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1、Unit 1Unit 1 Pub Talk and the Kings EnglishPub Talk and the Kings English Aims 1.To learn the methods in developing an expository writing, esp. the use of examples 2. To know how to make good conversation 3. To learn the differences between “pub talk” and the Kings English 4.To analyse the features

2、of spoken English 5.To appreciate the language features Teaching ContentsTeaching Contents 1. Background information 2. Text analysis 3. Detailed study: Vocabulary and structure, paraphrase 4. Stylistic features Sun:12-10:30; WINTER:Mon-Sat:5-11;Sun:12-10:30 BritishPub Mostpubshavenowaiters- youhave

3、togotothebarto buydrinks.Agroupofyouths waiting45minutesbeforethey realizedtheywouldhaveto fetchtheirown.Thismay soundinconvenient,butthere isahiddenpurpose. British Pub Pub culture is designed to promote sociability in a society known for its reserve.Standing at the bar for service allows you to ch

4、at with others waiting to be served.The bar counter is possibly the only site in the British Isles in which friendly conversation with strangers is considered entirely appropriate and really quite normal behaviour. Pubfriends Barfriendsarecompanions,notintimates.Theyare friendsbutnotintimateenoughto

5、becuriousabout eachothersprivatelifeandthoughts. Pub friends British Pub Pubs, besides offering a wide variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and providing hot and cold food, serve as places for meeting friends and for entertainment. Many have, for instance, television sets, amusement machine

6、s and juke- boxes (自动点唱机)自动点唱机)and provide facilities for playing darts(镖)(镖), billiards(台球)(台球), dominoes (西洋骨牌)(西洋骨牌) and similar games. Some also employ musicians for evening entertainment, such as piano playing, folk singing and modern jazz. WineandDrinks Wine (red or white) Cider a traditional

7、English alcoholic drink made from apples Whisky a strong drink produced in Scotland and in Ireland English Bitter ( traditional British beer) Light ales (or mild brews), contain fewer hops and are less alcoholic. Strong ales Lemonade Cheese (to be in dire straits; to be in a condition of ruin or cat

8、astrophe) Mr. Jones business was on the rocks. = His business was losing money and almost ruined. get out of bed on the wrong side an idiomatic expression also a metaphor. It means to be cross or in a bad temper for the day. an ancient superstition Getting out of bed on the wrong side will bring you

9、 bad luck. The wrong side is usually the left side. When one get out of bed on the wrong side, it usually means youre in the grumpy or bad mood. So Go back to bed and get up on the right side. Whatotherancientsuperstitions? 1. “Step on a spider. it is sure to rain” 2. The number 13 a bad omen e.g. P

10、eople should never invite “13” guests to dinner. It is believed that one will die before the year is out . 3. Friday the 13th a day to stay at home and do nothing. It is doubly unlucky, when the 13th of the month falls on a Friday. Bad things will happen. Many people refrain from starting activities

11、 on the 13th to make sure no evil will happen to them. Paraphrase: The fact that not a concern: It is not a matter of interest or importance if their marriages are breaking up, or their love affairs have been broken or they are just cross or grouchy. They are like musketeers and feelings: 1.a simile

12、. The three musketeers in Dumas novel were very close friends. They supported each other with their fortune and their lives, yet they showed no curiosity in nor tried to find out anything about each others private lives. Bar friends, likewise, do not probe deep into each others lives nor do they try

13、 to find out the inmost thoughts and feelings of their drinking companions. 2.Delve into: metaphor, (archaic) to dig with a spade. Here it means to investigate for information . Delve: dig, research; investigate E.g. He delved into the history of his village. 3. recesses: the inner hidden parts of s

14、omething uAlexandre Dumas (Para3) Alexandre Dumas Pere (1802- 1870) was a famous French writer. He wrote the classic adventure novel The Three Musketeers 三个火枪手三个火枪手and some of the most famous and popular stories in French literature, like The Count of Monte Cristo基督山伯爵基督山伯爵, Twenty Years After二十年后二十

