1、IT1?Con fide ntialEmployee Han dbook(Mar. 2013)Con te ntsi ft J JI3i.Compa ny In troduct ion1Compa ny In troduct ion5ii2Visio n and Missi on5j*11ii.Employme nt PolicyJII1Employme nt6II2Probati on6II3Termin atio n6II4Retireme nt6iii.Compe nsati on & Ben efitsII1Con fide ntial Policy for Salary In for
2、mati on7 II2Compe nsati on7 II3Overtime8寸 II4Bon us95In dividual In come Tax9J6Social In sura nee and Welfare9II7Compa ny Welfare9J II8Leave9JIIIIV.Training & Developme ntII1Trai ning132Career Developme nt133Performa nee and Developme nt Review13JIIV.Admi nistratio n man ageme ntII ii1Worki ng Sched
3、ule14J ii2Employee Ide ntity Card15II3JI4Smok ing Adm ini strati on155Safety15IIJI1 6Health177Email Policy17JII8Use of Compa ny Property17JIJ9Pers onal Teleph one Calls and Mobile17VI.Employee Behavior and Discipli neJ1Behavior and Dress ing Code18IIII2Discipli nary Actio n183Employee Grieva nces21I
4、I4Sexual Harassme nt21IIVIICode of Con duct and Complia neeJIII1Con fide ntiality2312Con flict of In terests23ll3Bribery and Corrupti on24JI IIVIII.OthersJ IIBusin ess Travel25Busin ess Trip Expe nse ClaimOther Expe nse ClaimChange of Pers onal ParticularsGoverning LawImpleme ntati on2525262626Attac
5、hed:Ack no wledgeme nt for Employee Han dbook27IIIIIIIIIIFOREWORDWhether you have n ewly joined us or have bee n at XXXXXXXXfor a while, we are con fide nt that you will find our Compa ny a dyn amic and reward ing place to work with. We con sider the employees of XXXXXXXXto be one of our most valuab
6、le resources. This manual has been written to provide the employees with information about the human resource policies and systems of XXXXXXXXThere are several things that are important to keep in mind about this handbook. First, it contains only general information and guidelines. It is not intende
7、d to be comprehensive or to address all the possible applications of, or exceptions to, the general policies and procedures described. For that reason, if you have any questi ons concerning eligibility for a particular ben efit, or the applicability of a policy or practice, you should address your s
8、pecific questi ons to the Huma n Resources Departme nt.Second, the content of this han dbook is n egotiated with staff represe ntatives and con firmed based on staff suggestions. The Company reserves the right to amending and changing at any time the contents of the Employee Han dbook in accorda nee
9、 with releva nt state laws and the Compa ny s)usin ess developme nt requireme nts. We will try to inform you of any cha nges as they occur.There are opport un ities and challe nges inXXXXXXXX Please pay more patie nee and passi on to un dersta ndour culture, and achieve your career success together
10、with us.The Huma n Resources Departme nt shall be resp on sible for in terpretati on of the Han dbook.Third, this han dbook and the in formati on in it should be treated as con fide ntial. No portion of this han dbook should be disclosed to others. This han dbook is part of the employme nt and the i
11、n dividual employee should comply completely.Finally, some of the subjects described here are covered in detail in official policy documents. You should refer to these documents for specific information, since this handbook only briefly summarizes those ben efits.I. Company IntroductionI.Compa ny Pr
12、ofileXXXXXXXX was established in 1999 with leadi ng positi on of sportswear. Our customer spread in Europe, Middle East, North and South America with a network of 32 locations. Our headquarter based in Guan gzhou, P. R. China right now.We truly believe that sportswear should be more like a fashion t
13、han only a narrow vision of sport.We have chose n Black, White and Red colors in our logo because black and white differe ntiate our brand from competitors where there is no grey area in our quality sta ndard; just fashi on and quality together. Whereas, red color means that we are eager to go all t
14、he way to make our brand flow smoothly in the veins of our customers. Our product in clude Apparel, Shoes and hand bag.We strive to keep our price structure in place to continue to offer quality and affordable bran ded fashi onsportswear. We are dedicated to en sure top quality sta ndards in our in
15、dustry. We stress on “ Total Quality Management ” to provide the unique, elegant, simple and comfort fashion to our customer. Here is ourQuality Collectio n Philosophy.UniqueCcmtortWe pay close atte nti on to our staff n eeds and we continue to be one of the lowest compa nies in the area interms of
