已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、精品资料推荐实验五 城域网互联网络综合实验【实验名称】城域网互联网络综合实验【实验原型】某教育城域网全网建设(采用设备: RG-WALL1000 千兆防火墙、 RG-S6810E 、RG-S3550-12SFP/GT 全千兆三层 路由交换机、 RG-S2126G/50G 千兆安全智能堆叠交换机、 RG-R3662 模块化路由器)【实验目的】在实验室环境根据具体真实网络建设搭建模拟环境进行综合应用实验,指导学员如何规划实施大型城域网互联网 络建设规划【预备知识】交换路由基础,静态路由、路由备份、生成树协议、802.1QVlan 、Vlan 三层路由、 NAT 、ACL 访问控制、安全控制等【背景

2、描述】某省现有中学 85 所,随着教育信息化的逐步深入,教育城域网的建设成为该“校校通”工程的重点,同时,教育 城域网也成为实现远程教学、多媒体教学及教学资源共享的关键。建设教育城域网,该省希望通过网络建立教学辅助系统,为课堂教学提供丰富的实时音频、视频素材;同时,搭 建起远程交互教学、函授教育课程管理硬件平台。因此,希望网络建成后,不仅要满足当前的业务需求,同时系统还 要具备良好的可扩展性,能适应未来业务的发展和智能升级。在规划方面主要提出了两个方面的要求:首先,作为连接全省 85 所中学的基础网络,教育城域网要满足音频、视频等网络应用。所以需要网络提供端到端的服务质量管理保障技术来实现教育

3、城域网IP电话、VOD、多媒体数据传输等应用的网络服务质量的保障QoS服务。对于各地市教育局连接省局要增加 2M 备份线路。另外,城域网建设要经济实用,具有较高的性价比,并能够充分满足未来网络承载业务的不断扩大。 建设后的网络拓朴如下:省城域阿 音干环阿RG-SC81OEP1市敎育局負市数育局N【实现功能】实现各地市内部网络 VLAN戈U分,VLAN三层路由功能;防病毒攻击防护、防扫描攻击;出口实现地址转换、与省网核心设备互联互通;各地市之间网络互联互通;路由备份线路备份;启用生成树协议避免环路。【实验拓扑】行业城或网网堵综合实骑拓朴图FTP MA.LR3M2-AGIW1 ;10.0J06f3

4、QGTC.2:10.0.0 10. JOGTC/3 JO.O.O W30GT0/4:10.0.0 10(30GTQ/5 10.0.0 2130E0;10.0.022031.193 16.930SO:2Q2rT3S.19&.Q10J0.05J30*192,160,0.1.24 00)2410.0.D.9C19216S01J2d/10X3 JO. 130 i10j0,01700202.18196.1 OJ30R2G24-G202199.196.6(30192 1600R2K2M hL,西VLAN10 VLAbQQFOM/S1550-24-BVLAN10 VLAN20192169.

5、0,1004192 IBB D200C4192.166.0 100 任 45S2.; 60.0200/24【实验设备】核心设备:S68系列(或S65/S35系列设备)1台,R3662 一台;接入设备: S3550-24 2台;S2126G二层交换机 4台;R2624四台;C2635C、C2635T各两根实验 PC:7 台;【实验步骤】实验配置分为: (以下配置默认在全局配置模式下进行)。第一步:网络设备的基本配置;第二步: NAT 配置 第三步:备分链路配置 第四步: ospf 配置及其测试;第一步 网络设备的基本配置(1) R2624-A 基本配置hostname R2624-A/设置交换机

6、名称为 R2624-A!ip subnet-zero!interface FastEthernet0ip address 52/配置端口 0的 IP 地址!interface FastEthernet3ip address /配置端口 3的 IP 地址 !line con 0line aux 0line vty 0 4password 111 /设置 TELNET 登陆密码login!endR2624-B 、 R2624-C、 R2624-D 的配置与其类似,在此略过。(2) S6806E 基本配置

7、hostname S6806E vlan 1/设置交换机名称为 S6806Einterface FastEthernet 0/1no switchport / 设置端口 ip address 521 为三层端口/设置端口 1 的 IP 地址interface FastEthernet 0/2no switchportip address 0 52/设置端口 2的 IP 地址interface FastEthernet 0/3no switchportip address 4 255.255.2

8、55.252/设置端口 3的 IP 地址interface FastEthernet 0/4no switchportip address 8 52 /设置端口 4的 IP 地址 !interface FastEthernet 0/5 no switchportip address 1 52 /设置端口 5的 IP 地址 !(3) R3642-A 基本配置hostname R3642-A/设置交换机名称为 R3642-A!ip subnet-zero interface FastEthernet0ip addr