15、年后 and The Black Tulip黑郁金香黑郁金香 and so on. The Three MusketeersThe Three Musketeers The Three Musketeers,setinthe17th century,recountstheadventuresofayoung mannamedDArtagnanafterheleaves hometotraveltoParis,tojointhe MusketeersoftheGuard.DArtagnanis notoneofthemusketeersofthetitle;those arehisfriends

16、Athos,Porthos,andAramis, inseparablefriendswholivebythemotto “allforone,oneforall”.(人人为我,我 为人人.) 主人公达尔大尼央是一个外主人公达尔大尼央是一个外 省的贵族子弟达达尼昂省的贵族子弟达达尼昂(有音译有音译 为达尔大尼央为达尔大尼央),来到巴黎后加,来到巴黎后加 入了国王路易十三的火枪队,并入了国王路易十三的火枪队,并 与另外三个火枪手结成了莫逆之与另外三个火枪手结成了莫逆之 交。王后安娜与英国首相白金汉交。王后安娜与英国首相白金汉 有私情,安娜送了一串钻石坠子有私情,安娜送了一串钻石坠子 给白金汉;而

17、与王后为敌的首相给白金汉;而与王后为敌的首相 黎塞留却派人去英国偷得坠子上黎塞留却派人去英国偷得坠子上 的两颗钻石,想使王后在舞会上的两颗钻石,想使王后在舞会上 出丑。达达尼昂自告奋勇与三位出丑。达达尼昂自告奋勇与三位 朋友一起去英国,几经周折终于朋友一起去英国,几经周折终于 取回坠子,保住了王后的名节。取回坠子,保住了王后的名节。 三个火枪手大仲马三个火枪手大仲马 (1802- 1870) 3. What is the charm of bar conversation? two kinds of language a) colloquial expression on the rocks

18、get out of bed on the wrong side b) literary allusion 文学典故,引喻文学典故,引喻 in reference to a person; event; story Para.3 也许是因为在英国酒吧泡大也许是因为在英国酒吧泡大/长大(长大(/混大)的缘故,我混大)的缘故,我 觉得酒肆闲聊自有其魅力觉得酒肆闲聊自有其魅力/别具魅力。酒吧里的朋友并别具魅力。酒吧里的朋友并 不过深地介入(不过深地介入(/涉足)对方的生活,他们只是同伴,涉足)对方的生活,他们只是同伴, 并不是密友。谁婚姻岌岌可危并不是密友。谁婚姻岌岌可危/触礁,谁爱情遭遇挫折触礁,

19、谁爱情遭遇挫折/ 破产,或即使是破产,或即使是/抑或抑或/就连谁因早晨下床方位不合而情就连谁因早晨下床方位不合而情 绪低落,统统不是他们所关心绪低落,统统不是他们所关心/在意的事。在意的事。/婚姻触礁啦,婚姻触礁啦, 爱情搁浅啦,即使是心情不好啦,这些都不是他们关爱情搁浅啦,即使是心情不好啦,这些都不是他们关 心的事心的事/没人理会这些。他们就像大仲马笔下的火枪手,没人理会这些。他们就像大仲马笔下的火枪手, 虽然朝夕相处(虽然朝夕相处(/并肩作战)并肩作战)/挨着彼此生活,却并不介挨着彼此生活,却并不介 入对方的生活,打探入对方的生活,打探/深究他们内心深处的想法与感受。深究他们内心深处的想法

20、与感受。 /互不干涉各自的生活,也不揣摩别人内心的想法与感互不干涉各自的生活,也不揣摩别人内心的想法与感 受。受。 Part II (para.4-11) Para. 4 Specific example. It may be used as a transitional paragraph. In order to arouse the readers curiosity the writer didnt mention the topic until the next paragraph. Para. 4 1.What was the occasion the other evening?

