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1、高级仿真高级仿真NX Nastran structural analysis and solution types NX Nastran thermal analysis and solution types 线性静态分析 Supported linear static analysis types Using materials for a linear static analysis Defining boundary conditions for a linear static analysis Using the iterative solver 模态分析 2444Supported

2、modal analysis types Using materials for a modal analysis Defining boundary conditions for a modal analysis Setting modal solution attributes Reviewing modal analysis results 如何判断模态的频率 线性曲屈分析 6777889Buckling analysis introduction Linear buckling assumptionsSupported buckling analysis types Using mat

3、erials for a buckling analysis Defining boundary conditions for a buckling analysis Reviewing buckling analysis results Nonlinear static analysis introduction Supported nonlinear solution types Whether to use a nonlinear solution Using elements for solution type NLSTATIC 106 Using elements for solut

4、ion type ADVNL 601, 106 Using materials for solution types NLSTATIC 106 and ADVNL 601, 106 Entering stress/strain data for solution types NLSTATIC 106 and ADVNL 601, 106 Defining boundary conditions for solution types NLSTATIC 106 and ADVNL 601, 106 NLSTATIC 106 的求解设置 ADVNL 601, 106 的求解设置 响应仿真 仿真步骤

5、Special boundary conditions Solution attributes for Response Simulation FRF and Transmissibility Analysis events Excitation loads Function tools for Response Simulation utility Sensors 991010101011111213131414161617171719212121222323Strain gages产生整个模型在极值点处的响应柔体分析232425Flexible bodies workflow Adva n

6、eed Simulati on ste psMoti on Simulatio n ste psConnecting the flexible body FEM to the mecha nism Defining connection and load degrees of freedom .2525262626NX Nastra n structural an alysis and soluti ontypesAn alysis typeSoluti on typeLin ear StaticSESTATIC101- Sin gle Con strai ntSESTATIC101- Mul

7、ti-Co nstrai ntSESTATIC101-Sup ereleme ntModal A nalysisSEMODES103Descri pti onStructural solve used to solve lin ear and some non li near p roblems, such as gaps and con tact eleme nts.Evaluates no rmal modes and natural freque ncies.SEMODES103ResponseSimulatio nSEMODES103Sup ereleme ntSEMODES103Li

8、n ear Buckli ngSEBUCKL105Flexible BodyNon li nearNLSTATIC106Con siders geometric andStaticsmaterial non li near behavior.Determ ines buckli ng loads and buckled mode sha pes.An alysis typeSoluti on typeDescri pti onDirectFreque ncy ResponseSEDFREQ 108Freque ncy res ponse is calculated directly (with

9、out no rmal modes).Direct Tran sie nt ResponseSEDTRAN 109Tran sie nt res ponse is calculated directly (without no rmal modes).Modal Freque ncy ResponseSEMFREQ 111Freque ncy res ponse is based on previously solved normal modes.Modal Tran sie ntResponseSEMTRAN 112Tran sie nt res ponse is based on prev

10、iously solved normal modes.Non li near Tran sie nt ResponseNLTRAN 129Dyn amic tran sie nt res ponse is calculated, which in cludes (NLSTATIC 106) nonlin ear con diti ons.Advaneed Non li near Statics (imp licit)ADVNL 601,106Con siders geometric and material non li near behavior.Advaneed Non li near T

11、ran sie nt Response (imp licit)ADVNL 601,129Dyn amic tran sie nt res ponse is calculated, which in cludes non li near con diti ons.Advaneed Non li near Dyn amic An alysis (ex plicit)ADVNL 701Calculates dyn amic res pon ses with non li near effects.Desig nOp timizati onDES OPT 200Adjusts the defi ned

12、 desig n variables within thelimits yousp ecify as it searches for the op timum con diti ons, while work ing in the scope of your overall op timizatio n objective and out put con stra in ts.Axisymmetric StructuralSESTATIC101 -Solves an FE model that is defi ned for only a sect ion cut onAn alysis ty

13、peSoluti on typeDescri pti onMulti-Co nstrai nt NLSTATIC106 ADVNL 601,106 ADVNL 601,129one side of the axis of an axisymmetric part. This greatly reduces the degrees of freedom (DOF) and hence also sig nifica ntly reduces soluti on time.NX Nastran thermal analysis and solutiontypes线性静态分析Supp orted l

