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1、lesson 1 english is a crazy language1 face it: 面对现实;面对它 ;承认eg. life is a tragedy. face it.人生是悲剧,面对吧。be faced with 面临 this must be faced with courage! 这必须以勇气去面对!be faced with a serious struggle面临一场严峻的斗争2. nor: conj. 也不;也没 与neither, not 连用, 或与 no, never 等表示否定的词连用1) it is neither hot nor cold in winter

2、 here. 这里冬天既不热也不冷。2) there is neither river nor stream nearby.附近既无河流也没小溪。3) he does not do it, nor does he try.他没有做, 也没尝试一下。4) she cant get there at four, nor can i.她不能在四点钟到那里, 我也不能。5) not a man nor a child was to be seen in the village.在村子里, 无论大人小孩一个也看不见。6) i never saw him again, nor did i hear fro

3、m him.我再也没有见到他, 也没有收到过他的信。 3. take sth. for granted:认为某事理所当然 eg. 1) dont take his help for granted.不要认为他的帮助是应该的。2) we shouldnt take anything for granted. 我们不要认为什么都是理所当然的。4. why is it that 到底为什么eg. 1) why is it that silver is not widely used as conductor? 银究竟为什么未被广泛地用作导体呢?2) all the windows are open,

4、 thats why it is so draughty.(通风好的,有隙缝风吹入的)窗户都打开了,难怪风这么大!3) that is why it was so astonishing. 这就是为什么那么令人惊奇。5. amends n. 赔偿; 赔罪 习惯用语make amends (for) 赔偿(损失); 道歉; 赔罪make amends to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人赔罪(或赔偿)eg. how can i ever make amends for ruining their party?我把他们的聚会弄砸了, 这个罪可怎么赔得起呀?amend. 及物动词 vt. &

5、 不及物动词 vi. 改良; 修改, 修正 1) the thief has amended.这小偷改过自新了。2) you must amend your pronunciation.你必须改正你的发音6. a bunch of newspapers 一捆报纸 a bunch of flowers 一束鲜花 a bunch of keys一嘟噜钥匙 a bunch of trouble 重重困难 a whole bunch of food丰盛的食物 7. commit 1).犯罪; 犯错 he has committed a serious fault.他犯了严重错误。2) 监禁,把交付看管

6、;判刑等 the judge committed him to prison.法官判他入狱。8. wind 过去式:wound 过去分词:wound 现在分词:winding1).缠绕, 卷绕2).给上发条3).倒(磁带、胶卷等) 4).转动(把手) 5).迂回, 蜿蜒 8. wind up1). 上紧发条 wind up your watch every day.你的表每天须上发条。2).以告终(或终结) i think its time to wind up this meeting. 我认为现在该结束这个会议了。lesson 2 all i learned in kindergarten

7、1. play fair: 公平地比赛待人 the boys like the principal because he always plays fair.这些男孩们喜欢这位校长, 因为他待人公平。2. clean up: 1).打扫; 清理 this room needs cleaning up.这间房间需要打扫一下。boys and girls, clean up for dinner.孩子们, 收拾干净准备开饭吧!2).对作最后处理, 结清 they clean up old debts. 他们结清了旧债。3).(给自己)洗脸洗手, 洗澡 wait for me, i have to

8、clean up.等等我, 我得洗洗手。3. stick 过去式:stuck 过去分词:stuck 现在分词:sticking1).粘贴, 张贴 whats wrong with this stamp? it wont stick.这邮票怎么回事?粘不住了。2).插入, 刺入, 卡住 the key sticks in the lock.钥匙卡在锁里了。she stuck fork into the meat.她把叉子插到肉里。及物动词 vt.3).容忍; 忍受 i cant stick her. 我不能忍受她了4. be aware of 知道, 意识到be aware of the onc

