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1、施工规范中的中、英对照建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准Unifiedstandard forconstructional quality acceptance of building engineering:建筑工程 building engineering ?bildi?end?i ?ni ?ri ? ,建筑工程质 量quality ?kw?l ?tiofbuilding ?b?ld ?engineering ?end?n?r ? ,验收 acceptance ?k?sept ?ns ,进场验收 sitesa ?tacceptance ?k?sept ?ns ,检验批 inspectionlot

2、 ,检验 inspection,见证取样检测 evidentialtesting,交接检验 handing over inspection,主控项目 dominant item ,一般项目general item,抽样检验sampling inspection,抽样方案samplingscheme,计数检验counting inspection,计量检验quantitativeinspection,观感质量quality of appearance,返修repair,返工rework.建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范Code foracceptanceofconstruction qualit

3、y of building foundation:土工合成材料地基geosyntheticsfoundation,重锤夯实地基heavytampingfoundation ,强夯地基基 grouting foundation喷 射注 浆 地 基jetdynamic consolidation foundation,注浆地,预压地基 preloading foundation,高压groutingfoundation, 水泥 土搅 拌 桩 地 基soil-cementmixed pilefoundation,土与灰土挤密桩地基soil-limecompacted column,水泥粉煤灰、碎石桩

4、cement flyashgravelpile ,锚杆静压桩 pressed pile by anchor rod.砌体工程施工质量验收规范 Code for acceptance of construction quality of masonry engineering :施工质量控制等级 control grade of construction quality , 型 式 检 验 type inspection , 通 缝 continuous seam ,假缝 supposititious seam ,配筋砌体 reinforcedmasonry,芯柱 core column,原位检

5、测 inspectionat originalspace.混 凝 土 结 构 工 程 施工 质 量 验 收 规范 Code foracceptance ofconstructionalquality ofconcrete structures:混凝土结构concrete structure,现浇结构 cast-in-situ concrete structure,装配式结构 prefabricated concrete structure,缺陷 defect ,严重 缺 陷 seriousdefect , 一 般 缺 陷 common defect,施工缝constructionjoint,结

6、构性能检 验 inspectionofstructuralperformance.钢结构工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptanceof constructionquality of steel structures:零件 part ,部件 component ,构件element ,小拼单元 the smallest assembled rigid unit,中拼单元intermediateassembled structure ,高强度螺栓连接副 setof highstrength bolt,抗滑移系数 slip coefficent of faying surface,预

7、拼装 testassembling ,空间刚度单元 spacerigidunit ,焊钉 ( 栓钉) 焊接 stud welding ,环境温度 ambient temperature.木结构工程施工质量验收规范Code forconstructionqualityacceptance Of timberstructures:方 木 和 原 木 结 构 sawn andround timber structures,齿连 接 step joints,胶合木结构structuralglued-laminatedtimber, 层板胶合木glued-lamlinated timber( Glula

8、m ),指 形 接 头 Finger joints,层板 lamination ,规 格材 dimension lumber,轻型木结构wood-framleconstruction,墙 骨 studs,搁 栅 joists,木基结构 板 材 structural wood-based panel,木基复合板材 wood-basedpanel ,结构 胶 合 板 structura1 plywood,定向木片板oriented strand board( OSB),结 构 复 合 木 材 structuralcomposite 1umber ( SCL),旋 切 板 胶 合 木 laminat

9、ed veneer1umber( LVL),平 行 木 片 胶 合 木 parallel strand 1umber( PSL),层 叠 木 片 胶 合 木 laminated strand 1umber( LSL),预 制 工 字 形 木 搁 栅 prefabricated wood I-Joist,齿板truss plate ,木 材 防 护 剂 wood preservative,保 持量retentiOn ,透 入 度 penetratiOn.屋面工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptance of constructionquality of roof:防水层合理使用年限

10、 life of waterproof layer,一道防水设防 a separate waterproof barroer,分格缝 dividingjoint ,满粘法 fulladhibiting method,空铺法 borderadhibitingmethod,点粘法 spotadhibitingmethod,条粘法 stripadhibitingmethod,冷粘 法 cold adhibitingmethod,热 熔法 heat fusionmethod,自粘法 self-adhibiting method,热风焊接法hotairwelding method,倒置式屋面 inver

