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1、 酸枣仁皂苷论文:改善睡眠功能性饮料酒的开发【中文摘要】睡眠是我们日常生活中一种重要的生理现象,睡眠跟人们的生理和心理活动有密切的关系,对人的健康和生活有着至关重要的影响。良好的睡眠可以帮助人们恢复体力和精力,因此失眠和睡眠障碍问题越来越受到人们的关注。但是,随着现代社会的快速发展,人们的生活节奏也逐渐加快,工作压力以及各方面的压力也越来越大,失眠问题已经成为困扰我们日常生活的常见疾病。我国是使用中草药的大国,中医学对改善睡眠的认识有独到的见解。中医临床主要通过辨证施治,应用中药复方来治疗失眠。目前,有越来越多的学者正在研究中药治疗失眠的病理机理,中草药具有实践的独特疗效性,日益受到世界各国的

2、关注。本论文研究了改善睡眠药酒的开发。卫生部将酸枣仁列为药食同源类物品,根据酸枣仁中有效活性成分酸枣仁皂苷的物理和化学性质,设计提取工艺,并根据box-behnken的中心组合设计原理,采用三因素三水平的响应面分析方法,然后对各因子显著性和交互作用进行分析,得出了超声提取酸枣仁皂苷a的最佳工艺条件为:乙醇浓度69.8%,超声温度44.6,超声功率74.1w,及此时酸枣仁皂苷a的实际产量为321.09g/g。采用hplc对酸枣仁皂苷进行检测。流动相为梯度洗脱:最初5 min为乙腈-水(20:80),520 min内乙腈浓度梯度上升为70%,2022 min乙腈浓度梯度回到20%,检测波长:203

3、 nm。流动相应用梯度洗脱,能将目标物质和其他组分分离开,检测准确。通过对小鼠自主活动影响实验、直接睡眠实验、延长戊巴比妥钠睡眠时间实验、戊巴比妥钠阈下剂量催眠实验,研究表明,酸枣仁皂苷具有改善小鼠睡眠的作用。选择红枣、百合、柏子仁、蜂蜜等药食同源的原料进行水提,与超声提取的酸枣仁皂苷进行配伍实验,并以优质黄酒作为酒基,开发了一种低度、营养、具有改善睡眠功能的黄酒饮料。然后进行第二次小鼠药理活性实验,建立一个新型药物模型即酸枣仁皂苷提取物与红枣、百合、柏子仁水提物配伍混合治疗,具有较好的改善睡眠效果。【英文摘要】the sleep is one of the important physiol

4、ogical phenomenons in our daily life; it closely related to our physical and mental activity, it has an important effect on peoples health and life. good sleep will make people refreshed, so more and more people have drawn attention to the problem of sleeping quality and insomnia. however, with the

5、rapid development of the modern society, the pace of peoples life become more and more increasingly, the working pressure and othersbecome larger. as a common disease, insomnia bothers us in daily life.chinese herbal medicine is a nations treasure and there is unique recognition on improve sleep and

6、 insomnia in traditional chinese medicine. according to the clinical data observed by the traditional chinese medicine, it treats mainly sleep-disorder somnipathy with chinese medical prescriptions. currently, more and more scholars are studying path mechanism of insomnia treatment by chinese herbs.

7、 it attracts attention from the entire world for its effect in clinical practice that there is unique curative effect on improving sleep quality with the traditional chinese medicines. in this paper we study the development of enhancing sleep rice wine.according to the physical and chemical properti

8、es of jujuboside that is the effective element of traditional chinese medicine and design extraction. according to the box-behnken of central composite experimental design principles, the response surface method with 3 factors and 3 levels was adopted. the results showed that the optimum conditions

9、were that ethanol concentration of 69.8%, ultrasonic temperature of 44.6, ultrasonic power of 74.1w, under such conditions the actual extraction yield of jujuboside a could be up to 321.09g/g. this method can be used to extract jujuboside from semen ziziphi spinose.the jujuboside content was detecte

10、d by hplc, mobile phase to use gradient elution: acetonitrile water(20:80) at first 5min, acetonitrile concentration gradient up to 70% at 520 min, acetonitrile concentration gradient back to 20% at 2022 min and detection at 203nm. gradient elution can separate target material and other components.i

11、t was studied by measuring the spontaneous activity experimental of mice, the experiments of sleep-induced directly, prolonging sleeping time induced by pentobarbital sodium and affecting mouse sleeping rate under the threshold hypnogenesis dosage of pentobarbital sodium. the results show that the j