9、ess 2 52/ 设置端口 0 的 IP 地址!interface FastEthernet1ip address 52/设置端口 1 的 IP 地址!interface FastEthernet2ip address 52/设置端口 2 的 IP 地址!line con 0line aux 0line vty 0 4password 111/设置 TELNET 登陆密码login!End第二步 NAT 配置R2624-A 上面的 NAT 配置

10、interface FastEthernet0ip address 52ip nat outside/设置 NAT 出口地址,连接外部网络!interface FastEthernet3ip address ip nat inside/设置 NAT 入口地址,连接内部网络ip nat inside source list 10 interface FastEthernet0 overload /采取 NAPT 的方式,即多个内部地址复用一个外部 IP 地址access-list 10 permit a

11、ny/设置本地地址访问列表第三步 设置备分链路在 R3642 上的配置interface FastEthernet1ip address 52ip ospf cost 50/设置 OSPF 路由链路代价!interface FastEthernet2ip address 52ip ospf cost 50/设置 OSPF 路由链路代价在 R2624C 上的配置interface FastEthernet1ip address 0 52i

12、p ospf cost 50/ 设置 OSPF 路由链路代价在 R2624D 上的配置interface FastEthernet1ip address 52ip ospf cost 50/ 设置 OSPF 路由链路代价在正常情况下,从 R2624-D 到 R2624-A 的路由是: R2624-D#traceroute Type escape sequence to abort.Tracing the route to 1 8 0 msec 0 msec 0 msec2 0

13、 msec 0 msec * 一共为两跳。当主链路断开的情况下,会自动采用备分链路,其路由变化为: R2624-D#traceroute Type escape sequence to abort.Tracing the route to 1 0 msec 0 msec 0 msec2 1 0 msec 0 msec 0 msec3 0 msec 0 msec *R2624-D#从路由器 R2624-C 也可以看出,正常情况下,它到 R2624-A 的路由是两跳 R2624-C#traceroute

14、Type escape sequence to abort.Tracing the route to 1 4 0 msec 0 msec 0 msec2 4 msec 0 msec *当主链路断开后,从备分链路走,路由变为三跳:R2624-C#traceroute Type escape sequence to abort.Tracing the route to 1 0 msec 0 msec 4 msec2 1 0 msec 0 msec 0 mse

15、c3 0 msec 0 msec *第四步 设置 OSPF 路由在 R2624A 上的配置router ospf 1/ 启用 OSPF 路由协议network 55 area 0/公布本机路由信息R2624-B 的配置与其类似,在此略过。在 R2624C 上的配置router ospf 1/ 启用 OSPF 路由协议network 55 area 0/公布本机路由信息network 55 area 0R2624-D 的配置与其类似,在此略过。在 S6806

16、E 上的配置router ospf/启用 OSPF 路由协议area / 区域 0network area / 公布本机路由信息以下是各个设备的 OSPF 路由信息:S6806E#sh ip routeType: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2

17、 - OSPF external type 2Type Destination IP Next hopInterface Distance Metric StatusO E2 /02Fa0/51101ActiveC/30Fa0/100ActiveC/30Fa0/200ActiveC2/30Fa0/300ActiveC6/30Fa0/400ActiveC0/30Fa0/500ActiveO/3

18、02Fa0/511051ActiveO/303Fa0/311051ActiveS6806E#sh ip ospf neiNeighbor ID Pri StateDeadTime AddressInterface1full/BDR00:00:33 Fa0/11full/BDR00:00:32 Fa0/21full/DR00:00:38 3Fa0/31full/DR00:00:30 7Fa

19、0/41full/BDR00:00:32 2Fa0/5R3642-A#sh ip route Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIPO - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter areaE1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2Gateway of last resort is not set/30 is subnetted, 5 subnetsO 110/2 via 1, 00:00:03,

20、 FastEthernet0O2 110/2 via 1, 00:00:03, FastEthernet0O 110/2 via 1, 00:00:03, FastEthernet0O6 110/2 via 1, 00:00:03, FastEthernet0C0 is directly connected, FastEthernet0/30 is subnetted, 2 subnetsC is directly connecte

21、d, FastEthernet1C is directly connected, FastEthernet2R3642-A#R3642-A#sh ip ospf neiNeighbor IDPriStateDead TimeAddressInterface11FULL/DR00:00:391FastEthernet01FULL/BDR00:00:380FastEthernet11FULL/BDR00:00:39FastEthernet2R26

22、24-A#sh ip route Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIPO - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter areaE1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2Gateway of last resort is to network /30 is subnetted, 3 subnetsO 110/2 via , 00:06:24, FastEthernet0C is dire

23、ctly connected, FastEthernet0O0 110/2 via , 00:06:24, FastEthernet0C /24 is directly connected, FastEthernet3 /30 is subnetted, 2 subnetsO 110/52 via , 00:06:24, FastEthernet0O 110/52 via , 00:06:24, FastEthernet0S* 0.

