1、Unit 1 Making friends、教材分析Anna的博客为本单元围绕着 交友”的话题来展开听、说、读、写的训练。教材以一位德国女孩载体,帮助学生了解自我介绍的方法以及常用句式。作为初中起始年级的新生,规范地向全班同学自我介绍是一种必备的能力, 也是自我推介的一种重要手段。语法方面A部分以特殊疑问词为训练目标引导学生利用特殊疑问句讯问他人的个人信息。B部分重点讲授不定冠词a, an的用法,并培养学生在有关职业规划的讨论中尝试正确使用这些词。具体课型、课时安排如下:单元板块课时Readi ng2.5Liste ning0.5Grammar1.5Sp eak ing0.5Writing0.
2、5More p ractice1Study skills/Project1Culture corner andSelf -assessme nt0.5单元总课时全书总课时8*8=64二、教学对象分析1. 学生刚由小学升入中学,对新环境不太熟悉,通过交友这一活动的开展,学生之间可以增进 相互了解,有利于开展本单元的听、说、读、写任务。2.学生在小学阶段就已经接触过了wh-questions以及冠词a, an, the的用法,本单元再通过系统地复习,在学习方式上引导学生学习归纳总结。三、单元教学目标1.认知目标:学习水平学习内容学习水平的描述语音1. 能掌握特殊疑问句的语调。2. 能流利地朗读课文
3、及与课文水平相当的短文,语音、语调、句子重音和停顿基本正确。3. 单元音/i:/, /i/; /e/; /? /的拼读规则1.重点词汇age;co un try;dream;e ngin eer;flat;grammar;hobby;m ountain;soun d;world;词汇comp lete; elder; frien dly; Germa n;Germa ny every one; yourself; Japan;词组:2. 拓展词汇blog; cous in; youn ger;3. 专有名词:Anna; Bobby; Jason; Mandy; New York City; T
4、okyo; US; Yuki ; Germany; Japan4 .短语: ask sb about; live with; close to; go to school; (be) good at; make friends with;all over; d like to=would like to; (be)far away from; best wishes; on the intern et; in my free time; hear from sb.句型Useful senten ces:1. Hello everyone. 2.Welcome to. 3.What your n
5、ame?My name is .4.1m from 5.My favourite subjects are .6.My dream is to ;7.Email me; pl ease. 8.What are your hobbies? My hobbies are/My hobby is. 9.What does your father/motherdo?10.l like swimmi ng. 11.1 hope to 语法1. Wh-Questions with question words:What; where;who; when; why; which; how; how old
6、and how many2. Idenfinite artitcles: a and an读(reading)1. 通过阅读一个德国女孩的博客,了解自我介绍的一般方法,也为口头和书面表达作铺垫。2. 熟练朗读及背诵课文。3. 运用课文中所学,口头讲述出有关自己的情况及学校,家庭背景等。听(liste ning)1.通过听Mandy介绍自己的网友,学会记录个人信息,也为语法学习和会话作好准备。说(sp eak ing)通过熟练掌握阅读(Read in g).听力(Liste ning )和语法(Grammar)板块中学习的内容,结 合自身实际,向同伴介绍自己的个人信息、爱好、家底情况等。写( w
7、riti ng)1. 完成一封关于自我介绍的电子邮件,了解电子邮件的基本格式,巩固自我介绍的基本方法。2. 能笔头回答课文内容提出的问题。3. 能用本单元学习的重点词汇、句型进行造句。4. 能写电子邮件。2.思想情感目标:通过谈论交友”的相关话题,帮助学生快速适应新环境以及找到新朋友。3.能力发展目标:结合课文的内容,引导学生通过邮件的形式结交更多的笔友,拓展自己的视野。能够在听、说、读、写等语言综合实践活动中运用本单元的重点词汇、句型与语法。在学习中提高交流和传递信息的能力,在写作中正确运用连词使文章更连贯和流畅。通过指导学生在模拟交际中运用所学的知识,培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的
8、能力。四、单元教学重点1.学生熟练掌握重点词语,词组及句型。2. 指导学生利用所学句型正确表达思想、进行交际活动。3指导学生归纳、总结特殊疑问句及冠词a, an的用法,并在实践运用中熟练运用。4.指导学生规范地电子邮件,巩固自我介绍的基本方法。五、单元教学难点1.书信的格式和内容。2.特殊疑问句的归纳整理及运用。3.冠词a, an的归纳整理及运用。六、教学策略1.引导学生积极主动的通过预习完成可以自己学会的部分,课堂学习完成学习的重难点,通过复习及归纳总结完善单元的学习。2.在教学中以旧带新,引导学生用正确的句子表达思想。3. 适当补充与课文话题相关的内容,拓展学生的阅读视野。七、学习策略1
9、.初步接触略读(skimming )和找读(scanning)这两种阅读策略。2 学会在阅读过程中通过上下文来猜测生词含义的方法。3 .关注对话中特殊疑问句的提问和相应的回答,以便准确记录相关信息。八、媒体的选择与设计body Ian guage、板书的作用。1充分利用和发挥基本的教学媒体,如录音机,教师的 2 .适时、合理地使用多媒体,增大课堂的容量,更好地辅助教学。九、各课时教学内容安排建议课时教学内容及教学目标及简单教学环节设计课型Read ing A、定位:第1课时新授课input-based,训练各种听与说的语言微技能,并给予阅读学习策略的指 导,读为主。Ste P 1 Warmi
10、ng up 1.Q1:Q2:二、教学设计:Ask a few Ss the follow ing questi onsHow do you make frien ds?How will you in troduce yourself?(write dow n some words Ss have men ti oned on the Bb)Q3:We can make friends by talk ing with them, and do you know some other ways of making frien ds?(write dow n their ways on the B
