



1、优品课件 Lesson 91教学设计方案 Lesson 91教学设计方案 Teachi ng Objectives: 1. Get more information about Bill Gates. 2. 掌握I m sure that. 句型的运用。 3. Grasp the using of Articles. Lan guage focus: 1. Object clause I m sure that. 2. Articles: a, an, the 3. Useful expressi ons 1) pla n to do sth. 2) 2) milli ons of, thou

2、sa nds of, hun dreds of 3) decide to do sth. 4) give away 5) It s adj. for sb. to do sth. Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector Teachi ng procedures: Step 1 Revisi on 1. To dictate new words lear nt. 2. To say somethi ng about Bill Gates. 3. Get the stude nts to say somethi ng about themselv

3、es. Step 2 Lead in g-i n Say “Weall love our parents. Wehave special days for them. Mother s Day and Father s Day. Do you know when these days are? Have you spent these special days with your parents? What did you do for them? Are you going to buy something as presents? ” Call them to an swer. 如果学生感

4、兴趣时间允许的话,教师可讲讲关于父亲节的信息, 使学生增加对父母亲的爱。 Then say: Let s see what Kate and Jim s plan is for Father s Day. Step 3 Read and practice Play the tape for the students to listen carefully and try to find out the an swer: Will Kate buy a gift to her father?或 者播放本课对话的视频文件:Lesson 91情景对话。 Teach the new words: T-

5、shirt, pleased ,教师可展示物体和 表情图片教学。 Then get stude nts to repeat after the tape. 教师也可播放此对话的动画文件:Lesson 91 Read and practise 让学生跟着朗读对话,并讲解I msure that . . . /I msure if . 句型的用法,并让学生练习。 教师还可播放视频文件:Im sure句型,让学生观看此句型的 运用。 Explain: plan to, be pleased, I m sure Then get the stude nts to read in pairs and a

6、ct it out in front of the class. (They may add the role of the mother to make some suggesti ons about the prese nt.) Step 4 Read and complete Students read the passage and fill in the blanks with the proper articles, (the an swers: a, a, The, a, the, a, a, the). Expla in the us ing of articles.教师可运用

7、动画来进行演示 讲解。 Lear n the new words: disease, TB, decide, etc. Compare lucky with uni ucky and milli on with billi on. Expla in some words and phrases. 1. milli ons of, thousa nds of, hun dreds of 1) There are thousa nds of people in the square. 2) Milli ons of people die of disease every year. 2. It s

8、+ adj. + for sb. to do sth. (1) It s easy for them to climb the trees. (2) It s good for you to do more sports. Step 5 Liste ning practice Students listento the tape and fill in the blanks on Page 111.教师可运用听力课件进行教学,可根据学生的不同水平选择方式: Lesson 91课文听力练习。 The an swers are: frien ds, whe n, grew, differe nt,

9、 young, smarter, 9, 10, talked, sometimes, understand, better, scienee, in terested, at, famous, bright. Step 6 Exercises in class 1. Rewrite the senten ces. 1) When shall we go to see our teacher? I m not sure. 2) Can they finish the work in time? I m not sure. 3) The little girl is wait ing for us

10、. I m sure. 4) What shall I do to help him? I m not sure. 5) How can we solve the problem? I m not sure. 2. Fill in the bla nks with proper articles. 1) Yesterday I sawgirl in the street. I don t know the n ati on ality ofgirl. 2) ? CThere isgreen apple andred one on the table. Which one would you c

11、hoose? ? COf course. I ll havered one. 3) earth moves roundsun. 4) There wasstrange man asking for you just now. 5) That seasy job. Keys: 1)I mnot sure whenwe shall go to see our teacher. 2) I m not sure if/whether they can finish the work in time. 3) I m sure the little girl is waiting for us. 4) I

12、 m not sure what I shall do to help him./what to do to help him. 5) I mnot sure how we can solve the problem./how to solve the problem. 2. l)a, the 2)a, a, the 3)The, the 4)a 5)an Step 7 Homework 1. Tell the story of Bill Gates to 2. Do exercises on page 111. 3. Finish off the workbook exercise. Writing on blackboard Lesson 91 Lan guage points 1. millio ns of


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