24、0.0.0/0 1/0 via R2624-A#R2624-A#sh ip ospf neiInterfaceFastEthernet0Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Address1 1 FULL/DR 00:00:37 R2624-A#R2624-C#sh ip routeCodes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIPO - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter areaE1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type

25、 2Gateway of last resort is 4 to network /30 is subnetted, 4 subnetsO 110/2 via 4, 00:04:02, FastEthernet0C2 is directly connected, FastEthernet0O 110/2 via 4, 00:04:02, FastEthernet0O0 110/2 via 4, 00:04:02, FastEthern

26、et0C /24 is directly connected, FastEthernet3/30 is subnetted, 2 subnetsC is directly connected, FastEthernet1O 110/52 via 4, 00:04:02, FastEthernet0S* /0 1/0 via 4R2624-C#sh ip ospf neiNeighbor ID1Pri Stat

27、e1 FULL/BDR1 FULL/DRDead Time00:00:3800:00:39Address4InterfaceFastEthernet0FastEthernet1R2624-C#问题与思考】1、 熟悉 NAT 的原理2、熟悉 OSPF 路由协议原理 【参考配置】Current configuration:(1) R2624-A 的参考配置 R2624-A#sh run Building configuration.!password 111version 6.14(2) !login !hostname R2624-A !end(2) R

28、2624-B 的参考配置enable password 111 !R2624-B#R2624-B#sh runBuilding configuration.ip subnet-zero !Current configuration: !hostname R2624-Binterface FastEthernet0ip address 52!enable password 111ip nat outsideinterface FastEthernet1 no ip address shutdown!ip subnet-zero!interface Fa

29、stEthernet2 no ip address shutdown!interface FastEthernet0ip address 52ip nat outsideinterface FastEthernet3ip address ip nat inside!interface FastEthernet1 no ip address shutdowninterface Serial0 no ip address shutdown!interface FastEthernet2 no ip add

30、ress shutdowninterface Serial1 no ip address shutdown!interface FastEthernet3ip address ip nat insiderouter ospf 1network 55 area 0 !interface Serial0 no ip addressip nat inside source list 10 interface FastEthernet0 overloadshutdownip classlessip route

31、 access-list 10 permit any!interface Serial1 no ip address shutdownline con 0line aux 0line vty 0 4!router ospf 1network 55 area 0ip nat inside source list 10 interface FastEthernet0 overload ip classlessip route 0access-list 10 per

32、mit any!line con 0line 1 8line aux 0line vty 0 4password 111 login!end(3) R2624-C 的参考配置R2624-C#R2624-C#sh runBuilding configuration.Current configuration:!version 6.14(2)!hostname R2624-C!enable password 111 ip subnet-zero interface FastEthernet0ip address 3 52ip nat outside!int

33、erface FastEthernet1ip address 0 52ip ospf cost 50!interface FastEthernet2no ip addressshutdown!interface FastEthernet3ip address ip nat insideinterface Serial0no ip address shutdown!interface Serial1 no ip address shutdown!router ospf 1network 10.0

34、.0.0 55 area 0network 55 area 0 !ip nat inside source list 10 interface FastEthernet0 overload ip classlessip route 4 access-list 10 permit any!line con 0line aux 0line vty 0 4 password 111 login!end(4) R2624-D 的参考配置R2624-D#sh runBuilding confi

35、guration.Current configuration:!version 6.14(2)!hostname R2624-D!aaa new-model enable password 111 ip subnet-zero interface FastEthernet0ip address 7 52ip nat outsideip subnet-zerointerface FastEthernet1ip address 52ip ospf cost 50!interface FastEthern

36、et2no ip address shutdown!interface FastEthernet3ip address ip nat inside!interface Serial0no ip address shutdown!interface Serial1no ip address shutdown!router ospf 1network 55 area 0network 55 area 0!ip nat inside source list 10 interface FastEthernet0 overload ip classlessip route 8access-list 10 permit any!line con 0line aux 0line vty 0 4password 111!end(5) R3642A 的参考配置R3642-A#R3642-A#sh runBuilding configuration.Current configuration:!version 6.14(2)!hostname R3642-A!inte


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