11、b, eg: write a letter, an e-mail, QQ etc.)2:Cartoon talkLet the Ss look at a carto on picture of Hi and Lo on p age 1 and ask some questi ons:Q1: What does Hi mean by e-friend Q2:Does Lo have the same idea with Hi?Q3:What does LO mean the n?Today, we are going to read a blog.Step 2 Leadi ng in1. Ask
12、 Ss questions:What do you often talk about when you write to your friend?2. Ask Ss to Match the hobbies with the p ictures(A1 P age 2) and talk about their hobbies in groups. Then chect the an swers.3. ask ss: If you are going to make some e-frie nds, what will you tell them? Your n ame? Your coun t
13、ry? Your age? Your family?Today we are going to read a Blog- A German girl blog。Ste p 3:P re-read ing1) Ask Ss to look at the pi ctures ,the title and the subheadi ngs on P3. and fin ish B on P age 2.2)Teach som new words by show ing p ictures.3) Get ss to finish C1 on p age 4 and check the an swers
14、.4) Get ss to try using the new words and p hrases.(fi nish C2 on p age 4)Ste p 4:While-readi ng1. First readi ngGet ss to read fast to compi ete: D1 on p age 52.Sec ond readi ngAsk Ss to read the blog carefully aga in and find the facts (D2 on p age 5.the n Check the an swers. (Ask Ss to practice i
15、n p airs)Step 5 Post readingGroup work:Ask Ss to talk in groups and then share their opinions in class.1. Do you want to become Anna e-friend? Why or why not?Eg: I want to become Anna e-friend because I want to learn about Germa ny.Step 6: Lan guage points1)a)b)c)d)e)f)g)key poin ts:every on e;(拓展:a
16、nyone, no on e,some on e,everyth ing, anything, nothing, somethi ngclose to far fromgo to.by+交通工具(take a/the +交通工具 to)my favourite subjects are=I like .best(拓展:my favourite +n(单数)is my dream is to be =I want to bebe good at=do well inmake friends with sbfrom all over the world2)Difficult points:h)第2
17、课时liste ninga)with as prepo siti onStep7: ConsolidationDo some related exercise of prepo siti ons, words and tran slati ons.Ste p 7 Homework1) Go over what you e learned today.一、定位:1.input-based,训练各种听与说的语言微技能,并给予听的学习策略的指导。Objectives:I. Teach the Ss how to liste n for sp ecific in formatio n about an
18、 e-frie nd2. Teach the Ss how to take no tes while liste ning to an e-frie nd.二、教学环节设计:Ste p 1P re-liste ning1.Tell Ss that they are going to do some liste ning exercises. Ask some of the Ss what they will do before liste ning.Lear n the study tips with Ss by ask ing Ss to read the tips on their boo
19、k carefully.( Pay atte nti on to wh-questi ons whe n liste ning.Ask Ss to read the table on p age 6 carefully and p redict what kind of in formati on they could fill in the bla nks. Ss can discuss in groups and write dow n their an swers with pen cils.Ask Ss what they must pay attention to when they
20、 write. Eg: their sp elli ng, the first letter of the word, how to write a nu mber etc.Ste p 2 While-liste ning1. lay the record ing for Ss to liste n and compi ete the table.Play the recording again for Ss to listen and ask them to check their sp elli ng.Check the an swers and see how we
21、ll they did in the p redict ion.Ste p 3 P ost-liste ninga) Give Ss some time and get them to summarize the skills of compi eti ng atable of information and finish the listening exercise of A and B on p age 6, C on p age 7 in Book B.b) Group discussion:Troduce an e-friend , and try to use the pattern
