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1、2018-2019学年度八年级英语8A Un itl 基础知识、单选()1. Tony has bee n here one year, but his mother has workedheren years ago.C. for,A. since, forB. since, sinceforD. for, since()did yousee your old friends-About three years ago.()3. Have you retur ned the book to him一 Yes. I havereturned it.;yet ;already ;already

2、;yet()4. Can Ia book about scie nee from youYes. But you can onlyit for a week.A. borrow; keepB. lend; keepC. borrow; lendD. keep; borrow()5. He used toin a small villagebut now he has bee n usedtoin a big city.;livi ng ;live;livi ng ;live()will arriveParisthe morning of July 8.A. at, inB. in, inC.i

3、n, onD.at, on( )you know how long.A. she has bought the bookB. has she arrivedhereC. has she studied thereD.she has studied there()8.have you known each otherSi nee we were in our childhood.far ofte n()oldfeel.;alo ne;lo nely;lo nely;lo nelylong soon manlivesinhouse, but he doesn t;lon ely;al one ;l

4、on ely;al onevisited.()is the most beautiful park I haveC. never()famous writerone new book in the past two years.A. is writ ingwrit ingwritte n() kind of computer looks and sells in this shop.;good ;well ;well ;nice().Lito Shan ghai. He will be back in two weeks.gone()has bee n ten yearsIin the new

5、 compa ny.A. after; workedB. after; have workedC. sin ce; workedD. sin ce; have worked()15. Jamesthe White Tower Park if ittomorrow.A. are going to, isn t rainyB. are going to,does n t rainC. is going to, won t rainD. is going to, isn trai ny()16. Mr. Gree n has worked in Zhenjia ng since his family

6、 toCh inayears ago.A. has moved B. moved C. moves D. move()17. Therea lot of stalls along the street, but now theyall move out.A. used to be B. used to have C. hadD. was()18. To lear n En glish well, you should speak En glishyou can.A. as many asB. as more asC. as ofte n as D.so many as()19. Haven t

7、 you seen that film That s the funniest oneI .Really When you itA. saw; have seenB. saw; did seeC. have see n; did seeD. have see n; have see n()20. I saw the new dicti onary on the desk ten minu tes.A. before B.ago C. just D.just now()21. The old man s wordshis facered.A. make, to turn B. made, tur

8、 n C. made, turned D. made, to turn()22. Ma ny changesin China si nee 1979.A. took place B. are taking place C. has taken place D. takeplace( ) the way, my hometown is quite different from what it was some ways.A. In; inB. By; byC. In; byD. By;in( ) Jeff when they wereboth 25 years old, and they hav

9、e for 25 years.A. got married to; got married B. married; been marriedC. married with; been marriedD. married to; been married( )25 . “There are many tall trees on of the road. ” Whichof the following is not suitableD. everyA. both sidesB. each side C. either sideLost In Thailand s funny.C. have see

10、n D.will seesides ( )26. -Do you know the movieit t wice. It A. saw B. see( )27. Ten years since I left my hometown. How I miss myparents!A. has past B. has passed C. have past D. have passed( ) did the teacher Mary to at the meeting yesterdayA. tell, say B. ask, speak C. tell, speak D. told, say( )

11、29. I agree with most of what you said, not everything., you didn t say that just now.A. but; But B. however; However C. but; However D. however;But( )30 . “When I was in front of so many people, I felt nervous. ”Which of the following is not suitable A. a bitB. a littlea bit of( )31. There will be

12、an interview this evening.A. to B. with( )32. Many college studentsC. a little bitD. the great player in the hallC. at D. for for further study atprese nts.A. go to abroad B. go abroad C. are going to aboard D. going aboard()33. He s just come back from work,. He won t come back before 9 .A. isn t h

13、e; Yes; he isB.isn the;No,heisn tC. hasn t he; Yes, he hasD.hasnthe;No,hehasnt()34. My un cle willhome from the USA tomorrow.back to back to()35. Sandysee the film with us because she it.A. doesn t; will seeB. won t; seeC. won t; has seenD. won t; saw()36. The river runsthe beautiful village. It is

14、clea nand quiet.A. crossB. crossingC. passingD.through()37. I do believe puttingwaste into the rivers willcauseproblems.A. too much; too muchB. too much; too manyC. too many; too manyD. too many; too much()you know what the boxA. is used to doing B. is used to do to do to do()39. What was your cous

15、in Tom like last year.A. He liked playing football with his classmatesB. He was tall and strongC. He would like to play football with his classmateD. He was once a doctor()40. Whenyouyour breakfast this morning At .A. have, hadB. did, haveC. are, have D.has, had()41. He has been late for work three

16、times the morning of lastMo nday.A. un tilB. on C. inD. since()42. Mr. Chen can playpiano very well, but he can t playchess.B. the; /A. the; the/; /()43. The paper factory has caused a lot in my hometow nA. last yearB. once a monthC. /; theof serious airD.polluti onthe pastfive years the ope nC. in

17、five yearsD. over()44. I m glad to see that the government hasspacea public library.Me, too. We can do some readi ng there.A. moved; into B. grow n; intoC. tur ned; into D.put; into()said he liked that talk. ()46Since he started high school,he scome toschoolbybikeA.on his ownB.by his own C. in hisow

18、n D.withhisown()47.You relate, the meeting has been over.A. terribly B. nearly C. terrible D.n ear()48. What a nice T-shirt! How much did youfor itItme twenty yua n.A. pay, cost B. pay, paid C. cost, pay D. cost, cost()have a jobMa nager of HR Dept. in ABC Compa ny (ABC公司人力资源部经理 ).He willme this aft

