Put 的短语[基础资料]_第1页
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1、Put 的短语put away 收拾;放妥;放弃 put off 推迟;延期 put on 上演;穿上 put into 表达;翻译 put down 放下;写下;put out 扑灭;生产;出版 put up 举起;竖起;张贴 put up with 容忍 put() up for 供以食宿;留宿 put through 接通电话 put to bed 使上床睡觉 put to the trouble of doing 使陷入做的困境put in 放入put back 放回1.The teacher asked the class to put _A_ their books. A. awa

2、yB. byC. on D. up2.The sports meet will be put _A_ till next week because of the bad weather . A. off B. upC. onD. down3. A new play will be put _C_ at the theater. A. off B. up C. on D. out4. He was too excited to put the idea _D_ words. A. with B. in C. to D. into5. By the time the fire-engine arr

3、ived, the fire had been put _B_ by the people there. A. down B. out C. off D. away6.No sooner had he put _B_ the receiver than the bell rang again. A. outB. down C. away D. off7. A list of the new League members was _B_ and the pupils looked at it and discussed. A. put away B. put upC. turned up D.

4、turned on8. Is that you, Mr Brown? Please put me _C_ to your manager. A. up B. up with C. through D. over9.Its a pity! You put me _D_ the trouble of doing up the room again. A. in B. into C. with D. to10. Get out! I can no longer put _D_ your remarks. A. up B. downC. down with D. up with11. We must

5、find a place where we can put _A_ the night. A. up forB. up C. down D. down forlook through 浏览;翻阅;透过看 look up (vt.) 查阅; (vi.) 上涨;好转;抬头look up to 尊敬 look out (for) 当心;注意 look out (of) 向望 look (up)on as 认为 是 look on 旁观look down upon 轻视;看不起 look into 调查 look in on 顺便拜访look back (on) 回顾 look after 照看;看管

6、 look forward to 盼望 look sb. up and down 上下打量look over 检阅或检查某事12. Look _A_ this book and tell me what you think of it. A. through B. onC. intoD. up13. Look _A_! Theres a train coming. A. out B. aroundC. forward D. into 14. Many foreigners look _D_ the Great Wall as the Seventh Worlds WonderA. at B.

7、forC. around D. on15. Five of the students took part in the game; the rest of them just looked _B_. A. at B. on C. out D. up16. The baby is crying. Will you please _D_ him while I prepare the milk? A. care B. look atC. look forD. look after17.Ive been looking _D_ very much to coming to Beijing for a

8、 long time. A. over B. up C. on D. forward18. He _B_ me up and down and noticed that I was almost in rags. A. watched B. looked C. looked at D. fixed upon19. Mr. Smith has taught for many years and all the students looked _B_ him. A. up B. up to C. up on D. down upon20. He has promised to look _D_ t

9、he matter. A. through B. inC. upD. intoget in 到达,收集或收获; get in a word 插话 get in ones way 挡路;妨碍 get along / on 进行;进展;相处 get along/on with 在方面进展;与相处 /get down沮丧;吞咽;写下记下get out泄露;出去;生产出版get over 克服get up 起床;站起 get out (of) 出去(来);取出;避开;摆脱 get through 做完;结束;通过;抵达 get away (from) (从)逃脱;摆脱;走开;(使)离开 get int

10、o 进入;(使)陷入状态get across使某事传播或为人理解 get to 到达get back 回家,失而复得get off下车get on 上车21. I really dont want to go to the party, but I dont see how I can get _B_ it. A. back from B. out of C. away D. off22. Readers can get _C_quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word. A. over B. in C. along D.

11、 through23. As the crowd got _D_ our way, we had to turn around. A. on B. intoC. throughD. in24. He got _A_ the car when it reached the school. A. out ofB. off C. fromD. down from25. They didnt get _D_ quite well as small boys. A. up B. togetherC. outD. on26. When they two began to talk about politi

12、cs, no one else could get _D_ a word. A. into B. through C. in with D. in27. He failed for the first time but _C_ for second. A. got out B. went out C. got through D. went through28. He missed home and yesterday he returned to his hometown _D_ which he really didnt want to get _. A.of ; rid B. with

13、; along C. from ; out D. from ; away turn to 向 求助;翻到;转到turn in 上交 turn up 出现;卷起;竖起;开大点(收音机等) turn over 移交;考虑;翻过;翻倒;打翻 turn on (off) 开(关) turn down 驳回;拒绝;拒不采纳;拧小点(声音) turn back 折回;回转过来 turn against 背叛;转而反对 turn out 结果(是);生产;制造turn away拒绝让进入29. In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _D_ she w

