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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语二级模拟37公共英语二级模拟37第一部分 听力理解第一节第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What will the woman probably do?A.Go to the concert with the man.B.Ask the man to study with her.C

2、.Attend the concert after her exams are finished.答案:A解析M: Will you come to the concert with me this weekend, or do you have to prepare for your exams?W: I still have lots to do. but maybe a break would do me good.2. What does the woman mean?A.She has almost recovered from her cough.B.She hasnt seen

3、her doctor.C.She saw the doctor four days ago.答案:B解析M: You ought to see a doctor about the cough.W: I guess I should. Ive been putting it off for days.3. What is the relationship between the speakers?A.They are friendsB.They are strangersC.They are brother and sister.答案:B解析M: Excuse me, Madam.W: Yes

4、?M: Docs this bus go to Renmin Road?W: Yes, I think so.M: Thank you.W: With pleasure.4. What are the two speakers talking about?A.A fine boat.B.Their friend, Frank.C.The weather.答案:C解析M: I hope itll be fine tomorrow. Im going to boat with Frank.W: Oh, I think it will be fine.M: Are you sure?W: Yes.

5、I heard it on the radio.5. What will the woman do this evening?A.Meet her Mum at the airport.B.Say good-bye to her Mum at the airport.C.Fly to another city together with her Mum.答案:B解析M: Shall we see a film this evening?W: Oh, sorry. Im afraid I cant. Im seeing my mum off at the airport at 7:30.第二节第

6、二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What time did Mr. Huang ting?A.8:00 a.m.B.8:30 a.m.C.3:00 p.m.答案:B解析 6-7W: Morning, Mr. Lin.M: Morning. Have there been any calls for me this morning?W: Yes,

7、 Mr. Huang rang about the agreement.M: Oh, what time was that?W: About 8:30. Can you call him at 5 oclock this after noon?M: OK.2. Whats the most probable job of the woman?A.A school teacher.B.A managers secretary.C.Manager of a company.答案:B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 3. What are there in the briefcase?A.

8、Some jewellery.B.Important papers.C.Money.答案:B解析 8-9M: Are you tired of driving?W: No, Im fine.M: Where is my briefcase?W: Isnt it on the back seat?M: No, I dont see it. All my important papers are in it.W: You may have left it at the hotel. Should we turn a round and go back?M: Well, I guess we oug

9、ht to go back, if you dont mind.W: Ill turn off at the next road.4. Why will they go back to the hotel?A.To look for his wallet.B.To look for his important letter.C.To look for his briefcase.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 5. Did the man have a had headache?A.Yes, he did.B.No, he didnt.C.We are not sure.答

10、案:A解析 10-12M: Doctor! Doctor! Help me, please!W: Take it easy, please! Sit here, now, whats the matter with you? And can I help you?M: I feel sick. I have a bad stomach-ache, and my head troubles me a lot.W: Well, let me have a check. Open your mouth please. And say Ah.M: Ah! Is that serious, doctor

11、?W: Not really. Did you have your supper this evening?M: No, I only had some bananas.W: And the bananas were not quite ripe, fight?M: Well, yes, they were a bit green.W: That explains it.M: I wish I had not eaten them.W: Take this medicine twice a day and Im sure youll be fine.M: Thanks, doctor. Ill

12、 do as you told me. Good-bye, doctor.W: Bye! And take care.6. According to the doctor, why was the man not feeling well?A.He had caught a very bad cold.B.He had eaten some unripe bananas.C.He had worked too hard recently.答案:B7. How many times should the man take the medicine every day?A.Once a day.B

13、.Twice a day.C.Three times a day.答案:B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 8. Why cant Sally play?A.Because she doesnt like to.B.Because she has to help her mother.C.Because she is having a party.答案:B解析 13-16M: Hi, youre new here, arent you? Whats your name?W: Sally.M: Want to come and play?W: Id like to, but l can

