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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语二级分类模拟题听力理解(二)公共英语二级分类模拟题听力理解(二)听力题 听下面对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What do they think of the cinema?A.Its nice in the cinema.B.Its hot in the cinema.C.They

2、 dont agree with each other.答案:B解析 29-30W: Oh, its so nice to be out of the cinema. It was so hot in there, wasnt it?M: Yes, terrible. Well, what did you think of the film?W: It was good, but not as good as the book. Some of the story was missing in the film, wasnt it?M: Yes, but in a 2-hour film yo

3、u couldnt possibly cover everything that happens in so thick a book.W: No, but they should at least try to follow the story, In fact, this film left out some important people and even changed the end.2. What is true according to the conversation?A.The film is 3-hour long.B.The woman likes the film m

4、ore than the book.C.The man says a film cant always include the whole of a story.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 3. Where does this conversation take place?A.In a library,B.In a bookstore.C.On a sports field.答案:A解析 57-60M: Excuse me. Can you give me a favor?W: Whats your problem?M: I just can not find the

5、 right place here. rye never been here before.W: You must be a freshman. What do you want anyway?M: I want to find a book that I need for my term paper, but I cannot find it anywhere.W: The library has five reading rooms. You may try the General Reading Room. You can find nearly all the books there.

6、 But you can not take the book out of the reading room.M: It doesnt matter. I just want to refer to it for some figures. Where is it?W: Go out of this building, cross the sports field, and you will see a white house. The General Reading Room is inside it.M: No wonder! Its not in here!4. Why is the m

7、an not able to find the book he needs?A.Its the first time hes come to the library.B.Theres only one reading room in the library.C.He wants to refer to the book for some figures.答案:A5. Where is the General Reading Room?A.Beside the library building.B.Inside the library building.C.In a white house ac

8、ross the sports field.答案:C6. How many reading rooms does the library have?A.Four.B.Five.C.Six.答案:B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 7. Wheres Jim?A.Hes in the office.B.Hes at home.C.Hes out.答案:C解析 45-47M: Is Jim in at the moment, Sally?W: No. He went out about an hour ago and hes not back yet.M: Any idea when h

9、e might be back?W: Well, he shouldnt be long. He said he was just going to get some medicine. But t wouldnt be surprised if hes stopped off at the pub for a glass of beer on the way back.M: OK, well, tell him Ive come, will you, and Ill talk with him about the agreement on the phone later.W: All rig

10、ht. Bye, Dave.M: Bye, Sally.8. What does Jim like?A.He likes making friends.B.He likes drinking beer.C.He likes taking medicine.答案:B9. What will Dave do later?A.Hell come again.B.Hell give Jim a phone call.C.Hell wait for Sallys phone call.答案:B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 10. What do the husband and wife d

11、ecide to do?A.To go for a picnic.B.To go for some food.C.To go for a riding.答案:A解析 15-16W: Just look! The day has dawned!M: It certainly looks cleara good day for a picnic.W: I am thinking about the same thing.M: Well, how about it then?W: Ok by me. How soon do you want to leave?M: Say.in an hour.W:

12、 Lets leave in an hour and a half. We have to take time to get some more food, and wake up the little ones, Nancy and Jim.M: Fine. While youre getting things ready in the house. Ill go to get the car.11. How soon do they want to leave?A.In an hour.B.In half an hour.C.In one and a half hours.答案:C (如需

13、获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 12. What does Tom invite Betty to do?A.To go to the cinema.B.To go to the theatre.C.To go swimming.答案:B解析 17-18M: Hello, Betty, Are you free this Sunday? How about going to see a film with me, or a play?W: Tom, Id rather see a play. I hear a new play is on at the Grand Theatre.M: G

14、ood. Ill see if I can get tickets for Sunday.W: On Sunday therere always so many people there, How about Friday or Saturday?M: OK. Ill give you a call about the tickets later. Goodbye!13. Why doesnt Betty like going out on Sunday?A.Because therere too man/people on Sunday,B.Because she is not free o

