



1、课型】新授Lesso n9: Whose Coat Is This?Lesso n9: Whose Coat Is This?教学设计【教学目标】1.能够掌握课标要求的“四会”单词:sca戊glove, maybe,just. 短语:too for ;just right for 句型: Whosecoatis this? Its _ s coat. Whose gloves are these? They are_ s gloves.2.让学生自己介绍自己的服装,进而学会用英语询问物品所属。3.培养学生的团结协作意识以及对英语的学习兴趣。【教学重点和难点】、教学重点 .掌握一些与介绍服装有关

2、的重点词汇:big, small,just right, for.2. 掌握以下重点句子:Whose coat/scarf is this? Whoses Bob s coat/Kim sgloves/shorts are these? It s too big for me. They are too small for me. They are just right for me. It scarf. Maybe they are Lynn s gloves. Are they your shorts,Danny?二、教学难点 激发学生兴趣,让学生运用所学知识介绍自己的服装【教学时数】一课

3、时 【教学准备】录音机,衣服授课时间】 20xx.5.10教学过程】Step 1 Class Opening and Review1 、Sing a song “How Are You?”Review “coat and shorts ”T: What s this? (Teacher shows a real coat)Ss: It s a coat. T: Is this your coat? Ss: No, it isn t.T: Whose coat is this? (Lead In)设计意图:通过简单的歌曲,为本节课的学习创造一种轻松愉悦的氛围;通过复习“ coat ”一词,既巩固

4、了所学知识,也能起到 导出新课的作用。)Step 2 New ConceptsWhose Coat Isa , - JJIt s someoneT: Today we are going to learn lesson 9This? ” (T writes the title on the blackboard)Then, lead the students to give the answers coat ”1. T shows a scarf and asks “whats this? ” in order toteach the new word “scarf ”Teacher asks

5、 students to read the word in chains.2. Language pointsT: Whose scarf is this? Xxx, is this your scarf?S:No, it s not my scarf. Maybeit s WangGang s scarf.3. PracticePractice the target language using the real objects in the classroom, for example: pencils books and so on.4. Teach “gloves ” in the s

6、ame way.( Emphasize plural.)Practice “Whose gloves are these? They are someonesgloves ” using shorts, pants, shoes etc.( 设计意图:通过实物问答练习,调动学生学习英语的积极性,让学生敢于开口说英语。 )Step 3 listeningListen to the dialogues and finish num.1 in Lets Do It!Finish num2 in LetStep 4 Key pointss Do It and explain the key point

7、s.tooforjust right forGive the studentsStep 5 pair work 3minutes to prepare dialogues using the target languages and the key points. And then perform in front of the class.设计意图:通过合作学习,培养同学们的协作意识,通过对话,提高学生的语言综合运用能力。 )Step 6 Exercise性)Step7 SummaryLet a student summary what he or she has learnt in thisEnglish class.Step 8 Homework s clothes in English.Introduce their family member板书:Lesson 9 Whose Coat Is This1、 too for 对来说太2.just right for对来说刚刚好Whose coat is this?Its _ s coat.Whose gloves are these?They are _s gloves.反思:本节课基本达到了


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