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1、计算机信息 / 服务 computer information and services 计算机软件 computer software 计算机和网络系统 computer and network systems 建筑概预算engineering estimate and budgets试验设备 testing 现场准备 SITE REMEDIATION 地质勘探 Subsurface Investigation 地基排水 Dewatering 施工设施和机具CONSTRUCTION FACILITES & TEMPORARY CONTROLS现有建筑物的保护 protecting insta

2、lled construction 通用工程机械与设备 ordinary engineering devices 施工机械与机具 construction devices and controls 工程钻探和掘进机械engineering boring and drilling devices吊车、升降机及卷扬机construction cranes, elevators & hoists脚手架和平台construction scaffolding & platforms建筑工具 construction tools 检测设备 inspection equipment 土方和基础工程EARTH

3、WORK AND FOUDATIONS土工织物 geotextiles/geomatrixes 隧涵工程 tunneling 隧道挖方 隧道临时支撑系统 打入桩 driven piles临时公用设施UTILITY SERVICES临时水的传送 water distribution 地下排水材料 subsurface drainage materials 室外道路和地坪BASES,BALLASTS,PAVEMENTS,AND APPURTENANCES地砖 unit pavers & accessories 柔性路面覆盖层和涂层 flexible pavement coating & micro

4、-surfacing 人工草地 synthetic grass & turf synthetic surfacing 室外景观及娱乐设施SITE IMPROVEMENTS AND AMENITIES浇灌系统 irrigation systems 喷泉、水池和水喷显示设备 fountains, pools & water displays 篱笆、大门和附件fences, gates & hardware挡土墙 retaining walls 人行道、道路和停车场及附属设备 walk, road & parking appurtenances 室外雕塑和装饰品 outdoor sculpture

5、& ornamental work 娱乐设施和游乐场地设备recreational facility & playground equipment园林绿化 PLANTING 草坪 Lawns and Grasses 人造植物和假山Simulated Plants and Rocks园林用品 Planting Accessories 混凝土材料 CONCRETE MATERIALS 水泥 cement外加剂 admixtures混凝土模板 CONCRETE FORMWORK钢模板 Steel formwork 胶合板模板 Plywood formwork 木/竹模板 Wood/Bamboo Fo

6、rmwork 组合模板 Fabricated Formwork 现场浇注混凝土 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 混凝土浇灌系统与设备 concrete placement systems & equipment 预制混凝土 PRECAST CONCRETE预制蒸压加气混凝土墙板和屋面板precast autoclaved aerated concrete wall & roof panels水泥楼屋面板和垫层 CEMENTITIOUS PRODUCTS水泥板 cementitious decks 高强度灌浆料 high strength grout 高分子聚合物砂浆 polyme

7、r grout 砌筑块材 MASONRY UNITS 砖(粘土砖;煤矸石砖;灰砂砖; 空心砖等) 04210-clay unit masonry 混凝土砌块 04220-concrete unit masonry预制加气混凝土砌块 04225-precast autoclaved aerated concrete masonry units 玻璃砌块 04270 - glass masonry units 石膏砌块 04280-gypsum unit masonry石料 STONE 大理石 04411 - marble 花岗石 04413-granite 耐火材料 04510-refracto

8、ries 仿砖石结构 SIMULATED MASONRY 砖石结构的修复和清理 MASONARY RESTORATION & CLEANING 金属材料 METAL MATERIALS非铁金属 , 有色金属及合金non-ferrous metals & alloys金属紧固件 metal fastenings金属结构构架STRUCTURAL METAL FRAMING钢结构 structural steel 钢缆索结构 wire rope assemblies 钢梁 steel joists 金属面板 METAL DECKING 钢面板 steel deck 钢塑复合板composited s