9、oming cars! 当心迎面而来的车辆!he doesnt seem to be aware of the problems. 他好像没有意识到这个问题5. sane 形容词 adj.1).心智健全的; 神志正常的 he was sane at the time of the murder.在凶杀案发生时他的神志是清醒的。2).明智的, 稳健的, 理智的 she seemed a sane, well-balanced sort of person.她看来是那种明智稳健的人。6. lie down1).休息 she lay down for half an hour.2).接受, 忍受 t

10、he man will not lie down under such treatment.这个人不甘心受这样的对待。3).逃避(职责), 不好好干 if ade keeps lying down on the job, hell soon be fired.如果艾德一直不好好干, 他很快就会被辞退。6. lie 1) 躺;卧; 位于, 坐落在 lay _lain _lying2)撒谎 lied _lied _ lying7. lay 放置; 铺放; 生蛋, 产卵 laid_ laid _ laying1)he laid his coat over a chair. 他把外衣放在椅子上。2)

11、the hens dont lay during this cold weather. 这样冷的天气母鸡不会下lay down 放下;制定lay down gas pipes; 铺设煤气管道lay down the burden; 放下包袱you can not lay down hard and fast rules . 你不能制定严格的规则。lesson 3 on mobile office1. mutual 形容词 adj.1) 共同的, 共有的 she is our mutual friend.她是我们共同的朋友。i like her and i hope the feeling is

12、 mutual.我喜欢她, 我希望她也喜欢我。2).相互的, 彼此的 they were mutual enemies.他们相互为敌。2. provide for1).为提供生活费 he had to provide for fivechildren. 他要供养五个孩子。2).为作准备 it is highly important to provide for the future. 预先做好准备非常重3).规定the plan provided for the rich to assist the poor. 那项计划要求富人向穷人提供帮助。3. provide sb. with sth.

13、provide sth. for sb.向某人提供某事物provide with sth.eg. to provide with food. 提供食品to provide clients with excellent service 向广大客商提供优良服务4. wap 缩略语 abbr. wireless application protocol 无线应用协议5. pda缩略语 abbr.personal digital assistant 个人数字助理;掌上电脑6. get out of1).离开; 下 the meeting went on late and he wanted to ge

14、t out of it soon.会开得太晚了, 他想早点离开。2).停止; 改掉; 摆脱, 克服; 避免 it is not easy to get out of a bad habit. 改掉坏习惯是不容易的。 he has already got out of danger. 他已脱险。3).从得到, 获得 somehow we have to get the information out of him.我们必须用某种方法从他那儿得到情报.7. mismatch及物动词 vt. 使配错,使配合不当 名词 n. 错配,失谐their marriage was a mismatch, th

15、ey had little in common. 他们的婚姻不般配,两人几无共同之处.8. raise 提起; 举起;抚养; 饲养过去式:raised 过去分词:raised 现在分词:raisingill raise both hands in favour of damming the river.我举双手赞成拦河筑坝。from then on we raised our heads and became our own masters.从此我们抬起头来当家做主了。9 rise过去式:rose 过去分词:risen 现在分词:rising1).上升; 上涨 the ground rises

16、 steadily.地势步步加高。the sun rises red.太阳升起红艳艳。2).站起来; 起床 she rose to greet her guests. 她起身迎接客人。 she rises early in the morning. 她早晨起得早。10. arise 升起; 发生引起, 造成(from)arose _arisen _arising不及物动词 vi. during the night a great storm has arisen.夜里来了一场大风暴。smoke arose from the chimney.烟从烟筒冒出来。a new difficulty ha

17、s arisen.出现了新的困难。accidents arise from carelessness.疏忽大意往往会引起事故的发生。lesson 4 how to explore a city1. make most of:充分利用;充分展示 1) we should make the most of the opportunity. 我们应充分利用这一机遇。2) these photos make the most of the beauty of the morning in the mountains. 这些照片将山中早晨的美景表现得淋漓尽致。2. pick up: 1) 拾起, 捡起;

