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1、 2017年大学生英语竞赛(neccs)c类决赛真题试卷(精选)(总分:160.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 vocabulary and structure(总题数:16,分数:32.00)1.part vocabulary and structure (分数:2.00)_解析:2.some bacteria_extremely harmful, but_are regularly used in producing cheeses,crackers and many other foods.(分数:2.00)a.is: the othersb.has been: the othersc.

2、are: others d.have been: others解析:解析:句意:一些细菌极度有害,但其他的细菌通常被用来制作奶酪、饼干以及其他食品。bacteria为bacterium的复数形式,因此谓语应当用复数形式。该句陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时。“其他细菌”为泛指,不需要加定冠词。故选c。3.it was once a very prosperous part of the city, but now many of the businesses have moved awayor gone_.(分数:2.00)a.bankruptcyb.bankrupt c.bankruptedd.

3、to bankrupt解析:解析:句意:这里曾经是这个城市非常繁荣的地区,但现在这里的很多企业要么搬走了,要么破产了。go在此作连系动词,后加形容词表示“变成某种状态”。故选b。4.when one is unfamiliar with the local customs, it is easy to make a_.(分数:2.00)a.blameb.blunder c.commitmentd.fault解析:解析:句意:一个人不熟悉当地习俗时,很容易就会犯下大错。blunder大错。blame责备。commitment承诺。 fault故障。故选b。5._your timely advic

4、e, i would never have known how to deal with the tough job.(分数:2.00)a.but for b.except forc.not untild.prior to解析:解析:句意:要不是你及时提出建议,我都不知道该怎么处理这件麻烦的工作。but for要不是。except for除了。not until直到才。prior to在之前。故选a。6.id_his reputation with other drug dealers and business people in the city, and then makea decisi

5、on about whether or not to_a loan.(分数:2.00)a.account for: supportb.make up for: objectc.take account of: approve d.wipe out: oppose解析:解析:句意:我要考虑到他在这个城市中其他贩毒者和商人之间的名望,再决定要不要批准给他贷款。take account of考虑到。approve批准。故选 c。7._, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man

6、 whosecommand of language is poor.(分数:2.00)a.were other things equalb.other things to be equalc.other things being equal d.to be equal to other things解析:解析:句意:在其他条件一样的情况下,能够有效用言语表达思想的人比语言薄弱的人能更快获得成功。该句主句为一般现在时,从句为独立主格句,谓语应用现在分词形式。故选 c。8.in the book the storied life of a. j. fikry, a valuable book wa

7、s lost for years when it turnedup one day, quite out of the_.(分数:2.00)a.blackb.blue c.redd.white解析:解析:句意:在小说岛上书店中,一本贵重的书在失踪了很多年后,意外地在某一天又出现了。out of the blue为固定搭配,意为“意外地”。故选 b。9.true patriotism_putting the interests of ones country above everything, including onesown life.(分数:2.00)a.copes withb.deriv

8、es fromc.takes ind.relies on 解析:解析:句意:真正的爱国主义仰仗的是把国家利益置于所有事物之上包括个人的生命。rely on依赖,仰仗。cope with处理。derive from源于。take in吸收;欺骗。故选 d。10.my father decided to make me go back to college immediately, study my lessons carefully,and_.(分数:2.00)a.a masters degree must attainb.must attain my masters degreec.attai

9、n my masters degree d.my masters degree be attained解析:解析:句意:我父亲决定让我立刻回大学读书,认真学习课程,并且必须拿到硕士学位。该句为并列句,and后连接的句式应与前面一致,且补语的主语也应一致。故选 c。11.libraries have reference books _ you can check out a physicians educational background,training, and other credentials.(分数:2.00)a.from thatb.of whichc.through thatd.