14、ould turn for help. A. that B. whom C. from D. to whom30. Would you mind turning _B_ the radio a little? Im working now. A. up B. down C. off D. on31. He promised to come, but he didnt turn _A_ . A. upB. outC. over D. in32. He _A_ the coat collar up because of the wind. A. turned B. putC. took D. he

15、ld33. He wanted to join the army but was turned _A_, because he wasnt old enough. A. down B. in C. off D. back34. The weather forecast was good so it turned _B_ fine after all. A. into B. out C. up D. over35. I began turning _C_ in my mind all that I had learned from the experiment. A. upB. onC. ove

16、r D. about36. Its nothing but your words that make me turn _D_ you. A. back B. on C. for D. againstgive away 背弃;出卖;泄露;赠送give off 散发出 give out (vt.) 分发;公布;(vi.) 用完;疲惫 give in 让步;屈服 give up 放弃;戒掉;交出;让出 give back 归还37. Cheap coal gives _D_ a lot of smoke. A. up B. in C. away D. off38. Please help me gi

17、ve _A_ these apples to everyone here. A. outB. up C. away D. over39.No mother wants to give _A_ her children to someone elses care.A. up B. out C. away D. off40. The hero would rather die than give _A_. A. in B. up C. down D. out41. We heard a shot. The smoke had given us _C_. A. upB. overC. away D.

18、 out42. Our supply of vegetables will soon _B_. A. give up B. give outC. go outD. run out oftake away 拿走 take back 收回(话等)take ones time 从容行事 take it easy 别急 take off 脱掉(衣帽); 起飞;去掉 ;成名take in吸收;欺骗;允许某人留宿在家;理解;将(衣服)改瘦take care 当心 take care of 照顾;负责 take for 错认为;误以为是 take after 长得象 take on 雇佣;具有(面貌、颜色)

19、take over 接管;接收;接办;接任take up 从事(某工作);开始(某活动或爱好)占去(时间或空间);拿起举起43. The boss was asked to take _D_ Bob as an office boy. A. up B. overC. inD. on44.Within two hours, his face took _C_ colour and his body became warm. A. out B. overC. on D. around45. The battle hero we _D_an ordinary soldier at first gav

20、e us an inspiring speech. A. took on B. looked on C. looked up on D. took for46. The plane took _B_ and headed north. A. awayB. offC. up D. high47. Did they take _A_ much after listening to my lecture? A. in B. hold of C. over D. up48.Cars _B_ up a great deal of valuable space on the roads. A. catch

21、B. take C. holdD. cover49. May I take _C_what I promised you? Very sorry, I cant buy you a bicycle on time. A. down B. over C. back D. away50. All the other students in the class took _B_ the song before the teacher came in.A. inB. up C. over D. up with51. The first seaman took _A_ the ship when the

22、 captain suffered a heart attack.A. overB. upC. in D. oncome across 碰到 come by 得到 come for 来取 come down 下降;下落;传下来come on (风、雨)来临;进行;进展 加油;快点 come out 出版;出来;有结果; 开花 come over 来访;(感觉)突然掠过come to 来到;碰到;苏醒; 谈到;说到;合计 come up 走近、走上前来;出现;发芽 被提出 come up with 提出come along 一道去;赶快 come of 出身(家庭);有结果come about

23、发生52. His name has come _D_ in song and story to this day. A. on B. along C. up D. down53. Im sorry to trouble you again. I return to come _C_ my book. A. back for B. over forC. for D. across54. The truth will sooner or later come _C_. A. upB. aboutC. outD. around55. Winter came and the old man felt

24、 a cold coming _A_. A. onB. downC. alongD. up56. If you are free tonight, come _C_ and have dinner with me. A. inB. up C. over D. on57. Listen to me. Ill come next _B_ Chapter Three. A. acrossB. to C. up toD. on to 58. She passed out but would come _C_ in a little while. A. back B. over C. toD. up59

25、. My little son asked me why the seeds he had sowed didnt come _B_. A. over B. up C. aroundD. on60. Tom came _D_third in the last examination. A. up B. overC. down D. outbreak out 爆炸;爆发 break in 插话 break into 强行进入;突然开始 break down (机器)坏;(汽车)抛锚;(计划)失败 break up (vt.) 分开;使解散;(vi.) (会议)结束;(学校等) 放假 break