21、 2. Try to understand the metaphor “alchemy”. nA type of science that people used in the Middle Ages to try to change ordinary metal into gold. nFiguratively used here, meaning the seemingly miraculous change of a thing into something better; a magic change/transformation of conversation. 3. Explain

22、 “ it was not something that was pressing on her mind-but her remark fell quite naturally into the talk ”. It wasnt something in her mind that was calling for immediate attention. Desultory Aimless, half-hearted 散漫 Something that is desultory is done or happen in an unplanned and disorganized way, a

23、nd without enthusiasm. There are some desultory attempt to defend him. He began to look desultorily for another apartment. a conversation 漫谈 research 漫无边际的研究 a walk 漫步 那天晚上就是这样。/那天晚上正是这样的情形。 当时大家在东一句西一句天南海北地聊着/当时大家 天南地北漫无边际地聊着,/一天晚上,正是在这样 一种场合中/正是在这样一种酒吧闲谈的场合中,大 家东一句西一句天南海北地聊着/大家天南地北漫无 边际地聊着,从最平常的事/

24、日常琐事聊到对木星的 想法/思考/从柴米油盐聊到宇宙万象,没有重点/中 心话题也不需要重点/中心话题。这时,谈话忽然发 生了神奇的变化,于是马上有了一个重点/中心话题 /固定的主题。我已经不记得是什么使我们的一个同 伴说了那一句话。很显然,她并不是为了说这句话 才到酒吧来的/她并不是特意跑到酒吧里来说这句话 的,那句话也并不是压在她心头非说不可的。但她 很自然地就谈到了这个: Para.4 Para.5 “someone told me properly use”: short transition paragraph, introducing the focal subject of the

25、 conversationthe Kings English term of criticism “那天有人告诉我说,王之英语/标准英语/国 王的英语是个贬义词/带批评意味的词,它是 指我们实际上不应该使用的语言。 Para.6 The glow of the conversation burst into flames: metaphor. Conversation is being compared to a fire. The conversation became spirited and exciting. That would settle it: By looking up re

26、ference books one could settle the right or wrong of an argument. The reference books would prove or refute the allegation of the speaker that the Kings English is a term of criticism. it could still go ignorantly on: The conversation could go on without anybody knowing who was right or wrong. Para.

27、7 It was an Australianof convicts: When the speaker explained that the definition was given to her by an Australian, her listeners immediately made some sharp cutting replies saying it was not surprising to hear Australians talk such nonsense because they were descendants of convicts. tart remarks:

28、sharp, cutting remarks descendants of convicts: implying the Australians are crude, uneducated people Q. What is the implied meaning of We had traveled in five minutes to Australia? Though they were in an English pub, they were soon talking about Australia and the Australians. Para. 8 History of Eng

29、lish The writer here makes digression to show conversation going on without focus. Detailed studies of the text a message that departs from the main subject Para.8 1.Look at the language barrier conquerors: The Norman rulers, king and nobles, spoke French at court and the conquered Saxon peasants sp

30、oke English and refused to learn the French of their masters, hence they had difficulty communicating with each other. 2. The conversation was on wings: metaphor, comparing conversation to a bird flying and soaring. The conversation soon became spirited and exciting. Cf. barrier, obstacle, difficult

31、y difficulty - the most general of the words and may be applied loosely to any troublesome state of affairs Obstacle - something that one must either remove or go around before being able to proceed barrier- an obstacle that temporarily impedes progress but is not necessarily impassable. Exercises 1

32、.The huge tree that had been blown down by the storm was an _ to traffic. 2.Writers never tire of depicting the_ that arise between parents and growing children. 3. I have _ in learning higher mathematics. 4.The thick walls and moats of castles were built as _ against attackers. 城堡修筑厚实的城墙及护城河都是为了将其用

33、作 防御进攻的障碍物。 obstacle barrier difficulty barriers Para.9 Q. Name some English words borrowed from French. Even if our menus Norman English: out of snobbery- (in order) because they want to show their superior taste in matter of food. But even if they wrote their menus in English, they would have to u

