1、 .深圳市 2019 年高三年级第二次调研考试英 语 试 卷第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2 分 满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后每题所给的 a、b、c 和 d 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并 在答題卡上将该项涂黑。athe metropolitan museum of art, more commonly known as the met”, located innew york city, is the largest art museum in the united states. its impressive permanentcolle
2、ction is home to over two million works, divided among seventeen specializeddepartments. it is among the most visited art museums in the world. the main building isone of the worlds largest art galleries. on march 18, 2016, the museum opened the metbreuer museum, greatly enriching the museums modern
3、 and up-to-date art program.the mots permanent collection consists of works of art from classical antiques toancient egyptian artifacts ( 史 前 古 器 物 ), paintings and sculptures from all but a few ofthe european masters. it also has an outstanding collection of american and modern art andproudly house
4、s extensive holdings of african, asian, oceanic, indian and islamic art.visitors can also find large collections of musical instruments and costumes, as well asantique weapons from around the globe.the metropolitan museum of art was found in 1870. it is the result of a projectbetween businessmen, fi
5、nancier and influential thinkers of the day. they all shared the samepassion of bringing art and art education to the american people. that dream became areality when the museum opened its doors on february 20. 1872.21.what is special about the met?a. its name.its location.b. its collection.c. its b
6、uilding.d.22.what do we know about the mets collections?a. they are from european masters.europe.b. they mainly come fromd. they cover arts of differentc. they are about antique weapons.times.23.why was the metropolitan museum of art built?. .a. to show the owners pride in its large size.b. to inves
7、t and make more money in the future.c. to offer art education to the american people.d. to bring the worldwide artists dream into reality.bdespite the fact that the queen is currently alive and well, a secret plan has alreadybeen laid out for her death.a code word has already been decided upon to de
8、liver the news of her passing to thehighest tiers of the government.while the death of george vi was signalled by the words hyde park corner to“stop operators at buckingham palace learning the news the equivalent (相等的)wordfor queen elizabeth ii is “london bridge is down.the prime minister at the tim
9、e will be woken, if not already awake, and informed bycivil servants that london bridge is down.these words will signify the queen has passed away, and operation london bridge a highly-organised set of arrangements is to start.the foreign offices global response centre, located at an undisclosed loc
10、ation inlondon, will then immediately inform 15 governments outside the uk where the queen isalso the head of state. after this, the centre will pass on the news to the 36 other nations ofthe commonwealth (英联邦)for whom the queen has served as a symbolic figurehead formany decades.it will not be long
11、 before the news spreads from world leaders to the general public,with the news of her passing to the press association and thus the global media as well.this marks a break from the long-held tradition of the bbc being the first news outletto learn of royal deaths. whats more, while george vis death
12、 was not announced until fourhours after he died, news of the queens death will be far more instant.a footman in mourning clothes will be sent out of the door at buckingham palace atthe same time to pin a notice of the news to the gates, while the official palace website willfeature- just one page,
13、letting out the news on a dark background.24.what are the code words for the queens death?a. hyde park comer.b. buckingham palace.c. london bridge is down.d. operation london bridge.25.why will 15 governments outside the uk be informed of the news immediately?a. the queen once served there. b. the q
14、ueen also governs. .c. the queen is the former head.d. the queen is the symbolic26.who used to let out the news of royal deaths?a. the bbc. b. a footman.world leaders.c. civil servants.d.27.what will people know from the footmans notice?a. a secret plan has a code.b. george vi is alive again.c. the
15、prime minister is woken.d. the queen has passed away.ci was five years old when my little brother, murk, was born. looking back at photos, iappeared so thrilled that he had finally arrived. i held and bathed him, smiling from cheek tocheck. i do not remember that feeling now.being the first child in
16、 the family, i was the one my parents tested their new parentingtechniques on. i was their guinea pig. mark was always the happy one, the joker, the onewho won because of my battles with my parents. after too many fights, i declared war onmark. we were now enemies. all l remember is being jealous of
17、 ( 妒忌) and angry with myinnocent little brother.thus. i made his life a misery. i teased, tricked, embarrassed, and fought with him.often leaving him in floods of tears.our little sister was born when i was 11. and instantly she and mark could not beseparated. they pushed me aside. was this because