22、s ofliste nin g.( name, coun try, age, app eara nee, hobby, family men bers and dream and so on)Step 4: Summary: ask the ss to conclude what we e learned today.Ste p 5 HomeworkFin ish Stude nts Times of Unit 1 liste ning exercise.第4课时Ian guage一、定位:inpu t-based,训练各种读与说的语言微技在语言知识中的运用 二、教学环节设计:Where is
23、 Anna from?How old is she?What does she look like?(height, weight, hair len gth, etc.)Where does she live?What does Anna father/mother do?Ste p 1 Revisi onWe have lear nt a lot of things in readi ng A, and let me see how well you know about them. Please answer the following questions in compIete sen
24、ten ces.Q1:Q2:Q3:Q4:Q5:Q6:Q7:Q8:Q9:How many brothers and sisters does Anna have? How does she go to school?What are her favourite subjects?Does she like her school?Why?Q10: What is her dream?Q11: What are her favourite hobbies?Step 2 Language A1. We use Wh-questi ons to ask for in formati on about s
25、ome one or someth ing.2. What kind of words do you ofte n use whe n you ask people questi ons? Wh-words: what, where, when, who, whose, which, why, how, how old, how many, how much 3. Whe n do we use these wh-words? What do they mean? Match the questi on words with their meanin gs.4. Ask Ss to read
26、the sentences on P7 and work out the rules.5. Get Ss to finish the exercise on P8 and check the an swers.6.C on solidati on-P air work:Get Ss to read a short table about Sun, and ask some questions in pairs using Wh-words accord ing to it.Step 3 Language B1. Show Ss some sentences using a, an, the f
27、rom their textbook. Ask Ss to discuss in groups and find out the usage of a, an, Ask them to give some more exa mpl es.2. Get Ss to work out the rules:1) a+n .(begi nning with consonant soun ds)2) a n+n .(begi nning with vowel soun ds)3. Exercise1) :ask Ss to fill in the bla nk with a or an. and che
28、ck the questi ons.2) Co mp lete the senten ces with a or an on Page 9 and check the questi ons.4. Discussi on :(gro up work): What do you want to be ?Use the patterns: My dream is to be a(n)/I want to be a(n)Step 4: Con solidatio n:Get Ss to finish exercise 1: Choose the best answers(multiple choice
29、 questi ons) and exercise 2: CompI ete the questi ons accord ing to the an swers. Ste p 5. SummarySummarize the usage of a, an. And ask Ss to finish exercises on Book B.1)2)3)4)第5课时sp eak ing注意零冠词的用法。 国家的全名时需要加 注意play ,practise这两个词后,接运动时不用冠词,接乐器用the。Do you p laysp orts?Yes , I p layfootball.Can you
30、sing?No ,my voice is terrible. But I p layDo you p laytennis?No ,but I likespo rts. I p layweek.国家名以及地区名时不用冠词。the。Do you studymusical in strume nts?Yes , I p laysax ophone.提醒学生注意,在一些固定的词组中也使用go to the beach/ cin emadrive to the country live in the country radioswim in the sea有些固定词组不用eat breakfast但是使
31、用一个guitar very well.rugby everythe.listen to / hear on thethehave lunch go homego to slee p watch TVgo by car/ on footgo to school/ workSte p 6: HomeworkFinish a pap er.(建议收集近几年的中考题中冠词及特殊疑问句的考题一、定位:practice-based,启发学生,归纳语言知识,开展各层次、专项、强 化性和综合性练习,多样技能结合训练,说为主.Ste p 1 Sp eaking A Talk time1.二、教学环节设计:Q1
