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1、阅读课教学topic设置和语言操练教师如何使阅读课教学小组活动更加有效化新课程标准指出,我们的语言教学,要注重教会学生与人合作,并能运用所学语言与他人交流思维的过程和结果。 小组合作学习(cooperative learning)应时代赋予教学活动的要求,是实现这一目标的重要途径。这种教学方式将教师的责任和学生的力量加以整合,显而易见是一种促进学生自主学习、提高教学质量的科学策略。教师作为教学的促进者,帮助学生最大发挥其主体能动性,从而达到教和学的统一,做到教为学服务的目的。在warming-up, speaking教学中随着不多摸索,小组活动越来越受教师欢迎,并取得了显著成效。阅读课(rea

2、ding)教学是英语教学中最重要部分,却遭遇不少尴尬,其活动实施更是步履维艰。学生更是喜欢听你讲语言点句型语法,而对老师设置的topic甚是冷漠,课堂出现冷场现象,学生合作不主动。老师迫于教学任务,因教学时间有限,不敢也不能舍弃语言语法教学,小组活动更多流于形式。久而久之,很多老师就被迫无奈放弃,产生这样的困惑:阅读课教学还可以进行小组活动吗?有什么方式能将语言教学和小组活动整合在一起,相互贯穿着教学吗?随着小组活动的实践和摸索,教师们达成共识,那就是教师在话题活动中的表现行为对小组活动成果有着直接影响,起着举足轻重的作用。教师作为教学活动的总组织者和宏观调控者, 要避免和消除学生课堂上心不在


4、话题进行,教师设计topic时要留心几点:1课堂小组讨论要有讨论的话题和焦点,减少纠缠细节或跑题,否则讨论表面很热闹,实际上没有达到目的。2话题设置不能太宽泛,模棱两可或涉及的范围太大,学生很迷茫,无法入手。3 对话题进行合理有效的延伸,要有挑战性。过于简单,过多就课文的具体细节展开讨论,浮于表面,学生乏味;话题太难,超出学生能力,抹煞学生兴趣。好的topic应该不脱离学生已有的知识结构,不超越学生当前的认识能力为标准,而要有效促使学生对课文内涵的深入挖掘,不仅可以创设融洽的课堂气氛,使学生掌握课文中的一些基本信息,而且学生的创造力和想象力都可以得到有效地激发与培养。这对老师提出了更高的要求。


6、法。二、教学案例(一) pre-reading 部分 这是教师课前的lead-in部分,也是给学生课前的warming-up。主要目的是进入这个话题,并激起学生的兴趣。例1: 高一和高二教材中给我们介绍了新西兰,英伦诸岛,美国等几个国家。围绕介绍国家这个话题,我们可以问: what do we usually talk about while we are learning something about a country? 学生的答案比如:size,population,location, history,geopraphy,neighbouringcountries,culture,la

7、nguage,capital,weather,agriculture,art,architecture,peoples,natural resources, industry ,education etc。而且很多同学语言表达不错。 it covers an area of/have a big population/ have a pleasant (mild) climate / native (official) language/mother tongue/consist of 56 peoples (minority/ majority)/import and export good

8、s and produce (农产品) 很多表达方式跟课文中语言点和句型非常贴近。这样我们既调动了学生的兴趣, 又让学生对如何介绍一个国家又一个大概的了解, 并知道该怎样用学过的语言来表达。例2 针对旅游这个话题,我们可以设计这样的话题:why do we go out for travel? 学生的回答精彩分呈, we travel to have a good relax。 we need to have a day out after hard work。 we want to make friends and try tasty food。 we want to catch a gli

9、mpse of he beautiful nature and stand close to nature。 wed like to try adventure travel to challenge ourselves。我们教师可以适当引导 travel broadens ones mind。 travel can build up our character as well as body例3 在上healthy eating这个单元的话题时,我们可以问一个很普通的话题,但学生也反应的很好。why do we eat? (1) we eat to have enough energy。 (

10、2)we eat because the food can keep us warm in this cold winter。 i eat because i am always greedy when it comes to delicious food, which makes my mouth watery。 i eat a lot because my father likes doing this very much。(教师引导like father, like son有其父必有其子。) we eat because we need to survive。 同时教师引导:we eat

11、 to live, not live to eat。例4 在上the ocean planet 这个单元时,可以让学生自由说一些关于水的话题。just say something about water。学生了解的知识可真不少。 water is smell-less, colorless, tasteless。our planet is a water-covered planet。 water makes life possible water is really serviceable。 we cant survive without water同时我们可以把水的用途(nsefc 高二下

12、册 p18 speaking)部分让学生用一些基本表达方式带过。这种教学方法让学生有所想,有所思,有所学,有所说,并有利于学生养成brainstorm这个好习惯。(二)while-reading 部分这是对文章的主题部分进行教学,既是引导学生语言输出并可以很好对学生语言输入。能对这部分进行很好的小话题设置,将话题和语言教学联系在一起。也很好的避免了语言教学和语法教学的尴尬。 1 对标题进行适当的延伸。(1)通过标题找信息。如 the british isles 时,可以问is it a single island? what does it consist of? (2)了解标题的本义和引申义