11、siontype roof ,架空屋面elevatedoverheadroof ,蓄 水屋面impounded roof ,种植屋面plantied roof.地下防水工程质量验收规范Code for Acceptance of ConstructionQuality of Underground Waterproof:地下防水工程undergroundwaterproof engineering,防水等级 grade of waterproof,刚性防水层 rigid waterproof layer,柔性防水层 flexible waterprooflayer ,初期支护 primary

12、linning,盾构法隧道 shield tunnellingmethod,土工合成材料 geosynthetics.建筑地面工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptanceof nstructionquality of building ground :建 筑 地 面 buildingground ,面 层surface course ,结 合 层 combined course ,基 层 base course,填 充 层 filler course,隔 离 层 isolating course,找 平层trowelingcourse ,垫 层 层 under layer ,基

13、土 foundationearthlayer ,缩 缝 shrinkagecrack ,伸 缝 stretchingcrack ,纵 向 缩缝 1engthwise shrinkage crack ,横 向 缩 缝 crosswise stretching crack.建 筑装 饰 装修 工程 施 工 质量验 收 规 范Code forconstructionqualityacceptancebuildingdecorationofbuilding,基体 primarydecoration structure:建筑装,基层 base饰 装 修 course ,细部detail.建筑给水排水及采

14、暖工程施工质量验收规范Code for acceptance ofnstruction quality of Water supply drainage and heating works:给水系统 water supply system,排水系统 drainage system ,热水供应系统 hot water supply system,卫生器具 sanitary fixtures,给水配件 water supply fittings,建筑中水系统 intermediate watersystem of building,辅助设备 auxiliaries,试验压力 test pressu

15、re ,额定工作压力 rated working pressure,管道配件 pipe fittings,固定支架 fixed trestle,活动支架movable trestle,整装锅炉integrative boiler,非承压锅炉 boiler without bearing,安全附件 safety accessory,静置设 备 stillequipment ,分户热 计量household-based heat metering ,热计量装置 heat metering device ,卡套式连接 compression joint ,防火套管 fire-resisting sl

16、eeves,阻火圈 firestops collar.通 风 与 空 调 工 程 施工 质 量 验 收 规范 Code ofacceptanceforconstructionqualityofventilationand air conditioningworks :风管 air duct,风道 air channel,通风工程 ventilation works,空调工程 air conditioning works,风管配件 duct fittings,风管部件 duct accessory,咬口 seam,漏风量 air 1eakage rate,系统风管允许漏风量 airsystem

17、permissible leakage rate ,漏风率 airsystem leakage ratio,净化空调系统 air cleaning system,漏光检测 air leak check with lighting,整体式制冷设备packagedrefrigerating unit,组装式制冷设备assembling refrigeratingunit ,风管系统的工作压力design working pressure,空气洁净度等级 air cleanliness class,角件 corner pieces,风机过滤器单元 (FFU、 FMU) fanfilter(modul

18、e)unit, 空 态 as-built,静 态at-rest ,动态 operational,非金属材料风管 nonmetallic duct,复合材料风管 foil-insulantcomposite duct ,防火风管 refractoryduct.建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范Code of acceptanceofconstruction quality of electrical installation in building:布线系统 wiring system ,电气设备 electrical equipment,用电设备 current-using equipment,电气

19、装置 electrical installation,建筑电气工程 ( 装置 ) electrical installation in building,导管conduit ,金属导管 metal conduit ,绝缘导管 insulating conduit,保护导体 (PE) protective conductor(PE),中性保护导体 (PEN) PENconductor ,可接近的 accessible ,景观照明 landscape lighting.电梯工程施工质量验收规范 Code for acceptance of installationquality of lifts,

20、escalators and passenger conveyors:电梯安装工程 installationof lifts,escalatorsand passenger conveyors,电梯安装工程质量验收acceptance of installation quality oflifts ,escalators and passenger conveyors, 土建交接检验 handing over inspection of machine rooms and wells.智能建筑工程质量验收规范 Code for acceptance of quality of Intellig

21、ent building systems :建筑设备自动化系统 (BAS)building automation system ,通信网络系统( CNS) communication networksystem,信息网络系统( INS) information network system,智能化系统集成( ISI ) intelligent system integrated,火灾报警系统(FAS)firealarm system,安全防范系统(SAS)securityprotection alarm system,住宅(小区)智能化(CI) community intelligent,家庭