16、employees turn-over rate. We improve the skills of our employees throughout training programs in their fields. We believe that as our employees feel that they are part of XXXXXXXX family. We realize unique efficie ncy and productivity that positively and automatically reflect on our culture and on o
17、ur products.Our Commitme nts towards our Com mun ity:1) Energy : In order to consume on energy and to reduce global warming,we use energy saving machines and bulbs as much as possible. Additi on ally, we use light sen sors in com mon areas.2) En vir onment : We stress on using raw materials and prod
18、ucts that are environmen tally frie ndly.3) Charity : We do our utmost efforts to support any credible charity in the coun try.4) Volun teeri ng : We en courage our man agers and staff to participate in any activities that support the developme nt of the country and its people.2.Our Visi on and Miss
19、i onVisio n: To Be The Top Sportswear Fashi on BrandMission: We aim to provide Top Quality Products with Great Value along with a Relaxing Shopping Experie nee to put a smile on the face of our customers.II. Employme nt Policy1. Employme nt1.1 The employme nt shall n ot be effective un til the follo
20、wi ng requireme nts are fulfilled:1.1.1 The employme nt shall be properly processed as per related requireme nts;1.1.2 The can didate shall have termi nated employme nt with his/her previous employer;1.1.3 The can didate shall un dergo medical exam in ati on and its result is satisfactory;1.1.4 The
21、can didate shall meet the requireme nt of Recruitme nt Con diti on.1.2 The Compa ny should sig n the labor con tract with the employee and clearly specify the employme nt terms and con diti ons.2. Probatio nNew employees shall be required to un dergo a probatio n period based on the terms of labor c
22、on tract. During or before the end of the probation period, the Company will notify the employee by written no tice whether he/she completes the probati on or term in ate the employme nt accord ing to his/her performa nee.3. Term in ati on3.1 The labor con tract can be term in ated by the employee a
23、nd the Compa ny subject to agreeme nt through con sultatio n.3.2 The employee and the Compa ny can term in ate the labor con tract based on the gover nment regulati on and Company policy, but shall notify the other party in written form in advanee. If fail to meet the notice period requirement, shal
24、l pay in lieu with corresponding salary for the gap as the compensation. Notice period refers to the labor con tract.3.3 Any leaves could not be accepted as the Notice Period in order to make sure the handover and the operati on smoothly.3.4 On or before the employme nt con tract expirati on date, C
25、ompa ny and the employee reach agreeme nt on con tract ren ewal. If both parties agree to ren ew, Huma n Resources Departme nt shall arrange the renew procedure.3.5 The corresp onding compe nsati on resp on sibility for labor con tract term in atio n and expiry shall follow the releva nt regulati on
26、s of labor law and the agreeme nt in the labor con tract.3.6 The employee shall tran sact the term in ati on process and settle all releva nt finan cial and bus in ess issues accord ing to the policy of the Compa ny whe n the labor con tract is term in ated or expire. The Compa ny reserves the right
27、s to get back the loss caused by the issues for not follow ing the term in ati on procedure.4. Retireme nt4.1 The legal retireme nt age of the employees shall follow the gover nment releva nt regulatio ns.4.2 The Company will proceed the retirement procedures for the employees who have reach the leg
28、al retireme nt age as per gover nment regulati ons.(1) The working location allowance standard and applicable cities will be reviewed and nominated by theCompany in accordance with business development plan, location city GDP, living standard and government guideline.(2) The Company will announce an
29、y update and changes of working location allowance to employees inadvance.2.3.2 Position AllowaneePositi on allowa nee is en titled by the employees who are assig ned to take up positi on as Senior Operator or above, up to the Regi onal Man ager/Divisi on Head.III. Compe nsati on & Ben efits1. Confi
30、dential Policy for Salary Information1.1 The employee should inquire his/her in dividual salary and related in formati on from his/her man ager or Huma n Resource Departme nt directly. The salary is a very pers onal and strictly con fide ntial matter betwee n the related employee and the Compa ny.1.
