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1、精品文档小学英语六年级下册期中测试题3. you today look happy so (.)一、找出与画线部分发音不同的单词,将序号写在题前括号内。(10 分)_( ) 1、a、pain b、 baby c、 tail d、happy( ) 2、a、pine b、bike c、dive d、big( )3、a、point b、boy c、toy d、lond( )4、a、coat b、know c、 rose d、 now( )5、a、load b、house c、arouse d、hole三、写出单词的正确形式。(10 分)1. buy(过去式)_ 2. go(过去式) _3. thin

2、(比较级) _ 4. heavy(比较级) _5. read(过去式) _ 6.younger(反义词) _7. longer(反义词) _ 8. eat(过去式) _9. am(过去式) _ 10.dance(过去式) _四、读一读,选择正确答句,将序号写在题前括号内。(10 分)( ) 1. does she teach math? a. i am 160 cm tall.( ) 2. how tall are you? b. i feel sick.( ) 3. how do you feel? c. i went to xinjiang by bus. ( ) 4. what did

3、you do last weekend? d. yes, she does.( ) 5. how did you go to xinjiang on your holiday? e. i visited my randparents. ( ) 6. what day is it today? f. its wednesday.( ) 7. where did you go yesterday? g. its on january 1st.( ) 8. is she playing the violin now? h. come in, please.( ) 9. may i come in?

4、i. i went to shanghai yesterday. ( ) 10. when is your birthday? j. yes, she is.五、 补全对话。(把编号写在横线上)(10 分)4. did do you last what weekend (?)_ 5. you help did them room their clean(?)_ 七,读一读,选择正确答案。(10 分)( )1.-whats the matter?- my leg _.a. hurts b. sore c. is hurts( )2. -_did you do last weekend ?- i

5、visited my grandparentsa. what b. where c. how( )3. -did you _the room yesterday?a. clean b. cleaned c. cleaning( ) 4.-. im 40 kg. im _ than you.a. thin b. thinner c. bigger( ) 5. - how _ are you?- im 35 kg.a. old b. tall c. heavy( )6. - did you swimming last day?a、go b、goes c 、went( )7 .- what did

6、lisa do last night?- she to music . what did you do yesterday?. how did you go there?a、listens b、listen c 、listened. what day is today? . what did you do there?. what day was yesterday? . did you play computer game with your cousin? . yes, i did.a : ?b : it was saturday.a : ?b : i went to visit my c

7、ousin.a : ?b : i went by bike.a : ?b : i played computer game with my cousin.a : did you eat good food in your cousins home?a : . it was delicious.六、连词成句。(10 分)1. one older year you i than am (.)_-2. heavy how you are (?)_精品文档( )8. if you are sick, _ some medicine.a. drink b. take c. eat( ) 9 did yo

8、u _ your mother _ the room yesterday?a. helped, clean b. helped, cleanedc. help, clean d. help, cleaned( ) 10,_ you have fun watching the movie? yes, i do.a. did b. do c. was d. is八, 短文选词填空。(10 分)(well, china, dinner, singer, comes, pictures, next, swimming, family, writer)nick is my new friend. he

9、_ from japan, but he lives in _. he has a happy _. his father is a _. he often writes the tv show. his mother is a _. she sings _. she likes cooking_. nick likes drawing _ and _. im going to visit him _ saturday.九、根据答句问问题。(10 分)1. a: _b: were going to the zoo this sunday.2. a: _b: i ate dinner at 7:

10、00 last night.3. a: _b: john went to school by bus.4. a: _精品文档b: mary bought some story- books in the bookstore.5. a: _b: no, i went ice-skating last week .十、阅读理解。(10 分)on national day, we had a long holiday. we had seven days. i went to hainan with my parents. my grandparents lived in a beautiful v

11、illage in hainan. we visited them. we went to see the blue sea every day. we swam in it. we went fishing. my grandma cooked good food for us every day. the seafood is tasty. i like it . we took many pictures. i was excited.( ) 1. i went to hainan with my .a: father and mother b: grandparents( ) 2. t

12、here are days on national day. a: a week b: seven( ) 3. i was on national day. a: very happy b: tired( ) 4. i can in hainan. a: went fishing b: swim and go fishing( )5. we ate good food . a: on national day b: every day一、听录音, 选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10 分)( ) 1. a. when b. went c. where( ) 2. a.

13、 short b. shirt c. girl( ) 3. a. parents b. presents c. pair( ) 4. a. light b. night c. right( ) 5. a. she b. see c. sheep( ) 6. a. match b. watch c. catch( ) 7. a. have a cold b. have a sore throat c. have a sore nose( ) 8. a. take a trip b. go by train c. play a game( ) 9. a. washed the clothes b.

14、 watched tv c. went shopping( ) 10. a. how did you feel? b. what did you feel? c. what did you do?三、根据你在录音中的问题,选出最合适的答案。 (10 分)( ) 1. a. its sunny. b. it was sunday. c. it was sunny.( ) 2. a. i went to harbin. b. i went by plane. c. next holiday.( ) 3. a. he read a book. b. he reads a book. c. he is

15、 reading a book.( ) 4. a. he likes doing sports. b. he is like doing sports.c. he is tall and strong.( ) 5. a. my brother feels sick b. yes, hes going on a trip.c. no, he didnt.四、根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错。(10 分)( ) 1. john was busy last weekend.( ) 2. john can play chess.( ) 3. john went hiking last satur

16、day afternoon.( ) 4. on sunday morning, john did homework.( ) 5. john and his mother watched tv at home on sunday afternoon.五、英汉互译(10 分)更高的 感觉 发烧测试 旅行 returnswim medicinebounce yesterday六、根据所给语境,选择适当的答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。(15 分)( )1.当你上学迟到时,你可以这样对老师说:a. it doesnt matter. b. im sorry, im late. c. thats all

17、right.( )2.当别人对你说“what day is it today?”,你可以说:a. today is monday. b. its my birthday. c. its august 6.精品文档( )3. 当别人对你说“whats your job?” 你可以说:a. im kate. b. im a doctor. c. im li mings mother.( )4.当别人对你说“lets go skating!”,你不想去可以说:a. sorry, i cant. b.ok, lets go. c. thats a good idea.( )5. 开学后,见到同学们,老

18、师会说:a. whats your name? b. welcome back to school, boys and girls.c. good bye boys and girls.七、单选。(15 分)( )1. she for a walk in the park yesterday morning.a went b go c goes d going( )2. su hai a sister.a have b is c there is d has( )3.there is “r” and “u” in the word “fruit”.a an, a b an, an c a, a

19、n d a, a( )4. there a cup and two spoons on the table.a is b are c am d be( )5. my uncle is than my father.a old b older c oldest d more old八、补全对话, 选择正确答案的编号在横线上。(15 分)a: thank you. b: what did you buy for your grandpa? c: where did you go yesterday?d: how did he feel? e: are you going to visit him

20、tomorrow?john: good morning, mike.tom: good morning, tom.john: you didnt go to school yesterday. _?tom: i went to visit my grandpa. he didnt feel well.john: ?tom: he had a cold.john: oh, i m sorry to hear that. ?tom: i bought a cake for my grandpa.john: ?tom: yes, im going to see my grandpa tomorrowjohn: i hope he will be better soon.tom: .九、根据短文内容,判断下列句子的对错。(10 分)against sarssars(非典) is a very bad disease(疾病). it is a kind of disease in the lungs(肺). people may die when they have sars. its not very hard to do something against(预防)sars. first,


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