14、in ear static an alysis typesIn Adva need Simulati on, you can choose from the follow ing lin ear static an alysis types whe n you create a structural soluti on.SolverSoluti on typeNX Nastra nMSC Nastra nSESTATIC101 - Si ngle Con strai ntSolverSoluti on typeNX Nastra nMSC Nastra nSESTATIC101 - Multi

15、-Co nstrai ntANSYSLin ear StaticsABAQUSStatic P erturbati on subste pUsi ng materials for a lin ear static an alysisMaterial types that can be used in a lin ear static an alysis in elude:? Isotr opic? Orthotro pic ? Ani sotr opic? Lam in ateDefining boundary conditionsfor a linear statican alysisBou

16、n dary con diti ons for lin ear static an alysis can be geometry-based or fin ite eleme nt-based. Exa mp les in clude:? Point and edge forces? Face loads? Temp erature loads? DispI aceme nt con strai nts? Coup led degrees of freedomUsing the iterative solverYou can turn on the Element Iterative Solv

17、er option on the Solution dialog box, or whe n you are promp ted after you start a solve.The iterative solver:? Can be faster, uses less memory, and has fewer disk requireme nts tha n the sta ndard sp arse matrix solver.? Can be used for a lin ear static an alysis that does not in elude con tact.? S

18、howsthe best performanee gain with models composedmostly of solid eleme nts.? Is very efficie nt for models comp osed mostly of p arabolic tetrahedral eleme nts.X 1 知 *dlTdriJ - xi夬Mdn-h*Solvtr(冲片 MAaTRAM)Ancf-冋n Iorore Mdieridl Ttmptraiijfe Dper*de Frot Clap 鼻 Lvrirr Contact EJemntsIII Bu-unarr Cwt

19、dilRV-n Fke-PdE-vafu-alvun7OK 、I _1 * Cbtcu*七N 亠 1 -? 匚a卄PilA- Mi LAarEU-ni.已耳rOl* wrpprtpon模态分析Supp orted modal an alysis typesIn Adva need Simulati on,you can choose from the follow ing modal an alysistypes whe n you create a structural soluti on:1 SolverSoluti on typeNX Nastra nSEMODES 103SEMODES

20、 103 - Res ponse SimulationSEMODES 103 - Sup ereleme ntSEMODES 103 - Flexible BodyMSC Nastra nSEMODES 103SEMODES 103 - Sup ereleme ntSolverSoluti on typeANSYSModalABAQUSFreque ncy P erturbatio n subste pUsing materials for a modal an alysisMaterial types that can be used in a modal an alysis in elud

21、e:? Isotr opic? Orthotr opic? Ani sotr opic? FluidDefining boun dary con diti ons for a modalan alysisBoun dary con diti ons for modal an alysis in clude con stra ints and gluing, such as:?DispI aceme nt con strai nts.?Coup led degrees of freedom.? Surface-to-surface gluingSett ing modal soluti on a

22、ttributesFor a modal analysis, someof the NXNastran solution attributesin elude:? Max Job Time? Output Requests? Real Eige nvalue Extractio n Data. Ide ntifies the type of solve: Lan czos or Householder.?Lanczos Method or Householder Method. The method specifieseige nv alue extract ion op ti ons for

23、 the soluti on. Eige nvalue extractionoptions are stored as a solver-specific the recomme nded method for most models; Householder is recomme nded for smaller models.the realLanczosThe options include frequency range lower and upper limits, nu mber of desired modes.and the? Default Tempera

24、tureFor more information, see Solvers and Solutions f Setting Nastran Solution Options in the Advanced Simulation online Help.Reviewing modal analysis resultsNatural frequencies and mode shapes are the primary results for a modal solution.? The results are ordered by frequency, with the lowest natur

25、al frequency being the first mode shape, the next highest being the second mode, and so on.? The normal modes represent dynamic states in which the elastic and inertial forces are balanced when no external loads are applied. The magnitude of the mode shapes is arbitrary.? The amplitude of the displa

26、cement is not significant, but the relative displacement of the nodes is significant.? Mode shapes help you determine what load locations and directions will excite the structure.如何判断模态的频率The first 6 modes have extremely low frequencies. These are rigid body modes. Mode 7 represents the first flexib

27、le mode with a natural frequency of about 133 Hz.线性曲屈分析Buckling analysis introductionBuckling analysis:? Determines buckling loads and buckled mode shapes.o A buckling load is the critical load at which a structure becomes unstable.o A buckled mode shape is the characteristic shape associated with a