26、away from 摆脱;脱离break off 折断61. The fire broke _B_ after they had gone home. A. in B. outC. off D. down62. The prison was broken _A_ and all the prisoners were set free. A. intoB. inC. upD. down63. I would tell the story much more easily if you didnt break _C_ so often. A. into B. through C. in D. up

27、64. Well have to get out and walk. The cars _A_down. A. broken B. fallenC. goneD. run65.He has broken _D_ the bad habits. A. out of B. offC. away D. away fromcall for 叫去;要;索取;要求 call in 请(医生等)来 call off 取消;不举行 call (up)on 拜访、看望(某人)call at 拜访(某地) call on sb. to do 号召(某人)做(某事) call up 给打电话 call out 大声

28、叫66. Ill call _C_ you at seven if youd like to go to see the film this evening.A. on B. up C. for D. out67. They didnt stop talking until the teacher called _D_ silence. A. in B. outC. downD. for68. The headmaster called _D_ the football match because of the rain. A. backB. upC. outD. off69. When we

29、 called _ Mr. Whites, he had gone to the countryside to call _C_ his cook. A. up ; upon B. on ; upon C. at ; on D. upon ; onbring about 引起;使产生 bring up 呕吐;养育;提出 bring out 阐明;引出;出版 bring down 使下降;击落bring back 拿回bring in 引进,赚取bring on导致70. I felt something was wrong with me. I _A_ most of what I had t

30、aken.A. brought up B. brought outC. took up D. took out71. His parents died when he was young, so he was _B_by his uncle. A. taken up B. brought up C. brought out D. grown up72. She does morning exercises every day in order to bring _D_ her weight. A. up B. offC. about D. downmake out 理解;认出; 看清楚;书写;

31、 起草;开列 make into 制成(成品)make up 构成;编写;化妆 编造;和解, make up for 弥补;补偿73. The world is made _A_ seven continents and four oceans. A. up of B. out ofC. from D. in74. Glass can be made _B_bottles and other things. A. fromB. intoC. of D. out of75. They were so far away that I couldnt _C_ their faces. A. see

32、through B. make upC. make out D. pick out76. The good service at the hotel _A_ the poor food to some extent. A. makes up for B. makes use of C. keeps up with D. makes upgo down 下落;减弱 go in for 爱好;从事(某活动)go on 发生;进行go on with 继续 go by(时间)过去go out 熄灭 go away 离开go through 仔细检查;审查;经历(苦难等)go over 复习;检查;审

33、阅;研究go against 反对77. Please go _B_ your written exercises before you turn it in. A. on with B. over C. back with D. down to78. We had to feel our way toward the door because the light had suddenly gone _D_. A. off B. down C. on D. out79. The police _A_ through every part of the car and found nothing

34、 wrong. A. went B. got C. looked D. searched80. Lucy plays a lot of golf and goes _D_ all competitions. A. into B. for C. on with D. in for81. When they reached the Summer Palace, the sun had _C_ down. A. fallen B. setC. gone set up 建立;成立;搭起;支起 set out 动身;出发 set out to do sth. 开始做(某事)set about doing

35、 sth. 开始做(某事)set off 动身;装饰;引爆set back 拨回set in 以 为背景82. A new school was _B_ up in the village last year. A. held B. set C. sent D. brought83. Its necessary that we set _B_ at once. A. up B. offC. downD. about84. I _A_ to make the dress myself, but in the end I had to ask for help. A. set out B. set

36、 up C. set down D. started outkeep on doing 坚持做;继续做 keep out 遮挡;使不进入 keep up 保持、继续(某活动)keep up with 跟上;及时了解(情况)keep off 避开;挡住 keep back 扣下;隐瞒; 忍住(眼泪)keep away (from) 远离 keep to sth. 遵循;坚持keep in保持在内85. He _B_ working until he was 70 years old. A. kept up B. kept on C. kept to D. followed86. The vill

37、agers are trying to keep _A_ their records and get another good harvest. A. upB. backC.outD. on87. The trees can keep _D_ part of the heat from the sun. A. backB. upC. downD. out88. We had to think of a way to keep _B_ the rain.A. away B. offC. out ofD. from89. Theres a board in front of the building, which reads “Keep _B_ without permission”. A. offB. outC. awayD. up90. We read the newspapers every day to _A_ the current affairs.A. keep up withB. catch up with C. keep up D. keep touch withleave out 遗漏leave behind 落在后面leave alone 不打扰或不干预某人某事hold up 阻碍或延误某人hold out 维持保持hold back阻止阻挡show in


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