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1、Module6导学案Section IIntroduction & Reading andVocabulary根据提示写出下列单词袭击;攻击1.vt.2.adj.吓人的3.n.动物;生物4.adj.灰色的存在6.adj.锋利的;尖的7.adj.神秘的8.vt.声称9.n.表面;水面10.adj.平静的11.adj.怀疑的;不相信的12.adj.不可能的13.vt.占地(多大面积)7根据提示补全下列短语1.get sce ptical对怀疑 area of.占有的面积4.bein the n ews再次成为新闻5. stick伸出根据提示补全下列教材原句1.

2、 Hea round black creature movi ng quickly through the water.他声称看见一个黑黑的、圆圆的动物在水中快速游动。2.rep orts of mon sters in Lake Tian chi since the beg inning of the lastcentury, although no one has seen one close up.自上世纪初以来,一直就有关于天池怪物的报道,尽管还不曾有人近距离目睹过。be able to support such3. They say that the low-temperature

3、lake large liv ing creatures.他们说,水温这样低的湖泊不可能生存有体形如此巨大的动物。1.阅读P52教材课文,选择最佳答How many rep orts of sighti ng are writte n about in detail in this p assage?Two in rece nt time.B.Three in rece nt time.C.D.Two since the beg inning of the last cen tury.Three since the begi nning of the last cen tury.2 .What

4、 can we know about the mon ster accord ing to the soldiers who claimed tohave see n it?It was blue in color and with a head like a seal.B.It was black and had a long head like a seal.C.It was gree ni shblack and had a round head with 10se ntimetre horns.D.It swam like fish quickly through the water.

5、3.What is sp ecial about Lake Tian chi?It is the highest volca nic lake in the world.B.It is the dee pest volca nic lake in the world.C.It is the biggest volca nic lake in the world.D.Its average depth is 370 metres.4.From the passage we can conclude that the writerbelieves the mon ster really exist

6、s in lake TianchiB.believes the mon ster does nt actually exist in Lake ves that the story of the mon ster of Lake Tian chi is only made troduces to us some rep orts of the sighti ngs of the mon ster of Lake Tianchi阅读P52课文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式Lake Tian chi,1.(locate)i n t

7、he Chan gbai Mountains in Jili n province is(high)volcanic lake in the world.There 3.mon sters in it since the beg inning of the last cen tury.the 2.(be)re ports ofMeng Fanying, the director of a local tourist office,said that the monster seemedto be black in colour, and 4.Qump)out of the water like

8、 a seal.Xue Junlin , a local photographer, claimed that its head looked like a horse ,no one really got a 6.(clearly)look at the mysterious creature.A soldier said the mon ster was gree ni sh-black and had 7.round headwith 10-ce ntimetre horns.5.Li Xiaohe, 8.,was visiting the lake with his family ,

9、claimed9.(see)a round black creature moving quickly through the water.Many people believe its 10.(exist). However, scientists are scepticalabout this.Section 川 Integrating Skills & cultural corner根据提示写出下列单词Module6导学案1.Vi.适应;适合2.Vi.不见;消失3.adj.绝种的;消亡了的4.adj.凶猛的;残暴的5.n.毁坏6.adj.有雅量的;大方的;心地高尚的7.adj.变化莫测的

10、8.n.名誉;名声9.adj.正面的10.vt.象征;暗示11.n.身份;特性12.n.运气;命运;财富根据提示补全下列短语die灭绝throw light帮助弄清楚;阐明某事come straightthe point谈正题;开门见山due由于;因造成go袭击某人;适用于某人/某事物;.5.8Module6导学案阅读P59教材课文,选择最佳2.10答案1.From P aragra ph 1 we can know thatdrag ons actually existB.people all like drag ons very much because they can b

11、ring good luckC.drag ons exist in the western and easter n culturesD.its certa in that drag ons sometimes cause death tooa”- is wrong.P aragra ph 2 suggests thatThe drag on is a good sig n in Chin ese culture.B.The drag on is a sig n related to the royal family in Chi na.C.The royal family all wear

12、clothes with a symbol of drag on with five claws.Module6导学案23D. According to popular belief, if you were born in the year of the dragon, youare intelligent, brave and a natural leader.3.We can infer from the p assage thatthe drag on in En gla nd has a good repu tatio nB.Chi na has a long history wit

