1、优品课件 (I ) 教学设计) Unit 1 Frie ndship Unit 1 Friendship (I ) Part One: Teachi ng Desig n (第一部分: Period 1: A sample less on pla n for readi ng (ANNE S BEST FRIEND) Aims To talk about frien dship To read about frien dship Procedures I. Warming up 1. Warm ing up by assess ing A lot of people have only few
2、 possibilities of getting feedback about their own personality.In this exercise you will have the opport unity to get some feedback and to discuss it with a part ner. While compari ng your mutual judgeme nts, certai n prejudices or misunderstandings mayappear, as people often do not know each other
3、thoroughly eno ugh to judge others correctly. Try to be hon est! Self assessme nt Of the followingcharacteristics choose 5 that are particularly applicable to you pers on ally. sociable, hon est, frien dly, easygo ing, n ervous, ope n-min ded, an xious, careful, tale nted, talkative, no sy, thoughtf
4、ul, gen erous, carefree, pessimistic, peaceful, optimistic, in teresti ng, reliable, helpful, active, careless, cari ng, exact, adventurous, imaginative, hot-blooded, well-organised, trustworthy, patie nt, resp on sible, outgo ing, kind, brave, warm-hearted, selfless, tolera nt Part ner assessme nt
5、Now choose 5 characteristic features which you think are especially applicable to your part ner. sociable, hon est, frien dly, easygo ing, n ervous, ope n-min ded, an xious, careful, tale nted, talkative, no sy, thoughtful, gen erous, carefree, pessimistic, peaceful, optimistic, in teresti ng, relia
6、ble, helpful, active, careless, cari ng, exact, adventurous, imaginative, hot-blooded, well-organised, trustworthy, patie nt, resp on sible, outgo ing, kind, brave, warm-hearted, selfless, tolera nt 2. Warming up by describ ing Have the students get into groups of four to describe their own ideal fr
7、iend. In dividual stude nts must decide on TOP 5 character adjectives that could be used to describe the ideal friend and insistthey have good reasons for their choice. Then let the group leader give the class a descriptionof their ideal frien d. 3. Further appl ying You may also have the stude nts
8、do the survey in the textbook, following the steps below. 1. Get the stude nts to make a list of three qualities a good friend should have. 2. Have the students get into groups of four to find out what each has listed. 3. Have a member of each group report on what their lists have in com mon and lis
9、t them on the board. 4. Ask the class whether or not they agree with all the qualities listed. 5. Then have the stude nts do the survey in the textbook. 6. Have the students score their survey according to the scoring sheet on page 8. 7. The teacher ask some stude nts how many points they got for th
10、e survey and assess their values of frien dship: 47 poin ts: You are n ot a good friend. You either n eglect your friend s needs or just do what he/she wants you to do. You should thi nk more about what a good friend n eeds to do. 812 points: You are a good friend but you sometimes let your frien ds
11、hip become too importa nt, or you fail to show eno ugh concern for your friend s needs and feelings. Try to strike a balanee between your friend s needs and your own resp on sibilities. 13+ points: You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good friend you n eed bala nee your n eeds and
12、 your friend s. Well done. (You may also show your stude nts the results above and let themselves self-reflect upon their own values of frie ndship) II. Pre-readi ng To focus the Students attention on the main topic of the read ing passage. To activate their previous kno wledge on the topic. III. Ta
13、lk ing and shari ng Work in groups of four. Tell your group mates how you reflect on these questi ons. 1. Why do you n eed frien ds? Make a list of reas ons why frie nds are importa nt to you. 2. What do you think a good friend should be like? List what a good friend should do and share the list wit
14、h your partners. 3. Does a friend always have to be a pers on? What else can be a friend? 4. Do you think a diary can becomeyour friend? Whyor why not? In structi ons: The teacher can give each group one of these questi ons above to talk about. Then let the class share their ideas. It s better to st
15、imulate the students to challenge their classmates opinions about these questions. Possible an swers Q1: Reas ons I n eed friends: M to cope with stressful situati ons in life 狐 to share my worries and secrets in my inner world M to show my concern for other people M to let other people share my hap
16、p in ess M to un fold to other people the secrets in my heart(to n ame but few.) Q2: A good friend should: M tell me the truth (hon est) M be good to me (frie ndly) M be willing to consider or accept others ideas or opinions (ope n-min ded) M be willi ng to help others (ge nerous or helpful) M be go
17、od -tempered M th ink about what others need and try to help them (caring) M be loyal to their resp on sibility (resp on sible) M not easily upset (easy-go ing) 探 be out -going (like to meet and talk to new people) M be tolera nt (allow other people to have differe nt opinions or do somethi ng in a
18、differe nt way) M be selfless (to n ame but few) Q3: What else can be a friend? An swers can be various. (omitted) Q4: Students answers may vary but must include a reason. Yes. I think it can be, because I can set down how I feel every day in my diary, and let other people read it to share my feelin