10、by which 解析:解析:句意:图书馆有参考书,你可以用它们参阅医生的教育背景、受过的训练和其他的证书。空格后面为定语从句,引导词若介词前提则必须使用 which。表示“通过参考书参阅”一意时用介词 by比 of更好。故选 d。 12.the term bric was first_by goldman sachs economist jim oneill in a research paper,_bric stands for brazil, russia, india and china.(分数:2.00)a.coined: in which b.invented: of itc.ma

11、de up: andd.produced: that解析:解析:句意:“金砖四国”这一术语由高盛经济学家吉姆奥尼尔在研究报告中最先提出。“金砖四国”代表巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国这四个国家。coin作动词时意为“创造”。后半句为非限制性定语从句,应用which或介词+which领导。故选a。13.had dickens foreseen that his novel would cause such a disturbance, he_it.(分数:2.00)a.should not have writtenb.would not have written c.didnt writed.had

12、not written解析:解析:句意:如果狄更斯能预见到他的小说会造成这么大的混乱,当时他就不会写这部小说了。该句使用了虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反。此时从句用“if+主语+had done”的形式,若if省略则had应提前,主句使用“shouldcouldmightwould have done”的形式。根据句意可判断情态动词应使用would。故选b。14.im concerned about your weight, i think you should go on a diet. _good, then youmight as well start right away.(分数:2.0

13、0)a.youre so kind, but i dont have to do that.b.actually, ive been thinking about the same thing. c.definitely. what about my blood pressure then?d.oh my! you know its such a tough job for me.解析:解析:题干中第一个人说很关心对方的体重,认为对方应该节食。根据第三句话可推测对方接受了他的看法,同意进行节食。由此可推测b项“事实上,我跟你考虑的一样。”符合语境。故选b。15.let me ask you s

14、ome questions about the accident you witnessed._thank you. whendid the accident occur?(分数:2.00)a.yes, i really enjoyed it.b.its none of my business.c.sure, go ahead. d.oh, stop teasing me.解析:解析:题干中第一个人说要向目击者询问有关事故的一些问题。根据第三句可推测目击者同意回答问题。c项符合语境。16._it should be good. im looking forward to taking it.(

15、分数:2.00)a.do you like computer games?b.how about cleaning the room with me?c.what do you think the computer course will be like? d.what are you going to do after you graduate from high school?解析:解析:题干中的回答为“应该很不错,我很期待。”由此可知问题应该是对回答者推测的提问。c项意为“你觉得电脑课会是什么样?”,符合语境。故选c。二、 cloze(总题数:2,分数:40.00)17.part clo

16、ze(分数:20.00)_ 解析:being able to multi-task is hailed by most people as a welcome skill, but not according to a recentstudy which claims that young people between the ages of eight and eighteen of the so-called generation m are spending a considerable amount of their time on 1(fruit)efforts as theymul

17、ti-task. it argues that, in fact, these young people are frittering away as much as half oftheir time again as they would if they performed the very same tasks one after another.some young people are juggling an ever larger number ofelectronic devices as they study. at thesame time as they are worki

18、ng, young adults are alsosur 2the internet, or sending out emails totheir friends, and/or answering the phone and listening to music on their ipods or on anothercomputer. as some new device comes along, it too is added to the list rather than 3 (place)oneof the existing devices. other research hasin

19、d 4that this multi-tasking is even affecting theway of families themselves function as young people are too wrapped up in their own isolated worldsto interact with the other people around them. they can 5longer greet family members when theyenter the house, nor can they eat at the family table. all

20、this electronic wizardry is supposedlyalso seriously affecting young peoples performance at uni 6and in the workplace. when asked abouttheir perception of the impact of modern gadgets on their performance of tasks, the overwhelmingmajority of young people gave a 7(favour)response. the response from

21、the academic and businessworlds was not quite as positive. the former feel that multi-tasking with electronic gadgets bychildren affects laterdev 8of study skills, resulting in a decline in the quality of writing,for example, because of the lack of concentration on task completion. they feel that ma

22、nyundergraduates now urgently need remedial help with study skills. similarly, employers feel thatyoung peopleent 9the workforce need to be taught all over again, as they have become deskilled.while all this may be true, it must be borne in mind that more and more is expected of young peoplenowadays

23、, in fact, too much. praise rather than criticism is due 10respect of the way todaysyouth are able to cope, despite what the older generation throw at them.(分数:20.00)填空项1:_ (正确答案:truitless)填空项1:_ (正确答案:surfing)填空项1:_ (正确答案:replacing)填空项1:_ (正确答案:indicated)填空项1:_ (正确答案:no)填空项1:_ (正确答案:university)填空项1