13、h the drag on in the cultureC.the alligator is a ki nd of ani mal that does not like wateralthough dragons exist in different cultures they are of different importaneeSection IV Grammar & WritingI 单句语法填空1. Jerryhave come back because the win dow is open.up.Yes, but hehave left it open this morning.2

14、. Mummy, I climbed to get the teddy bear from the top of the shelf.My goodness! You3. rm sorry.I(hurt)yourself.You must nt do that next time!(shout)at you the other day.Forget it.I was a bit out of con trol myself..Yesterday I found the pen I thought I had los, IThats really bad.YouMr.White(b

15、uy)a new one.(catch)the bus if you had bee n in a hurry.(arnve)at 8: 30 a. m.for the meeti ng, but he did nt showWas it you that made the suggesti on?Ithave bee n.l cant remember.8.Tom have come to visit us whe n we were in Qin gdao?No, he could nt have come because he has bee n on bus in ess in Dal

16、ia n.9. I saw her in the office this morning.She(come)back to work withoutthe doctors p ermissi on.10. Youhave performed better but you were too casual.n .单句改错1. Jacks on must nt be a p oliceman for hes much too short.2. He should have comp leted his work ; otherwise, he would nt be enjoyinghimself

17、by the seaside.3. The weather turned out to be fine yesterday.I neednt have take the trouble tocarry my umbrella with me.4. You could nt have woke n me up I dont have to go to work today.5. We must have studied last nigh, but we went to the con cert in stead.写作任务假如你是李华,请你根据以下内容,给报社写一封100词左右的信,向报社讲述你

18、在2016年夏天遭遇外星人的情况。文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。1. 下晚自习后,在回家路上看见三角形不明飞行物;2. 从飞行物中走出外星人向你问路;3. 你给他指明方向,并友好告别。参考词汇:小巷alley 三角形triangle 外星人alienDear editor,I want to tell you a stra nge thing.Yours Sin cerely,阅读理解For centuries, men at sea have told stories about their experiences of seeing sea mon sters like sea sn

19、 akes and big whales.Thesestories are ofte n con sidered as folktales(民间传说)rather than real experiences.Howeve, the large number of sightings and the use of moder n tech no logy are cha nging this attitude, making us won der if those men were telli ng real exp erie nces.The followi ng are some of th

20、e most well- known cases about sea mon sters livi ng in the oceans.On August 6,1848 in the Atlantic Ocean, seven men reported that they saw a creature about 60 feet lo ng.The creatures body was dark brow n in color exce pt for its white throat area.The creature was swimmi ng at a sp eed of 15 miles

21、per hour with its head above the water.In 1961, Mrs.Stoudt and her sister were walking with their children along a strait in Washington D. C.when they saw something like a tree branch in the water.As the object moved closer to them, they saw a creature which had a snake-ke head and 3 humps(峰).They s

22、aid it looked like some sort of dinosaur.Then it moved even closer to them.Its frighte ning look made one of Mrs.Stoudts childre n cry.On December 12,1964 French photographer Robert Serrec was having a holiday in Queensland, Australia.He was out off the coast in small boats with his family and frien

23、ds.Suddeniy, they noticed a creature about 75 80 feet Iong.They described it as a tadpole-like(像蝌蚪的)creature with a snake-like head.They took pictures of the creature before it swam off.1. What does the un derli ned word“ cases ” in Parapraphbymmean?boxesB. examplesC.explan ati onsD. creatures2.Whic

24、h of the followi ng stateme nts about the 1848 sea mon ster is NOT true?It was about sixty feet long.B.It kept its head above the water whe n it swam.C.Its whole body was dark brow n.D.It was found in the Atla ntic Ocea n.3.It can be in ferred from the p assage thatA. the 1848 sea monster swam faste

25、r than the 1961 and the 1964 sea monstersB.the three sea mon sters men ti oned in the p assage each had a sn Oke-headC.the 1964 sea mon ster was Ion ger tha n the 1848 sea mon sterD.Robert Serrec went to Australia in order to see a sea mon ster4.The writers purp ose of writ ing the p assage isto sho

26、w people the dan ger of traveli ng by tell us that sea mon ster stories might be explain why people are afraid of sea mon tell people where they can find sea mon sters七选五阅读根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余选项。The Imp orta nee of Positive AttitudeA p ositive attitude i

