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1、Unit 4 Book 4 Body Language Reading- Communication: No Problem?教学设计 陈雪娇教材分析:这本书是第四册,位于高一的最后一本,这样学生就有了一定的语言基础和技能来学习比较难的这个话题。教学课题:本单元的话题是讲有关身体语的知识。本节课是阅读课,首先是要引入本单元话题并进行阅读课的教学。在阅读课型的第一课时中首先训练学生从整体上把握文章大意及查找细节的能力并深层次理解文章。在口语训练中要求学生参与性强,达到交际的目的。教学目标与要求: 让学生掌握不同国家身势语的意思。使学生知道身势语没有优劣之分,我们应该尊重不同的文化风俗。并且利用这

2、一个话题进行能力的培养:培养学生的阅读技能 培养学生的小组合作能力。3口头表达能力。 二、教学重点与难点: 阅读文章把握文章大意 2 掌握不同国家身势语的意思三、课型:阅读课 四、教学方法:任务型教学(Task-base Teaching) 五、教学工具:电脑课件(a courseware) 包括:图片、文字、音乐及互联网 六、教学过程 (Teaching Procedures): 在学习新课之前已布置学生完成本单元话题任务:收集我们日常生活中不同的身势语并知道它们的意思。 导入(Leading-in)来到班里,老师用手势语竖起一个大拇指,夸赞他们是最棒的,让他们点头或摇头表示同意或不同意,然

3、后告诉同学们刚才用的是身势语。然后让学生展示他们课前搜集的身势语,从而引导入到本节阅读课上来:用身势语进行交流。打开互联网,展示其他的一些身势语,为新课的学习作好热身。II 阅读文章1快速阅读(fast readingscanning) 给学生4分钟时间快速阅读这篇文章,并归纳文章大意(get the general idea)进行选择。 并且把文章分成四个部分,找出每个部分的大意。细节阅读(detail reading) 要求学生仔细阅读每个段落,完成每个部分的问题。3对话(Dialogue)让学生扮演不同国家的学生,用身势语进行交流。4巩固 通过填写文章摘要的空格,让学生巩固所学的知识。I

4、II 讨论 对情景进行判断IV布置作业(Homework)给朋友写一封信,介绍不同身势语的意思。教学反思:通过本节课的教学,学生略读及精读并进行对话,牢固的掌握了不同身势语的意思,并知道了不同国家的身势语没有优劣之分,而且学生提高了阅读和口语表达能力,而且学生的学习积极性和参与热情很高,成功的完成了教学任务,实现了教学目标。附带教案教师寄语:When in Rome, do as the Romans do. -入乡随俗Unit 4 Book 4 Body Language Reading- Communication: No Problem?授课人 陈雪娇Teaching aims1. To

5、 let students grasp different body language of greeting from different cultures.2. To make students understand body language is not good or bad, and should respect different customs.Teaching proceduresI Leading-inII Reading fast readingRead the passage quickly and silently to answer the questions.1.

6、 Which is the main idea of the text? A. International students B. Different languagesC. Different body language of greeting D. Different customs2Divide the whole text into four parts and match(连线) the main idea.A To introduce the students to each other and explain their different ways of greeting.Pa

7、rt 1. (Para_)B To explain different cultural “body language” in some countries.Part 2(Para_) C Summary of body language.Part 3. (Para_)D To meet the international students at the Capital International Airport.Part 4. (Para_) detailed readingRead the text carefully to find the necessary informationFi

8、nd out the two cultural mistakes in Para2The Firstmistake Tony Garcia - He approached Julia, _ _ _and _ her on the _. Julia Smith - She _ _ appearing _ and put up her hands, as if _ _.The second mistake George Cook - He _ his hand _ to the Japanese student. Akira Nagata - He _ so his nose _George s

9、_ _.Answer the questions in Para31.How do men from Muslim countries greet others ?2. Is the author a man or a woman? How do you know?3. How did Tony and Darlene greet each other? Fill in the table according to Para4:People in the country/area Ways to greet each otherEnglish peopleDo not stand _ _to

10、others or touch _ when they meet. People from Spain, Italy and South American countries_others closely and are more likely to_ _.Japanese Most people around the world further readingRead again and understand the text deeply.1.Whats the purpose of the text?A. To introduce us some international studen

11、tsB. To tell us two major cultural mistakesC. To tell us to respect all the different body languageD. To introduce us what is body language2. Fill in the blanks to finish the summary the text.How important it is to know about the different _ language. It is _ in different countries. And not all _of

12、a culture _ in the _ way. But we cant say these actions are _ or _ because they are the ways cultures have _. In general, _ international customs can certainly help _ difficulties in the cultural communication.III Dialogue Make a dialogue with your partner using the sentences below.A: My way of gree

13、ting is to Can you guess where I come?B: Yes, of course. You are from.IV DiscussionYesterday, a girl from France met her foreign teacher who was from a Muslim country in the school. To show her respect and politeness, the girl kissed her teacher on his cheek. But the teacher looked surprised and shy. Then the girl was surprised, too. Why?V Homework Y


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