22、控制器( HC) home controller,控制网络系统( CNS) controlnetwork system.异步传输模式 asynchronous transfer mode,直接数字控制器 direci digita1 controller,非军事化区或停火区demilitarizedZone,电子邮件 electronic-mail,文件传输协议 filetransfer protocol,光纤到 x (x 表示路 fiber to-the-x(x: C,B,H,D; C-curb ,边、楼、户、桌面) B-building,H-houst ,D-desk),混合光纤同轴网 h

23、ybrid fiber coax,超文本传输协议 hypertexttransfer protocol,输入 / 输出 input / output,综合业务数字网integrated services digital network,宽带综合业务数字网broadband ISDN,窄带综合业务数字网 narrowband ISDN ,同步数字系列 synchronous digital hierarchy,不间断电源系统uninterrupted power system ,甚小口径卫星地面站 very smallapertureterminal,数字用户环路( x:表示告诉、非对称、单环路

24、、甚高速) x digitalsubscriberline(x:H, A ,S,V;H-high datarate,A- asymmetrical ,S-singleline ,V-beryhigh data rate ).建设工程监理规范The Code of Construction Project Management.建设工程项目管理规范The code of construction projectmanagement by enterprises of construction industry:施工项目construction project,施工项目管理construction

25、 projectmanagement byenterprises of construction industry,项目发包人employer ,项目承包人contractor,项目分包人subcontractor,项目经理construction project manager,项目经理部constructionproject management team,矩阵式项目管理组织matrix typeorganization of projectmanagement ,直线职能式项目管理组织 straight line and function typeorganization of proj

26、ectmanagement,事业部式项目管理组织federal structure ofdecentralizedpower type organization of project management,项目经理责任制 responsibility system of constructionprojectmanager,项目管理目标责任书responsibility documentsofconstruction project management,项目管理规划大纲planningoutline for constructionproject management,项目管理实施规划exe

27、cution planning for constructionproject management,项目目标控制 object control for construction project,项目风险constraction project risk,项目风险管理 risk management ofconstruction project,项目成本核算制 costcalculationsystem ofconstructionproject,项目生产要素管理 productive elementmanagement forconstruction project,项目合同管理 contr

28、actmanagement for constructionproject,项目信息管理 informationmanagement for constructionproject,项目现场管理 sitemanagement for construction project,项目竣工验收 completionand delivery of constructionproject,项目回访保修 return visitand guarantee for repairofconstruction project,项目组织协调organization coordination for constru

29、ctionproject,项目考核评价 examination and evaluation of constructionprojectmanagement.聚合物水泥砂浆防腐蚀工程技术规程technical specification foranticorrosion works of polymer cement mortar:建筑拒水粉屋面防水工程技术规程technique regulations for roofwaterproof projects with waterproof powder for building.点支式玻璃幕墙工程技术规程technical specific

30、ation for pointsupported glass curtain wall:点支式玻璃幕墙 Point supportedglass curtain wal1,玻璃面板 Glass panel,支承装置 Supportdevice ,支承结构 Supportstructure,点支式斜玻璃幕墙 Inclinedpoint supported glass curtainwall,密封胶 Glazing sealant,相容性 Compatibility.砖和砌块名词术语砖 brick,普通砖 common brick ,烧结砖 fired brick ,青砖 blue brick,红

31、砖 red brick,内燃砖 brick fried withcombustible additives,蒸养砖 steam-cured brick ,蒸压砖 autoclaved brick ,碳化砖carbonted lime brick ,实心砖 solid brick ,微孔砖 porous brick,多孔砖 perforated brick,空心砖 hollowbrick ,八五砖 8 brick ,望砖 shedthins tile,异形砖 specialshaped brick ,拱亮砖 hollow brick for arches or shells*,花格砖 latti

32、ce brick,地砖 floor tile,劈离砖 split tile,吸声砖sound absorption brick,饰面砌筑砖 facing brick,贴面砖 facingtile,配砖bat;3/4brick,砌块block,小型砌块small block,中型砌块medium block ,大型砌炔large block,烧结砌块firedblock,普通混凝土砌块normal concrete block,轻骨料混凝土砌块light aggregate concrete block,硅酸盐混凝土砌块limesilicate concrefe block,多孔混凝土砌块cellular concrete block,实心砌块solid block,空心砌块hollow block,异形砌块special shaped block,咬接砌抉interlocking bloc,建筑部位砌块block forstructural elements,槽形砌块Ushaped block,劈离砌块plitblock,吸声砌块sound absorption block,饰面砌块decorativeblock,长length,宽width,高height,大面bedd


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