1、优品课件 Mak ing a differe nee(The First Period ) Unit 1 Mak ing a differe nee I. Brief Stateme nts Based on the Un it Do you like scienee? Do you want to be a scientist in the future? Definitely most of us do. Do you want to know more? The whole un it of Un it 1 Making a differe nee will tell you more
2、about seienee and seientists. It will be taught in five periods. Warming up, listening and speaking will be dealt with in the first period. In the beginning, the pietures of one great writer and three outsta nding seie ntists and their famous say ings are show n before the stude nts. They all made g
3、reat eon tributi ons to the world and are respeeted by thousa nds of millio ns of people, ineluding our middle sehool students. By talking about great seientistsand their famous quotes, the students will be en eouraged to devote them- selves to seie nee. Liste ning is about the seie ntists deseripti
4、 on. Detailed exereises are designed for them to do. After doing this, the students ability to liste n will surely be improved. Speaki ng is well desig ned. The stude nts are divided into groups to diseuss about seie nee and deeide whieh branch is the most importa nt and useful for soeiety. After th
5、e debate, the stude nts ability to speak is improved, for this is an interesting topie and we are sure all the stude nts will be in terested in it. I n the see ond period, we deal with Pre-readi ng, Readi ng and Post-read ing. The text is about an outsta nding British seie ntist of this een tury. He
6、 is a man with disability. He cant speak and can only move on his wheel- chair. Whe n he speaks he has to speak through a computer. He devotes himself to seie nee and achieves great success. In 2002, he visited our country and spoke to many uni versity stude nts. There is no doubt that his uny ield
7、ing spirit is en eourag ing thousa nds of milli ons of people. His words, “ people of- ten think that seienee is a numberof true facts that never changeand even the best theory can turn out to be wrong. ” . Shorten the distanee between scienee and all of us. While readi ng the whole text and doing t
8、he exercises before and after the text, the students will learn the fine quality of the great scie ntist, as well as lear ning ple nty of useful words and expressi ons. Mea nwhile their readi ng ability will be improved as well. Wordstudy and Grammarare dealt with in the third period. Especially in
9、Grammar a lot of exercises about infinitive are designed. After doing them, this part will surely be well mastered by the students. The fourth period deals with integrating skills. In the reading passage, the question how to make a scie ntist will be an swered. It tells us that if knowledge is power
10、, then perhaps creativity can be described as the ability to use that power. Scientists must be creative and use their imagination all the time. In the end, the students are required to write about their favourite scie ntist. After learning all the con- tents of this unit, the students are sure to w
11、rite the passage well. In the fifth period, well deal with the grammar- the Infinitive. II .Teaching Goals 1. Talk about science and scientists. 2. Practise describing people and debating. 3. Learn more about the Infinitive. 4. Write a descriptive paragraph. 皿.Teachi ng Time: Five periods IV. Backgr
12、ou nd In formatio n 1. THE BEGINNING OF TIME AND A REMARKABMIANCALLECBTEPHEHAWKING you have ever thought about how the uni verse bega n and whether time has a beg inning or an ending, the n you should know about a 55-year-old En glishma n called Stephe n Hawki ng. Why? Because he is con sidered to b
13、e one of the bra ini est men in the world and to be the moder n successor of Albert Ei nste in. Stephe n has spe nt his life study ing and thi nking about the origi ns of the uni verse and how it can be explained by using the modern theories of physics such as Relativity and Quan tum Mecha ni cs. Hi
14、s discoveries and his scie ntific proposals have bee n revoluti on ary.People call him a geni us. Just as amaz ing is the fact that since his early twenties,he has been suffering from an in curable disease of the n ervous system which has affected his moveme nts and his speech. But, fortun ately, al
15、though he must use a wheelchair and other tech ni cal aids to do thin gs, his brain fun cti ons perfectly .In- deed, it fun cti ons better than the vast majority of people s. So, in spite of a severe disability, he has made tremendous contributions to our un dersta nding of our uni verse. So, what d
16、oes Stephe n think about the beginnings of our world? Well, he thinks (along with others) that it began around fifteenbillionyears ago. He also thinks that our uni verse was probably created by an eno rmous explosion, a “Big Bang ” . This is a view held by many cosmologists (scie ntists who study th
17、e uni verse). But scie ntists hold differe nt views about what the uni verse was like before the Big Bang. Some people think that there is no way that modern physics can explain or predict anything before the Big Bang. Many other people thi nk that the Big Bang must have bee n the work of God. Steph
