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1、供应商PPAP PACKAGE检查清单Supplier PPAP Package Checklist序号/No.文件 /Docume nt序 号/No.要求 /Requirement1PSW/零件提交保证书1标明正确零件号/图纸版本号及零件更改水平(图纸版本与零件版本可 能不相同)Ensure part number/drawing revision and engineering change level are consistent with released engineering (Drawing revision may be different with part revision

2、)2供应商必须选择是或否框来表明是否满足所有图纸的要求,如果否需提供说明及相关偏差认可报告The statement these results meet all drawing specification requirements shall be checked off as yes or no, if no was checked off, the detailed statement or relevant DA shall be attached.3零件重量,除非客户另有规定,否则此重量用kg表示并精确到小数点后4位(0.0000);重量不包括运输防护、装配辅具或包装材料。为 了确定

3、零件的重量,组织必须随机将选择10个零件分别称重,然后进行计算并报告平均值,至少必须针对产品实现的每个型腔、工装、 生产线或过程测量一个零件。The organization shall record on the PSW the part weight of the part as shipped, measured and expressed in kilograms to four decimal places(0.000) unless otherwise specified by the customer. the weight shall not include shipping

4、protectors, assembly aides, or packaging materials. To determine part weight, the organization shall individually weigh ten randomly selected parts, caculate and report the average weight. At least one part shall be measured from each cavity, tool, line or process to be used in product realization.4

5、安全和/或政府法规是否满足,若不满足需提供相关说明文件,并获得 签字认可Safety and/or government regulation? If No was checked off, therelevant document shall be submitted and approved by the customer5提交信息与提交目的一致,若非首次提交,需填写完整提交原因,工 程更改提交,描述需与ECO描述一致;The reason for submission must match the purpose for PPAP, If itwas not the first time

6、 the part PPAP submitted, the full reason for submission shall be filled, for design change, the description in the engineering change column should be the same as ECO.6标明零件是否包含需通告或受限用的材料Does this part contain any restricted or reportable substances7鼓励供应商对塑料零件标注相应的ISO代码(ISO 11469 ),来指明零件所用到聚合物及装填物的类

7、型Encourage supplier to identify polymetic parts with the ISO symbols such as specified in ISO 11469 to indicate the type of polymer and filler used in the part8所有的空格都已被填写(包括提交人信息是完整,并完成签字)Make sure all blanks are filled.(lncluding the warrant hasbeensigned by the person preparing it)9PSW需注明日常零件生产所使用

8、的检查辅具 ;Checking aid to be used during productionshall be declared onthe PSW10PSW注明PPAP所涉及的各种模具/型腔/生产工艺The number or code that identifies the specific mold, cavity, and/or production process used manufacture the part shall be entered on PSW11PSW记录PPAP样品生产速率(生产运行必须是1到8小时的生产,且具体生产数量至少为 300件连续生产的零件)或获得客

9、户认可Under declaration section the production date has been entered.(product for PPAP shall be taken from a significant production run. This significant production quantity to total a minium of 300 consecutive parts.) unless otherwise specified by the authorized customer representative2Eng. Changed Li

10、st/ 工程更改文件及工程更改履历表1文件必须包括受影响的零件号、更改描述、更改原因、更改时间,更 改公差、范围、期限以及供应商代表授权确认The document shall include the affected part number, change description, change cause, change time, changed tolerance, range, duration, and supplier representative authorization confirmation2让步接收必须得到 YFAS认可后,随PPAP文件一同递交The accepta

11、nce shall be approved by the YFAS and submitted withthe PPAP document3Design records/ 设计记录1供应商必须提交版本号正确的图纸,若需要,需提供相关的生产图纸The supplier shall submit the correct number of drawings, if necessary, need to provide the relevant production drawings2图纸必须具有正式的客户工程部签发的设计记录,所有图纸已被批准Drawings must have a formal

12、customer engineering department issued design record, all drawings have been approved3设计更改水平应与其他文件保持一致The design change level should match the levels on all other docs.4若为工程更改提交的 PPAP,PSW中对于工程更改的描述应与授权下发的ECR/ECO 一致For design change, the description in the PSW should be the sameas on authorized ECR/E