34、se many words first introduced into England by the Norman rulers. What all this tell us is of a deep class rift in the culture of England after the Norman conquest: After the Norman Conquest, the Norman Kings and nobles used French and tried to impose this language on the conquered English who persi

35、sted in using their own language. This resulted in a widening of the class gap in the culture of England. Crack, division The sun appeared through a rift in the clouds. Im afraid theres been a rift between us. A deep rift has started in their family life. Para.10 Example to show class distinction Q1

36、. Why did the word “rabbit” remain the same when it is on the table? Q2.How do you understand the idiom “ turn up noses at”? Detailed studies of the text Sorabbitoflapin: AstheNormanrulersscornedrabbitmeat, itisstillcalledbyitsAnglo-Saxonname “rabbit”,IftheNormanrulershadlikedit, theywouldhavegiveit

37、anamederived fromtheFrenchword,“lapin”. the Norman lords noses at it: Naturally scorned the cheap rabbit meat. It would lower their social position if they ate the cheap rabbit meat eaten by the poor Saxon peasants. turn up ones nose at Expressiontoshowcontemptfor/ignore/ score/considersth.notgooden

38、ough e.g.Myfriendturns up his nose atanyone whohasnthadacollegeeducation. But turnuponestoes:die turnupthethumbs:praise Para11 Q. What might be the authors views about bilingual education? The writer seems to be in favor of bilingual education. He is against any form of cultural barrier or the cultu

39、ral humiliation of any section or group of people. BilingualEducation - using two languages in teaching Since there are now some two or three million Americans of Latin American parentage whose language is Spanish, a recent movement has been for bilingual education, usually English and Spanish. Unde

40、r this plan, students whose first language is something other than English receive instruction in that language as well as English, so as not to deprive them of equal educational opportunity. This proposal, which has been only sporadically implemented has caused a great deal of controversy in the US

41、. Word formation: bi + adj. biannual 一年两次 biplane 双翼飞机 bicycle bilingual bimonthly bipedal 两足动物(的) ? 1-10 1= mono 2 = bi-, di- dialogue dioxide 双氧化物 carbondioxide 3 = tri- triangle triple tricycle 4 = tetra- quad- quadrangle 四边形,四合院 quadruple 四倍 5 = penta- Pentagon 6 = hexa- hexagon 7 = hepta- hepta

42、gon 8 = octa- octagon 9 = nona- nonagon into the shoes: Metaphor (or more appropriately an idiomatic expression) to think as if one were wearing the shoes of the Saxon peasant, i.e. ,as if one were a Saxon peasant. The original expression is “to be in anothers shoes”, meaning to be in anothers posit

43、ion. Cultural Humiliation The English must have felt greatly humiliated when they were forced to listen to and use a foreign language and to accept a foreign language. So they took up arms against this cultural humiliation. The leader is Hereward the Wake. Hereward the Wake an Anglo-Saxon patriot an

44、d rebel leader, he rose against the Norman conquerors but was defeated. This sentence means like Hereward the Wake, when the English rose against the Norman conquerors, they must have felt greatly humiliated when they were forced to listen to and use a foreign language to accept a foreign culture. h

45、eirstoit ? 1. the English we speak and write in America today also shows the French influence of that time. We have inherited this French influence on the English language. 2. In America today we are facing the same problem that existed in England 900 years ago. The problem of having two languages e

46、xisting side by side. (English and Spanish) Discussion Can you tell a similar historical event happened in China, like the ruling class force people to speak their language? The Japanese invaded in the Northeast? Part III (par.12-17) Q1.WhywasthetermQueens English usedbyNashin1593andthe Kings Englis

47、h”byDekkerin1602? Elizabeth I became Queen after her sister Mary I died without an heir. She was the daughter of Henry VIII. She upheld Protestantism in England and her will was the law. She did not marry and was known as the Virgin Queen. During Elizabeths reign the age of exploration began with ex

48、plorers such as Francis Drake claiming new lands for England and introducing new materials and foods. The American State, Virginia, is named after her. When Elizabeth died in 1603 the Tudor line(都铎王朝) ended. The accession of James VI of Scotland as James I of England, united the countries of England