32、:Revisi onWhat is Sim on hobby?Q2:Q3:Q4:Q5:Q6:Q7:Q8:What is Simon best subject at school?Where does Simon live now?Where is his parents estaura nt?When did he write a letter to his penfriend Li Jie?How old is Simo n?How old is his brother?How many students are there is Sun Fei class?Ask Ss to read t
33、he questi ons and an swer the questi ons.2.Ask Ss how to read wh-questio ns? What should we pay atte nti on to? Lear n the study tips together.For A1 and A2, give Ss some time to read by themselves first, and the n p lay the record ing for Ss to imitate after it, and at last in vite some Ss to read
34、out.Ste p 2 Sp eaking B Sp eak up3.Ask Ss to p ractice in p airs in troduci ng themselves to each other first, and then choose some of them to in troduce his or her partner to the class. The rest of the class could ask them some more questi ons such as: What his hobby? How many brothers does he have
35、? Where does he live? and so on. Tell Ss that whe n they ask or an swer questi ons, they should pay atte nti on to the inton ati on and tone.step 3: Summary: Get Ss to summarize what they have lear ned today.Ste p 4: Homework : Do some related exercise in Stude nt Times.第6课时writ ing一、定位:out put-base
36、d,结合听与读,训练多项说与写的语言微技能,并指导说写学习策略,写为主.二、教学环节设计:Ste p 1 RevisionAsk Ss to read the two letters first and the n remi nd them of the letter format.Ste p 2 Writing A1. Finish A first one by one. Ss lear n how to write the address by follow ing the exa mple. Give Ss some addresses and Ss p ractice in group
37、s. Check the an swers. And the n ask Ss to write dow n their own address and the address of their class by themselves. Check the answers and see if Ss need more p ractice2. Ss finish the rest p arts of A and ask them to reco mp ose their an swers inpairs. Teacher should walk around and give some hel
38、p. Ask some Ss to show their work and give some comme nts.Ste p 3 Writing BSs finish B. And then ask Ss to recompose their letter with their partner. Choose some letters as exa mpl es.Step 4: Summary: Get Ss to summarize what they have lear ned today.Ste p 5: Homework : Do some related exercise in S
39、tude nt Times.第7课时More一、定位:p racticeout put-based,训练多项听说读写的语言微技能,以实际应用为主。二、教学环节设计:(Choose A & B as listening and reading practice. Leave C and D as Ss homework.)Ste p 1 More p ractice A1. Ask Ss to look at the p hoto and describe the four teachers.Eg:What does each of them look like?What does each o
40、f them wear?Is she tall or short? Is he big or small?2. Play the recording for Ss to listen, and ask Ss to write the teachers nameson the p hoto. Check the an swers.3. Ask Ss to read the six questions on Page 12 first. Play the recording aga in for Ss to finish the exercises. Check the an swers.4. N
41、ow ask Ss to read the passage and see how to describe a teacher. Underline some sentences they like. Ask Ss to practice describing a teacher they like now, and tell Ss that they can use the sentences they just un derl ined or choose some other senten ces. Ask some of them to describe the teachers, and others guess who the teacher is.Ste p 2 More practice B1.Ss read B quickly and an swer the follow ing questi ons:Q1: Who will get the letter?Q2: Who wrote this letter?Q3: What is the address? Whose addres
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