting本题考查对非谓语动词用法的掌握。根据句子结构可知,这里要用现在分词短语做状语。

48、was were sent本题考查对被动语态用法的掌握。根据句子结构可知,这里要用被动语态,即交通事故中受伤的人应该是“被送到”最近的医院去治疗。32. 【答案】 national【解析】根据句子结构可知,这里需要一个形容词修饰名词词形式 national 。33. 【答案】 directly【解析】根据句子结构可知,这里需要一个副词修饰动词campaign,故此处应该填写nation的形容sent,故此处应该填写 direct的副词形式directly。34. 【答案】paid/should pay【解析】本题考查对虚拟语气用法的掌握。It is(high)time that / It is

49、 (high) time that后面的从句谓语动词要用过去式或用 should 加动词原形。女口: It is time that children went to bed .或 It is high time that the children should go to bed .35. 【答案】askedasked about意为被问及什么时。【解析】本题考查对非谓语动词用法的掌握。过去分词Group 516. Although he did not feel well , he insistedgoing there together with us .A. toB. onC. atD

50、. for17. I ll ask Mr . Smith to ring you up he comes back to the office .A.whe nB. whereC. becauseD. although18. They regardA. thisas their duty to provide the best service for their customers .B. whatC. itD. that19. Not un til the day before yesterdayto give a sp eech at the meet ing.A.he agreedB.

51、does he agreeC. he agreesD. did he agree20. up at the clock on the wall , the secretary found it was already midnight .A.Looki ngB. LookC. To lookD. Looked21. The first textbook for teaching English as a foreign Ianguage came out in the 16th century .B. writte nC. to writeD. to be writtenhe is, he h

52、as proved to be an able salesmanB. whoC. asD. whichthe stock market will recover from the economic crisis .C. thatA. writi ng22. YoungA. that23. I don t doubtA. ifB. whatD. which24. In our company , great changesince the new manager came .A. took p laceB. take p laceC. will have take n p laceD. have

53、 take n p lace25. News came from the sales man agerthe new p roduct had bee n sell ing well in the local market forthree mon ths .A. whoseB. whatC. whichD. thatfor a management position, but failed every time .The graduates had a (cheer)farewell party before leaving the college .Karl probably (see)

54、Star Wars several times, for he knows every detail of the film .Believe it or not , when first (introduce)to Europe , tomato was thought to be poisonous .A tele phone user may pay a fixed mon thly charge and (allow) to make an un limited nu mber oflocal calls in the month .26. Sandy made quite a nu mber of (apply)3.34.35.I remember (see)you somewhere before, but I can t tell the exact place .I don t think it necessary (discuss)th


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