15、n Sunday.C.Because its cold on Sunday.答案:A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 14. What has happened to the clock?A.It has been fixed.B.It has stopped working.C.It has been sent to the watchmakers.答案:B解析 33-35W: That dock doesnt work Im going to send it to the watchmakers next week.M: Dont do that. I can fix it my

16、self,W: You? You can fix it?M: Why not? I have done it before.W: Thats why it doesnt work now.15. What does the woman think of the man?A.She doesnt believe he can fix the clock.B.She thinks that the man had better fix the clock.C.She thinks the man should send the clock to the watchmakers.答案:A16. Wh

17、at may the result of the conversation be?A.The man will fix the clock himself.B.They wilt do nothing about the clock.C.The woman will send the clock to the watchmakers.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 17. In which city is the man going to spend the summer holiday?A.In Dalian.B.In Yantai.C.Its not decided y

18、et.答案:C解析 23-24W: Where are you going in the summer holiday, Li?M: Im going to take some place by the sea with my family, such as Dalian, Yantai, Qingdao and so on.W: What are you going to do there?M: Many things, say, going swimming and boating in the morning, and in the afternoon, we are going to

19、play basketball or tennis. At night, were going to sit around a fire on the sand, chatting, singing, or telling stories.W: That sounds wonderful.M: Yes. How are you going to spend the holiday, Alice?W: I dont know. But Ill talk with my husband about it.18. Who is the woman most probably?A.Shes the m

20、ans friend.B.Shes the mans wife,C.Shes the mans mother.答案:A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 19. What did the person do every day?A.He drank a big glass of beer.B.He went to-the same beerhouse.C.He drank with a different friend.答案:B解析 Now, I want to tell you a story about a person who always went to the same be

21、erhouse at the same time every day and asked for two glasses of beer. He drank them and then asked for two more. One day the man in the beerhouse said to him, Why do you always ask for two glasses of beer? Why dont you get one big glass instead? The person answered, Because I dont like to drink alon

22、e. I drink with my friend. But a few days later the person came in and asked only for one glass of beer. Oh, said the beerman, has your friend died? Oh, no, said the person. He is very well. This glass of beer is for him. But I have stopped drinking beer. My doctor does not want me to drink any more

23、 because it is dangerous for me. 20. What did the person do when he was given two glasses of beer?A.He himself drank them.B.He and his friend drank them.C.He and the beerman drank them.答案:A21. What happened a few days later?A.The persons friend stopped drinking beer.B.The person asked only for half

24、a glass of beer.C.The person asked only for one glass of beer.答案:C22. What do we know about his friend?A.His friend died.B.His friend was well.C.His friend was beer.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 23. What problem are they talking about?A.Its noisy in the office.B.Smith has a lot of visitors.C.Smith is of

25、ten not in the office.答案:A解析 9-10W: Smith, do you have a minute?M: Oh, hi, Mary. Sure. Whats up?W: Well, Ive been meaning to talk to you about the situation in the office.M: Im not in there very often. Its so noisy that I cant work.W: Thats what I want to say about. We need a quiet place to work in.

26、 But Jack has a lot of visitors. People are going in and out.M: Has anybody spoken to him about it?W: No, not yet, but someones going to have to.M: I think so, but who?W: What about you?24. Why is the office noisy?A.The office is too small.B.Jack likes to go in and out.C.A tot of people come to see

27、Jack.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 25. Where does the man choose to live?A.The ground floor.B.The tenth floor.C.The top floor.答案:C解析 19-20W: Hi, Jim. Which floor do you live on?M: The top floor.W: Why did you choose the top floor?M: Well, what choice did I have? It was either the top or the ground floor

28、.W: Im sorry to hear that. But then, why did you choose the top?M: Quiet, I suppose. Youve got nobody jumping about on top.W: Oh, I see.26. Why did the man make the choice?A.Because its away from noise on that floor.B.Because its quite cheap to live on that floor.C.Because he had no choice at all in

29、 the matter.答案:A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 27. How many girls joined in the trip?A.Three.B.Five.C.Seven.答案:A解析 90-93 Now, you want me to tell you another story. Right? OK. Heres another one. Seven young students, four boys and three girls, after traveling on foot for five hours, arrived at the forest whe