18、 抬起 he picked up the child and put her on his shoulders. 他抱起孩子, 让她骑在自己的肩膀上。 i picked up your book by mistake. 我拿错了你的书。2). 安排接取; 使搭乘; 搭救 please wait at the school gate. john will pick you up there. 请在校门口等候, 约翰会到那里接你。3).爬站起来; 振作起来his spirits picked up. 他的精神振奋起来了。 3. take note of 注意, 留意the committee ha

19、s taken note of objections.委员会已注意到反对意见。4. by mistake 错误地she put salt into her tea by mistake.她误把盐放进茶里去了5. lose 丢失,迷路, 损失, 浪费,错过 过去式:lost 过去分词:lost 现在分词:losing lose ones eyesight 失去视力lose ones way 迷路lose oneself in the woods在森林中迷路lose an opportunity 错过机会lesson 5 can money buy happiness1 dream of doin

20、g sth.1)梦见he dreamed of being in the united states last night.昨夜他梦见自己在美国2) .梦想, 渴望 i never dreamed of such a thing.我从没梦想过这样的事情。ive long dreamed of paying a visit to the great wall.我一直渴望游览长城3) 考虑, 会做得出(某事) i wouldnt dream of studying abroad in the near future.近期内我不考虑出国读书。i never dreamed of there bein

21、g a picture on the wall.我根本没想到墙上有张画。2. have an impact on have an effect on 对有影响;对起作用,产生效果have effect / take effect 见效; 开始发生作用; 实施in effect 实际上; (规律, 法律等)生效, 在实行中to no effect 无效果, 不灵验to that / this effect 带有那个 这个意思to the effect that . 大意是, 内容 是,以便to the same effect 以相同的意思3. rather than (要)而不, 与其倒不如 w

22、ell have the meeting in the classroom rather than in theauditorium. 我们与其在礼堂开会, 不如在教室里开会。they thus increased their annual grain productionrather than diminished it.他们这样增加了而不是减少了粮食年产量。4. invest in 在上投资, 投入(时间、精力等) i have decided to invest in a new car. 我已经决定买一辆新汽车。he invested his money in shares.他把钱投资

23、在股票上。i invested all my efforts in passing an exam.我为考试全力以赴。5. pay off 1).使得益; 有报偿 the investor believes that his investment will pay off soon.这个投资者相信他的投资不久有相当大的收益。2) 付清, 还清 all his debt was paid off with cash.他所有的债务都是用现金付清的 they are usually paid off at weekends. 他们一般在周末领工资。3).(付清工资后)解雇 the boss paid

24、 off the employees.老板付清雇工工资后解雇了他们。4). 对进行报复 ill pay him off for treating me like that. 他这样待我, 我早晚要报复的。5)取得成功; 达到目的 did your daring plan pay off?你那项大胆的计划成功了吗?6. in terms of:谈及,关于; 就而言, 从方面说来he thought of everything in terms of money. 他是从钱的角度来看每一件事in the long term 从长远观点来看 in the short term 就眼前来说 in ge

25、neral terms 概括地, 笼统地lesson 6 how american view loveviewonbreak out broke brokenstrike cinema a couple ofkeep sb. doingfell fallen1. go around1).转动,运转2).走访,参观3).到处走动 4).相处, 做伴, 5).传播 6).足够分配 will the cake go around?蛋糕够分配吗?we have enough bread to go around. 我们有面包,够大家吃的。2. break out 1) (战争、打斗等不愉快事件)突然发

26、生, 爆发 2) 向外砸开when the flags break out 当旗帜升起并展开时break out with a scarletsuit 穿一套鲜红的衣服以示与众不同into3. strike 过去式:struck 过去分词:struck /stricken 现在分词:strikingvt. & vi. 1)打, 击 2) 敲响; 报时 3)攻击, 侵袭 4)突然发现(矿藏等) 5).给以(深刻)印象6)(想法或念头)突然想到;stick 粘贴, 张贴; 插入, 刺入, 卡住;忍受 ;产生作用, 生效, stuck_stuck_sticking4 notuntil 直到.才. h