18、1 was becoming a monster, or did 1grow into an uglier green-eyed monster because they loved each other so much?thankfully, mark quickly grew tall and strong, and our conflict looked more like acold war than bloodshed (流 血 ).it all ended suddenly when i went to study abroad.the hatred (仇 恨 ) disappea
19、red and love climbed in.despite all the abuse mark suffered he has implied that he has forgiven me, or eventhat there is nothing to forgive, although i have never brought up the subject in too muchdetail. i would like to; however, it would be a selfish move to look for more forgiveness.but i prefer
20、to remember the hurt. during all those wasted years, i should have been theloving sister, defending instead of attacking.28.how did the writer feel at the birth of her brother?a. worried.disappointed.b. excited.c. surprised.d. .29.why did the writer consider her brother as her enemy?a. she didnt lik
21、e her brother.b. shed like to be a monster.d. she did so out of jealousy.c. she used to be ill-treated.30.when did the writers hatred of her brother disappear?a. at the birth of her sister.b. at the start of their cold war.c. when she studied abroad.d. when the bloodshed ended.31.what does the write
22、r really want to tell us in the passage?a. she felt regretful for what she had done.b. she was never forgiven by her brother.c. she was looking for more forgiveness.d. she suffered much abuse from her brother.dmany shopping malls now have special areas that offer shoppers their first chance toexperi
23、ence “vr technologyyo”u.may have entered one out of curiosity, or you may thinkit is just another piece of useless technology. whatever your opinion, vr, or virtual (虚拟的) reality, is going to become a big part of our lives very soon.2016 saw the introduction of many fancy products in the world of vr
24、, includingmicrosofts hololens and samsungs gear vr. all of them offer an exciting look at the newrealities and opportunities that vr brings.these, however, are the early days of a technology that is expected to go from strengthto strength. and 2019 looks like it is going to be the year in which vr
25、technology reallytakes off.for a start, using vr will become more normal in 2019. microsoft and intel havealready discussed their plans for simpler and less expensive vr headsets.the idea of vr will stop being a sci-fi (science-fiction) idea, and instead it will turninto an industry of real products
26、 used as ways to show off imagination. said andrew, adesigner at us vr company, survios.it is also expected that vr products will play a part in more common and real-lifefields like fashion and film. for example, to enjoy the atmosphere and energy of the frontrow experience at a fashion show, fans w
27、ill no longer have to go along in the flesh.instead people will be able to enjoy the experience by just wearing a vr headset athome.you can also expect vr mirrors and fitting-rooms sooner rather than later. this is. .an especially good opportunity for brands looking to offer very personalizedexperie
28、nces. said roy deyoung from us-based marketing agency, pmx.as time goes on, there will be less discussion about whether people will accept vrtechnology. it will simply be a discussion of when.32.why do many shopping malls have areas for vr experiences?b. to meet the demands ofc. to entertain shopper
29、s with new technology.d. to introduce the new technology to shoppers.33.what does the underlined phrase “in the flesh” mean?a. in personb. in timec. in lined. inorder34.what can we know about vr products from the passage?a. they are not expensive at present.b. they are being used almost everywhere.c
30、. they will meet more personal demands.d. they wont be accepted for many years.35.what may be the best title for i lie passage?a. vr is becoming realb. vr mirror are comingd .vr meets our life goalc. vr takes over fashion第二节 (共 5 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多 余选项.并在答题卡上将该项
31、涂黑。entrepreneurship (创业) is a long game with joys and hardships. here are a fewthings you can do right now to get better.tip l: 36many entrepreneurs agree that creating short-term and long-term goals is the key tosuccess. write down your goals for the next year or more. 37down, you will already be i
32、n a better position to achieve them.tip 2: find your passion quickly but cheaply.but by writing them38take part in a variety of activities to discover what you love, such as afree concert, a free class or just a cheap movie; meanwhile, try not to spend too muchmoney in the process.tip 3: be a master
33、 at social media.becoming an expert at social media may be the most important thing to better. .your entrepreneurial dreams. using social media, youll reach a global audience. bygrowing and managing your online presence, you will enlarge the influence of yourbrand. 39such additions to your daily lif
34、e are lifestyle changes that will improve your chancesof success. they may seem insignificant now, but when youre success. youll appreciate therole they played. 40looking back, youll be proud of your smart choices.a. create manageable goals.b. write down short-term goals.c. and success is likely to