13、CO5确保所有的图纸技术规范以及性能要求被识别、理解和满足Ensure all drawing notes and performance requirements are addressed/ undestood.6需有最新版EBOMThe latest Engineering BOM should be submitted.4CC & SC list/CC 和 SC清单1需有TC签字的KPC清单KPC shall be signed by the authorized TC engineer2关键控制特性与关键产品特性无混淆KPC and KCC should not be confuse

14、d.5D-FMEA/设计失效模式和效果分析1如果供应商是设计责任者适用:Apply to the supplier if they are designer2在设计部件、系统和工艺时,为确保所有失效模式(相关于设计)及原因/机器都被考虑,采用DFMEA工具。When designing components, systems and processes, DFMEAtools are used to ensure that all failure modes (related to design) and the cause / machine are considered.6Flowchar

15、t/过程流程图1工艺流程图应包含从仓库到仓库(原材料入库到成品岀库)Flow chart shall include dock to dock (Raw material storage to finished products delivered)2工艺流程序号及工艺名称应与PFMEA和CP保持一致Process flow numbers shall tie to PFMEA and control plan3需确认零件号的正确性,零件名称以及工程更改水平的正确性The correct part number; description and change level has been ve

16、rified.4工艺流程图必须有明确的生产工序顺序,包括:收料,检验,移动, 存储,外包服务和其他并联路径(返工,返修和备件);必须描述清 楚产品在各个工序间的移动方式;工序符号必须满足文件要求The process flow chart must illustrate the sequence of production operations, including: receiving, inspection, transportation, storage, sub-contracted services, and alternate paths(rework, repair and ba

17、ckup); The process flow chart must describe how the product will move within the process; the process flow chart must have a key for symbols.5工艺流程图中必须有效识别岀所有影响工序的特殊特性All operations affecting special characteristics must be appropriately identified on the process flow chart.7Floor Plan/场地平面布置图1平面布局图不

18、仅包含产品生产区域、还需包括GP-12区域、不良品区域等。平面布局图必须与实际生产相一致the floor plan identify the following:All required assembly,process and GP12 inspection stations; there is an identified area fornonconforming material, segregated from the manufacturing area etc. The Plant layout must be consistent with current.1所有的CC/SC特

19、性应在PFMEA/CP中被识别(包括下级供应链)All CC/SCs shall be identified on the PFMEA/CP (Including sub-suppliers PFMEA)2版本必须受控,任何更改履历必须保留The version shall be controlled and any changes must be retained3PFMEA必须由一个跨职能团队共同完成A manufacturing responsible cross-functional team must develop the process PFMEA.4从以往经验教训和客户抱怨提供

20、的经验教训以及相似工艺的PFMEA,售后保修数据等都必须体现在现行零件PFMEA的开发中Lessons Learned from campaigns, recalls, and user plantcomplains, similar process FMEAs, Things Gone Wrong andwarranty data must be addressed during current part process FMEA development.5所有在过程流程图中识别的工序在PFMEA中必须按照顺序识别和罗列,且与流程图中一致All operations from the pro

21、cess flow chart must be identified and listed sequentially on the process FMEA.6失效模式的影响必须从对于每个零件的影响,对装配,系统,车辆, 客户需求,政府法律法规和操作者安全等多个维度来考虑The effects of failures must address the impact on each part, next higher assembly, system, vehicle, customer wants, government regulations, and operator safety.7所有

22、失效模式的潜在失效原因和失效机理都必须被定义Potential causes and/ or mechanisms of failure must be identified for all failure modes.8失效原因必须从人、机、料、法、环多个维度考虑,且失效原因必须 为可改善和控制的;不要用操作工失误”,等人员原因作为潜在失效。必须从工艺或系统中寻找失效根本原因Causes must consider people, material, methods, machines, measurement systems and enveriment.And causes be des

23、cribed in terms of something that can be corrected and controlled; Generally, People reason such as Operator error etc. should not be used as potential causes, we should identify the root causes from process/system.9高严重度的失效模式和高RPN等级的必须采取纠正措施,责任人和完成日期;采取纠正措施时优先考虑防错.高RPN等级的必须重新反应确认的纠正措施High severity f