27、e did not go until night. 他直到夜里才走。it was not until yesterday that i learned it. 顶昨天我才听说这件事。 notuntil 引导倒装句not until noon did it stop raining. 直到中午雨才停止。 not until last week was the project in full blast. 工程直到上星期才全部开工 though reduepollute pollutionact reactlegalrealizefartheremitliable existencecritici

28、zeimprovelittle less least lessen immediate cause of deathlesson 71alternative n.取舍, 抉择,可供选择的事物;替换物,替代品program alternatives方案抉择im afraid i have noalternative but to reportyou to the police.恐怕除了向警方告发你以外, 我是别无选择了。adj. 1)两者(或两者以上)择一的2)不寻常的, 非传统性的 we returned by thealternative road.我们从另一条路回来的。these are

29、alternative medicine.这些是非传统性药物。2. substantial1) 坚固的; 结实的; those workers have built many substantial buildings in the recent years.近几年那些工人建造了许多坚固的建筑2) 大量的, 可观的 the country bought asubstantial number of weapons.这个国家购买了大量武器3) 实质的, 基本的, 大体上的 the two stories were insubstantial agreement.这两则故事大体上一致。3. exh

30、aust vt. 使疲备, 使精疲力尽; 耗试, 竭尽, 用完n.排气(口、管、装置), 废气口;排出, 抽空; (排出的)废气exhausted形容词 adj. 耗尽的,用完的; 筋疲力尽的;精疲力竭的an exhausted oil-well枯竭的油井all three men were hot, dirty, and exhausted.三个人都是又热、又脏且精疲力竭。exhausting形容词 adj. 使耗尽的;使人精疲力竭的a really exhaustingday令人精疲力竭的一天4. effect ive adj.有效的, 有影响的显著的, 给人深印象的 实际的, take

31、effectivemeasures采取有效措施effective forces有战斗力兵力the description of thefire is very effective.对大火的描述极其生动。efficient adj. 有效率的最经济的, 能胜任的efficient methods经济而有效的方法an efficient manager称职的经理5. short of 1).缺少 their company was short of funds.他们公司缺少资金。2).不远, 差一点 we stopped a mile short of the top.我们在离山顶一英里的地方停了

32、下来。3).除了之外 he will do anythingshort of murder toachieve his ends.为了达到目的, 他除了谋杀什么都会干。6. shift away搬走 they have shifted moved away from this area.他们已经从这里搬走了。he was brought up bygovern mentmean sth. to sb.mean sb sthinspire liberate liberationpursue run after chaseimply implicationreplyowe sb sthrequir

33、ementendureendurableendurancerenderpure purifyconsumerfullfillonelyrecognizelesson 81. owe 欠(债等); 应该向(某人)付出把.归功于(to); 认为.是靠的力量; 由于感激; 感恩; 感谢怀有; 负有(义务)i owe him ten dollars.我欠他10美元。he owes his success to his hard work.他认为自己取得成功是辛勤劳动的结果。i owe you for your help.我感谢你的帮助。she owes me a grudge.她对我怀有怨恨。some

34、 timesometimesinform sb ofemploymentemployeeemployertrainer eediffer thoseloadpositivelydeliverattractdistractfor sendacceptfor instancelesson 9 theart of public speaking1.invaluable无价的; 非常贵重的an invaluable treasure无价之宝valuable adj./n 复数:valuables 贵重的, 值钱的, 宝贵的, 有价值的, 极有用的value valuate 对作估价,对作评价2. on

35、e.anotheronethe other3. entertain 1).款待, 招待 they entertain a great deal.他们常常招待客人。he entertains his guest very poorly. 他对客人很怠慢。2).使欢乐, 使娱乐a circus show entertains children.马戏表演使孩子们兴高采烈。4. tailor 调整使适应 the clinic tailors its treatment to individual need.这家诊所根据患者不同的病情采取相应的治疗方法。5. adapt 1) (使)适应, (使)适合

