



1、Inspection Process and CommendatoryHonorable guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome you toChongqing People s HallStation. I am very glad tobe your guidetoday.This way please!1. General IntroductionNow what you have seen is our Traffic Patrol Station. It was set upin line with the reform of police syst

2、em. The modernized station exercisessuch functions as crime striking, order maintaining,traffic controlling andpublic serving. It enjoys 23 national patents.2. CamerasAs you can see on the computer screen, there are 8 Video Camerasin the station, four are on the top, and the other four are in the mi

3、ddle. Allthese cameras can give us a panoramic view of the surroundings. By theway, all the cameras are connected to the computers, which connect to theMinistryofPublicSecurityandthecommandcenteroftheChongqingPublic Security Bureau. They can give us point-to-point command whenit is necessary.3. Fing

4、erprint ModuleThis is our fingerprint module. It is connected with the fast- runningcomputerthroughwhichcanenterthenationalfingerprintdatabase.Within half a minute, the device can detect if a fingerprint belongs to the1suspect, and meanwhile keep the fingerprint in the national database.4. Response

5、AlarmThis is a phone. People can give us a call if it is necessary. We havefourwaystoalarmthepolice,whichhelpustorespondquickly.Compared to the past,our responding time is shortened from about eightminutes to no more than three minutes.5. TransitionSetting up on the street, the present station is mo

6、re likely to be aneye-witness to crimes and guardian for the general public. With it, we canstrike crimes more thoroughly and serve the public more completely.6. DigitalizationWhat s more, we havellasorts of information stored in the computer,includingthenationalpopulationdata,drivers data,vehicleda

7、ta,andescriminal data and so on. All these data are updated through thecomputer system according to the national database.7. HandbookThehandbook,usedinpatrolling,istheveryadvanced.Functioning in the same way with the computer, the handbook helps us toidentify suspects and criminals in a few seconds

8、in patrolling. This is anID card.The handbook can detect the fake ID card and help the policeto catch the criminals.8. Logistics2The station is fully open, but it is very convenient and comfortableto work here. We have refrigerator, microwave oven, water dispenser, andfax machine in the station. In

9、the summer, we have air-conditioner; whilein the winter, we have infrared heater and cold-resistant boot.9. Equipment CabinetThis is the cabinet for police equipment. It stores all kinds of policekits, such as cameras, DVS and some documents.10. Convenience Service AreaThis is the Convenience Servic

10、e Area. We serve the people for theirconvenience,suchasumbrellas.Altogether50,000umbrellasarecirculated through out Chongqing. People can borrow one for free withtheir ID number and return it to the nearest station.People love it verymuch and more than 98 per cent are returned according tostatistics

11、. Inordertoservethepublicmorethoroughly,wehavehereemergencymedicine, stationery, and vehicle repair kits.11. Relationship with the PublicPeople around the station love us very much, sometimes they sendus some dumplings and moon cakes when we are busy working duringthe holidays.12. VehiclesLadies and

12、 gentlemen, there are currently 500 stations, 500 cars and2,000motorcyclesthroughoutChongqing.Thecarisequippedwitha3s a laptGPS positioning system and four cameras on the top, to monitor our lawenforcement acts as well as to obtain evidence. Still, there onthebackseatsofthecar.Andinthetrunk,allsortsofpolicestaffarestored in, such as extendable baton, loudspeaker, flash light, stab-resistantglove,stab- resistantclothing,stab-resistantarmor,bullet-proofhelmet,arresting gun, stretcher, oxygen, alcohol tester and so on.13. EndingSincetheestablishmentofthePatrolandTrafficPo


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