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1、1、全球唯一同时提供手术室净化工程及配套医疗设备的供货商: MAQUE是国际顶级手术室供应商,专注医院领域;40多年国内外手术室安 装经验;欧洲市场占有率 60%以上,是全球唯一同时提供手术室净化工程及医疗 设备的供货商。手术床转运系统:手术床,无影灯,吊塔,数字一体化产品和手 术室净化均为公司自有品牌产品, 不需要外购其它厂家的设备, 可以保证整个手 术室系统的品质以及产品的衔接与兼容性, 同时腔镜手术室可以兼容其它厂家的 设备。 / 专业全面,标准化 2、全球唯一的采用工业化流水线生产产品,保证产品质量标准一致: 根据确定的手术室平面,定制龙骨框架及配件、墙板模块及顶板模块。进行 流水线生

2、产, 保证产品质量标准一致, 相比其它厂家的现场喷涂、 切割安装的工 艺,标准化作业不会出现偏差和色差。 定制感应自动门、手动门、送风天花单 元、洁净灯带、医用柜及控制面板等装饰装备。 / 标准精确、工艺先进 3、全球唯一的模块化和流程化设计,使得安装过程精准,易于升级和维修: 德国设计团队凭借先进的思路和实践经验根据医院的建筑平面和使用习惯来 整体设计手术室方案, 确定平面流程, 进而确定手术室平面及装备, 确定墙板顶 板模块,进而流水线生产模块。这样能够保证安装程序标准,安装过程精准:标 准化模块可灵活安装、拆卸和互换,更改或升级容易。维修过程简单、快捷。 4、全球唯一的不锈钢面板表面喷涂

3、,全部工厂流水线喷塑,墙面彩色喷绘: 墙板顶板为不锈钢板, 表面喷涂全部工厂流水线喷塑, 经高温烘烤熔化后续 使用不变色,不起壳;后续使用如有碰撞损坏,可用原厂保存的色号喷涂墙板, 现场拆卸互换,相比其他厂家电解板面板优势明显,品质上有本质区别。 墙面采用标准墙面喷涂 +6 色数码喷绘图案 +聚氨脂图层保护方案, 喷绘工艺 先进,图案自然持久, 可耐受手术室日常消毒液擦拭, 同时彩色喷绘墙面可改善 手术室的空间舒适度,缓解医护人员压力,消除患者紧张情绪。 5、手术室转运系统快速安全、便捷、同时具备电动和手动控制: 电动控制操作台、同时具备手动控制遥控器、 调节转运系统床面高度及平移, 能够快速

4、安全的转运病人、提高使用效率、增加医院收益,大大节省人力、避免 病人术前术后的剧烈翻转、有利于病人的术前准备和术后恢复。、 6、自动门和医疗柜原装进口,安全舒适: 原装进口的自动门感应柱开启,符合人体工程学,实用、美观、洁净,取得 欧盟TUV认证,产品符合欧洲 DIN18650标准。 医疗柜采用双层不锈钢结构, 密闭性好; 洁净扣手, 表面平整光洁不积尘、 易于清洁、消毒; 模块化设计根据用户需要进行功能匹配; 表面彩色喷涂,可 与手术室墙面完美组合; 可内置保温、保冷柜。 HY BRID OPERATING ROOM合 一体化手术室 Is it ? the comb in ati on of

5、 two tech no logies? 两种技术的结合? ? the combination of an operating room and an imaging system? 手术室和影像室的结合? ? the possibility to use the operating room for different disciplines? 不同学科对手术室使用的可能性? ? the combination of an operating room and a cathlab? 手术室和导管室的结合? HYBRID OPERATING ROOM LEVE复合一体化手术室分级 ?Conve

6、rted cathlab or converted operating room传统的导管室或改良的 手术室 ?Previously, most Hybrid ORs were simply cathlab rooms made sterile or normal ORs with a more advanced C-arm system 以前的,多数的复合一体化手术室均由导管室无菌化处理或者由常规的手术室 配备较先进的 C 臂系统 ?True Hybrid Operating Room真正的复合一体化手术室 ?A true Hybrid Operating Roomis the merger

7、 of a fully equipped operating room and a fully equipped cathlab 一个真正的复合一体化手术室是一间配备齐全的手术室和导管室的整合 ?Multi-disciplinary Hybrid Operating Room多学科复合一体化手术室 ?The Hybrid ORcan be used for different disciplines e.g. cardiac, vascular, neurological and orthopaedic interventions thanks to interchangeable OR ta