24、:_ (正确答案:favourable)填空项1:_ (正确答案:development)填空项1:_ (正确答案:entering)填空项1:_ (正确答案:in)解析:解析:(in respect of为固定搭配,意为“关于,涉及”。)三、 reading comperhension(总题数:9,分数:40.00)19.part reading comperhension_解析:20.section a_解析:look at an atlas. how are mountains shown? where are the highest mountains? a few mountains

25、 standalone, such as mount egmont in new zealand, and mount kenya in africa. most mountains are foundin long chains called mountain ranges. the pennines, the cambrian mountains, the alps, the andesand rockies are examples of mountain ranges. the highest mountain range on the earth is the himalayas i

26、n asia.in order to understand how mountains are formed, we need to know whatthe inside of the earth is like. the earth is made up of layers of rock. the outside layer ofrock, the one we live on, is called the earths crust. beneath the crust is a layer called themantle. near the top of the mantle, so

27、me of the rocks have melted and are a liquid, like stickytar. because all the rocks around it press on the mantle, the molten rock tries to force its wayout. if the molten rock does find a weak spot, it bursts through the earths crust, forming avolcano. some mountains were made by volcanoes. the ear

28、ths crust is made up of large pieces,called plates, which fit together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. some of the plates carrycontinents, others carry oceans. the plates move slowly, floating on the molten rocks of the mantlebelow. as the plates move, they push against each other, slowly pushin

29、g up the rocks in foldsto form mountains. india used to be a long way from asia, but gradually the plate with india onit moved closer to the plate bearing asia. the rocks in the sea between india and asia were pushedup in folds that now form the himalayan mountain range. that is why it is sometimes

30、possible tofind seashells near the tops of the himalayas. many other mountain ranges, including the alps,rockies and pen-nines , are similar great folds of rock. whilesome plates are pushing together,others are moving further apart. europe and north america are slowly moving further apart. eachyear

31、the atlantic ocean is a few centimetres wider. as the rocks move, they often crack or break.these breaks are called faults. sometimes, great blocks of rocks are pushed up between two faults.these blocks may be so large and high that they form mountains. some of the highland areas ofeast africa are b

32、lock mountains, so are the vosges mountains in france and the sierra nevadamountains in the western united states. block mountains often have flat tops. a flat-toppedhighland is called a plateau. questions 5660 complete the following form with no more than threewords according to the passage.(分数:10.

33、00)填空项1:_ (正确答案:正确答案:plates)解析:解析:(根据第三段第一句“the earths crust is made up of large pieces,called plates”可知答案为plates。)填空项1:_ (正确答案:正确答案:the mantle)解析:解析:(根据第二段第四句“beneath the crust is a layer called the mantle”可知答案为the mantle。)填空项1:_ (正确答案:正确答案:a volcano)解析:解析:(根据第二段倒数第二句“if the molten rock does find a

34、 weak spot,it bursts throughthe earths crust,forming a volcano”可知答案为a volcano。)填空项1:_ (正确答案:正确答案:in folds)解析:解析:(根据第四段第二句“the rocks in the sea between india and asia were pushed up in foldsthat now form the himalayan mountain range”可知答案为in folds。)填空项1:_ (正确答案:正确答案:block mountains)解析:解析:(根据题意定位至最后一段。

35、第六到第八句描述山的形成方式,根据后文举例可推测该形成方式是断块山的形成方式。故答案为block mountains。)21.section b_解析:by studying the notebooks, correspondence, and conversations of some of the worlds great thinkersin science, art, and industry, scholars have identified the following thinking strategies thatenable geniuses to generate origi

36、nal ideas:1sigmund freuds analytical methods weredesigned to find details that didnt fit traditional paradigms in order to come up with a completelynew point of view. to solve a problem creatively , you must abandon the first approach that comes to mind, which usually stems from past experience , an

37、d reconceptualize the problem. geniusesdo not merely solve existing problems: they identify new ones. 2geniuses develop visual and spatialabilities that allow them to display information in new ways. the explosion of creativityin therenaissance was tied to the development of graphic illustration dur

38、ing that period, notably thescientific diagrams of leonardo da vinci and galileo galilei. galileo revolutionized science bymaking his thought graphically visible while his contemporaries used more conventional means.geniuses produce. thomas edison held 1,093 patents, still a record. he guaranteed a