31、2 The employee is never allowed to disclose his/her salary to other colleagues and the third parties.Meanwh ile, he/she is never allowed to inquire the other employee s salary.1.3 The Compa ny applies to salary con fide ntial policy, which is an importa ntpolicy of the Compa ny, ifstaffs break the r
32、ule, the Company has the right to terminate without paying any compensation if approved or wit nessed.2. Compe nsati on2.1 Con stituti on of Employee Salary:The employee mon thly salary con sist the Basic Salary, other comp onents such as Work ing Locati on Allowanee, Position allowanee, Skill Allow
33、anee, Meal Allowanee, Night Time Allowanee, and mon thly Incen tive applicable for eligible employee(s) ONLY. Details will be described as follows.2.2 Basic SalaryThe basic salary will be provided to all employees, which means the salary of employment that specified in the Labour Con tract, and subs
34、eque nt adjustme nt, if any.2.3 AllowancesThe Compa ny provides five, n amely, Worki ng Locatio n Allowa nee, Positi on Allowa nee, Skill Allowa nee, Meal Allowa nee, and Night Time Allowa nee to eligible employees.2.3.1 Worki ng Location Allowa nee Work ing Locati on Allowa nee will be provi
35、ded to employees who are un der employme nt inthe grade of Non-clerical, Clerk and Senior Clerk (grouped un der the Clerical Grade Category), and Assistant Officer, Officer, Senior Officer, and Assistant Manager (grouped under the Officer Grade Category). Employees employed as Manager grade and or a
36、bove are not en titled to this Work ing Locati on Allowa nee.Location CatalogAllowance StandardGrade One CityShenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, GuangzhouRMB600 per monthGrade Two CityApplicable cities specified by the CompanyRMB500 per monthGrade Three CityApplicable cities specified by the CompanyRMB400
37、per monthRemark:Name of PositionPosition Allowance (RMB)Senior Operator200Assistant Team Leader400Team Leader800 Working Location Allowanee is entitled as the follows:Systems/Skill Related Staff GradeSkill Allowance (RMB)Assistant Officer (Assistant Programmer/Assistant Engineer)/Senior Clerk
38、500Officer (Programmer/Engineer)1000Senior Officer (Project Leader/Supervisor/Senior Programmer/Engineer)1500Assistant Manager2500Manager4000Senior Manager4000Assistant Section Head1200Section Head2000Assistant Department Head/ Assistant Branch Manager2500Branch Manager3000Department Head4000Regiona
39、l Manager/Division Head50002.3.3 Skill AllowaneeSkill allowa nee will be provided to employees who are in volved in system or other skill related job and un der employme nt in the grade of Senior Clerk, Assista nt Officer, Officer, Senior Officer, and Assista nt Man ger (grouped un der Clerk and Off
40、icer Category), and Man ager and Senior Man ager (grouped un der Man ager Grade Category).The Company will reserve the right to adjust work location allowanee, position allowance and skill allowa nce, allowa nce will be calculated based on staff s exact atte ndance2.3.4 Meal allowa nceRMB15 for 8 ho
41、urs in the work in g-day will be provided up to Assista nt Man ager. Man ager grade and or above are not en titled with meal allowa nce.2.3.5 Night Time AllowanceNight Time Allowance will be provided to employees up to Assistant Manager who working in night time as per the Company standard, which ca
42、lculated base on the actual working days.The Compa ny reserves the right to cha nge the above allowa nces sta ndard at its own discreti on, only the update and cha nges of policies will be announced to employees in adva nce.2.4 Salary Payment PeriodMon thly salary is paid for the period starti ng fr
43、om 1st day to the end of every mon th.2.5 Pay DaySalary is paid by the Compa ny on mon thly basis. The Compa ny will deposit the net in come to emp loyee s in dividual bank acco unt on the promissory pay day, 10 th of every mon th. If the promissory pay day falls on rest days or statutory holiday, s