9、teel and plastic decking铝面板 aluminum deck 铝塑复合板composited aluminum and plastic decking冷弯金属构架 COLD FORMED METAL FRAMING 金属制品 METAL FABRICATIONS 装饰金属 ORNAMENTAL METAL 护拦、栏杆和扶手railings & handrails基本木材、塑料、紧固件和粘结剂伸缩缝节点制品 EXPANSION CONTROLbasic wood and plastics and fastenings and adhesivesmaterials and m

10、ethods 木结构 ROUGH CARPENTRY 木结构 mill-framed structures 胶合板 laminated & processed sheets 建筑木制品 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 木楼梯和扶手 wood stairs & handrails 木制线脚和装饰品wood moldings & ornamentsadhesives仿建筑木制品 simulated architectural woodwork 塑料制品 PLASTIC FABRICATIONS 玻璃钢 glass fiber-reinforced plastic 木和塑料结构的修复与

11、清理 wood and plastic restoration and cleaning 基本木材、塑料、紧固件和粘结剂 basic wood and plastics and fastenings and materials and methods 木结构 ROUGH CARPENTRY 木结构 mill-framed structures 胶合板 laminated & processed sheets 建筑木制品 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 木楼梯和扶手 wood stairs & handrails 木制线脚和装饰品wood moldings & ornaments仿

12、建筑木制品 simulated architectural woodwork 塑料制品 PLASTIC FABRICATIONS 玻璃钢 glass fiber-reinforced plastic 木和塑料结构的修复与清理 wood and plastic restoration and cleaning 防水和防潮 WATERPROOFING & DAMPPROOFING 沥青基防水卷材 build-up bituminous waterproofing rolls 高分子防水卷材 polymer membranes 防水涂料 waterproofing coatings 水泥基及改性防水

13、材料cementitious and reactive waterproofing憎水剂 water repellents 保温隔热制品THERMAL PROTECTION AND INSULATION隔热材料 insulation materials 房屋保温 building insulation 现场发泡 / 喷射绝缘材料spray/foam-in-place insulation外绝缘系统 exterior insulation & finish systems 防火阻燃材料 fire-proofing materials 瓦屋面 SHINGLES , ROOFING TILES AN

14、D ROOF COVERINGS 屋面板瓦 shingles 屋面瓦 roofing tiles 屋面瓦固定辅助材料roofing tile fastening accessories屋面板和墙面板制品 MANUFACTRED ROOFING AND SIDING 屋面板和墙板 roof & wall panels 混凝土屋面板及墙板 concrete roof panels and siding 复合板材屋面及墙面composed panel roof and siding纤维增强水泥屋面板及墙板fiber-reinforced cementitious roof and siding护墙板

15、,封檐板 siding 组合外墙 exterior wall assemblies 金属屋面 metal roofing 防火及防烟FIRE and SMOOKE PROTECTION防火阻燃材料 applied fireproofing 防火板 board fireproofing 接缝密封和堵漏材料 JOINT SEALANTS 接缝密封材料joint sealers基本门窗用材料及方法BASIC DOOR AND WINDOW MATERIALS AND METHODS钢门窗及塑钢门窗型材 铝门窗及塑铝门窗型材 塑料门窗型材 金属门及门框 METALS DOORS & FRAMES 钢门

16、及门框steel doors & frames铝合金门及门框aluminum doors and frams不锈钢门及门框stainless steel doors and frams铜门及门框bronze doors and frams木和塑料门及门框WOOD & PLASTIC DOORS & FRAMES木门 panel wood doors 塑料门 plastic/plastic laminate-faced doors 特殊门 SPECIAL DOORS 推拉门和格栅sliding doors & grilles安全门 detention/security doors 卷帘门和格栅c

17、oiling doors & grilles工业厂房和棚厂门 industrial & hangar doors 折叠门和格栅folding doors & grilles防爆门 blast-resistant doors 入口和商店门面ENTRANCE & STOREFRONTS自动入口门automatic entrance doors自动推拉平板式入口门auto-sliding flat panel entrance doors入口转门 revolving entrance doors 窗 METAL WINDOWS & FRAMES 金属窗 metal windows 钢窗 steel