8、ble tops and flexible equipment 复合一体化手术室可用于不同学科:如心脏学科,血管外科,神经外科和骨科 介入手术,这主要归功于可更换的手术床面和灵活的设备 THE HYBRID OPERATING ROOM 合一体化手术室 CATHLAB VERSUS OPERATING ROOMU室 Vs 手术室 PROCEDURES IN THE HYBRID OPERATING ROOM 复合一体化手术室的手术(未完) PROCEDURE EXAMP 手术例子 BENEFITS OF A HYBRID OR 复合一体化手术室优点 ?Less complications an

9、d less surgery revisions 减少了并发症和翻修手术 ?Highly accurate surgery with real time control 对高度精确手术的实时控制 ?Patient sreal anatomy can be considered during the surgery 手术中对患者的精确的解剖 ?Patient can be treated with greater care 患者受到更好的护理 ?Allows minimal invasive surgery for cardiovascular diseases 允许对心血管疾病实施微创手术 ?

10、Time for patients treatment is reduced, as there is only one combined procedure instead of two 减少了患者的治疗时间,因为由原先的两台手术变为一台联合手术 ?Interdisciplinary use of the Hybrid OR supports cost effectiveness 复合一体化手术室的跨学科使用,提高经济效益 TEAM EXAMPL-CARDIAC HYBRID PROCEDURE 心脏复合一体化手术室示例 ?Not uncommonly, 12-20 persons can

11、be involved in a Hybrid OR procedure 不常见,复合手术室中可容纳 1220 人 THE COMPLEX HYBRID O-R CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS 复合一体化手术室的挑战和解决方案 TYPICAL CHALLENGES典型的困难 ?Getting Return on Investment 收回投资成本 ?Managing technical complexity 各项技术的管理 ?Creating an attractive workplace 创造一个有魅力的工作场所 ?Being prepared for future nee


13、ERENCE PROJECTS MAQUE的相关参考项目 PLANNING THE HYBRID OR 复合一体化手术室的规划 EQUIPMENT IN THE HYBRID OF复合手术室的设备 ?Angio System 血管成像仪 ?OR Table 手术床 ?OR Lights 手术灯 ?Ceiling Supply Units 吊塔 ?HR video cameras 高清视频相机 ?Digital OR Integration数字一体化 ?Anesthesia machine 麻醉机 ?Heart-lung machine 心肺复苏机 ?Intra-Aortic Balloon P

14、ump ?动脉内气囊泵 ?Patient monitoring system患者监测系统 ?Laminar air flow system层流系统 ?Echocardiograph 超声心动仪 ?Electrocautery电刀 ?Defibrillator除颤仪 ?Endoscopy tower 内窥镜塔 ?Cell saver 血液回输装置 ?Contrast injector造影剂注射器 ?Radiation screen 辐射防护屏 EQUIPMENT IN THE HYBRID OPERATING ROOM合 手术室的设备 ROOM PLANNIN手术室规划 ROOM PLANNIN

15、GS 术室规划 ?Layout 设计 ?Workflow analysis 工作流分析 ?Collision points冲突分析 ?Action radius工作范围 ?Definition of interfaces界面定义 ?Detailed solutions 细致的解决方案 ?Structure 结构 吊顶增强 电路/ 控制 使用(气体,吸引等) ?Floor preparation地面的准备 ?Ceiling reinforcement needs ?Wall system 墙面系统 ?Ceiling system吊顶系统 ?Door systems 门禁系统 ?Glass ele

16、ments 玻璃配件 ?Media-utilities媒体工具 ?HVAC system 空调通风系统 ?Room light 手术灯 ?Electrical outlets/controls ?Utilities (gases, suction, etc) ?Laminar air flow层流 ?Regulatory compliance 遵循规范 ?Hygiene/tightness 清洁/ 密闭性 ?Radiation 防辐射 ?Fire Safety防火安全 ?Noise 噪音处理 SOLUTIONS FOR DIFFERENT SPACIAL CONDITIONS 不同面积的空间的

17、解决方案 ROOM PLANNING术室规划 PLANNING IN OR3D 使用 OR3D软件规戈U ?3D simulation software for visualisation of the complex Hybrid operating room at the earliest stage 3D 模拟软件可在早期对复杂的复合手术室的规划直接呈现给客户 ?Best tool for workflow consulting: Positioning of all medical devices to give the ideal workflow and to best suit

18、the staff s working practices 评估工作流的最佳工具:所有的医疗设备的定位可实现真正的工作流,从而最 好的配合医务工作者 ?Giving customers a precise idea of the envisioned equipment:“What you see is what you get ” 对于客户所期望的设备,提供一个精确的概念: “所见即所得 ” ?Checking that the final proposed solution meets expectations 审核最后提议的解决方案来达到期望的目标 PLANNING IN OR3D使用