24、ailure mode and high RPN grade shall take corrective action, responsibility and completion date; take corrective action when priority is given to error prevention. High RPN grade shall be react again to confirm corrective action10在采取设计措施减少失效模式影响之前,严重度数字不允许进行更改P-FMEA/过程失效模式和效果分析Severity numbers canno

25、t change unless a design action reduces the affect of the failure mode.11PFMEA需对所有客户装配位置进行识别;需包含零件自身或生产制 造、运输、保存过程中所产生的风险(如易断、应力集中等)PFMEA needs to identify all customer assembly locations; it contains the risks (eg, easy to break, stress concentration, etc.) arising from the parts themselves or in t

26、he manufacturing, transportation and preservation processes.12错装、混装、漏装、漏工序需在PFMEA中进行识别PFMEA addresses the presence, mixing, and installation of all components.13PFMEA是动态文件,应在整个产品生命期中不断利用并更新FMEA is a dynamic file that should be used and updated throughout the products lifetime9Pre-launch control plan

27、 or containment plan 试生产控制计划或遏制 计划1按试生产遏制指导书及产品图纸/试验大纲规定编制控制计划Prepare control plans shallbe accordance with the provisions ofthe Trial Production Guidance and the Product Drawings / DVP2控制计划中对各特性需加强检验或客户认可的其他辅助控制方式Characteristics in the Control plan need to strengthen the inspection or customer acce

28、ptance of other auxiliary control method.10Production Control Plan生产控制计划1所有的CC/SC特性应在PFMEA/CP中被识别(包括下级供应链)All CC/SCs shall beidentified on the PFMEA/CP (Includingsub-suppliers CP)2版本历史信息清楚Revision History is clear.3一个制造责任的跨职能小组共同形成产品控制计划。A manufacturing responsible cross-functional team must develop

29、 the production control plan.4生产控制计划必须根据A.I.A.G的APQP和控制计划参考手册进行编写。The production control plan must be prepared per the A.A.GAdvanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan reference manual.5工艺流程&PFMEA &DFMEA 以及其他地方识别的关键特性,必须在 控制计划中清晰的识别.Special Characteristics from the process and design FMEAs, t

30、he customer, and other sources must be clearly identified on the production control plan.6所有材料及工程特性的检验方案都需要被明确定义Inspection plans must be defined for all material and engineering specifications.7生产控制计划需包含制造流程的每一步骤:收料,材料传递和存储, 在线操作,测试,检验,返工 /返修和发运.The Control Plan covers each step of the manufacturing

31、 process: receiving, material handling and storage, in-process operations, testing, inspections, repair/rework and shipping.8所使用的设备机台编号、模具编号、工艺参数必须递交(注塑、冲压、 焊接、热处理、电镀、电泳)The equipment number, mold number and process parameters used shall be submitted (injection, stamping, welding, heat treatment, el

32、ectroplating, electrophoresis)9特殊特性和过程控制参数之间的关系,必须有数据证明。Data must be developed to show the direct relationship between special characteristics and their controlling process parameters.10生产中使用的量具和测试设备在控制计划中必须被识别;必须有证据 证明他们的精确性、分辨率、重复性、再现性.Gauges and test equipment to be used during production must be

33、 identified on the production control plan. Evidence must be available to show that gauges and test equipment identified on the production control plan are accurate, disciminate, repeatable and reproducible.11存档的测试程序,技术方法和基准必须在控制计划中体现Documented measurement procedures, techniques and datum must be re

34、ferenced on the production control plan.12反应计划必须填写,以便操作者可以理解和执行.反应计划必须详细的 说明必要的遏制和纠正措施来避免产生不合格产品或操作失控。Reaction plans must specify the containment and corrective actions necessary to avoid producing non-conforming products or operating out of control.13生产控制计划中的现行控制方法需与PFMEA中罗列的保持一致。Current controls l