30、re they were going to stay for several days. Now they sat down and took a rest. All of them felt tired, hot and hungry, so they decided to eat something first. They washed their hands in the river and quickly sat down and ate up all food that they had brought with them. Now they were all ready to st

31、art. Oh, no! cried one of the girls. Whats the matter? asked the other children. Weve forgotten to bring the food! 28. Where did they want to stay?A.In a forest.B.By a river.C.In a field.答案:A29. How long did they travel on foot?A.For four hours.B.For five hours.C.For several days.答案:B30. Did they fo

32、rget to bring food with them?A.Yes, they did.B.No, they didnt.C.We are not sure.答案:B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 31. What does the woman suggest they should do?A.See a film.B.Stay at home.C.Do some reading,答案:A解析 25-26W: Shall we go to the movies tonight, Harry?M: Thats a good idea. Theres a good movie at

33、the cinema nearby: Titanic.W: Fine. People say its a wonderful movie.M: Yes, lets find out what time it starts.W: Lets look at the newspaper. Movie programs are usually them on page ten.M: Yes, here it is. Titanic starts at 7 oclock.32. How do they know the time?A.People told them.B.They find it out

34、 in a book.C.They look it up in the newspaper.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 33. Where are the two speakers talking?A.In a room.B.At an eating house.C.At a hotel.答案:C解析 36-38W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?M: Id like to pay my bill now.W: Your name and room number, please?M: Jim Baker, room 207.W: Y

35、es, Mr. Baker. Have you used any hotel services this morning?M: No, I havent used any this morning.W: Fine. This is your bill, Mr. Baker. Two nights at 90 dollars each, and here are the meals that youve had at the hotel. That makes a total of 330 dollars.M: Can I pay by credit card?W: Certainly, May

36、 I have your card, please?M: Here you are.W: Thanks please sign your name here.34. How much is it for two nights stay?A.180 dollars.B.330 dollars.C.90 dollars.答案:A35. Did Mr. Baker have any meals at the hotel?A.Yes, he did.B.No, he didntC.Its unknown.答案:A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 36. What are they talki

37、ng about?A.A TV variety show.B.A basketball match.C.A classroom discussion.答案:B解析 3-4M: Did you watch the game last night?W: l came home late and missed it. Whats the result?M: Hey, its a great pity! Our basketball team lost it by one point.W: Is that so? Then our team did not become the champion?M:

38、 But they really did well. In a way theyre also successful.37. Who DIDNT see the match?A.The woman.B.The man.C.Both the man and the woman,答案:A (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 38. Who can learn everything from school?A.People who go to school for an education.B.People who go to school to learn a skill.C.No one

39、can learn ever/thing from school.答案:C解析 86-89 So, many people go to school for an education. They learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and mathematics. Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can make a living. School education is very important and useful. Yet no one ca

40、n learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he knows, cant teach his students everything that they want to know. His job is showing his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. Much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves. Great s

41、cientists, such as Newton, Galileo and Einstein, didnt get everything from school, but they were all successful. They invented many things. The reason for their success is that they knew how to study. In other words, they knew how to use their brains. They read books that were not taught at school a

42、nd they worked hard all their lives. 39. Why do some people need to learn a skill in school?A.They need to make money to support themselves and their family.B.They need to learn a skill in order to become great scientists.C.They need to understand how important education is.答案:A40. What is a teacher

43、s job?A.To teach his students ever/thing they want to know.B.To show his students how to learn.C.To order his students to study hard outside school.答案:B41. Why could those great scientists such as Newton, Einstein and Galileo be great inventors in the world?A.Because all of them had been in a very g

44、ood school.B.Because all of them had a very clever brain.C.Because all of them knew how to study and how to think.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 42. Whos Li Ming?A.Hes their friend.B.Hes their manager.C.Hes a doctor答案:A解析 48-50M: Hi, Jane. Where are you going?W: Hi, Tom. Im going to the hospital to see Li Ming.M: I saw him yesterday. Hes much better.W: Thats good. Must I catch a No. 21 bus to get there?M: No, you neednt. A No. 44 bus will also take you to the hospital, and you can catch it more easily.W: Ill get a No. 44 then. But whe


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