19、OR3D软件规戈U ?CAD interface to import/export architect files 可输入/输出CAD格式的工程图 ?Exact room layout输出手术室规划图 (with all corners and dimensions) (包含角落和尺寸) ?Possibility to get the quotation immediately after the end of the presentation/ configuration/simulation 演示/ 配置 / 模拟后即刻生成报价表 ?OR3D-Player: A stand alone a

20、pplication to be given out to the customer (e.g. for customersinternal meetings) OR3D- 播放器:独立格式的软件,可直接播放给客户(如客户内部会议上) ?Integrated product knowledge to prevent mistakes during product configuration 可将产品整合在一起,来预防产品配置时的可能的错误 ?A tool used from thesales reps up to the plant (what is designed by the sales

21、 rep is exactly the same information that goes to the factory line) 这款软件可从销售代表直接到工厂(销售代表的设计与工厂生产线出来的信息 完全一致) SELECTING PRODUCTS FOR THE HYBRID OR 为复合手术室选择产品 SELECTING PRODUCT选择产品 ?Adapted products for Hybrid operating rooms 与复合手术室匹配的产品 ?Flexible OR equipment 灵活的手术室设备 ?Future proof room elements 永不过时

22、的手术室配件 ?Future proof equipment 永不过时的设备 ?Ergonomic workplace 符合人体工程学的工作环境 ?Appealing workplace 充满魅力的工作环境 SELECTING PRODUCT选择产品 ?OR Tables with X-ray capabilities and (full) integration into angiographic systems 手术床具有 X 线透视功能,与血管成像仪完全整合 ?OR Lights with wide swing range to be compatible with the angiog

23、raphic system 具有广阔悬臂的手术灯确保了和血管成像仪的相容 ?Ceiling Supply Units that can be used and positioned very flexibly in the Hybrid Operating Room 吊塔可在复合一体化手术室中灵活使用和定位 ?Digital OR Integration solutions for the management of images, videos and data 影像,视频和数据都可通过数字化手术室的解决方案进行管理 ?Room Design Elements: flexible walls

24、 and installation elements 手术室设计元件:灵活的墙面和安装元件 ?MAQUET also offers anaesthesia machines, heart-lung machines, intra-aortic balloon pumps, patient transport solutions, etc MAQUE也提供麻醉机,心肺复苏机,主动脉内气囊泵,患者转运方案等 IN SYNCHRONY WITH THE ANGIO SYSTEM MAGNUS HYBRID OR TABLE 复合一体化手术室中MAGNUS术床与血管成像仪的同步合作 MAGNUS OR

25、 TABLE SYSTEM MAGN手术床系统 ?MAGNUS is the ideal choice for interventions requiring unrestricted radiotranslucency 介入手术时需要不受限的放射线可透性, MAGNU手术床是最理想的选择 ?Full integration of MAGNUS with the angiography system* MAGNU手术床和血管成像仪可完全结合在一起 ?Simple operation and high safety thanks to synchronized movements* 归功于同步移

26、动的协调性,确保了操作的简便性和高度的安全性 ?3D X-ray imaging 3D 成像 ?Automatic position control自动体位控制 ?Bolus chase procedures术中造影剂追踪 MAGNUS OR TABLE SYSTEM MAG手术床系列 ?Interdisciplinary use with different table tops: 不同床面用于不同学科 ?Radiotranslucent table tops for percutaneous procedures 全透床面用于经皮操作的手术 ?Modular table tops for

27、open surgery 模块化的床面用于开放性手术 ?Tailor-made solutions:量身定制的方案: ?Six table top versions are available 共有 6 款床面可供选择 ?Three lengths: 2500, 2700, 3000 mm 床面长度: 2500, 2700, 3000 mm ?Two ranges of longitudinal shift:600, 1000 mm 两种平移长度: 600 ,1000mm BENEFITS OF MAGNUS IN THE HYBRID OR 复合一体化手术室中 MAGNUS术床带来的益处 ?