28、 structures buckled response.? Identifies the critical load factor, which is the value that can be multiplied by the applied load to cause buckling.Linear buckling assumptionsThe buckling analysis uses linear theory. The following assumptions and limitations apply:? The deflections prior to buckling

29、 are small.? The reference equilibrium configuration is the initial geometry of the part.? The response of the structure prior to buckling exhibits a linear relationship between stress and strain.? Post-buckling behavior is not predictedSupp orted buckli ng an alysis typesIn Adva need Simulatio n, y

30、ou can choose from the followi ng buckli ng an alysis types whe n you create a buckli ng solutio n:SolverSolutio n typeSEBUCKL 105NX Nastra nMSC Nastra nANSYSBuckli ngABAQUSBuckli ng P erturbati on Subste pUsing materials for a buckli ng an alysisMaterial types that can be used in a buckli ng an aly

31、sis in clude:? Isotr opic? Orthotro pic? Ani sotr opicDefining boun dary con diti ons for a buckli ngan alysisFor a buckli ng an alysis:1. Define constraints. Constrain the model as you would for a linear static an alysis.2. Apply loads. The load set can contain more than one load type (Force, Press

32、ure), but every load will be scaled by the load factor. Amagnitude of 1 is often used when a single load type will cause the model to buckle.Reviewi ng buckli ng an alysis resultsFor NX Nastra n results, buckli ng an alysis results are listed as:? A set of static an alysis results for the buckli ng

33、loads subcase.? A set of modes for the buckli ng methods subcase.Each mode has an eige nv alue (load factor) listed.The app lied load mult ip lied by the buckli ng load factor is the load at which the part will buckle.The first mode has the lowest buckli ng load factor and is usually the mode of mos

34、t in terest.If the buckling load factor is below 1, the part has buckled.ttrflp中 ivil SdidLd I up一 _ _ _LrJbdbfciJ由a?电 I qndl iiH fJni+pl缸 N心為:MUljiii 取1如果eigenvalue小于1,那么这个模型就已经发生曲屈。The critical load is the p roduct of the app lied load and the eige nvalue for Mode 1.比如在本例中施加的载荷为 1N,而Mode 1的对应值为138

35、0,那么这个临界载荷为1X1380N.Non li near static an alysis in troductio nThe nonlinear solutiontypes NLSTATIC106 and ADVNL301, 106 are capableof simulat ing the follow ing con diti ons:geometric non li near, materialpl asticity, and hyp erelasticity.This in troduct ion p rese nts two of these non li near con d

36、iti ons:? Material plasticity- Material data is entered that describes boththe lin ear elastic and the p lastic yield p orti on of the stress strain curve.? Geometric nonlinear- Pressure loads and element stiffness areup dated as the soluti on iterates. Large geometry dis placeme nts and rotati on a

37、re supp orted.NLSTATIC106 and ADVN1601, 106 solutions can include material plasticity and geometric con diti ons sep arately or simulta neously.Supp orted non li near soluti on typesSolverIn Adva need Simulati on, you can choose from the follow ing non li near soluti on types whe n the An alysis Typ

38、e is set to Structural.Soluti on typeSolverSoluti on typeNX Nastra nNLSTATIC 106ADVNL 601, 106ADVNL 601, 129ADVNL 701MSC Nastra nNLSTATIC 106ANSYSNon li near StaticsABAQUSGen eral An alysisWhether to use a non li near soluti onAn SESTATIC 101 lin ear static soluti on:? Calculates the eleme nt stiff

39、ness (K) matrix once at the beg inning of the soluti on.? Assumes Hookes law, Force = K U, to calculate dis placeme nts (U).?Does not acco unt for large dis pl aceme nts and rotati on.? Will not up date p ressure load direct ions.An NLSTATIC 106 or ADVNL 601, 106 solution with geometric non li near

40、con diti ons:? Iterates ( 迭代)to follow a non li near force/dis placeme nt p ath.? P eriodically(定期的)up dates the eleme nt stiff ness matrix whilefollowi ng the non li near force/dis pl aceme nt p ath.accounts for large displacements and? Uses a stra in defi niti onwhichrotati ons.of a deformed struc

41、ture to determine? Uses the current configuration the direct ion of p ressure loads.A stiff ness cha nge maybe a result of effects if both are in cluded in the an alysis.both geometry and material non li near几何非线性Jwhere u tUsi ng eleme nts for solution type NLSTATIC 106For soluti on type NLSTATIC 10