44、alary will be paid on the work ing day before the holiday. Un der special circumsta nce, the Compa ny can pay salary with in five days after the promissory pay day.2.6 Annual Salary ReviewThe basic salary is designed by the position responsibilities. Basic Salary will be adjusted on annual basis as
45、per the Compa ny overall performa nce, the market salary level and employee in dividual contribution. Employees under probation are not eligible for the annual salary review. The employee will be notified in writing with any change of his/her salary.3.Overtime3.1 EligibilityOvertime is defi ned as t
46、he exte nded worki ng hours of the employee required by the Compa ny based on the Compa ny overtime work procedure. All overtime work shall be scheduled in adva nce by the man agers orsupervisors and approved by the departme nt man ager and or above. Overtime shall not be less tha n one hour at one
47、time, and the least calculation unit is Half hour. The amount of time spent to having meal will not be in cluded in overtime hour(s) calculati on.3.2 Overtime P remium3.2.1 The Company advocates the balanee between life and job in order to protect our employees with their health. When employees are
48、required to work overtime in the weekend, the Compa ny is authorized to ask employee to take the rest on the days arran ged priority. The manager/supervisor is responsible for arranging day-off in lieu within the next three (3) mon ths. The overtime premium should be paid if the man ager/supervisor
49、failed to arra nge day-off in lieu within three (3) mon ths. Employees should take day-off in lieu before he/she applies for any annu al leave.3.2.2 The overtime work on normal working day or on the statutory holiday should be paid overtime premium rather tha n gran ti ng day-off in lieu.3.2.3 Overt
50、ime premium are paid in accorda nee with releva nt state regulati ons and labor con tract agreeme nt.4.Bonus4.1 Mon thly Performa nee Incen tive4.1.1 Employees who are assig ned to take up positi on that range from Gen eral Staff/Operator to Assista nt Section Head are eligible for the mon thly perf
51、orma nee incen tive scheme. The mon thly performa nee incentive scheme will be decided by the Department/Division Heads. The Company will use the best en deavor to make the scheme a sta ndard and tran spare nt one, yet the Compa ny reserve the right to cha nge the structure of such scheme to meet bu
52、s in ess n eeds. The incen tive is non-con tractual and non-guara nteed, without any obligati on on the part of the Compa ny. Whether release the incen tive or not depe nds on Compa nys bus in ess performa nee. Itsat the en tire and absolute discreti on of the Company, whether or not such incentive
53、is payable. The incentive amount is determined by Compa ny bus in ess performa nee and in dividual con tributio n in the paid month and other factors.4.1.2 The Company reserves the right to change the incentive amount at its own discretion.4.2 Annual BonusBased on the Compa ny overall performa nee,
54、the employee in dividual performa nee, as well as other related factors, the Company may at its discretion distribute annual bonus to the employees. The annual bonus is non-con tractual and non-guara nteed, without any obligati on on the part of the Compa ny.5.I ndividual In come TaxEmployees should
55、 take the resp on sibility to pay the in dividual In come tax, which is deducted from salary by the compa ny.6.Social In sura nces and WelfareEmployees are eligible for the gover nmen t-e nforced social in sura nces and welfare in cludi ng pension in sura nee, un employme nt in sura nee, on -job injury in sura nee, social medical in sura nee, mater nity in sura nee and public hous ing fund etc. Detailed items of the social in sura nces and welfare are impleme nted as per local gover nment regulatio ns.7. Compa ny WelfareIn or
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