35、follow.d. social media is essential to entrepreneurship.e. it is important to learn what gets you excited.f. it may take some time to tick off all the points on your list.g. youll be glad you took the time to win the game properly,完形填空(共 20 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)many years ago, three soldiers, hungry
36、 and tired of battle, arrived at a small village.the villagers, suffering a poor harvest and years of war, quicklyowned. they met the three at the village square, 42 about the lack of food.the first soldier then approached the village elders, your tired fields have left you41the foodthey“4345to shar
37、e, so we shall share what we have: the.”naturally the villagers became44of how tmoake soup from4647and soon a fire was put to the villagersthree stones. “now this will be a finegreatest pot as the soldiers carefullysoup.” said the second soldier.”48some salt and parsley (西芹) would make itmore wonder
38、ful!” a woman49, crying what luck! i remember ive got some at“home!”.off she ran.5051with a handful of parsley. as the pot boiled on, carrots, beeftheir way into the pot before everyone set out toand cream had soon52.the soldiers ate and danced and sang well into the night,and their 54 ends. the nex
39、t morning, they awoke to5355by the mealthe entirevillage standing before them with their best bread and cheese. you have given us thegreatest56” said an elder , “and we shall never forget i t.”the third soldier turned. .to theby57,and said, “there is no secret but one thing is58: it is only59that we
40、 may make a feast”.and off the60wandered, down theroad to their next destination.41. a. ate up42. a. caringcomplainingb. gave awayb. thinkingc. hidd. soldd.c. joking43. a. nothing44. a. importancematterb. anythingb. secretc. a littled. a lotc. problemc. stonesc. worriedc. chosed.d.d.d.45. a. potscre
41、amb. bread46. a. curiouscontentb. scared47. a. picked upcollectedb. dropped in48. a. as if49. a. backed offstepped away50. a. returningtradingb. in casec. sinced. butd.b. broke downc. jumped upb. leavingc. dealingd.51. a. fought52. a work53 a. refreshedamusedb. tellc. foundc. talkd. lostd. playd.b.
42、feastb. alarmedc. annoyed54 a. well-informedlong-lostb. newly-madeb. recognizeb. hopec. hard-earnedc. expectd.d.d.d.d.d.d.55. a. keepdiscover56. a. answeradvicec. gift57. a. crowdcompanionsb. familyc. strangersc. differentc. appreciatingc. locals58. a. funnycertainb. doubtfulb. sharing59. a. enterta
43、iningdonating60. a. villagersb. elders. .soldiers第 一 (共 10 小 题 : 每 小 题 1.5 分 , 满 分 15 分 )阅读下面短文.在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。getting around the city when you are six months pregnant and have a two-year-oldgirl can be really challenging. one spring afternoon, we went to one of the grocer 61.(store) nea
44、rby to buy some food for dinner. there was no sign of rain, and the store was justaround the corner, 62.were about 63.we went there without an umbrella. however, we(leave) the store when the rain came in full force. itseemed that the streets would be flooded 64.water within minutes.(we) when wi noti
45、ced a young chinese couple staring at 65.e came to a crossroads and were waiting for the light to change. i figured they were 66.(probable) wondering why a pregnant foreigner was dragging her little kid out through therain. but as we crossed the street. 67.woman offered me her umbrella. itold her i
46、couldnt take it when it was clearly starting to storm. she insisted anme as she 68.though 69.(hurry) off with her husband.(catch) in the ruin unexpectedly, we still treasured thememory and will always recall the 70.chinese couple.(warm) and kindness of the第四部分写作(共两节,满分 35 分). .第一节短文改错it has been sev
47、eral week since i came to my new school. it was a clean, beautiful andmodern one, with a large playground and an amazed digital reading-room. all the teachersare friendly and kindly. among them, i like my english teacher best, who is enthusiastic butpopular with us. he is also strict to us. he teach
48、es us in an unusual way. besides, he alwaysavoids making us to feel embarrassed in class. all my classmates works hard. wereenjoying such new life and trying to develop us for the future.第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)假定你是李华,你们班级的节目“哈姆雷特(hamlet)”将参加下个月学校“英语文化节”话剧 drama 比赛,你给度假中的外教 mr.hurst 写一封电子邮件,并附上节目录像,请他给予你相关
49、的指导。注意:1.词数 100 左右:2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯:3.邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好。dear mr. hurst,yours,lihua. .2019 年深圳市高三年级第二次调研考试英语参考答案及评分标准21. b 22. d 23. c 24. c 25. b 26. a 27. d 28.b 29. d 30. c31. a 32. d 33. a 34. c 35. a 36. a 37. f 38. e 39. c 40. g41. c 42. d 43. a 44. b 45. c 46. a 47. b 48. d 49. c 50. a51. c 52. b
50、53. a 54. b 55. d 56. c 57. a 58. d 59. b 60. d61. stores 62. so 63. to leave 64. with / by 65. us66. probably【评分标准】每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分。与所给答案不符,不给分(如 67 题,填 that 不给分)。67. the 68. hurried69. caught70. warmth第四部分第一节it has been several week since i came to my new school. it was a clean, beautiful andweeksismodern one, with a large playground and an amazed digital reading-room. all theamazingteachers are frien
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