36、she knew how to adapt herself to the environment.她懂得如何适应环境。2) 改编, 改写 many of dickens books have been adapted as films.狄更斯的许多书都已改编成电影。3) .改变以适合(for) many city vehicles have been adapted for use as school buses.许多城市车辆已改为校车。短语:adapt to 变得习惯于, 使适应于, 能应付 i adapted quickly to the new climate.我很快地适应了这种新的气候

37、。the professor adapted his lecture to his audience.教授使他讲的课适合于听众。6 impose征 (税等); 把.强加给; 强派; 硬塞 (劣货等); 以.欺骗 impose on 1)把加于 heavy duties are imposed on imports.对进口物品课以重税。2) 强与为伴; 使硬缠着 i dont want to impose on you.我并不想打扰你。dont impose yourself on people who dont like you.不要硬缠着不喜欢你的人。3) 给带来麻烦; 利用, 欺骗 he

38、imposed on me.他欺骗我。7. adjust to调整, 调节my eyes havent adjusted to the dark yet.我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。animals adjust themselves to their environment.动物能适应自己生活的环境。it is difficult to adjust ones habits to someone else.一个人很难使自己的习惯适应他人。lesson 10 a gentlemanrefine ryoccupy occupicationdo ones partdo me a favorimpute

39、tootorepairstopfrom preventfrom1. beholdbeheld _beheld 现在分词:beholding及物动词 vt.不及物动词 vi. 看见, 注视. 瞧,看呀his eyes had never beheld such wealth.他从未见过这样的财富。behold, the new king is crowned.瞧, 新国王加冕了。what a sight to behold!瞧,多有意思的景象!2. take heart 鼓起勇气, 振作起来 take heart and go on trying!鼓起勇气, 再试试吧!he had taken

40、heart at a little glimpse of hope.他看到一线希望后振作了起来。3. inflict 给予(打击等); 使遭受(损伤、痛苦等)处罚; 加刑mary inflicted her children on her mother for the weekend.周末玛丽硬把孩子们交给母亲照料。习惯用语inflict on /upon使.受痛苦; 给.以(打击, 惩罚)4. as far as1) 直到为止 2) 只要 3) 据, 就 4) 远到. he walked as far as the gate.他一直走到大门口。fields of corn spread ou

41、t as far as the eye could see.玉米地延伸到看不到边的地方。as far as possible, he will help you.只要可能, 他会帮助你的。as far as i know, he will be away for three months.据我所知, 他将离开三个月。5. occupy occupied_occupied 现在分词:occupying填满; 占用使忙碌; 使从事把注意力集中于.占领, 占据充任enemy troops occupied the country.敌军占领了这个国家。mr. white occupies an imp

42、ortant position in the ministry of education.怀特先生在教育部里担任要职。习惯用语be occupied in 正在(做某事)occupy oneself with occupy oneself in 从事于., 忙于., 专心于.he occupied himself in collecting stamps.他忙于集邮。the workers were occupied in building new houses.工人们正在忙碌着盖新房子。6. concur 同时发生; 共同作用; 巧凑合; 同意, 一致(with)concurred_conc

43、urredconcurring several circumstances concurred to bring about the result.几种情况合在一起导致了这个结局。i concur with the speaker in condemning what has been done.我同意发言者对所做的事加以谴责。习惯用语concur with sb. in. 在某方面与某人一致7. initiativeadj. 起始的; 初步的; 自发的initiative spirit主动精神initiative genius自发的天才n. 发端; 首创(精神); 主动; 积极性; 优先权p

44、eace initiative和平的开端individual initiative个人的积极性take the initiative 带头; 倡导; 争取主动, 发起take the initiative in making acquaintances主动交朋友8. parallel vt.(parallel(l)ed; parallel(l)ing)(使)与.平行比较, 和.对比(with)与.相同相似 与.匹敌, 比得过, 配得上parallel a with b把a和b相比the stream parallels the road for several miles.这条小河与那条道平行

