1、 课程设计报告 系(部、中心) 计算机科学与工程学院 姓 名 学 号 20091600 专 业 网络工程 班 级 一班 同组人员 课程名称 .net技术 设计题目名称 收支管理系统用户管理子系统设计与实现 起止时间 2010年11月25日2010年12月22日 成 绩 指导教师签名 目 录1.系统背景、范围及目标22. 系统总体分析与设计32.1 系统体系结构32.2 系统功能结构43. 系统数据库设计与实现44. 系统功能详细设计与实现64.1 密码修改子系统154.2 用户删除子系统175. 结束语196. 参考文献191.系统背景、范围及目标1 项目名称:收支管理系统2 项目背景以及开发
2、意义:目前由于物价上涨。,但是人工工资缺很多是停在原地,以至于许多的家庭出现经济拮据的情况,所以我们觉得有必要做一个小的系统,以达到更好的利用自身资源的目的开发意义是能够最大化自己的收益,同时更好的安排自己的支出,能够做到有效的利用各种资源,充分实现自己家庭社会价值的最大化。3 系统的基本功能:计算模块1.正确计算收入,收纳所有的收入情况2.计算出整个家庭的日常开支3.计算能够存下来的钱。分析模块1.分析结余的钱能够匹配哪些投资项目2.分析各个投资项目的风险3.选择某个项目之后能够大概分析出其投资和收益。建议模块:1.收入整个兼职信息。提供兼职的日期,收入,等等全面的信息。人际关系模块(成人模
3、块):很好的记录同学亲戚的工作,职位以及一些基本信息,在必要的时候能够迅速利用好人际关系帮助自己渡过难关。能力模块:记录自己的学习情况,以及为自己后续的学习计划做出安排,和在工作中出现的能力需求。进而计算出学习能力需要的费用。解决的问题:家庭收支不均衡,不能充分的利用自己手中的资源,不能统筹规划自己的多余财富,在人际交往方面存在许多问题,和出现工作对于自己能力要求是,不能及时处理。 达到的目标:管理自己的财产,达到收支平衡,提高自己的工作能力,提高自己的投资眼光,提高自己生活质量。2. 系统总体分析与设计2.1 系统体系结构本系统采用客户/服务器(client/server)模式。c/s模式主
4、要由客户应用程序(client)、服务器管理程序(server)和中间件(middleware)三个部件组成。客户应用程序是系统中用户与数据进行交互的部件。服务器程序负责有效地管理系统资源,如管理一个信息数据库,其主要工作是当多个客户并发地请求服务器上的相同资源时,对这些资源进行最优化管理。中间件负责联结客户应用程序与服务器管理程序,协同完成一个作业,以满足用户查询管理数据的要求。图2.1 系统体系结构图2.2 系统功能结构阐述系统功能及实现目标,功能模块图如下:图2.2 收支管理系统功能模块图3. 系统数据库设计与实现描述数据库表的结构及相关约束,如下表:表3.1:user(用户表)字段名称
5、说明数据类型长度字段约束规则是否为索引user_number用户编号整型100主键username用户名字符型20不为空userpw用户密码字符串型16不为空userphone用户电话号码整型13不为空useremail用户邮箱字符串型20不为空qqnumber用户qq号整形13address用户地址字符型30表3.2:iae(收入与支出表)字段名称说明数据类型长度字段约束规则是否为索引iae number,收入支出号整型100主键iae data收入支出创建时间日期型30不为空iae coment纯收入字符串型30不为空egexs恩格尔系数双精度型30income毛收入双精度型out支出双精
6、度型表3.3:suggestion(建议表)字段名称说明数据类型长度字段约束规则是否为索引snnumber建议号整型100主键scontent建议内容字符串型100不为空sdata创建建议日期日期型30不为空anumber能力编号外键表3.4:ability(能力值表)字段名称说明数据类型长度字段约束规则是否为索引anumber,能力号整型100主键adata创建能力日期日期型30不为空asize能力值大小整型100不为空inumber纯收入编号整形100sql server(access)数据库实现:只复制表的关系图图3.1 数据库实现关系图(注意:图有图题)4. 系统功能详细设计与实现阐述
7、每个子系统的详细功能,以及系统界面及实现代码。系统说明:完成收支计算,收支查询,分析建议,用户删除。密码修改等功能详细代码:1.dbuser.vbpublic class dbuser private _userno as string private _userpw as string private _username as string private _userphone as string private _address as string private _useremail as string property userno() as string get return _us
8、erno end get set(byval value as string) _userno = value end set end property property userpw() as string get return _userpw end get set(byval value as string) _userpw = value end set end property property username() as string get return _username end get set(byval value as string) _username = value
9、end set end property property userphone() as string get return _userphone end get set(byval value as string) _userphone = value end set end property property address() as string get return _address end get set(byval value as string) _address = value end set end property property useremail() as strin
10、g get return _useremail end get set(byval value as string) _useremail = value end set end property sub new(byval name as string, byval pwd as string) _userno = name _userpw = pwd end sub function 登录confirm() as boolean dim sqlstring as string dim msg as string sqlstring = select * from tbuser where
11、userno= & _userno & and userpw= & _userpw & dim usertable as datatable = dboperation.dboperate(sqlstring, msg) if usertable.rows.count = 0 then msgbox(输入用户名或密码有误,请重试, msgboxstyle.exclamation, 信息框) return false else return true end if end function sub load() dim sqlstring as string dim msg as string
12、sqlstring = select * from tbuser where userno= & _userno & and userpw= & _userpw & dim usertable as datatable = dboperation.dboperate(sqlstring, msg) _username = usertable.rows(0)(username).tostring _userphone = usertable.rows(0)(userphone).tostring _address = usertable.rows(0)(address).tostring _us