18、windows 铝窗 aluminum windows 不锈钢窗 stainless steel windows 木窗 wood windows 塑料窗 vinyl windows 特种窗 special windows 室外上卷式百叶窗exterior roll-up windows shutters天窗及屋顶采光 SKYLIGHTS 屋顶窗 roof windows 五金配件 HARDWARE 门用小五金 door hardware推拉和折叠门五金 sliding & folding door hardware 门操作器 door operators 密封条,门槛及密封胶 weathers

19、tripping, thresholds & seals电子锁系统 electrical locking systems 窗五金 window hardware & specialties 门窗配件 door and window accessories 玻璃及相关制品 GLAZING 玻璃 glass 装饰玻璃 decorative glazing 夹层玻璃 laminated glass 特种玻璃 special function glass 镜子 mirrors 有机玻璃 plastic glazing 装玻璃用附件 glazing accessories 玻璃薄膜 glazing fi

20、lm 幕墙 GLAZED CURTAIN WALLS 金属结构幕墙 metal framed curtain wall 半透明墙和屋顶组合件translucent wall & roof assemblies结构玻璃幕墙structural glass curtain walls轻质板材 LIGHT BOARD龙骨系统 MATEL SUPPORT ASSEMBLIES非承重墙体龙骨 non-load-bearing wall framing 顶棚悬吊体系 ceiling suspension成套内部骨架 interior framing assemblies 灰浆和石膏板 PLASTER &

21、GYPSUM BOARD石膏板,骨架及附件gypsum board, framing & accessories面砖 TILES 瓷砖 ceramic tile 玻璃玛赛克 glass mosaics 装饰石材 TERRAZZO 预制水磨石制品precast terrazzo吊顶 CEILING 吸声吊顶 acoustical ceilings 金属吊顶 metal ceilings 轻质吊顶 light-transmitting ceilings 地面装饰 砖石地面 masonry flooring 木地面 wood flooring 弹性地面 resilient flooring 抗静电地

22、面 static control flooring 地毯地面 carpet 地毯块 carpet tile 墙面装饰 WALL FINISHES墙面装饰面层 wall coverings柔性木墙板 flexible wood sheets 隔 ( 吸 ) 音绝缘和嵌缝材料acoustical insulation and sealants油漆及涂料PAINTINGS AND COATINGS涂料 paints着色及透明面层 stains and transparent finishes 装饰面层 decorative finishes 高性能面层 high-performance coatin

23、gs 阻燃面层 fire-retardant coatings 防化学腐蚀涂料 chemical resistant coatings 面层胶粘剂 finish adhesives 厕所隔断 10155-toilet compartments 通风和排气口 10200-LOUVERS AND VENTS 壁炉和火炉 FIREPLACES AND STOVES 指示装置 IDENTIFYING DEVICES 指示牌和公告板 10410-directories & bulletin boards 锁 LOCKERS 锁和附件 10501-locker accessories & locks 遮阳

24、(雨)篷 10536-awnings 隔断 PARTITIOINS 钢丝网隔墙 10605-wire mesh partitions 可拆卸隔墙10615-demountable partitions活动隔墙,屏网和隔板10630-portable partitions, screens & panels采光板 10730-daylighting panels 壁柜和衣橱专用制品WARDROBE AND CLOSET SPECIALTIES衣帽架及附件10914-hat & coat racks & accessories装饰织物 FABRICS 工艺品 ARTWORK 建筑古玩 archit

25、ectural antiques 中国古建筑装饰材料 碧饰、壁画 murals 墙面装饰品 wall decorations 雕刻或雕塑 / 浮雕饰品 carved or cast sculpture/relief artwork 玻璃艺术制品 art glass 箱,柜及台架制品 MANUFACTURED CASEWORK 实验室台柜laboratory casework展示台柜 display casework,shades,draperies室内用品及附件 FURNITURE ACCESSORIES 遮阳板和窗帘 blinds, shades & shutters 帷幔和窗帘五金 dra