49、 and Scotland under one monarch for the first time. James believed in the Divine Right of Kings and although he was a clever man, his choice of favorites alienated Parliament and he was not able to solve the countrys financial or political problems. When he died in 1625 the country was badly in debt

50、. Para. 12 the history of the Kings English - archaic spelling Strange News of the Intercepting Certain Letters thou clipst the Kinges English - - Detailedstudiesofthetext intercept tostopsomethingorsomeonethatisgoing fromoneplacetoanotherbeforetheyget there an attempt to intercept drugs being smugg

51、led over the border His phone calls were intercepted. “thou clipst the Kinges English.” Middle English. “you clip the Kings English.” Clip: abbreviate Q2.ExplainMistressQuicklywords. when Mistress Quicklyin a rage: MistressQuicklyisacharacterinShakespeares play,The Merry wives of Windsor. MistressQu

52、ickly:theservanttoDoctorCaius,a Frenchphysician The Merry wives of Windsor:Theexactdateof thiscomedyorfarceisuncertain.Mostcritics agree,however,thatitwaswrittenduring Shakespearessecondperiod(15951601),a periodofmaturepowerincomedyandhistory plays.The Merry Wives of Windsorissaidto havebeenwrittena

53、ttherequestofQueen Elizabeth. master:referringtoDoctorCaius,aFrench physicianintheplay “here will be Kings English”: Therewillbeagreattryingofonespatience andplentifulmisuseoftheKingsEnglish. Thisisadirectquotationfromtheplay. Oldithappenedbefore. Abusing-improperorincorrectuseof language(theKingsEn

54、glish) it rings true:Itsoundstrue.Itgives peopletheimpressionthatMistress Quickiesstatementistrue. Para.13 Afterfivecenturiestheconqueror, Englishhadcomeroyallyintoitsown.: After500yearsofdevelopment,after strugglingandcontendingwiththeFrench oftheNormanrulers,Englishsucceededin absorbingtheFrenchel

55、ements.English survivedandbecameoncemorethe universallanguageofEngland. Fivecenturies:TheNormans,underWilliamI, conqueredEnglandin1066andTheMerry WivesofWindsorwasprobablywrittenin 1599atimespanofroughly500years betweenthetwoevents. tussle 1.tofightorstrugglewithoutusingany weapons,bypullingorpushin

56、gsomeone ratherthanhittingthem tussle with He was tussling with the other boys. 2.totrytobeatsomeoneinordertoget something tussle for They tussled for first place in the race. The conquered conquering the conqueror: This is true in both senses. The Norman rulers and the French language they used wer

57、e both absorbed by the English. English had come royally into its own: The English language received proper recognition and was used by the king once more. come into its own - receive what properly belongs to one, esp. acclaim or recognition 获得应得的 She didnt really come into her own until shed won th

58、e election for Party leader. With the success of the Model T Ford, the automobile industry came into its own. 随着T型福特汽车的成功,汽车工业受到了应 有的重视。 Para.14 TherewasaKings(orQueens)English tobeproudof.TheElizabethans blewon itasonadandelion clock,anditsseeds multiplied,andfloatedtotheendsofthe earth.TheKingsEng

59、lishwasno longeraformofwhatwouldnowbe regardedasracialdiscrimination. Elizabeth I (1533 1603 ) Queen of England Elizabeth IwasthequeenofEngland (1558-1603),daughterofHenryVIIIand AnneBoleyn.Shewasoneofthemost powerfulrulersintheEnglishhistory.The timewhenshereignediscalledthe ElizabethanAge,anditwas

60、alongperiodof 45years,whenEnglandbecameveryrich andpowerful.Abroad,itwasanageof maritimeexpansionundersuchadventurers asJohnHawkins,WalterRaleignand FrancisDrake.Inliterature,itwastheageof WilliamShakespeare,PhillipSidney, EdmundSpenserandChristopherMarlowe, andthere wasalsoaflowering ofmusic,archit


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