19、ernoo n.A. in terviewto,in terviewB. in terviewwith,in terviewC. in terviewto,in terviewtoD. in terviewwith,in terview with()50. Isairpolluti onproblemin SunshineTown nowA. an; aB./; theC./; aD.the;the二、词汇A.根据汉语意思写出单词(妻子) are standing there and chatting with each other.2. I like to (交流)with myfamily

20、 when I have free ernment realized the importanee of protecting the (环 境).4. That girl is so tall. Is she at (初级的)school or ina middle school5. BaiYa nsong had an (采访) with the famous scie ntistlast week.6. They are planning to build a few new(工厂)in thecoun try.went(国夕卜)with her pare nts abo

21、ut five years ago.8. The reporter ishavingan (采访)with her(丈夫)9. We lived together till 1965, whe n I got (已婚的)10. Preside nt Xi (最近)held a public online chat.you know Beijing s past and( 现在)has been very busy( 自以来 )last week.live in thepart of the town .(南方的,南部的)all know wateris a serious problem.(污

22、染)now, this boy(意识至U )that he was wrong .you ever had a ( 交流)with hert carelessly (扔)anything that can (污染)ourearth .living( 条件)is much better tha n before.19. He moved to ano ther flat three (街区)away fromhere.20. Liu Qiang has just(返回)from the UK.21. The workers don t put the(废料)into the riveranymo

23、renow.22. After leaving his hometown, my uncleoftenfeels(孤独).23. We must trust the Chi nese(政府)24. I am look ing forward to(改善、提高)myEn glish.boss( 面试)twenty people for the job last Sun day.(结婚)their daughter to an old rich man in2009.to now, the fastest train (reach) the highest testspeed of h.28. B

24、e careful! These steps are too(窄的).29. I think its only a (浪费)of time to speak to her.30. In fact, I have never been there (以前).B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Its (possible) for you to live on the moon atpresent.2. It often snows in winter in the (north) part of China.3. Its really nice (have) a beautiful modern

25、 town.4. What do you think about the air (pollute) in yourhometown5. Anyway, its good to see the (amaze) changes in thetown.Where is my book - It (be) on the desk five minutesago.7. What you did makes the problem much (difficult).8. She (not hear) from her uncle for a long time since she movedhere.9

26、. The little boy used to (cry) when he was a baby.10. The two girls (teach) English for about two years. (make) this model ship at this time yesterday boy in blue often tells lies so we think he is a boy.(honest) (not see) that film yet.and Mrs li already (come) back .you to your friend recently (wr

27、ite) (give) the key to your mother just now. food (be) here an hour ago. you (see) it18. Amy (finish) her homework Not yet, she still (do) it in her room.(add) some sugar to it will make the coffee taste better.20. She (keep) the present since her friend (buy)it for her.21. Who (repair) the bike for

28、 me I can ride it now.22. The boy (vis it) the museumtwice. So he doesn twant to go there again.23. Is she (marry) or shingle Yes. Her husband is MrGreen.24. Father is now used to (get) up early.25. He (put) his key on the desk and then left.26. The bottle is empty. He (drink) all the water.27. Ther

29、e (be) many changes in China in the past 10years.28. So far, Guo Jinming(write) many new books.tech no logies make(com muni cate)much faster and easier.30. I want someth ing(eat) because I am hun gry.31. The bowl is empty. He(eat)the food.32. There rediffere ntforms of transportat different(time).my

30、 parentsgot(marry),they didn t have muchfurniture.34. There were two shoe(factory) in our hometow n fiveyears ago.35. The officers wrote their(wife) n ames on theno tebook.39. Great changes (take ) place in those villages in thepast ten years.many timesyou(phone ) me these daysair will get much(fres

31、h) as you go up to the topof the mountain.42. Have you see n any comic books(recen t), Mary43. In the past, most of people here(ride) to work.can t open the door because he(forget) to bring his key.I was young my mum told me spri ng(follow) win ter.took Alice a long time (wait) for a taxi yesterday

32、after noon.C. 根据英文提示或首字母写出单词1. Have you (got to know and understand something)your mistakes2. Nanjing has(to become differe nt) a lot over theyears.3. Would you like to study (in a foreigncountry) in thefuture.Have you heard from your sister in the USA r, Jackthink it s ifor me to do so much work in

33、 such a shorttime.were not many(a place where things are made by machines)here un til 2002.Internet makes cmuch easier. You can use email,QQ orblogs.needs a peacefulinternationale to improve itseconomy(经济).you ever travelled aNo, I on ly went to some places of in terest i n Chi na.woma n died in 200

34、4. She has bee n mfor n early ten years.三、句型转换has already forgotte n his homework .(改否定句)Tomforgotte n his homework.Che n and his family have moved out of the tow n .(改一般疑问句并作否定回答)Mr. Che n and his familyout of the tow n No ,.have known each other for a long time . (对划线部分提问)theyeach otherhas kn ow n

35、 this city for 3 years.(对划线部分提问)Kittyfor 3 yearshasn t finished his homework because he was ill last night. (对划线部分提问)mhis homeworkgot here an hour ago. She is still here now.(改同义句)Amyherean hour .7. Sometimes I go to see my pare nts in the country .I go to see my pare nts in the country8. I have felt a bit lon ely since I moved into the house. (对划线部分提问).have you felt a bit lon ely9. Mary married Sim on in 1999.(改同义句)Mary and Simon1999.10. There was once a factory here.(改同义句)Therea factory here.11. I finished the work just now.(用 just 改写句子)Ifini shed the wor


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