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1、请准备一张纸和一支笔,开始做题吧!坚持就是胜利! !1. One of your team members in forms you that he does not know which of the many projects he is working on is the most important. Who should determ ine the priorities among projects in a compa ny?A. Project man agerB. Spon sorC. Senior man ageme ntD. Team1. 一个项目团队成员告诉你,他不知道

2、他参与的哪个项目工作更重要。谁负责 确定项目在公司的优先权?A. 项目经理B. 项目投资人C. 高级管理层D. 项目团队2. Twoproject team membersare having a disagreement about deliverables.Bill contends that deliverables are only tan gible thi ngs such as build in gs, roads, computer servers, etc. Andrea insists that they must also consider things like tra

3、ining and other intan gible deliverables as part of what they are produci ng. Who is right?A. Bill is rightB. An drea is rightC. Both Bill a nd An drea are rightD. Neither Bill nor An drea is correct2. 两个团队成员对可交付成果的理解有分歧。Bill坚决认为可交付成果只是有 形资产,如建筑物、道路、计算机服务器等。而 Andrea坚持声称他们应该把诸 如培训的事情和其他无形可交付物都作为他们成果的

4、一部分。谁说的是对的呢?A. Bill 是对的B. Andrea是对的C. Bill和 Andrea 都对D. Bill和Andrea都不对3. As for projects and operati onal work, which of the followi ngs is proper ?A. A project is con stra ined by limited resources and operati onal works gen erally have no such con stra in ts.B. Operational works are not defined as

5、 a project.C. The objectives of projects and operati ons are fun dame ntally differe nt.D. Projects are different because the project concludes when its specific objectives have bee n atta in ed, while operati ons are repetitive.3. 关于项目与运营,下面哪一项描述是正确的?A. 项目受到有限资源的制约,而运营没有资源的制约B. 运营工作不会被定义为项目C. 项目和运营

6、的目标是根本不同的D. 由于项目所要达到的特定目标不同,因而项目是独特的,而运营是可重复的4. All of the following are reasons project fail except:A. Plans require too much in too little timeB. Poor finan cial estimatesC. Pla nning is performed by a cen tral pla nning departme nt.D. Man ageme nt has not sufficie nt experie nee in project man ag

7、eme nt4. 以下哪一项不是项目失败的原因?A. 计划要求在太短的时间完成太多的任务B. 拙劣的财务估算C. 有一个中心计划编制部门执行计划编制D. 管理层在项目管理方面缺乏经验5. All the followi ng are characteristics of a project EXCEPT?A. TemporaryB. Defin ite beg inning and endC. I nterrelated activitiesD. Repeats itself every month5. 下面哪项不是项目的特点?A. 临时性B. 明确的开始和结束日期C. 相关的一系列活动D.

8、每月重复执行6. The policies, methodologies, and templates for managing projects with in the orga ni zatio n should be supplied by the:A. project spon sor.B. functional departme nt.C. project man ageme nt office.D. project man ager.6. 在组织中管理项目时使用的政策、方法和模板由谁来提供?A. 项目出资人B. 职能部门C项目管理办公室D.项目经理7. A market dema

9、nd, a customer request, and a tech no logical adva nee are examples of:A. cha nges to the project.B. reas ons to in itiate a project.C. comp onents of a WBS.D. claims to the project.7. 市场的需求,客户的要求和技术的改进都是什么的例子?A. 项目变更原因B. 启动项目的原因C. WBS的组成部分D. 对项目的要求8. Project manager is new to managing projects and

10、is having difficultycreating a WBS with the team. To alleviate this situation, the projectman ager should ask for help from:A. The spon sorB. Other project man agersC. The project man ageme nt officeD. The team8. 一位项目经理刚从事项目管理工作,在与项目团队创建工作分解结构时面临 着困难。为消除这种状况,项目经理应求助于:A. 发起人B. 其他项目经理C. 项目管理办公室D. 项目团队

11、9. Your country has held the sport of bowli ng in high esteem ever since in dige nous bowlers first in troduced it to your regi on 3,000 years ago.You are the project man ager for a gover nmen t-approved n ati onal monument to the sport: a marble-and-titanium structure in the form of a bowling pin.

12、This monumentis expected to last for centuries.In this situation,the concept of being temporary, which is part of the definition of a projectA. Does not apply because the project will have a last ing resultB. Does not apply to the product to be createdC. Recog ni zes that the project team will outli

13、ve the actual projectD. Does not apply because the project will not be short in durati on9. 自从3000年前第一次将保龄球运动引入到你的国家,你的国家一直将保龄球运动视为一种高尚的运动。你作为一个项目经理要为政府建造一个保龄球运动的 纪念碑:一个大理石-钛结构的保龄球饰针。这个纪念碑预期能够持续几个世 纪。在这种情况下,认为项目是暂时性的这种说法A. 不适合,因为这个项目需要的结果是持续的B. 不适合要建造的产品C. 认为项目团队将比本项目要长寿D. 不适合,因为这个项目不是在短期内就可以完成的10.