28、Improved tracking of contrast medium thanks to a longitudinal shift up to 150 mm/s with MAGNUS MAGNU的平移速度达到150mm/s,这大大提高了造影剂的追踪效果 ?Motor driven X/Y shift ,“panning ”, allows for comfortable use in radiological applications 电动的 X/Y 轴平移 , “面板 ”使床面在透视时得心应手 ?Synchronous movement of angiography and MAGNU

29、S for better radiological results while keeping the isocentre MAGNUS!血管成像仪的同步运动会取得更好的放射效果,使患者始终处于中心 点位置 ?Organ shifting through gravity while keeping the isocentre. BENEFITS OF MAGNUS IN THE HYBRID OR 复合一体化手术室中MAGNUS术床带来的益处 ?Radiolucent MAGNUS interface for head positioning accessories: 360 radiotra

30、nslucent skull clamp for intraoperative monitoring 可透视的MAGNU头部配件:360全透视的颅骨夹有利于术中透视 ?Synchronous movement of angiography and MAGNUS for better radiological results by keeping the isocentre MAGNUS血管成像仪的同步运动会取得更好的放射效果,使患者始终处于中心 点位置 BENEFITS OF MAGNUS IN THE HYBRID OR 复合一体化手术室中MAGNU手术床带来的益处 ?MAGNUS tabl

31、e top with 360 radiotranslucency up to 1850 mm allows time saving, intraoperative imaging in 3D MAGNU床面 360透视范围达1850mm,从而节省了术中3D成像的时间 ?Improved view for pelvic interventions (inlet-outlet view) 提高了骨盆手术时的视野(出入口位) ?Better imaging support for spinal surgery 更好的影像支持有利于脊柱手术 ?Radiotranslucent MAGNUS inter

32、face for head positioning accessories supports low artefact cervical spine treatment MAGNU全透的头部附件有助于脊柱治疗时拍摄出低伪影的影像检查 BENEFITS OF MAGNUS IN THE HYBRID OR 复合一体化手术室中 MAGNUS术床带来的益处 ?MAQUET can offer the most technically advanced Hybrid OR solution with a full synchronization between table and angio syst

33、em. MAQUE可提供最多的技术先进的复合一体化手术室解决方案,与床和血管成像 仪同步运作 ?MAQUET offers a universal table that can be used for hybrid procedures as well as for pure surgical procedures or pure interventional procedures. MAQUE也提供通用手术床,用于复合一体化手术,如单纯的外科手术或介入手 术 ?MAQUET can offer a more compact (or less crowded) Hybrid OR soluti

34、on as there is no need to have two tables in the room as with Steris of Skytron. MAQUE可提供更多的简洁的复合一体化手术室解决方案,免除了像Skytron和 Steris 那样将两张床放入手术室中 OPTIMAL ILLUMINATIO 最佳照度 POWERLED OR LIGHTS PowerLED手术灯 POWERLED OPERATING ROOM LIGHTS PowerLED手 术灯 POWERLED OPERATING ROOM LIGHTS PowerLED 手术灯 POWERLED OPERAT

35、ING ROOM LIGHTS PowerLED手术灯 POWERLED OPERATING ROOM LIGHTS PowerLED手术灯 LEADING EDGE OR INTEGRATION 尖端的数字化一体系统 AV CONFERENCE AV CONFERENCE - DIGITAL OR INTEGRATION 数字化整合系统 ?Improvement of the ORefficiency is key to makebest use of the significant investments associated with the design of an Hybrid Op

36、erating Room. 提高手术室效率的关键点在于充分应用复合一体化手术室设计时所采购的设备 ?By centralizingvideo management, documentation, device control and room control on a single intuitive user interface, the complexity of the Hybrid Operating Room is significantly reduced 将视频管理,文档处理,设备和手术室的控制集结在一个直观的用户界面,大 大的减少了复合一体化手术室的复杂性 ?AV CONFER

37、ENCE closes the gap between angiography and surgery AV CONFERECE靠近血管成像仪和手术 ?AVCONFERENCimEproves the therapy workflow in the Hybrid Operating Room. AV CONFERENCE高了复合一体化手术室中的治疗流程 AV CONFERENCE - DIGITAL OR INTEGRATION?化整合系统 ?Availability of patient related information presented in the room is essenti

38、al - supporting fast, safe and appropriate therapy decisions. 在手术室能快速的获取患者的相关信息是非常必要的 - 这有助于帮助医生做 出快速的,安全的和正确的治疗决定 ?The number of screens and user interfaces can be reduced 有助于减少屏幕和用户界面 ?AV C O N F E R E N CpoEsitions the healthcare professional in the driver s seat of the high-tech Hybrid Operating

39、 Room. AV CONFERENCES高科技的复合一体化手术室中的定位是专业和主导地 位? AV CONFERENCE - DIGITAL OR INTEGRATION?化整合系统 ?Video routing for flexible use of monitors broadens the usability of the OR and supports an ergonomic working, while reducing the number of monitors required. 显示屏上的视频路线的灵活应用拓宽了手术室的可用性,营造了人体工程学的 环境,同时也减少了显示屏