45、数英里。习惯用语in parallel with 与.平行, 与.同时, 与.并联run parallel to /with与.平行without (a) parallel 无与伦比; 举世无双9. cast 过去式:cast 过去分词:cast 现在分词:casting投, 掷, 扔, 撒, 抛投射(光线, 视线, 影子)(on); (眼光)盯住(某物)cast seed播种he cast me a look.他朝我望了一眼。10. at home 1) 随便, 不拘束 he feels at home in my home.他在我家无拘无束。she always feels at home

46、 in her friends house.她在朋友家很随便。2) 在国内 these things can all be manufactured at home.这些东西国内都能制造。3) 精通, 对内行 i am completely at home in mathematics.我精通数学。he is quite at home with the japanese language.他对日语很熟悉。11. guard against避免, 预防 we must guard against accidents.我们必须谨防事故。wear a hat to guard your face

47、against the sun.戴帽子可以遮阳光。12. make light of 对不在乎, 轻视;不把当回事he made light of his injury.他不在乎自己受的伤。we should not make light of the situation his illness. 我们不要对形势他的病情估计不足。you make light of your troubles, but i know you are in difficulty. 你对你的麻烦事满不在乎,但我知道你有困难。13. impute 把.归咎归罪于; 把.归因于; 把.转嫁于why do you imp

48、ute selfish motives to her?你为什么说她的动机是自私的?i impute his failure to laziness.我把他的失败归咎于他的懒惰。they imputed the accident to the drivers carelessness.他们把这次车祸归咎于司机的疏忽。14. submit to 1) 向呈交递送 the developers submitted building plans to the council for approval.开发商把施工方案提交议会以求批准。2) 顺从屈从, 服从 the minority should su

49、bmit to the majority.少数应服从多数。never submit to a threat.永远不要屈服于威胁。3) 使(自己)听命于听从 the people had to submit to the new rulers when they lost the war.战败的人们不得不服从新的统治者。15. preserve from. 防止; 保护不 salt preserves food from decay.盐能防止食物腐烂。what can we do to preserve the company from ruin?我们怎么做才能保护这家公司不破产?pervers

50、elesson 111. equalequalityequatorcompare tocompetecompetitioncompetitiveisolaterelaterelativerelativityrelevantconsumercasual2. beyond doubt3. competent有能力的, 能胜任的,称职的 he did a competent job.他的工作做得相当出色。he is competent to do it.他能做这件事。4. be sure of确信5. coincidence(令人吃惊的)巧合,巧事(意见等的)相同, 符合, 一致同时存在;并存by

51、coincidence碰巧, 由于巧合 by coincidence, we arrived here at the same time 我们凑巧一同到达这儿。a mere coincidence巧合what a coincidence! 多么凑巧的事情啊!6.die from死于(某种原因, 不包括疾病、过度悲伤等) in a severe winter, wild animals can die from lack of food.在寒冷的冬天, 野兽可能因为缺乏食物而饿死。die of死于(疾病、过度悲伤等) people are dying of cancer more and mor

52、e often.死于癌症的人越来越多了。my grandmother died of grief soon after her husbands death.祖父去世不久, 祖母就因悲伤过度而死了。强烈地感受到 i am dying of hunger.我的肚子饿极了。the children are dying of curiosity to see whats in the parcel.孩子们出于好奇, 迫不及待地想看看包裹中是什么东西。lesson 51 sellpromotepublicadvertisementvaryvariousvarietyverypostermeetinfo

53、rm1. other than除了 does anybody other than yourself know this?除你本人之外还有别人知道这事吗? you cant get there other than by boat.除了坐船, 你无法去那里。2. fall under倒在下; 归入类the old lady fell under the bus and was killed.那位老妇人倒在公共汽车下面, 被压死了。which category does this item fall under?这一项目应归入哪一类?3. encompass围绕;包围包含, 涉及(大量事物)the enemy encompassed the city.敌人包围了城市。4. applicable形容词 adj.适当的; 合适的 the section of the for


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