39、high levelof productivity by giving himself idea quotas: one minor invention every ten days and a majorinvention every six months. johann sebastian bach wrote a cantata every week even when he wassick. wolfgang mozart produced more than 600 pieces of music. 3like playful children with bucketsof buil

40、ding blocks, geniuses constantly combine and recombine ideas, images, and thoughts. thelaws of heredity were developed by gregor mendel , who combined mathematics and biology to createa new science of genetics. 4their facility to connect the unconnected enables geniuses to seethings others miss. da

41、vinci noticed the similarity between the sound ofa bell and a stone hittingwater-and concluded that sound travels in waves. 5whenever we attempt to do something and fail,we end up doing something else.thats the first principle of creative accident. we may askourselves why we have failed to do what w

42、e intended, which is a reasonable question. but thecreative accident leads to the question: what have we done? answering that one in a novel,unexpected way is the essential creative act. it is not luck, but creative insight of the highestorder. this may be the most important lesson of all: when you

43、find something interesting, dropeverything and go with it. too many talented people fail to make significant leaps of imaginationbecause theyve become fixated on their pre-conceived plan. but not the truly great minds. theydont wait for gifts of chance: they make them happen. questions 6165complete

44、the passage withthe following sentences. there are two extra sentences that you do not need to use. a. geniusesmake their thought visible.b. geniuses prepare themselves for enhance.c. geniuses make novelcombinations.d. geniuses look at problems from all angles.e. geniuses have a really broad mind.f.

45、geniuses force relationships.g. geniuses are powerful in lots of aspects.(分数:10.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:d)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:a)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:c)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:f)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:b)解析:解析:文章倒数第二段提到普通人经常在失败后选择做其他事,这是意外创意的第一原则。但我们应该问自己到底做了什么,并用全新的方式来回答。这是创造性的洞察力而非幸运。由此可推断天才们一定已经准备好通过这种创造性的洞察力来提升自己。b项最符合题意。23.section c_解

46、析:the dragon boat festival, the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, has had a history of more than 2,000years. here are some things you must know.there are many legends about the evolution ofthe festival , the most popular of which is in commemoration of qu yuan(340278 bc). qu yuanwas minister of the st

47、ate of chu and one of chinas earliest poets. in face of great pressurefrom the powerful qin state, he advocated enriching the country and strengthening its militaryforces so as to fight against the qin. however, he was opposed by aristocrats and later deposedand exiled by king huai. in his exiled da

48、ys, he still cared much for his country and people andcomposed immortal poems including li sao(the lament), tian wen(heavenly questions)and jiu ge(nine songs), which had far-reaching influences. in 278 bc, he heard the news that qin troops had finallyconquered chus capital, so he finished his last p

49、iece huai sha(embracing sand)and plunged himselfinto the miluo river, clasping his arms to a large stone. the day happened to be the 5th of the5th month in the chinese lunar calendar. after his death, the people of chu crowded to the bankof the river to pay their respects to him. the fishermen saile

50、d their boats up and down the riverto look for his body. people threw into the water zongzi(pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplingswrapped in reed or bamboo leaves)and eggs to divert possible fish or shrimp from attacking hisbody. an old doctor poured a jug of realgar wine(chinese liquor seasoned wi

51、th realgar)into thewater, hoping to turn all aquatic beasts drunk. thats why people later followed the customs suchas dragon boat racing, eating zongzi and drinking realgar wine on that day. dragon boat racingis an indispensable part of the festival, held all over the country. as the gun is fired, p

52、eoplewill see racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly, accompaniedby rapid drums, speeding toward their destination. folk tales say the game o-riginates from theactivities of seeking qu yuans body, but experts, after painstaking and meticulous research,conclude tha

53、t dragon boat racing is a semi-religious, semi-entertaining program from the warringstates period(475221 bc). on dragon boat festival, parents also need to dress their childrenup with a perfume pouch. they first sew little bags with colorful silk cloth, then fill the bagswith perfumes or herbal medi

54、cines , and finally string them with silk threads. the perfume pouchwill be hung around the neck or tied to the front of a garment as an ornament. they are said tobe able to ward off evil.questions 6670answer the following questions according to the passage.(分数:10.00)(1).when do chinese people celebrate the dragon boat fe


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