13、eremail = usertable.rows(0)(useremail).tostring end sub function passwordmodify(byval newpassword as string) as boolean dim sqlstring as string dim msg as string sqlstring = update tbuser set userpw= & newpassword & where userno= & _userno & dboperation.dboperate(sqlstring, msg) end function shared
14、function adduser(byval user as dbuser) as boolean dim sqlstring as string dim msg as string sqlstring = select * from tbuser where userno= & user.userno & dim usertable as datatable = dboperation.dboperate(sqlstring, msg) if usertable.rows.count = 1 then msgbox(用户名已存在,请重试!, msgboxstyle.exclamation,
15、信息框) return false else sqlstring = insert into tbuser values( & user.userno & , & user.username & , & user.userpw & , & user.userphone & , & user.address & , & user.useremail & ) dboperation.dboperate(sqlstring, msg) return true end if end function shared function deluser(byval deleteuserno as strin
16、g) as boolean dim sqlstring as string dim msg as string sqlstring = delete from tbuser where userno= & deleteuserno & dboperation.dboperate(sqlstring, msg) return true end functionend class2. dboperationpublic class dboperation shared function dboperate(byval sqlstring as string, byref msg as string
17、) as datatable try dim conn as string = provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source= & application.startuppath & 收支管理系统.mdb dim oleconn as new oledb.oledbconnection(conn) dim cmd as oledb.oledbcommand = new oledb.oledbcommand(sqlstring, oleconn) cmd.commandtype = commandtype.text dim stokens() as s
18、tring stokens = sqlstring.split( ) if strings.instr(insert,delete,update, stokens(0).toupper) then if oleconn.state connectionstate.open then oleconn.open() end if cmd.executenonquery() if oleconn.state connectionstate.closed then oleconn.close() end if if stokens(0).toupper = insert then msg = 插入记录
19、成功 end if if stokens(0).toupper = delete then msg = 删除记录成功 end if if stokens(0).toupper = update then msg = 更新记录成功 end if else dim objectdsdataset as new dataset dim adapter as new oledb.oledbdataadapter adapter.selectcommand = cmd if oleconn.state connectionstate.open then oleconn.open() end if cmd
20、.executenonquery() if oleconn.state connectionstate.closed then oleconn.close() end if adapter.fill(objectdsdataset, temp) return objectdsdataset.tables(temp) end if catch msgbox(err.description) end try end functionend class3. dbiaeimports system.datapublic class dbiae private _inumber as string pr
21、ivate _idata as string private _icoment as string private _egexs as string private _income as string private _out as string property inumber() as string get return _inumber end get set(byval value as string) _inumber = value end set end property property idata() as string get return _idata end get s
22、et(byval value as string) _idata = value end set end property property icoment() as string get return _icoment end get set(byval value as string) _icoment = value end set end property property egexs() as string get return _egexs end get set(byval value as string) _egexs = value end set end property
23、property income() as string get return _income end get set(byval value as string) _income = value end set end property property out() as string get return _out end get set(byval value as string) _out = value end set end property shared sub addiae(byval i as dbiae) dim sqlstring as string dim msg as
24、string sqlstring = select * from iae dim table as datatable table = dboperation.dboperate(sqlstring, msg) dim a as integer = table.rows.count sqlstring = insert into iae values( & val(a + 1) & , & now() & , & i.icoment & , & i.egexs & , & i.income & , & i.out & ) dboperation.dboperate(sqlstring, msg
25、) msgbox(保存成功, , 信息框) end subend class4.主页面public class 主页面 public user as new dbuser(登录.a, 登录.b) private sub menustrip1_itemclicked(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.windows.forms.toolstripitemclickedeventargs) end sub private sub statusstrip1_itemclicked(byval sender as system.objec