14、t. My mum says Ive got to stay and help her. Its my brothers birthday and were having a party, too.M: Oh, youve got a brother, have you?W: Ive got two brothers. Kit, the one with the birthday, hes only four. Ive got an older brother whos married, his names Don.M: Does your brother Don live near here

15、?W: Yes, not very far away. Cathy, my sister-in-law, works in the bookshop over there. Theyve got a new baby called Liz. I mean Elizabeth really, and we call her Liz.M: Is that your mum over there calling you?W: No, thats my Aunt May, my mums twin sister. Id better go. Bye.M: Bye.9. How many brother

16、s does Sally have?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.答案:B10. Who is the woman calling Sally?A.Her mother.B.Her sister-in-law.C.Her aunt.答案:C11. What is Sallys younger brother?A.Hes a doctor.B.Hes a lawyer.C.Hes a child.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 12. According to this passage, what kind of vehicle did the speaker al

17、ways ride in the past?A.By bus.B.By air.C.By train.答案:B解析 17-20 Hello, I was once a hostess. Now I am on my first bus trip and Im quite surprised at the services offered during the trip. Included are meals on the way, rest rooms and public address announcements. Just now, I introduced myself to the

18、hostess on the bus, and we told each other about experience on air and ground travel. At lunch time, she gave out menus offering a choice of sandwiches. As she started filling orders, she found that there werent enough egg-salad sandwiches. She quickly went to whisper to the driver. The bus soon sto

19、pped. The hostess ran to another bum that was all the time following ours and she soon returned with a box of egg-salad sandwiches. As she passed my seat, she asked, Could you do that on a plane? 13. Why is the speaker surprised at the services?A.The services include some sandwiches.B.The services i

20、nclude rest-rooms as well as food.C.The services include some good music.答案:B14. What was the speaker once doing?A.She was working on a plane.B.She was working on a bus.C.She was working as a cook.答案:A15. What can we learn from the speech?A.Ground travel can sometimes offer more services than air tr

21、avel.B.Ground travel can offer as much services as air travel.C.Air travel offers more and better services than ground travel.答案:A第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。问题:1. _ little boy likes to read stories about heroes and wishes to be _ hero like Dong Cunrui.A.The, theB.The, C.The, aD.

22、A, 答案:C解析:本题考查冠词的用法。本句意为:那个小男孩喜欢读有关英雄的故事,并希望自己成为一个像董存瑞那样的英雄。the表示特指,a表示泛指。问题:2. The hole in the wall is large enough for a bird to fly through without touching _.A.either wingB.each of their wingsC.any wingD.both of the wings答案:A解析:本句意为:墙上的洞足够大以至一只鸟飞过去,任何一只翅膀都触不到墙。either表示“两者之中的任何一个”。常用于否定句中,前面的否定词

23、without也可判断A为正确选项。问题:3. _ you good luck! _. A.May, You alsoB.Hope, Hope you tooC.Wish, So am ID.Wish, The same to you答案:D解析:本题考查特定情景对话的表达方式。本句意为:祝你好运! 也祝你好运! 故本题答案为D。问题:4. If you go skating tomorrow, _.A.so am IB.I am, tooC.so shall ID.so do I答案:C解析:本题考查同等句式的表达方法。本句意为:如果你明天去滑冰,那我也去。后面的情况跟前面的表达同一个意思,

24、又表示将来时间。问题:5. At last the boys were found on the playground.A.playingB.to be playingC.playD.to play答案:A解析:本题考查现在分词做感官动词宾补的用法。find sbdoing sth“发现某人正在做某事”。本句意为:最后孩子们被发现在操场上玩耍。问题:6. You neednt describe her. I _ her several times.A.had metB.have metC.metD.meet答案:B解析:本题考查时态的用法。本句意为:你不必描述她,我已见过她好多次了。表示的是一