18、e n Hawki ng has his own view on what the uni verse was like before the Big Bang. He has suggested that, yes, we can say that the uni verse and time bega n at one particular point (a Big Bang). But, this one point was just an ordinary point in time like, say, the north pole is a point on the smooth
19、surface of the earth. It was not a point of real begi nning, just a point. Stephe n believes that if we can use our present knowledge of the laws of physics to understand how the uni verse bega n, the n we will not have to believe that a “ God or a spiritual force madethe Big Bang. What do you think
20、 about our beginnings? If you would like to read more about Stephens ideas on the origi nsof the uni verse,the n you should read his best seller A Brief History of Time. In spite of his difficult illness and his confinement to a wheelchair, Stephen Hawking works as a Professor of Mathematics at Camb
21、ridge; holdi ng the same positi on held by ano ther famous scie ntist, Isaac Newt on, in 1663. It may be that the n ame Hawk ing could become just as well known in history as that of his famous predecessor. 2. Stephen Hawking in China Stephen Hawking, the disabled author of A Brief History of Time i
22、s laun chi ng his sec ond jour ney to China in Hangzhouof Zhejiang Provinee. His first visit was over 10 years ago. The great theoreticalscientisthas been invited to attend a state-of-the-art mathematics research instituteat Zhejiang University,Hangzhou-based Dushi Kuaibao reported. On Sun day eve n
23、ing, he made his debut at a press conference held at Shan gri-La hotel, Han gzhou. Hawk ing appeared at about 5:00 p.m. with his wife. The 50-year-old mananswered a total of nine questi ons with the help of his computer. “ Experts in theoreticalscienee are dispersed around the world, but we need com
24、 muni cati on. I am very glad that the worlds first-class conference is being held in China this time, ” he said. “I find the real uni verse muchmore in terest ingtha n the one in the film Star Wars,” Hawking joked.“I encourage young people to study theoretical physics first if they are in terested
25、in it.” Stephe n Hawk ing has worked on the basic laws which gover n the uni verse. With Roger Pen rose he showed that Ein stei nsGen eral Theory of Relativity implied space and time would have a begi nning in the Big Bang and an end in black holes. These results indicated it was necessary to unify
26、General Relativity with QuantumTheory, the other great scientificdevelopment of the first half of the 20th century. One consequence of such a unification theory would be that black holes would not be completely black, but emit radiati on andeve ntually evaporate and disappear. Ano ther conjecture is
27、 that the uni verse has no edge or boun dary in imag inary time. This would imply that the way the uni verse bega n was completely determ ined by the laws of scienee. But the talented manwhohas produced such rich work suffers serious Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). He is one of the350 000 suffe
28、rers in the world. The disease kills over 100 000 people every year. “ I like life and I love life, my family and music give me the greatest happ in ess,” smiled Hawk ing, who can on ly move three fin gers .In the coming year, Hawking said he is scheduled to write a new edition of A Brief History of
29、 Time for young childre n.“ A Brief History of Time is my first book for com mon people. But I later found that I could write it in a more simple way,” he answered.“So I decided to rewrite it so that all people can read it easily. ” The First Period Teachi ng Aims: 1. Lear n and master the follow in
30、g words: in spirati on, perspirati on, un dertake, an alysics, obvious, with in, quote 2. Talk about scie nee and scientists. 3. Listen to the description of some scientists. 4. Do some speaking, describing people and debating. Teaching Important Points: 1. Train the students listening ability by li
31、stening practice. 2. Train the students speaking ability by talking about science and scientists, describing people and debating. Teaching Difficult Points: 1. How to improve the students listening ability. 2. Howto help the students finish the task of speak ing. Teachi ng Methods: 1. Warmi ng up to
32、 arouse the studentsinterestin science. 2. Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listeningmaterial. 3. In dividual, pair or group work to make every stude nt work in class. Teachi ng Aids: 1. a multimedia 2. a tape recorder 3. the blackboard Teaching Procedures : Step
33、I Greetings T : Good mornin g/after noon, every one. Ss: Good mornin g/after noon, Miss/ Mr. X. Step II Warmi ng up T: There are many outsta nding scientists in the world, who made great contributions to society and scienee. Nowplease makea list of the namesof some scientistsand their contributions.
