1、TPM审查合同TPM review the con tract甲方:日本设备维护协会乙方:Party a: Japa n In stitute of Pla nt Maintenanceparty b:联系人:联系人:Con tact:con tact:地址:地址:Address:Address:电话:电话:Tel:Tel:传真:传真:Fax:Fax:E-mail:E-mail:一、合同的目的和范围及内容The first, the purpose ,scope andcontent of the con tract1甲方依据TPM优秀赏(A类)对乙方实施审查,决定乙方是否取得或保持认证注册资
2、格。1. accord ing to the TPM good reward (class A), Party A review party b,a nd determ ine whether party b acquire or maintain certification qualification.2. 认证覆盖范围和内容2. Certificati on scope and content乙方_TPM管理体系覆盖的产品/服务/场所范围:(包括标准删减内容):全公司;其内容(如附件) Party b _TPM man ageme nt system coveri ng the scope
3、 of product/service/place (in cludi ng sta ndard content about remov ing) : the compa ny; Its contents (as attachme nt).3乙方管理体系覆盖的总人数为_人.3. Party b man ageme nt system coveri ng the total nu mber ofpeople.二、双方的责任和义务Second, the resp on sibilities and obligati ons of each party甲方:Party a:1)甲方应提前2月将审 核
4、计划通知乙方,并征得其确认。1)party a should inform the review pla n to party b 2 mon ths in adva nee, and obtai nparty b confirmation.2)甲方应公正、科学、客观、实事求是地提出问题和处理问题。2)party a should be impartial, scientific, objective and practical to put forward questions and deal with the problems.3)甲方作出认证决定后,应及时办理是否批准乙方取得或保持认证注
5、册资格的手续,并将获证的信息对 外公布。3)party a must timely deal with the procedure after making the certification decision, the procedure decides whether party b acquire or maintain certificati on qualificati onor not, party ashould disclose thecertificati on in formatio n.乙方:Party b:1)乙方应为甲方提供审核所需的全部文件和资料(概况书+CD 。1
6、)party b should provided to party a all the required docume nts and in formati on .(pro + CD).2)乙方应为甲方提供审核必需的工作条件以及食、宿、交通的方便,并积极配合审核工作,确保其顺利 进行。2) Party b should provide the review necessary working conditions to party a ,as well as the food, accommodati on, tran sportati on, and actively cooperate
7、with the review work, to en sure the work smoothly.3) 乙方应按期向甲方交付合同确定的费用。3) party b should deliver the cost that has ruled in the con tract to party a on schedule.三、合同实施时间Three, con tract impleme ntati on time1本合同有效期为:自合同签定之日起至获得认证证书后满3年为止。1. This con tract is valid for: starti ng from the date of th
8、e con tract sig ned with the certificati on certificate 3 years so far.2. 乙方希望审核时间定在年 月 日至年 月 日期间,TPM管理体系的第一阶段审核时间由甲方安排。如有变动,双方以书面形式传递有关信息。2. Party b hopes the review is scheduled for time to time, the first stage of review time on TPMman ageme nt system arra nged by party a. Both parties deliver th
9、e in formatio nin written form if there isa change.3. 第二次审查于第一次审查后6个月内进行,具体时间由双方协商而定。3. The sec ond review in six mon ths after the first review, the specific time is scheduledby mutualagreeme nt.四、审查费用Fourth, review fee序号The serial number项目project单价The unit price数量nu mber总额Total n umber1第一次审查费用(A类)
10、1st stage review Fee (Category A)JPY1JPY2第二次审查费用(A类)|2nd stage review Fee (Category A)JPY1JPY费用总计(不含税)The total cost (excludi ng tax)JPY1. 甲方应在签订合同后,在签订合同当月底前付两次审查费用,待两次审查通过后;甲方给乙方颁发证书。1. Party b should pay twice review fee betwee n the sig ning month and the end of the sig ning month .Party a issue
11、 the certification to party b after party b approving the twice review.2. 审查员的食、宿、交通费用由乙方承担2. The in spectors food, accommodati on and tran sportati on fee shall be afford by party b.3. 甲方委托乙方办理税务事项。3. Party a en trusts party b to deal with taxati on matters .五、保密原则Five, the prin ciple of con fide n
12、tiality甲方不得将乙方经营、生产状况及技术信息以任何方式泄漏给第三方,但下列情况除外:Party a must not disclose the in formati on of operati on product ion and tech nique to a third party in any way, except the follow ing situati ons:1合同签署前甲方得到的信息。1. Party a has got the in formatio n before con tract is sig ned.2 .乙方企业已公开的资料。2. Party b ha
13、s bee n ope ned the in formati on.3. 法律另有要求时。3. Otherwise whe n required by law.4. 国家主管部门要求时。4. When required by the compete nt departme nt of state.六、合同的终止Sixth, the term in atio n of the con tract任何一方向另一方索赔来补偿另一方无合理原因或可能寻求禁止令而违反合同造成的损害。Any party claims to compe nsati on from the other party for compe nsate the damagewithoutreas on able cause or may seek an injun cti on by going aga inst con tract.七、其它Seve n, other1合同应双方签字盖章,以乙方合同签定时间为生效时间。1. The con tract should be sig ned and stamped by both parties, the con tract go into effect depe nd on the time party b si
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