19、gs sometime later. Above all, it feels good to write down my thoughts and feeli ng on paper whe n I am sad or Ion ely. IV. Read ing 1. Look ing and guess ing Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and the headi ng and guess what the text might be about. 1) . Imagi ne what it might be like if you had to
20、 stay in your bedroom for a whole year. You could not leave it eve n to go to the WC or to get a cup of tea. How would you feel? 2) . What would you choose if you are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place because there is very little room? 2. Read ing to summarise the main id
21、ea of each paragraph. Skim the text and summarise the main idea of each paragraph in one senten ce. Para. On e:A nne made her diary her best friend whom she could tell everythi ng. Para. TwAnn6 s diary acted as her true friend during the time she and her family had to hide away for a long time. Para
22、. Three:Hav ing bee n kept in doors for so long, Anne grew so crazy about everythi ng to do with n ature. 3. Lan guage focus Next you are to read and un derli ne all the useful expressi ons or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework. laugh at, go through, make
23、/call + O +Noun(as O.C.), hide away, set down, grow crazy about, do with ,there was a time when, keep sb. spellbo und, on purpose, in order to do sth., far too +adj./adv, happen to do sth., it was the first/second time that ,face to face V. Clos ing dow n Clos ing dow n by doing exercises To end the
24、 less on you are to do the comprehe nding Exercises 1 and 2. Clos ing dow n by discussi on of ideas Work in groups of four. Discuss the ideas put forward in the read ing passage. It does not matter whether you agree or disagree. What is importa nt is that you should have a reas on for what you say.
25、Also you can put forward your ownideas, either criticising the text or using it as a support: What would you do if your family were going to be killed just because they did somethi ng the Emperor did not like? Where would you pla n to hide? How would you arrange to get food give n to you every day?
26、What would you do to pass the time? Lan guage chunks from Un it 1 Frie ndship add up, get sth. done, calm sb. done, have got to, go on holiday, talk care of, walk the dog, get loose, pay for sth, cheat in the exam, should have done, some one else s, laugh at, go through, hide away, set dow n, a seri
27、es of, a hidi ng place, I wonder if ,grow/be/become crazy about, could have done, keep sb.spellbound, keep doing, stay awake, on purpose, in order to, by on eself, far too much, it was(is) the first time that ,face to face, feel Ionely/sit alone, save one s life, be concerned about, with so many clo
28、thes on, have trouble with sb, at the moment, get along (well) with sb./ sth, enjoy doing, be/become/make frie nds with, be/fall in love (with), try sth. out on sb. ask for advice, give sb. some advice on,make an effort to do sth., join in sth., show one s interest in, far and wide, pay attention to
29、, look to one s own concern, share one s thoughts and feelings with sb, come to a conclusion,be prepared to do sth., a heart-to-heart talk, hurt one s feelings, change one s mind, live in peace, go on a picnic, get away with, feel at home, in need Unit 1 Friendship (II ) Period 2: A sample less on p
30、la n for Lear ning about Lan guage (Direct the value of it is seldom known un til it be lost. ” - Charles Caleb Colt on “ A friend is one who walks in whe n others walk out ” -Walter Winchell “ A frie nd is one who believes in you whe n you have ceased to believe in yourself. ”- Lysha “ The better p
31、ar t of on es life con sists of his friendships.” - Abraham Lincoln “ Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the Ion ger it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks in to the mind. ” - Samuel Taylor Coleridge “ Frie ndship is the golde n ribb on that ties the world together. ”-Kristina Kentigian “ Fr
32、ie nds are the sunshine of life.”-Joh n Hay A friend in n eed is a friend in deed. II. Tips on being a good friend M Treat your friends the way you want to be treated. M Keep secrets that are told to you. M Pay atte ntio n whe n your friend is talki ng. M Keep your promises. M Share thi ngs with you
33、r friend. M Tell your friend the truth. M Stick up for your friend. III. What kind of friend are you? 1. If your friend tells you a secret that isn t bad but you promised not to tell anyone, you will. A. tell every one B. keep the promise 2. If you know your friend is planning to cheat on a test, yo
34、u will. A. tell your teacher B. let your friend cheat C. help your friend study for the test so she wont feel she n eeds to cheat 3. If your friend tells you a secret and it may cause his or her death, you will. A. tell a trusted adult B. keep it a secret C. tell your friends You mayprint this sheet
35、 and answer the questions. Then discuss the an swers with your frie nds. A true frien dship should: ? encourage you to live your dream. ? support you toward your goals. ? sympathize for your losses and help you find a silver lining. ? build your self-esteem. If happ in ess and life-satisfactio nare
36、your goals, your friends should be chose n on the basis of how well they can accomplish those four goals. Happ in ess is a pers onal choice that comes from withi n.But, as the friendship poem says, it surely doesn t hurt to have supportive frien dships that help us achieve our goals. IV. Self-reflec
37、tion upon friendship Read the following statements and then tick Yes (V) or No( x) to show your opinions upon frie ndship. 1. Frie ndship is very importa nt to me. 2. I have a lot of frien ds. 3. There can be true frie ndship betwee n a schoolboy and a schoolgirl. 4. I am very kind to my friends. A