14、Which of the following BEST describes the major constraints on a project?A. Scope of work, nu mber of resources, costB. Scope of work, cost, and timeC. Resources, quality, budget, scope, risk, and schduleD. Time, cost, and nu mber of cha nges10. 下面哪项最好的描述了项目的主要制约因素 ?A. 工作范围,资源数量,成本B. 工作范围,成本,时间C. 资源

15、,质量,预算、范围、风险和进度D. 时间,成本,和变更数量11. Compa ny work authorizati on system can be categoriaed intoA. Orga ni zati on s processes and procedures for con duct ing work.B. En terprise en vir onmen tal factors.C. Orga ni zatio nal corporate kno wledge base.D. Con tract admi nistratio n procedure.11. 公司的工作授权系统

16、属于 A. 执行工作的组织过程和手续B. 事业环境因素C. 组织共同知识库D. 合同管理程序12. Who takes the Primary Resp on sibility for Project Deliverable?A. Quality ManagerB. Project Man agerC. I ndividualsD. Upper Man ageme nt12. 谁对项目的可交付成果负主要责任?A. 质量经理B项目经理C个人D.高级管理层13. As applied to projects, temporary means thatA. Projects are short in

17、 durati onB. Every project has a defi nite beg inning and endC. The undertaking will end at an undetermined time in the futureD. Projects can be can celed at any time13. 对项目来说,“临时”的意思是:A. 项目的工期短B. 每个项目都有确定的开始和结束点C. 项目未来完成时间未定D. 项目随时可以取消14. John is the person responsiblefor accomplishingthe projectob

18、jectives. Joh n cannot, however, work on weeke nds. Joh n is.A. A spon sor with con stra in ts.B. The project man ager.C. A part time resource.D. Unm otivated.14. John是负责实现项目目标的人员。然而,他不能够在周末加班。John是.A. 受制约的发起人B. 项目经理C. 兼职人员D. 无合理动机的人15. The huma n resource departme nt wan ts to hire anew project man

19、 ager with in the compa ny. They can choose from the follow ing can didate A hasgood man ageme nt kno wledge; Can didate B has good project man ageme nt kno wledge; Can didate C has solid tech ni cal kno wledge; Can didate D has gen eral man ageme nt, project man ageme nt and tech ni cal skills. Who

20、 is the best can didate?A. AB. BC. CD. D15. 人力资源部想在公司内部聘用一位新项目经理。他们可以从下面候选人中挑选:候选人A具有丰富的管理知识;候选人B具有丰富的项目管理知识;候选人 C具有扎实的技术知识;候选人D具有通用管理、项目管理和技术技能。谁是最佳人选?A. AB. BC. CD. D16. Deliverables are :A. The purpose for un dertak ing the projectB. Any unique and verifiable product,result,or capability to perfo

21、rma service that must be produced to complete a process,phase,or project.C. The specifications regarding the goals of the project that must be produced to con sider the project completeD. The measurable outcomes of the project goals16. 可交付成果是:A. 做项目的目的B. 在某一过程、阶段或项目完成时,必须产出的任何独特并可核实的产品、成果或服务C. 项目完成时

22、必须产出的复合项目目标的规范D. 项目目标的可测量结果17. You are in charge of a large project involving manypeople and other resources. You want to make sure that qualified people are doing theirwork at the right time and in the proper seque nee. What should you do?A. Use a work authorizatio n systemB. Use project man ageme

23、nt softwareC. Hold regular status review meet ingsD. Have daily project team meet ings17. 你负责一个大项目,涉及到很多人和资源,你希望合格的人员能够在正确的 时间而且按照正确的顺序工作,应该怎么办?A. 利用工作授权系统B. 利用项目管理软件C. 举行定期的状态评估会议D. 举行每天的日常会议en vir onmental18. Which informationis not found in the enterprisefactors ?A. In dustry sta ndards.B. Person

24、nel administrationC. Political climateD. Change con trol procedures18. 下面哪一项不在事业环境因素中?A. 行业标准B. 人事管理制度C. 政治氛围D. 变更控制程序19. A work authorization system can be used to:A. con trol who does each task.B. con trol what time and seque nee work is done.C. con trol who does each taskD. con trol who does each task and whe n it is done.19. 工作授权系统可以用于:A. 控制谁做每项工作B. 控制工作执行的


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