35、isted in the process FMEA must be consistent with those listed on the production control plan.14统计过程控制(SPC )必须编写在生产控制计划中(需写清楚选用的 图表类型)Statistical control methods must be documente on the production control plans (Shall describle clearly the type of chart chosen)15控制方法和反应计划必须根据任何发生的问题和lesson learned进

36、行同步更新Control methods and reaction plans must be updated to address any issues and lessons learned.16生产控制计划中必须包含合适的样件数量和频次。Appropriate sampe sizes and frequencies must be documented on the production control plan.17生产控制计划需包含最终检验和在线检验设备的开机验证,且至少每 班开始时必须进行。The Control Plan includes end-of-line and in-p

37、rocess tester verification runs, at a minimum at beginning of each shift.18生产控制计划是动态文件,应在整个产品生命期不断利用并被更新The Control Plan is a dynamic file that should be used and updated throughout the products lifetime19生产控制计划必须受控。批准后,生产控制计划中再发生更改,必须 重新受控。The production control plan shall be controlled. After appr

38、oval, changes in the production control plan shall be regained.20定期全尺寸检验和功能试验需在控制计划中定义与执行Periodic full-size inspection and functional testing shall be defined and implemented in the control plan11Measure Systems Analyze and Improvement Plan 测量系统分析报告及改 善行动计划1Gage R & R 结果:低于10% =可接受;10%30%=测量系统处于临 界;

39、高于30% =不接受Gage R&R results: 30%=No good.2若GR&R处于临界状态,若测量对象是重要变量时,则此测量系统不能使用;若测量对象是非重要变量且立即更换测量系统暂时无法实现 时,则此测量系统可以勉强使用If the GR & R is in critical state, this measurement system can not be used when the measurement object is an important variable; if the measurement object is a non-critical variable

40、and the immediate replacement measurement system is temporarily unavailable, the measurement system can be used with ease3所有在控制计划中识别的测量设备应被校准;研究是否与A.I.A.G 致?All mesuring devices identified in the Control Plan shall becalibrated and the study shall be done accordance with A.A.G maual.4是否量检具的分辨率w公差带的1

41、0%? GR&R值超过10%是否有改进计划?Are GR&R errors 10% or less of allowable tolerances? Are there work plans on GR&R errors exceeding 10%?5量具和测试设备已经被评估:所有在线测试设备和EOL (线末)测试验证的样件清单以及测试样件所覆盖的缺陷模式(包括验证所用的 标准或缺陷样件)应被提供。The gauges and test equipment have been evaluated: A list of the entire end-of-line(EOL) tester tes

42、t verification masters and the failure modes that the test masters (Including master sample and failure sample ) cover is provided.6备份的测试系统需被评估A set of back-up test verification master will be provided.7必要时,对测试样件的确认校准需有系统性计划,并进行提交A system/schedule for calibrating the verification test masters has be

43、en developed and is provided, if required.8无论什么原因做量检具更改时,必须重新做MSANo matter what the reason to change the gage, you must re-doMSA12Dimensional report/ 尺寸检查报告1尺寸结果编号应与提供的气泡图一致(包括图纸未注公差,所有图纸 上的要求与注解)Dimensional results shall match ballooned drawings (Including drawings without notice, all drawings on t

44、he requirements and notes)2下级零件的cc/sc特性尺寸结果和能力数据应可获得(如果需要)Sub-part dimensional results and capability data on SC/CCs shall be made available, if required.3确保所有尺寸和公差与图纸上要求一致。Ensure all dimensions and tolerances on the report match the drawing requirements.4穴与穴、设备与设备、产线与产线需单独递交,每穴递交至少5个零件的尺寸评价.各个型腔、铸模

45、、生产线等必须在PSW和尺寸检验报告上标识。Cavity and cavity, equipment and equipment, lines andlines to besubmitted separately, each cavity submitted at least five parts dimension result, every cavity , mold, production line, etc. must be identified in the PSW and dimension inspection report.5检测工具(设备)必须记录在全尺寸报告内;如有三坐标数