25、个现在完成的动作。问题:7. How wonderfully she sings! I have never heard _.A.the better voiceB.a good voiceC.the best voiceD.a better voice答案:D解析:本题考查比较级的用法。本句意为:她唱歌多好听啊! 我从来没听过这么好的声音。暗含比较。问题:8. Ill be away on a business trip. Would you mind taking care of my cat? Not at all. A.Ive no timeB.Id rather notC.You c

26、an leaveD.Id be happy to答案:D解析:本题考查特定情景对话的表达方式。本句意为:我因公事要离开一段时间,你能帮我照看一下我的宠物猫吗? 没问题,我很乐意。问题:9. In some parts of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar.A.is servingB.is servedC.servesD.served答案:B解析:本题考查被动语态的用法。本句意为:在世界的一些地方,茶是被加人牛奶和糖一起端上桌的。问题:10. Its nearly eight oclock. John _ be here at any moment.A.

27、mustB.needC.shouldD.can答案:C解析:本题考查should的特殊用法。本句意为:将近8点钟了,约翰此刻应该到这儿了。should在这里表示推测,意为“应该”。问题:11. They were _ to go out for a picnic.A.well-preparingB.well-preparedC.good-preparedD.well-prepare答案:B解析:本句意为:他们很愿意外出野餐。这里 prepared为形容词,只能由副词well修饰。问题:12. He is a gifted musician and often play _ flute at h

28、ome.A.aB.theC.D.an答案:B解析:本题同样考查冠词的用法。本句意为:他是一位很有天资的音乐家,而且经常在家吹长笛。 play the flute意为“吹长笛”,play与乐器连用,中间需要加定冠词the。问题:13. How _ within such a short period of time?A.this all can be doneB.all can this be doneC.all this can be doneD.can all this be done答案:D解析:本题考查特殊疑问句的用法。本句意为:怎么可能在这么短的时间内都做完呢?主语是 how,谓语是c

29、an be done,all this为宾语,后面的部分为时间状语。疑问句中情态动词can要与主语调换位置。问题:14. He asked me to give him some meat _ credit.A.byB.onC.forD.in答案:B解析:本句意为:他要求我以赊账的方式让他买一些肉。on credit意为“以赊账的方式”。问题:15. The murderer _ to life imprisonment.A.sentencedB.judgedC.was sentencedD.was judged答案:C解析:本句意为:那位谋杀者被宣判为终身监禁。 be sentenced t

30、o意为“判决,宣判”。第二节 完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Police in New York have started riding bicycles to help beat crime(犯罪). They are the latest American police to 1 that staying in police cars with shot-guns 2 bullet-proof glass is not the 3 way to be seen in the community. The America

31、n police feel that in some circumstances the large cars with 4 red lights and noisy sirens (警笛) are more 5 for the citizens than for the criminals. Police who 6 on bicycles give the citizens a feeling that they are 7 . In New York 50 police officers are now 8 the bicycles in five different police di

32、stricts. The 9 of police on bicycles have been 10 good that other police districts are 11 to use bicycles next year. They say 12 500 police will be on bicycles 13 . Captain Michael Shortall, the head of New Yorks community policing, says that the patrol(巡逻) car 14 a barrier(障碍) between the police an

33、d the citizens. The bicycle is more of a friendly 15 . The bicycle is more successful in big American cities than cars 16 it can get into comers where cars cannot reach and can go quickly 17 traffic jams. A bicycle lets the police officer seem as if he is enjoying 18 and can talk with the 19 of the

34、public. He does not have to 20 on like the policeman who is patrolling on foot. 1.A.findB.decideC.showD.declare答案:A解析:find意为“发现,找到”;decide意为“决定”;show意为“出示,显示,参观”;declare意为“宣布”。根据题意可知本题答案为A。2.A.behindB.beforeC.out ofD.over答案:A解析:behind意为“在后面”;before意为“在之前”;out of意为“出于”;over意为“在上面”。根据题意可知本题答案为A。3.A.cl