40、的数量 ?Presets for video routing configurations to set up the room according to the procedure help to accelerate patient change-over time. 根据手术所需而进行预设的视频设置有助于加快患者信息的传输 AV CONFERENCE - DIGITAL OR INTEGRATION?化整合系统 ?Video capture enables documentation of all non-angiography sources incl. endoscopy or OR

41、 light-cameras. 所有的非血管成像仪来源的,包括内窥镜的或手术灯内置摄像机捕捉的视频都 可文档处理 ?Video streaming to seminar-rooms or lecture halls provides the audience with a live-experience of state-of-the-art hybrid procedures. 视频传输到会议室或讲堂,可以使观众对顶尖的复合一体化手术有身临其境的 感觉 AV CONFERENCE - DIGITAL OR INTEGRATION?化整合系统 EVERYTHING WITHIN REACH 一

42、切尽在掌握 MAQUET CEILING SUPPLY UNITS MAQUE吊塔 ?Optimal space management in the Hybrid Operating Room: 复合一体化手术室的最佳空间管理 ?Smart workflow solutions from MAQUET 源于MAQUE的聪明的工作流解决方案 ?Compact designed CSUs 简洁设计的吊塔 ?Flexible positioning of the equipment 设备的灵活安放 ?Best working conditions thanks to:最佳工作环境归功于 ?Ergon

43、omic designed equipment 符合人体工程学设计的设备 ?Easy handling 操作简便 THE ANESTHESIA PENDA 麻醉吊塔 ?The optimal space management is important for an efficient workflow in the crowded Hybrid OR 在拥挤的复合一体化手术室中,空间的优化管理比有效的工作流更为重要 ?Safety, hygiene and ergonomics is key 安全,卫生和复合人体工程学是关键 ?High availability during surgical

44、 procedures, out of the way during interventional procedures 手术操作的高实用性,介入手术所需也可得到解决 ?No cables and gas hoses on the floor: The PLG system provides the anesthesia with all utilities required 地板上不再有电缆和气体插座: PLG 系列满足麻醉时的各种需要 ?Minimized foot print: M-LIFTING lifts the anesthesia machine from the floor 减

45、少足部的占地面积: M-LIFTING 使麻醉机吊起,离开地板 THE SURGICAL PENDANTS 吊塔 ?A Hybrid OR typically requires 6-12 monitors or more 一间典型的复合一体化手术室需要 6-12 个显示器,或者更多 ?The CSU can de designed as a media centre 吊塔可设计成多媒体中心 ?A large beam inner diameter is highly recommended 强烈推荐使用内径大的臂 ?The MODUTEC/ALPHAPORT pendant can accom

46、modate more cables/hoses than most pendants on the market MODUTEC/ALPHAPG吊塔比现有市场上的吊塔具有更多的电缆 /插座, ADDITIONAL SUPPORT PENDAN它吊塔 ?A third support pendant, beside anesthesia support and surgical support is necessary e.g. for the heart-lung machine. 第三个吊塔,除了可以支持麻醉机外,外科设备也同样适用:例如心肺呼吸机 ?As the third pendan

47、t is not used all the time therefore a parking position helps to save space and have a smooth workflow. 因为第三个吊塔不是一直使用,因此,它的停泊位置有助于节省空间,使整个 工作流顺畅 ?M-CARRIERplaces the surgical equipment at the optimal ergonomic height for the users across a range of up to 700mm height adjustment M-CARRIEF可以使各种外科设备处于一

48、个符合人体工程学的高度,它的调节高度 达 700mm CREATING AN ATTRACTIVE WORKPLACE 营造一个吸引眼球的工作场所 VARIOP ROOM DESIGN ELEMENTS VARIOP手术室设计元件 VARIOP ROOM ELEMENTS VARIOP 手术室元件 ?Clinics face the question where to realize a Hybrid OR in their existing facilities. 临床面临着这样一个问题,如何在现有的设备中实现 复合一体化手术室 ?VARIOP is the optimum solution

49、 for conversion and modernization measures. The modular system may be adapted to all construction circumstances. VARIOP是实现这种转变和现代化的最佳解决方案。 模块化的设计使之满足所有建筑环境。 ?The prefabricated components guarantee short disassembly times and optimized flows. 这些预先建造组合的元件保证了短时间内的组装和优化了流程。 ?Given the high volume of tec

50、hnical equipment, there is a considerable installation density in the Hybrid OR. VARIOP allows for easy and swift access to the installation areas set in the walls and the ceiling areas. 许多的技术设备考虑完之后,在复合一体化手术室里还需要考虑到安装密度的 问题。VARIOP可使之快速且方便的在墙上或天花板上完成安装。 VARIOP ROOM ELEMENTS VARIOP手术室元件 ?Ceiling-mounted angiography units can be integrated into th


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