46、据,必须 提供原始三坐标测量数据(X/Y/Z三坐标具体数值)The detection tool (device) shall be recorded in the full size report; if there are three coordinate data, the original coordinate measurement data must be provided (X / Y / Z coordinate specific value)6确保被测量的零件的零件号和版本与发放的一致Ensure part number and revision are consistent

47、 with released engineering.13Test Plan/试验大纲1由客户工程部签发,在PPAP资料递交前必须获得该试验大纲DVP shall be issued by the customer engineering department,andshall be obtained before the submission of PPAP2所有的DVP,材料/性能测试报告都需签字All DVP , material / performance test reports are required to be signed14Material test Report/ 材料测

48、试报告1材料试验自试验日期1年内有效,如果客户有其他要求,按客户要求 执行Material certificates, if any, shall no less than a year old. unless otherwise specified by the authorized customer representative2所有图纸/试验大纲/控制计划注明的材料测试报告要求,以适宜的格式与实测值一起列岀,且与试验大纲顺序一致,且包括所有分零件,递 交时并附原始检测机构报告All material test report requirments specified indrawings

49、 / DVP/control plan shall be listed in the appropriate format together with the measured values and areaccordance with the sequence ofDVP, shall include all sub-parts, together with the original testing agency report3发生影响原始数据的工程更改时,这些数据必须重新测试更新。当因 工程更改而要求重新递交PPAP时,供应商必须递交更改后所用材料的相应测试数据。These data sh

50、all be measured again when the engineering changes affect the raw data. WhenPPAP is required to be re-submitted dueto a engineering changes, the supplier shall submit the appropriate test data for the material used after the change.4年度型试试验按试验大纲要求执行,并在控制计划内定义并执行The CCT test shall be carried out as re

51、quired by DVP and shall be defined and executed in the control plan15Functional/performance test Report/功能&性能 测试报告1所有图纸/试验大纲/控制计划注明的性能测试报告要求以适宜的格式 与实测值一起列岀,且与试验大纲顺序一致,且包括所有分零件,递 交时并附原始检测机构报告The performance test report requirements specified in all drawings /DVP / control plansshall be listed in the

52、appropriate formattogether with the measured values and are accordance with the sequence of DVP , shall include all sub-parts, together with the original testing agency report2性能试验自试验日期1年内有效,如果客户有其他要求,按照客户要 求执行Performace certificates, if any, shall no less than a year old. unless otherwise specified

53、 by the authorized customer representative3发生影响原始数据的工程更改时,这些数据必须重新测试更新。当因 工程更改而要求重新递交PPAP时,供应商必须递交更改后所用材料的相应测试数据。These data shall be measured again when the engineering changes affect the raw data. WhenPPAP is required to be re-submitted dueto a engineering changes, the supplier shall submit the app

54、ropriate test data for the change.4年度型试试验按试验大纲要求执行,并在控制计划内定义并执行The CCT test shall be carried out as required by DVP and shall be defined and executed in the control plan16Initial Process capability results/ 初始过程能力分析报告1如果单次运行,PPK 1.67 ;If one time run, PPK1.67.2如果多次运行,CPK 1.33,是否过程稳定和受控?是否 25个子组100个单

55、独数据被用于生成初始能力研究?If multiple runs, CPK1.33, Is the process stable and in control?Were 25 subgroups totaling 100 individual readings used togenerate studies.3供应商必须提交所有图纸和控制计划上规定的特殊特性(CC/SC)的初始工序能力研究。提交的结果必须代表每个特定的生产过程,如多重 装配线和/或操作单元,多个型腔、冲模、铸模、工装或模型的每一个 需单分开统计研究。The supplier shall submit the initial pr

56、ocess capability of the special characteristics (CC / SC) specified in all drawings and control plans.The results of the submission shall represent a separate statistical study of each specific production process, such as multiple assembly lines and / or operating units, multiple cavities, dies, molds, tooling or models.4是否过程呈现一个统计型的正态分布?是否非正态分布的缘由被识 别?Does the process present a statistically normal distribution? Is the reason for non-normal distribution identified?5发生影响图纸和控制计划规定的特殊特性(CC/SC)的工程更改时,必须进行初始工序能力研究。When the engineering changes affect the special characteristics (


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