38、frien dship poem Choose friends wisely, the portrait they paint Is who you are and who you ain t. Friendship is life s great support Whe n friends are of the right sort. For all your dreams do they make room, Or bring you down with doom and gloom? You will know a frie ndship is true. When it brings
39、out the best in you. It s true. You can tell a person by the companyshe keeps. Our frien dships not only tell a lot about who we are - they make us who we are. The frien dship poem above says it all. You will know a friendship is true when it brings out the best in you. Take a look at your friends.D
40、o they bring out the best in you? That might seem like a silly question. We all tend to think, “Of course they bring out the best in me. I wouldn t be friends with them otherwise. ” Secti on 2: Vocabulary teach ing strategy I. The role of vocabulary teachi ng In the con text of lear ning En glish as
41、 a foreig n Ian guage, a learner is forced to be aut onom ous and in depe ndent and make con scious effort to lear n vocabulary outside the classroom simply because the exposure to the target Ian guage is limited in class. So teachers cannot rely on their stude nts pick ing up lexical item s. This m
42、akes explicit vocabulary teachi ng necessary. However, vocabulary is notoriouslydifficult if not impossible to teach because of the complexity of its linguistic, sema ntic and psycho-cog nitive aspects II. Best approach There are no uni versallyuseful strategies and they con tribute to vocabulary le
43、arning in differentways. Students use a number of strategies, ofte n simulta neously. The efficie ncy of vocabulary lear ning depe nds on how stude nts comb ine in dividual strategies. If stude nts comb ine and employ in dividual strategies from differe nt groups they will be more successful in deve
44、lop ing the target Ian guage lexic on. Thus, the ideal comb in ati on would be that of strategies from all four groups. The teacher should create activities and tasks (to be done both in and outside class) to help students to build their vocabulary and develop strategies to lear n the vocabulary on
45、their own. Students experiment and evaluate and then decide which to adopt or reject since strategies are not intended to be prescriptive. III. Practical activities Here is a selecti on of practical activities that direct learners towards using strategies of vocabulary lear ning. 1. The useful alpha
46、bet (self-i nitiated in depe ndent lear ning) Each student gets a letter and has to find 5, 10 or 15 words he or she thinks would be useful for him or her. He or she then report to the class, perhaps as a min gle activity, using word cards (on one side they write the letter, on the other the informa
47、tion on the word - spelling, pronunciation, defi niti on). 2. Word bag (formal practice) This is to get your students to write down new words they hear in class. At the beginning of the term/course, divide students into groups of about 5 and give each group a nu mber (e.g. 1-6). At the beginning of
48、each class, give each group about 10 cards on which they write the number of their group and the new words they hear in class. At the end of each class, they put their cards into the “word bag” and every 2 weeks you check whether they still know those words and which group has the most cards. In the
49、 end there are two winners: the group that has the most cards, and the one that knows more words. 3. Especially for you (Fun cti onal practice) The teacher prepares a list of words. Each student gets one word, which is prepared especially for him or her. The trick is that each student gets a word wh
50、ose initial letter is the same as the initial of the student s first name, e.g. Linda gets listless. Each student must look it up in the dictionaryduring the class and aft er a few minutes report to the class. E.g. “My name is Linda and I m listless. That means that I am . (definition).” . For homew
51、orkstudents can do the sameusing their sur name. 4. Word tour (memoriz ing) Instructionsfor your students: Think of a town or city you know well. Imagine that you are organizing a sightseeing tour. Think of 5 places you would in clude on your tour and write dow n the order in which the tourists woul
52、d visit them. Learn your tour off by heart so that you can picture it in your mind. Whe never you have 5 new English words to learn,imagine these words are the tourists on your tour and picture the words in the places on your tour like this. Tour: Trafalgar Square; Buck in gham Palace; Houses of Par
53、liament; Westminster Abbey; Downing Street. Words to learn: apron, dustpan, vacuumcleaner, feather duster, broom. Imagine Nels on on his colu mn in Trafalgar Square weari ng an apron, the quee n brush ing the floor in Buck in gham Palace and using a dustpa n. Unit 1 Frie ndship(V) Secti on 3: Words
54、and expressi ons from Un it 1 Frie ndship add v.1. put somethi ng with someth ing else or with a group of other things: Do you want to add your name to the list? 2. to put two or more numbers together in order to calculate the total: Add 6 and 6 to make 12. 3. to in crease the nu mber: The sales tax adds 15% to the price of clothes. 4. to say some more that is related to what has already been said: That s all I want to say. Is there anything you d like to add. Other verbal phrases of“ add” a
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