35、earestB.easiestC.goodD.best答案:D解析:本句意为:在社区里看起来并不是最好的方式。4.A.flashingB.brightC.burningD.green答案:A解析:flashing意为“闪光的”;flashing red lights意为“闪烁的红灯”。5.A.acceptableB.welcomeC.frighteningD.pleasant答案:C解析:acceptable意为“可以接受的”;welcome意为“受欢迎的”;frightening意为“引起恐惧的,惊恐的,可怕的”;pleasant意为“使人愉快的,合意的,可喜的”。根据句意:闪烁的红灯和喧闹

36、的警车使市民比罪犯更容易引起恐惧。6.A.arriveB.arrive atC.getD.reach答案:A解析:本句意为:骑自行车来的警察给市民一种安全的感觉。这里arrive是不及物动词。7.A.dependentB.strongC.fortunateD.safe答案:D解析:dependent意为“依赖的,依靠的”;strong意为“强壮的,坚固的”;fortunate意为“交好运的,幸运的”;safe意为“安全的,无危险的”。根据上文可知本题答案为D。8.A.takingB.usingC.designingD.catching答案:B解析:本句意为:纽约现在有50名警察在5个不同的警区

37、骑自行车巡逻。using意为“使用”,其他搭配都不正确。9.A.signsB.picturesC.resultsD.reasons答案:C解析:signs意为“记号,符号,招牌;迹象”;pictures意为“图画,图片”;results意为“结果,效果”; reasons意为“原因,理由”。本句意为:这种方法的效果很好,以至其他管辖区都计划在明年换用自行车。10.A.suchB.soC.tooD.always答案:B.that.意为“如此以至于”。根据上文可知本题答案为B。11.A.planningB.determinedC.startingD.reported答案:A解析:planning意

38、为“计划”;determined意为“决定”;starting意为“开始”;reported意为“报道”。根据上文可知本题答案为A。12.A.not many asB.in less thanC.up toD.with the number of答案:C解析:本句意为:他们说到那时将总共有500名警察骑自行车巡逻。up to意为“多达,作为最大数量”,符合句子结构及意思。13.A.afterwardsB.soonC.thenD.later答案:C解析:afterwards意为“以后,然后,后来”;soon意为“不久,很快”;then意为“那个时候(指将来)”; later意为“后来,以后,其后

39、”。根据上文可知本题答案为C。14.A.works atB.considers asC.acts asD.takes up答案:C解析:work at意为“做工作,从事劳动”;consider as意为“认为,视为”;act as意为“充任某角色,担任某工作”;take up意为“填满,占据(空间或时间)”。本句意为:巡逻车在警察和公民之间是个障碍。15.A.toolB.connectionC.relativeD.means答案:B解析:tool意为“工具”;connection意为“连结,联结”;relative意为“亲戚,亲属”;means意为“方式,方法”。本句意为:自行车是连接市民和警

40、察的友好纽带。16.A.becauseB.soC.thatD.since答案:A解析:本句意为:自行车在美国大城市中比警车更成功是因为它能穿人车挤不过去的人群,而且还能迅速穿过交通堵塞。17.A.overB.throughC.acrossD.down答案:B解析:through意为“从内部穿过,通过,走过”。根据上文可知本题答案为B。18.A.his ownB.each otherC.themselvesD.himself答案:D解析:enjoy oneself意为“感到快乐,过得愉快”,主语为he,是单数。19.A.peopleB.youngC.groupsD.members答案:D解析:t

41、he people意为“人民”;the young意为“年青人”;the groups意为“人群,团体”;the members意为“成员”,members of the public是固定搭配,意为“民众”。根据句意:还能与民众谈话。20.A.moveB.holdC.insistD.hurry答案:D解析:本句意为:他也不必像步行巡逻的警察一样匆匆忙忙地赶路。hurry意为“匆忙,急忙”。第三部分 阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。A As a girl, Louise Bethune showed great promise(前途) in plan