26、t, byval e as system.windows.forms.toolstripitemclickedeventargs) end sub private sub odbcconnection1_infomessage(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.data.odbc.odbcinfomessageeventargs) end sub private sub picturebox1_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) end
27、 sub private sub label1_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) end sub private sub 主页面_load(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles mybase.load user.load() if 登录.a 20091600 then me.menustrip6.enabled = false else me.menustrip6.enabled = true end
28、 if end sub private sub picturebox2_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) end sub private sub 分析功能toolstripmenuitem_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles 分析功能toolstripmenuitem.click 分析.show() end sub private sub 建议功能toolstripmenuitem_cl
29、ick(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles 建议功能toolstripmenuitem.click 建议.show() end sub private sub treeview1_afterselect(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.windows.forms.treevieweventargs) end sub private sub menustrip7_itemclicked(byval sender as system.
30、object, byval e as system.windows.forms.toolstripitemclickedeventargs) end sub private sub menustrip2_itemclicked(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.windows.forms.toolstripitemclickedeventargs) handles menustrip2.itemclicked end sub private sub 收支计算toolstripmenuitem_click(byval sender
31、as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles 收支计算toolstripmenuitem.click 收支计算.show() end sub private sub 收支查询toolstripmenuitem_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles 收支查询toolstripmenuitem.click 收支查询.show() end sub private sub 修改密码toolstripmenuitem_click(b
32、yval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles 修改密码toolstripmenuitem.click 修改密码.show() end sub private sub 用户删除toolstripmenuitem_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles 用户删除toolstripmenuitem.click 用户删除.show() end sub private sub menustrip5_itemcl
33、icked(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.windows.forms.toolstripitemclickedeventargs) handles menustrip5.itemclicked end subend class总体界面: 图4.1 总界面4.1 密码修改子系统功能简介: 此子系统为所有用户提供了密码修改的功能。详细代码:public class 修改密码 private sub button1_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.even
34、targs) handles button1.click if 主页面.user.userpw trim(textbox1.text) then msgbox(输入旧密码不正确,请重新输入!, msgboxstyle.exclamation, 信息框) textbox1.clear() textbox1.focus() exit sub end if if trim(textbox2.text) = then msgbox(输入新密码不能为空!, msgboxstyle.exclamation, 信息框) exit sub end if if trim(textbox2.text) trim(
35、textbox3.text) then msgbox(两次输入的密码不一致!, msgboxstyle.exclamation, 信息框) textbox2.clear() textbox3.clear() textbox2.focus() exit sub end if 主页面.user.passwordmodify(textbox2.text) msgbox(恭喜密码修改成功!, , 信息框) 主页面.user.userpw = textbox2.text textbox2.clear() textbox1.clear() textbox3.clear() textbox1.focus()
36、 end sub private sub 修改密码_load(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles mybase.load end sub private sub button2_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles button2.click 主页面.show() me.close() end subend class界面展示: 图4.2 密码修改界面4.2 用户删除子系统功能简介: 对
37、已经有的用户进行查询,详细显示用户的信息,对于此项功能只针对超级用户开放,即其是有权限的,之对20091600这个用户显示,这也是防止将用户的信息泄露。 同时也超级用户提供了用户删除的功能,对于某些非法用户,本人有直接将删除的权限。详细代码: public class 用户删除 private sub button1_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles button1.click dim sqlstring as string dim msg as string sqlstring = select userno as 用户编号,username as 用户姓名,userphone as 用户电话,address as 用户地址,useremail as 用户邮箱 from tbuse
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