26、pery & curtain hardware 电动控制五金 - 用于百叶、帷幕及窗帘motorized hardware-blinds家具 FURNITURE敞开式办公系统 open office systems 办公室家具 office furniture 座椅 seating室外家具 outdoor furniture 住宅家具 residential furniture 固定家具 FIXEDE FURNITURE 座椅及桌子配件seat and table accessories特殊用途装饰品 special use/decorative furnishings 单元房屋 13020-

27、building modules 特殊用途房间 13030-special purpose rooms 健身房 13032-athletic rooms 桑拿浴及设备 saunas & equipment 蒸气浴及设备 steam baths & equipment 整体浴室 13058-bathroom modules 整体厨房 13060-kitchen modules 预加工房屋 13121-pre-engineered buildings 活动房屋 13136-portable & mobile buildings 预制住宅结构13144-prefabricated residenti

28、al structures预加工停车场结构 13148-Pre-engineered parking structures 游泳池及设备13152-swimming pools & equipment液体和气体储罐LIQUID AND GAS STORAGE TANKS指示器、记录器及控制器13440-indicators,recorders and controllers太阳能系统 13602-solar energy systems 平板式太阳能收集器solar flat plate collectors保安通道和监视系统SECURITY ACCESS & SURVILLANCE智能建筑系

29、统 BUILDING AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS 监视和警报13850-detection & alarm公用建筑设备public building equipment登记设备 registration equipment 固体废物处理设备solid waste handling equipment给水和水处理设备WATER SUPPLY & TREATMENT EQUIPMENT废(污)水处理和排放设备FLUID WASTE TREATMENT & DISPOSAL EQUIPMENT厨房设备 KITCHEN EQUIPMENT 食品加工设备和器具 food p

30、reparation appliances 食物烹调设备 food cooking equipment 厨房用覆盖和通风设备 kitchen hood & ventilation equipment 清洁和处理设备 cleaning and disposal equipment 食品废物处理设备 food waste handling equipment 组合厨房设备单元 unit kitchens 实验室设备laboratory equipment公用设施控制系统UTILITY CONTROL SYSTEMS环境保护系统 ENVIROMENTAL PROTECTON 电梯 ELEVATORS

31、 液压电梯 hydraulic elevators 电梯设备及控制elevator equipment and controls自动扶梯和移动走道 ESCALATORSS AND MOVING WALKS 升降机 LIFTS机械用绝缘系统 mechanical insulation建筑管道系统和配件 BUILDING SERVICES PIPING管道及管子pipes & tubes阀门 valves 计量表 gauges泵 pumps防火管道系统 FIRE PROTECTION PIPING 消防喷水系统fire protection sprinkler systems灭火系统fire ex

32、tinguishing systems管道工程和厕、浴间设备plumbing fixtures and equipment厕、浴间设备 plumbing fixtures浴缸和淋浴门 / 小间 tub & shower doors/enclosures厕所和浴室附件TOILET , BATH & LAUNDRY ACCESSORIES室内水过滤装置 家用热水器及配件domestic water filtration devicesdomestic water heaters & enclosures加热锅炉及配件heating boilers and accessories燃料加热器制冷设备f

33、uel-fired heatersREFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT制冷压缩机air handling units中央空调设备refrigeration compressors采暖、通风和空调设备HEATING, VENTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT热交换器 heat exchangers 空气处理设备central air conditioning equipmenthumidity control equipment湿度控制设备 终端加热和冷却单元terminal heating & cooling units散热器 convectors & radiators独立加热器 unit heaters通风单元 unit ventilators 地板采暖和化雪设备floor heating & snow melting equipment通风管道 ducts管道工程辅助设备 duct accessories 气流调节器 dampers 管道声音


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