34、Write them down on a piece of paper. After a while, l II collect your answers. (Teacher goes amongthe students. After a while, collect their lists of namesand contributions.) T: What great scientists do you know? And what are they famous for? WangBin. S: Maria Curie is famous for her discoveries of
35、radium and polonium and Zhang Heng is famous for his seismograph. S: ThomasAlva Edis on is famous for the invention of the light bulb. S:(While the students answer the questi ons, teacher can write the n ames of some scie ntists and their discoveries or inven ti ons on the blackboard. ) (Bb: Scie nt
36、ists Con tributi ons Maria Curie Radium/Pol on ium Zhang Heng Seismograph Charles Darwin The Theory of Evolution Thomas Alva Edis on The light bulb Albert Ei nstein The Theory of Relativity )T. Well done. I think you are all interested in scienee and scientists.What do you think makes a successful s
37、cie ntist? Have a discussi on and make a list of what you have already known and what you would like to know. Discuss it in pairs or in groups of four. After a while, rIIask someof you to report the results of your discussion. (Three minutes later, teacher beg ins to collect the results of their dis
38、cussi on.) T: Who d like to tell me what makes a successful scie ntist? Any volunteers? S. I think it is the way he uses his tools that makesa successful scientist. S: I think a successful scientist must have much imagination and intelligence and he must be creative and hard-work ing. S. I thi nk a
39、successful scie ntist must be con fide nt, curious and careful.But what I d like to know is what made him/her interested in science. (While the stude nts report their results, teacher can write some words describing a successful scientist on the blackboard. ) (Bb: creative, hard-work ing, curious, c
40、areful, con fide nt) T: Now rIIshow you the photos of somefamous scientists. You should try to tell us who they are. (Show the scree n.) (1)(2)(3) T: Look at the photos on the screen. And tell me who they are. Who is the person in Picture 17 S: Albert Ein stei n. T. Right. Can you say the n ame of t
41、he pers on in Picture 2,Ma Haora n? S: I think itsMadamQurie. T: Yeah. Sit down, please. The third picture? S: Galileo Galilei. T: Right or wrong? Ss: Wron g. It is Thomas Alva Edis on in Picture 3. T: Good. They are all very famous in the world. You must have read some quotes from them. For example
42、, never leave that until tomorrow, which you can do today, which is from Benjamin Franklin. Nowlook at the quotes on the screen. (Show the quotes on the screen. ) Some quotes from famous scientists: 1. Genius is one percent inspiration and nin ety-nine perce nt perspirati on. 2. Imag in ati on is mo
43、re importa nt tha n kno wledge. 3. Nothi ng in the world is to be feared; it is on!y to be understood: T: Whondo you think these quotes are from and do you know what they mean? Discuss these questions in groups of four and tell us whether you agree with what they said. You re given five minutes to h
44、ave your discussion. (Teacher may go among the students and join them in their discussion.) T: (Five minutes later.) What s the meaning of the first quote, WuLiping? S: I think it meansthat if we make great efforts to do somethi ng, well succeed. And no matter how clever he is, a person will fail if
45、 he doesn t try his best. T: Very good. Who do you thi nk said this quote? S: I thi nk it was Thomas Alva Edis on who said it. In Chin ese, it mea ns “天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加上百分之一的灵感”T: Do you agree with it? Ss: Yes. (Teacher asks two other students to explai n the other quotes and tell who said them.) S.“想
46、象力比知识更重要”。(Albert Einstein ) If you want to succeed, its more important for you to have imagination than knowledge. S:生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。(Maria Curie) There are only things to be understood in the world, while there is no thi ng to be feared. T: Do you know any other quotes about scie nee and th
47、inking? (One stude nt sta nds up.) S: rd like to have a try. Wisdomis only found in truth. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe S: Kno wledge is power. Fra ncis Bac on (Ask the stude nts to ope n the books at Page 1 and let them have a discussion about the quotes and pictures in Warming up.) T: (A few minutes
48、 later.)We have learnt some quotes now. If you want to know more about quotes about scie nee and thinking, you can collect more in formatio nin the library or on the In ternet after class. Step 皿 Listening T: OK. Now lets do some listening practice on Page 2. Today we are going to liste n to the des
49、criptionsof somefamous scientists.Before listeningto the tape, please read the requireme nts by yourself quickly. When I play the tape for the first time, you just listen to get the gen eral idea. The sec ond time I play the tape, you should try to finish the exercise. The last time, check your answ
50、ers. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Let s begin. Please listen carefully. (Teacher plays the tape for the stude nts to liste n and pauses the tape for the stude nts to write dow n their an swers whe n n ecessary .In the end, check the an swers with the whole class and give someexplanations or play t
51、he tape again if necessary.) Step IV Speaking T: Nowlets look at the speaking part on Page 2. Work in groups of five. Each group memberrepresents a branch of scie nee, for example, biology, maths, chemistry, physics, computer scie nee. You are going to debate each other to see which branch of scienc
52、e is the most important and useful for society. First you should decide who will represent each branch and then prepare your role card and them begin to debate. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T: You can use the expressions at the bottom of this page when you debate each other. They are very helpful. (Five
53、minutes later, teacher checks their debate.) T: Which group would like to give a performa nce? Please come to the blackboard. (One of the groups cometo the blackboard and begin their debate.) S: I thi nk that biology is the most importa nt and useful science because it is essential to protecting the
54、 ecological balance and environment. People can t live without living things. Furthermore, biology goes hand in hand with our life. If there were no science of biology, there would not be medicine. In a word, biology is the most important and useful. S: Well, maybe, but I think that chemistry is the most important and u
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