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1、氨氮在线分析仪(纳氏试剂法)PhotoTek-6000-NH3-NPhotoTek 6000-NH3-N氨氮在线分析仪朗石(纳氏试剂法)PhotoTek 6000-NH3-N是一种微电脑控制的全自动在线分析仪,可适 用于多种水质如河水、地表水和工业废水的检测。该仪器的检测方法 符合国家标准GB7479-97水质-铵的测定 纳氏试剂比色法,可以 长期无人值守运行。典型应用广泛用于河流、湖泊、水库、自来水管网、市政污水、工业废水(如: 医疗机构、白酒、有色金属冶炼、有色金属采选、印染、化工、造纸、 皮革、制药、稀土、制糖、养殖)自动连续监测。产品特点遵循国标GB7479-87和行业标准HJ/T10

2、1-2003的分析方法先进的双差分光学设计和自适应温度算法,测量结果稳定可靠 配备高精度自动稀释装置,测量范围宽,适用于各类水体 每种液体均经过配套的定量泵和取样泵,取样准确,无交叉污染 流路系统结构简单,无复杂部件,无需使用专用工具,维护方便 电路系统集成设计并且与湿化学组件完全隔离,运行安全、故障率低 测试原理游离态的氨或铵离子等形式存在的氨氮与纳氏试剂反应生成黄棕色 络合物,在430nm测量其吸光度A,根据吸已经存储好的标准曲线计 算出样品浓度。块色测 橈ffi度 呈光 测应测试样品园色剂显色反应呱光度检测测试I光度.计算浓度I技术参数测量参数氨氮测量方法纳氏试剂比色法测量范围02mg/

3、L, 0 10mg/L; 0 100mg/L, 0800mg/L清洗调零自动或手动、用户可设疋维护周期1个月重现性 5%低量程)准确度 720h/ 次实际水样比对测试士 10%PhotoTek 6000-NH3-NAmmonia nitrogen on-lineanalyzer - stone (Nas reagent method)6000-NH3-N PhotoTek is a microcomputer con trolled automaticon-li ne an alyzer, which can be applied to the detecti on of avariety o

4、f water quality such as water, surface water andin dustrialwastewater. The detecti on method of the in strume ntcon forms to the n ati onal sta ndard GB7479-97 water quality -Determ in ati onof ammonium n itratereage ntcolorimetricmethod, can be Ion g-term un atte nded operati on.Typical applicati o

5、nWidely used in automatic and continuous monitoring of rivers,lakes, reservoirs, water pipe n etwork, muni cipal sewage andin dustrialwastewater (such as: medical in stitutio ns,liquor,non-ferrousmetalsmelt ing,non-ferrous metal mi ningselection, printing and dyeing,chemical, paper, leather,pharmace

6、utical, rare earth, sugar, farmi ng).Product featuresThe GB7479-87 analysis method to follow the national standard and in dustry stan dard HJ/T101-2003The double differeneeof advaneed optical design and adaptivealgorithm of temperature measureme nt, the results are stable and reliableThe automatic d

7、iluti on device equipped with high precisi on, wide measuri ng ran ge, applicable to all types of water -each liquid through quantitative pump and pump sampling, sampli ng accurate matchi ng, without cross con tam in ati on The flow system has the adva ntages of simple structure, no complicated part

8、s, without the use of special tools, convenient maintenanceThe complete isolati on circuit system in tegrati on desig n and wet chemical comp onen ts, safe operati on, low failure rate Test prin cipleThe free state of ammonia or ammonium ions exist in the form of ammonia n itroge n and Nesslers reag

9、e nt reacti on gen erated yellow brow n complex and measuri ng the absorba nee at 430 nm, depe nding on the ceili ng has a good storage sta ndard curve to calculate the concentration of the sample.Tech ni cal parametersMeasureme nt parameters of ammonia n itroge nMethod of measureme nt of the colori

10、metric methodMeasuri ng range of 0 2mg/L, 0 10mg/L, 0 100mg/L, 0 800mg/LZero or manu al, user can set upMaintenance cycle 1 mon thsReproducibility is less tha n 5% (low ran ge)The accuracy of less tha n 5% (low ran ge)Zero drift 2%F.SAn alysis module can be expa nded to 3 cha nn elsAutomatic in stru

11、me nt calibratio n, user programmableCommu nication in terface RS232/RS485/4-20MaPower 200WInstallation cabinet / wall6000-NH3-N PhotoTek ammonia nitrogen on-lineanalyzer, l ong stone (gas sensitive el ectrod e method)Ammonianitrogen on-line automatic monitoring ceremony a with the gas sensing elect

12、rode method for monitoring principle can be online continuous measurement, real-time read, storage and analysis can be widely used in surface water, drinking water or water, and gen eral in dustrial wastewater and urba n sewage treatmentplant of online monitoring. PhotoTek 6500 hasintegratedelectrod

13、e; in practice, the stability is good, thereage nt con sumptio n is small, the maintenance is small and so on.Typical applicati onAutomatic and continuous monitoring of water quality of widely used in surface water (rivers, lakes and reservoirs), drinking water sources, water pipe n etwork etc., ser

14、vice to the en vir onmen tal protecti on departme nts, water compa ni es, large and medium-sized en terprises.Product featuresThe standard method of ammoniagas sensing electrode is adopted to facilitate the quality con trol;With less reage nt con sumpti on, low maintenan ce, low price and maintenanc

15、e costs;The maintenance of positive liquid path has the function of automatic sampli ng and self clea ning;Selectio n of the Chin ese in terface, the use of simple, easyto operate;To set up the verificationvalue of the monitoring parameters,to accurately check every measurement data, to understand t

16、he operati on of the in strume nt, and to make a judgme nt on the validity of the test data;Fun cti on can be exte nded (in the in strume nt to in crease thepre - processing,excluding the interfereneeof parts oraccessories reserved for the locatio n), to en sure that the instrument can be normal and

17、 stable operation of the normal;In depe ndent storage, storage data safe and reliable;Reliable data transmissionand integrationof multipletran smissi on means, with 4-20mA (Quad) an alog output, 8 Di digital in put and RS485/ 232 data in terface,also support theModbus data processing methods to acce

18、ss and control the machi ne;Wide range of measurement can be automaticallyswitching range,wide ning the scope of the in strume nt can be used in surface water, drinking water, can also be applied to the pollution sources and other online monitoring;Detection principleAmmo nia gas sensing electrode is placed alkali ne electrode solution pH electrode, the ammonia molecules in the water byammonia semi permeable membrane into the electrode, thus changing the electrode solution pH, pH electrode detection th


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