42、ning houses and various other structures. As an adult, she was determined to become Americas first woman architect(建筑师). Young architects then usually learned their skills by working in the drafting rooms(绘图室) of professional architects. Most architects didnt want to employ women. But Louise managed

43、 to make a well-known architect give her a chance. She worked from six in the morning to six in the evening. She wasnt paid much. But she learned much as she worked. And her employer allowed her to use his large library. In 1881, after five years of work and study, Louise set up her own office. She

44、advertised that the first professional woman architect in the country was ready for business. Louise insisted that she would not be limited to design private homes just because she was a woman. She sought out a variety of jobs and designed chapels(小教堂), storage buildings, factories and schools. She

45、did very well, inspiring other women to become architects. She often spoke out for fair treatment for women. 1. When Louise Bethune was a girl, she liked to _.A.read picture-books of buildingB.play toy-building with other girlsC.plan houses and other buildingsD.plan models of buildings答案:C解析:从文章第一段第

46、一句“As a girl,Louise Bethune showed great promise in planning houses and various other structures”得知本题答案为C。2. In Louises youth _.A.most architects were menB.no jobs would be offered to girlsC.young people could not be trained to be architectsD.women architects should work as long as 12 hours each day

47、答案:A解析:从文章第一段第二句“As an adult,she was determined to become Americas first woman architect”可以得知本题答案为A。3. Louise learned to be an architect _.A.in a collegeB.by working in a drafting roomC.from other women architectsD.by herself答案:B解析:从文章第二段第一句“Young architects then usually learned their skills by work

48、ing in the drafting rooms Of professional architects”及最后一句“But Louise managed to make a well-known architect give her a chance”得知本题答案为B。4. When Louise started working _.A.she got a little pay but worked and learned very hardB.she worked alone without any helpC.she was forced to work long hours every

49、 dayD.she was encouraged by the public答案:A解析:从文章第三段第二、三句“She wasnt paid muchBut she learned much as she worked”得知本题答案为A。5. Louise opened her architect office _.A.with the help of a famous architectB.in order to become well-knownC.in 1881D.in 1886答案:C解析:从文章第四段第一句“In 1881,after five years of work and

50、study,Louise set up her own office”得知本题答案为C。B Mr. White lived in Florida and owned a company there. Some computers were made in his company. He was nice to his employees(雇员)and often had a joke with them. They liked him very much and worked hard. So he paid them a lot. Mr. White had tots of work to

51、do and often went to bed late at night. His friends advised him to do some exercise. He thought he was strong and didnt agree with them. But one day he fell in a faint(晕倒) while he was working in his office. He was sent to a hospital at once and the doctors examined him carefully. They found somethi

52、ng was wrong with his heart and he had to be in hospital. Several months later he returned home and asked his son to manage the company. Once his daughter wanted to travel in Australia. The old man decided to go there with her. As he went to the country for the first time, he was interested in all.

53、He played well, had a good sleep and visited some places of interest. And one day they visited a farm. It was big and beautiful. Cows and sheep could be seen everywhere. Pointing to a cow, Mr. White asked, Whats this? Havent you seen a cow? the guide asked in surprise. Cow? Mr. White said with a smi

54、le. A cow in our country is five times(倍)as big as it! Having heard this, all the visitors began to laugh. After a while he saw a kangaroo (袋鼠) and asked again, Whats that? It s a flea(跳蚤), sir. answered the guide. 1. The employees worked hard because _.A.Mr. White was kind to themB.Mr. White had a

55、companyC.Mr. White often had a joke with themD.they liked to use computers答案:A解析:从文章第一段第三、四句“He was nice to his employees and often had a joke with themThey liked him very much and worked hard”得知本题答案为A。2. Mr. White fell in a faint because _.A.he was very busyB.he went to bed lateC.he didnt get up on time in the mornin


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