27、s very imp orta nt as it will make our life easier._1_ There will be times whe n we will face p roblems and obstacles.The most challe nging part is not whe n our life goes smoothly but how we react whe n we exp erie nee p roblems and difficulties.Those who have a p ositive attitude will treat any p

28、roblem as a challe nge .In steadof being discouraged, they will treat each failure as a lesson. _2 As for those whodo not have the positive attitude they will see problems and difficulties in a differentway.The situation can be the same for both the Guy A and Guy B 3 Every one ofus has the same amou

29、nt of time.S ince hav ing a n egative attitude will eat up our timewhy dont we just make good use of the same amount of time to have a positive attitude? Life itself is already hard.It will be much better if we have a p ositive attitude which will make our life happ ier and easier._4_ People will ge

30、n erally prefer to stay with people who have po sitive attitudes as being happy is very infectious(富有感染力的).Everybody will beaffected by the en ergy of p ositive attitudes and they too will have a p ositive attitude.If you lear n to see the bright side of life whe n youre surr oun ded by difficulties

31、,youll be build ing your p ositive attitude fast._5.And they will be motivated to achieve the goal.B.Having good attitudes pro vides many health ben efits.C.In life , not everything goes as smoothly as we want.D.But with different attitudes , the results will be quite different.E. They may have no a

32、pproaches to solving the problems.F. When you have a positive attitude towards everything you will be happier.G. The more you practice having a positive attitude the easier and more natural it will come to you.完形填空I was doing some last-m inute Christmas shopping in a toy store.A ni cely dressed litt

33、le girl was _1_ the teddy bears beside her father _2_ she saw a little boy walk in and stop in front of the P okem on toys.His jacket was obviously too small.He had money in his hand._3_, it looked no more than five dollars at most.He was with his father as well, and _4_ picking up the Pokemon video

34、 games.Each time he showed one to his father, his father _5_ his head “ No”Rather _6_, the boy gave up the video games and chose a book of stickers _7_.After they walked away, the little girl ran over to the Pokemon video games.She _8_ p icked up one lyi ng on top of the others! nd raced dow n towar

35、d the checkout.I p icked up my pu rchases and _9_ the girl and her father.Then, much to the little girls _10_ , the little boy and his father got in line _11_ her and me.After the video game was paid for and bagged, the little girl12_ it back to the cashier收令艮员)and _13_ something to her.The cashier

36、smiled and put the 一14 under the counted!台).I was putting things in my bag when the little boy came up to the cashier.The cashier said, _15_, youre my hun dredth customer today, and you win a prize!” and she handed the boy the Pokemon game.The boy could only _16_ in disbelief.It was , he said, 一17_

37、what he had wan ted! The little girl and her father had bee n sta nding at the doorway and I saw the biggest and _18_ smile on that little girl I have ever see n in my life.I sudde niy un derstood that the world is not _19_ into the strong who care andthe _20 who are cared for.We must each in turn c

38、are and be cared.1.A. look ing throughgett ing through2.3.C. dressing uptidy ing upA.whileA.ButB. whenC. afterD. onceB. ThereforeC. HoweverD. Otherwise4. A.stopped1B. continuedC . avoidedD . kept5. A.shookB. noddedC . movedD . held6. A.anxiousB. disappointedC . angryD . curious7. A.alsoB. in steadC

39、. lastlyD . in deed8. A.nervouslyB. excitedlyC . bravelyD . hop efully9. A.accompanied B. helpedC . admiredD . followed10. A.surpriseB. satisfactionC . delightD . regret11. A.behindB. beforeC . betwee nD. beyond12. A.putB . handedC . sentD . carried13. A.whisperedB . shoutedC. gaveD . showed14.

40、sketB . bagC. bearD . box15. A.SorryB. Excuse meC. CongratulationsD . Pardon me16. A.cryB . stareC . jumpD . smile17.A.extremelytotallyC.exactlywon derfully18.A.widestgreatestC.p cludedcut20.A.pooruglyC.unhappyD. weak语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。One

41、Sun day morni ng in August I went to a local music festiva Ileft early because I had an appoin tme nt 1.(late)that day.My frie nds walked me to thebus stop and waited with me 2.the bus arrived.I got on the bus and found a(sit)at the fron near the back, and then I noticed a man 3.(pretend)


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