12、ujuboside possess calm and hypnotic effects.we select four kinds of medicinal and edible raw material, including red date, lily bulb, shelled cedar seed, honey to get water extract are added ultrasonic extract of jujuboside to compatibility experiment. and use high quality rice wine as the wine base

13、, developed a low degree, nutrition, sleep function improvement rice wine beverage. then we carry through the second pharmacology experiment to test the effect with the jujuboside extract and water extract of red date, lily, and shelled cedar seed. brought forwards a new medicine model and interpret

14、ed the mechanism of hypnogenesis.【关键词】酸枣仁皂苷 响应面分析 高效液相色谱 药理实验 配伍 功能黄酒【备注】索购全文在线加好友: 同时提供论文写作一对一指导和论文发表委托服务【英文关键词】jujuboside response surface analysis hplc pharmacological experiment compatibility of chinese medicine functional rice wine【目录】改善睡眠功能性饮料酒的开发摘要4-5abstract5-6前言11-12第1章 文献综述12

15、-201.1 失眠的治疗方法12-131.1.1 中药治疗失眠12-131.1.2 心理治疗失眠131.1.3 改善生活习惯治疗失眠131.2 治疗失眠的药物13-181.2.1 西药合成药物治疗失眠13-151.2.2 中药治疗失眠药物15-181.3 黄酒的营养价值181.4 本课题研究背景及选题意义18-20第2章 酸枣仁中酸枣仁皂苷的提取工艺研究20-412.1 酸枣仁的性质及药理活性作用20-232.1.1 化学成分20-212.1.2 酸枣仁皂苷结构21-222.1.3 酸枣仁皂苷的药理活性22-232.2 酸枣仁皂苷的提取方法23-242.2.1 大孔吸附树脂技术232.2.2

16、超临界c0_2萃取技术23-242.2.3 超声提取技术242.3 酸枣仁皂苷含量的测定方法24-252.3.1 紫外分光光度法242.3.2 比色法24-252.3.3 薄层扫描法252.3.4 高效液相色谱法252.4 仪器、试剂与材料25-262.4.1 仪器25-262.4.2 试剂262.4.3 材料262.5 实验方法26-282.5.1 原料的预处理262.5.2 色谱条件26-272.5.3 酸枣仁皂苷a 对照品含量测定与标准曲线的绘制27-282.6 传统回流提取28-292.6.1 回流提取实验设计282.6.2 乙醇提取物的制备282.6.3 样品溶液的制备28-292.

17、6.4 样品含量测定292.7 超声提取法29-302.7.1 实验设计292.7.2 乙醇提取物的制备292.7.3 样品测定液的制备29-302.7.4 样品含量测定302.8 结果与讨论30-352.8.1 回流提取单因素实验30-312.8.2 超声提取单因素试验31-352.9 乙醇回流和超声提取对比分析352.10 响应面分析实验35-392.10.1 酸枣仁皂苷a 提取率的响应面优化37-392.10.2 验证性试验392.11 结论39-41第3章 动物药理活性实验41-473.1 实验材料413.1.1 实验动物413.1.2 仪器413.1.3 试剂与药品413.2 酸枣仁

18、皂苷样品溶液的制备方法41-423.2.1 酸枣仁水煎液的制备413.2.2 酸枣仁安神酒的制备41-423.3 对照组溶液的制备方法423.3.1 褪黑素阳性对照组溶液的制备423.3.2 黄酒阴性对照组溶液的制备423.3.3 蒸馏水阴性对照组的制备423.4 实验方法42-443.4.1 实验分组423.4.2 对小鼠自主活动的影响42-433.4.3 直接睡眠试验433.4.4 戊巴比妥钠阈下剂量催眠试验433.4.5 延长戊巴比妥钠睡眠时间试验433.4.6 实验数据统计43-443.5 结果与分析44-463.5.1 对小鼠自主活动的影响443.5.2 直接睡眠实验44-453.5.3 戊巴比妥钠阈下剂量催眠试验453.5.4 延长戊巴比妥钠诱导的小鼠睡眠时间实验45-463.5.5 结果判定463.6 结论46-47第4章 改善睡眠饮料酒配方研制与成品酒分析47-554.1 实验材料48-494.1.1 仪器484.1.2 动物484.1.3 试剂48-494.2 药物的提取及样品药液的准备494.2.1 复方酸枣仁水提法494.2


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