42、6, non li near eleme nts may be comb ined with linear elements for computational efficiencyif the nonlinear effects canbe localized.The supp orted non li near eleme nts in clude:? 3D 4-no ded and 10-no ded tetrahedral solid eleme nts.? 3D 8-no ded hexahedral solid eleme nts.? 3D 6-no ded pen tago na

43、l solid eleme nts.? 2D4-noded quadrilateral or 3-noded triangularthin shell elements.?1D 2-no ded bar, beam, rod, and spring eleme nts.? GAPfeleme nts are created whe n “ con tact mesh” or “ surface contact mesh mesh mating conditions are defined. NLSTATIC 106 solution treats theGAPelement as a nonl

44、inear gap element in which the gapcon diti ons up date as the non li near soluti on iterates.Usi ng eleme nts for solution type ADVNL 601, 106For solution type ADVNL 601, 106, the supported nonlin ear eleme nts in clude:? 3D 4-no ded and 10-no ded tetrahedral solid eleme nts.? 3D 8-no ded and 20-no

45、ded hexahedral solid eleme nts.? 3D 6-no ded and 15-no ded pen tag onal solid eleme nts.? 3D 5-no ded and 13-no ded py ramid solid eleme nts.? 3D 4-no ded and 8-no ded or 3-no ded and 6-no ded axisymmetric thi n shell eleme nts.? 2D 4-no ded and 8-no ded quadrilateral or 3-no ded and 6-no ded tria n

46、gular thi n shell eleme nts.? 1D 2-no ded bar, beam, rod, and spring eleme nts.? RBE2 and RBE3 eleme nts.? 0D concentrated mass elements. ? Gap elements.Using materials for solution types NLSTATIC 106and ADVNL 601, 106Material types that can be used in the solution type NLSTATIC106 include:? Isotrop

47、ic with or without elastic/plastic properties.? Anisotropic for geometric nonlinear only.? Hyperelastic properties that can be assigned directly to the physical properties for PLPLANE (2D elements) or PLSOLID (3D elements).ADVNL 601, 106Material types that can be used in the solution type include:?

48、Isotropic.? Orthotropic.? Hyperelastic properties that can be assigned directly to the physical properties for PLPLANE (2D elements) or PLSOLID (3D elements).Entering stress/strain data for solution typesNLSTATIC 106 and ADVNL 601, 1061. Create a new isotropic material.2. In the Stress-Strain Relate

49、d Properties group, select Field from the Stress-Strain (H) list.3.4.5.In the IsotropicMaterial dialog box, enter an InitialYield PointFrom the Sp ecify Field list, select Table Con structorEnter a value of 0,0 for the first data point. For the second point.en ter a value that corres ponds to the yi

50、eld point.You can also defi ne additi onal data points.(LIMIT 1) value. This value must match the sec ond stress value inthe stress-strain table.Id.ii. |iibaEaBIht HI OuHJ IptnnIfEr仙4 I卜(27 u* w bNn-BTi-D- fMJlllwrCr mmr3Li-bi -Sa rik-i KI日iMU)匕 kllWRIV*ybxPiybri iTii tEjr.町 IH妒4 iTThI .fF m Yvd L i

51、Hl i !5.Tx MiG1* rJSTO疋T.4 t丘ur*ir Id貼inr.-rii7ifJ11Dac-E-;ftfli吕oaiL1-b7CD11(UIFZrlpfl *5药typesDefining boundary conditions for solutionNLSTATIC 106 and ADVNL 601, 106Boundary conditions for solution types NLSTATIC 106 and ADVNL 601, 106 can be geometry-based or finite element-based. Examples inclu

52、de:? Displacement constraints.? All loads. Only pressure loads are updated in geometric nonlinear. ? Surface-to-surface gluing.Surface-to-surface contact is supported for ADVNL 601, 106, but not forNLSTATIC 106.NLSTATIC 106的求解设置? Large Displacements Includes nonlinear geometry effects.? Intermediate

53、 Output Determines if output is stored for every converged load increment, or only at the final increment for each subcase.? Number of Increments Subdivides all subcase loads by the value entered. This can be increased if a solution has problems converging. SolutionJ ,SolutionAsolution 1UwikK FJASIRAHAniffSijTyw託 CUOMUiCAi如 ubflieTMLfTATiC LCeNil STAT HL lOeAOn亡 rAJIf iLe Md


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