13、。如no voice, not heard 这篇文章,本义就是你不发出声音,当然没人会听到你说话, if you always keep silent, your voice wont be heard。引申义就是you should voice your opinions, or you will be ignored。(3)用近义词来simplify文章标题关键字。如the properties of water。 property 有很多相似词:feature, special quality, characteristics (4) 在标题上我们可以巧设问题:如welcome to t

14、he earth summit 。由于earth summit的特殊性,我们可以问: who will attend it? (leaders, heads of government/ powerful countries) who are welcomed to the earth summit?(representatives, experts, environmentalists) who says it?(organizer/host) 地球峰会是个会议,可以用哪些词来表达参加会议。如:attend, take part in, join in, be present at2 通过提

15、炼法把握文章整体结构例1 在上the water planet 这个单元时,设问:how many properties are mentioned? what is salinity?(the quality of being salt) what is density?(the quality of being dense)让学生在文章中找到相应答案,理清课文框架。同时把一些词汇都带了出来。例2 在上高二下册unit 11这个单元时:可以问 what is zhongguancun compared to? or, what is zhongguancun described as? 抓住

16、几个中心字: the home to a center for a garden/park a special economic zone(beginning: academic zone; later: economic zone抓住这个过渡句子:zhongguancun has had a positive effect on business as well as science) the leader/pioneer of这样总体上把后面的内容也可以带上来,将整篇文章贯穿起来。这种方法在上natures nursery: estuaries这篇文章时也是一个很好的尝试。3在话题中贯穿词

17、汇操练在文中找。如高二上册:the function of art(p99)时,在讲到the function of art is to decorate 时,可以让学生找出提到的关于眼睛移动的动词:如 move across, rest on, glance(at first glance),look at, view(repeated viewing)等等温故知新。如;zone: district, region, area;grasp: take, seize, grab; boom: prosperity; itch: urge, lust, eagerness, desire, wi

18、sh;the best time: the fittest, perfect, golden, proper, right time等等,让这些词在学生脑海里继续浮现。适当延伸。environment-surroundings,guaranteeensure/promise;make ones dream come truerealize/live ones dream; beautiful- beautify;modern-modernize; soft-soften,;strongstrengthen ,pure-purify等等,这些词学生都会比较乐意接受,而且也都是比较常见的词。4在教

19、学中贯穿句型操练。(注意加黑部分) once women were not treated equally to men。( there was a time when)no matter what peoples age, sex and skin color are, they should be treated equally。(regardless of/despite/in spite of) winning a scholarship gave him the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states。( he

20、got the chanceby winning a scholarship。)其实在一篇文章中可以刚把前面学过的东西就在后面部分句型加以运用。如:this circulation adds energy to the marine ecosystems and moves nutrients around, thus making nutrients available to other living creatures。(这是前面部分p19刚学过,动名词表结果)of all the resources on earthoil, gas, gold and so on-nothing is

21、as precious as a drop of rain。compared with all the other resources on earthoil, gas, gold and so on-a drop of rain is more precious than any other form。同时,教师也可以做适当延伸。如:nothing is as precious as a drop of rain。 our future depends on it。so it is up to us to take good care of water。 (be up to somebody

22、=somebody should be responsible for something)这个用法学生也比较容易接受。后来学生在写文章的时候都把这个句型用了上来。never change money on the street or with strangers in case of being cheated/taken in。(三)post-reading部分设计1 设计提问 例1 在讲到中关村这个单元时可以问:why is knowledge so important?possible answers: it is the key to science and technology i

23、s a first productive force。(邓小平语) knowledge is wealththe people in zhongguancun dont care much about how much money they can make, but the scientific spirit there inspires them。 what is the scientific spirit ?例2 在上the necklace 这个单元时,可以对人物进行分析。what do you think of mathilde? a young lady, pretty but v

24、ain。 later, look old for her age。 hard working, responsible, brave同时,也可以把穿插语法:she should have done 和she shouldnt have done 这两个用法。she shouldnt have borrowed the necklace。 she should have wore the flowers instead。这样也就避免了语法教学的条条框框和枯燥无味。2 学完文章后重新修改标题。我们学了dr abc这篇课文,那么后面一篇dealing with common injuries就可以e

25、ntitle为 first aid abc: 还有在讲alone in antarctica这篇文章时,helen thayer一个60多岁女人的探险有多种不同意义。学生对标题重新释义a solo travel/celebration/adventure/exploration to antarctica3 对文章整体上进行补充。如高二下册p38 getting theretravel tips and practical advice这篇文章主要介绍了what should we do before we set out?还可以问学生在出发前还有什么更好的建议。学生会说: dont trav

26、el alone。take a camera with you take some medicine同时在讲完这部分内容后,可以问:what should we do during the travel? possible answers: safety must come first。dont talk with strangers。follow the dos and donts in the tourist sites。 do an eco-travel。 dont litter and spit about, etc。同时教师可以带出leave nothing behind you but your footprints; take nothing away with you but your good memories。那么还可以设计:what do we do after the travel? possible answers: check out the luggage to make sure nothing is lost。 keep a trave


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